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Acta Agronomica Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (8): 2143-2156.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2024.34168

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Comparative transcriptome profiling of leaf in curled-leaf cassava and its mutant

XIAO Ming-Kun1(), YAN Wei1,2,*(), SONG Ji-Ming1,2(), ZHANG Lin-Hui1,2, LIU Qian1, DUAN Chun-Fang1,2, LI Yue-Xian1,2, JIANG Tai-Ling1,2, SHEN Shao-Bin1,2, ZHOU Ying-Chun1, SHEN Zheng-Song1,2, XIONG Xian-Kun1, LUO Xin1, BAI Li-Na1, LIU Guang-Hua3,*()   

  1. 1Tropical and Subtropical Cash Crops Research Institute, Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Baoshan 678000, Yunnan, China
    2National Key Laboratory of Tropical Crop Breeding, Kunming 650205, Yunnan, China
    3International Agricultural Research Institute, Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Kunming 650205, Yunnan, China
  • Received:2023-10-15 Accepted:2024-04-01 Online:2024-08-12 Published:2024-04-24
  • Contact: * E-mail: rjsyw@yaas.org.cn;E-mail: rjslgh@vip.126.com
  • About author:** Contributed equally to this work
  • Supported by:
    Xingdian Talent Support Plan Project: Integrated Demonstration of Key Technologies for the Breeding and Industrialization of Excellent Forage Varieties in Yunnan, and the China Agriculture Research System of MOF and MARA (Cassava-Comprehensive Experimental Station Project);Xingdian Talent Support Plan Project: Integrated Demonstration of Key Technologies for the Breeding and Industrialization of Excellent Forage Varieties in Yunnan, and the China Agriculture Research System of MOF and MARA(CARS-11-YNLGH)


The objective of this study is to elucidate the molecular regulatory mechanisms and metabolic pathways underlying the abnormal development in the leaf of curled-leaf cassava. Normal curled cassava leaf (JY), mutant expanded leaf (ZY), and mutant curled leaf (BJ) were used as the experimental materials, and bioinformatics analysis was conducted based on transcriptome sequencing (RNA-seq) data. DESeq differential analysis showed that there were 327 (255 up-regulated, 72 down-regulated) DEGs for ZY vs BJ, 1085 (337 up-regulated, 748 down-regulated) DEGs for JY vs ZY, and 689 (381 up-regulated, 308 down-regulated) DEGs for JY vs BJ, and 19 DEGs were co-expressed by three comparative groups. GO functional analysis showed that DEGs had significant differences in the pathways of stimulus response, components of membranes, and transmembrane transporter protein activity. KEGG enrichment analysis indicated that the DEGs were more active in pathways such as phenylpropanoid biosynthesis, phytohormone signaling, and protein processing in the endoplasmic reticulum. Further analysis of the DEGs in the mutated leaf expansion, curled leaves of the same plant, and normal curled leaves of other plants, demonstrated that the DEGs were concentrated in the phenylpropanoid biosynthesis pathways, starch and sucrose metabolism, and plant hormone signal transduction, which may be the key factors causing leaf expansion mutants. There were 9 main KEGG metabolic pathways and 9 important differentially expressed genes involved in leaf expansion and leaf curling. Microscopic analysis of different types of leaf revealed an increase in the number of epidermal cell layers, a loosening of sponge tissue structure, and a decrease in vascular bundle cells in mutated expanded cassava. The results of this study provide theoretical guidance for further understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying the abnormal development of cassava leaf, as well as genetic resources and improvement strategies for cassava genetic improvement and germplasm innovation.

Key words: cassava, transcriptome analysis, mutation, differential gene expression

Fig. 1

Phenotypic characteristics of curled-leaf cassava mutant strain (A) and normal curled-leaf cassava (B) BJ: the curled leaf of mutant strain; ZY: the expanded leaf of mutant strain; JY: leaf of normal curled-leaf cassava."

Table 1

Comparison of agronomic traits of BJ, ZY, and JY"

Plant height (cm)
Stem diameter (mm)
Aboveground fresh weight (kg)
Number of fresh cassava
Yield per plant (kg)
Cassava inner skin color/exterior skin color/flesh color
BJ 220.80±10.71 a 24.18±1.30 a 1.70±0.55 a 10.0±2.36 a 1.54±0.69 a 白色/红褐色/白色
White/reddish brown/white
ZY 278.60±16.57 b 28.16±4.20 a 2.46±0.71 a 12.2±3.27 a 2.66±0.73 b 白色/红褐色/白色
White/reddish brown/white
JY 257.40±11.85 c 24.06±4.96 a 1.92±0.61 a 10.0±3.32 a 2.02±0.31 ab 白色/红褐色/白色
White/reddish brown/white

Table 2

Quality analysis of transcriptome sequencing"

Sample name
Total number of original Reads
Base total
Total number of Reads after filtering (%)
Total number of Reads for the
reference genome on the comparison (%)
Phred>20的百分比Q20 (%) Phred>30的百分比Q30 (%)
BJ1 48,631,342 7,294,701,300 42,424,940 (87.24%) 39,417,519 (92.91%) 97.98 94.44
BJ2 48,954,268 7,343,140,200 43,028,526 (87.9%) 40,024,972 (93.02%) 97.88 94.15
BJ3 46,016,900 6,902,535,000 40,829,784 (88.73%) 37,826,541 (92.64%) 98.03 94.51
JY1 56,255,460 8,438,319,000 49,247,380 (87.54%) 46,094,300 (93.60%) 98.01 94.48
JY2 48,692,404 7,303,860,600 43,869,232 (90.09%) 40,496,556 (92.31%) 97.96 94.37
JY3 53,605,768 8,040,865,200 47,008,274 (87.69%) 43,423,863 (92.37%) 98.01 94.49
ZY1 55,114,316 8,267,147,400 48,942,778 (88.80%) 45,888,649 (93.76%) 97.96 94.37
ZY2 48,301,582 7,245,237,300 41,856,280 (86.66%) 39,058,323 (93.32%) 97.92 94.30
ZY3 50,036,022 7,505,403,300 44,199,486 (88.34%) 40,576,149 (91.80%) 97.90 94.26

Fig. 2

Differential gene expression in pairwise comparison of different types of cassava leaf BJ: the curled leaf of mutant strain; ZY: the expanded leaf of mutant strain; JY: leaf of normal curled-leaf cassava."

Fig. 3

Top 10 items of GO enrichment of DEGs in cassava leaves a: GO entries enriched in ZY vs BJ DEGs; b: GO entries enriched in JY vs ZY DEGs; c: GO entries enriched in JY vs BJ DEGs. The vertical axis represents the number of genes, and the horizontal axis represents GO entries."

Fig. 4

Top 20 KEGG enrichment pathways of DEGs in casava leaves a: the KEGG pathway enriched by ZY vs BJ DEGs; b: the KEGG pathway enriched by JY vs ZY DEGs; c: the KEGG pathway enriched by JY vs BJ DEGs. The vertical axis represents the enriched KEGG pathway, the horizontal axis represents the ratio of enriched genes, and the point size represents the number of enriched genes in the pathway."

Table 3

Analysis of codon mutation types"

Mutation type
Number of ZY mutated genes
Percentage of the number of ZY
mutated genes (%)
Number of BJ mutated genes
Percentage of the number of BJ
mutated genes (%)
Number of JY mutated genes
Percentage of the number of JY
mutated genes (%)
同义单核苷酸突变Synonymous SNV 43,071 51.32 43,602 51.26 44,439 50.89
Non synonymous SNV
39,678 47.28 40,291 47.37 41,641 47.69
Non frameshift substitution
591 0.70 587 0.69 608 0.70
194 0.23 187 0.22 233 0.27
Frameshift substitution
170 0.20 172 0.20 182 0.21
167 0.20 164 0.19 171 0.20

Table 4

Annotation on the main KEGG metabolic pathways"

Pathway ID
ZY vs BJ JY vs ZY
mesc00360 苯丙氨酸代谢 Phenylalanine metabolism 2 6
mesc00460 氰胺酸代谢 Cyanoamino acid metabolism 3 8
mesc00480 谷胱甘肽代谢 Glutathione metabolism 3 7
mesc00500 淀粉和蔗糖代谢 Starch and sucrose metabolism 7 12
mesc00592 α-亚麻酸代谢 Alpha-Linolenic acid metabolism 5 7
mesc00904 二萜类化合物的生物合成 Diterpenoid biosynthesis 2 5
mesc00940 苯丙素类化合物的生物合成 Phenylpropanoid biosynthesis 9 22
mesc00941 类黄酮的生物合成 Flavonoid biosynthesis 2 6
mesc04075 植物激素信号转导 Plant hormone signal transduction 5 12

Table 5

Significant differential gene expression analysis"

Gene length
of gene up-regulation
of gene
LOC110625143 1706 3 3 β-葡萄糖苷酶12 [木薯]
XP_021626382.1 beta-glucosidase 12-like [Manihot esculenta]
Starch and sucrose metabolism
Cyanoamino acid
LOC110619850 1880 3 3 木薯亚麻苦甙水解酶
AAB22162.1 linamarase [Manihot esculenta]
LOC122724051 1849 3 3 木薯亚麻苦甙水解酶
AAB22162.1 linamarase [Manihot esculenta]
LOC110603741 1879 3 0 β-葡萄糖苷酶45 [木薯]
XP_021597319.1 beta-glucosidase 45
[Manihot esculenta]
LOC110618460 1829 3 0 β-葡萄糖苷酶24-样异构体 X2 [木薯]
XP_021617285.1 beta-glucosidase 24-like isoform X2 [Manihot esculenta]
LOC110618773 1768 3 0 β-葡萄糖苷酶24-样异构体 X1 [木薯]
XP_021617701.1 beta-glucosidase 24-like isoform X1 [Manihot esculenta]
LOC110615840 2048 0 3 β-葡萄糖苷酶11 [木薯]
XP_021613689.1 beta-glucosidase 11-like [Manihot esculenta]
LOC110625014 2363 2 2 PLA:苯丙氨酸氨解酶G4 [木薯]
PLA: phenylalanine ammonia-lyase G4-like [Manihot esculenta]
Flavonoid biosynthesis
LOC110618581 1657 2 2 肌酸合成酶[木薯]
XP_021617435.1 vinorine synthase-like [Manihot esculenta]

Fig. 5

Observation of different types of cassava leaf slices BJ: the curled leaf of mutant strain; ZY: the expanded leaf of mutant strain; JY: leaf of normal curled-leaf cassava; a-c: leaf blade transverse; d-f: main vein transverse; g-i: main vein transverse magnification."

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