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Acta Agron Sin ›› 2000, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (02): 195-199.

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Embryogenic Callus Induction of Maize Leaves and Related to Endogenous IAA and ABA

ZHANG Dong-Xiang;ZHANG Cong-Hao;LI Jie-Fen   

  1. College of Life Science and Technology, Qiqihar University, Qiqihar, Heilong jiang, 161006
  • Received:1998-04-13 Revised:1998-12-18 Online:2000-03-12 Published:2000-03-12
  • Contact: ZHANG Dong-Xiang

Abstract: The callus formation ability of maize leaf segments decreased gradually as their positions from basal to middle and upper segments. It corresponded to the change of endogenous IAA and ABA. The callus formations of basal segments had no associated with either 2, 4-D or combinations of 2, 4-D and BA i

Key words: Maize leaf, Embryogenic callus, 4-D, IAA, ABA

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