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Acta Agron Sin ›› 2015, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (06): 889-899.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2015.00889


Epistatic and QTL × Environment Interaction Effects of QTLs for Leaf Traits and Leaf Chlorophyll Content in Soybean

LIANG Hui-Zhen1,YU Yong-Liang1,YANG Hong-Qi1,DONG Wei1,XU Lan-Jie1,NIU Yong-Guang1,ZHANG Hai-Yang1,LIU Xue-Yi2,FANG Xuan-Jun3   

  1. 1 Sesame Research Center, Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Zhengzhou 450002, China; 2 Industrial Crop Research Institute, Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Fenyang 032200, China 3 Hainan Provincial Institute of Tropical Agriculture Resources, Sanya 572025, China
  • Received:2014-11-13 Revised:2015-02-06 Online:2015-06-12 Published:2015-03-13


A RIL population containing 447 lines, derived from a cross of cultivar Jingdou 23 × Huibuzhiheidou, as well as their parents were used to analyze inheritance and detect epistatic effects, and QTL × environment (QE) interactions related to leaf traits and leaf chlorophyll content (CC) in soybean using major gene plus polygene mixed inheritance analysis and composite interval mapping (QTL NETwork 2.0). The leaf traits including leaf length (LL), leaf width (LW), leaf stalk length (LSL) were evaluated in 2011, 2012, and 2013, as well as CC was detected on 1 August and 8 August, 2012, and on 2 August and 9 August, 2013. LL was found to be controlled by two pairs of additive-additive by additive epistatic hybrid main genes, LW was found to be controlled by three pairs of equivalent main genes, LSL was found to be controlled by four pairs of additive-additive by additive epistatic major genes, CC was controlled by four pairs of additive major genes. Ten QTLs for LL, LW, LSL, and CC were mapped on the linkage group (LG) A1, A2, C2, H_1, L, and O, separately. Of them two QTLs for LL were mapped on LG C2 and LG L, additive by additive epistatic effect and QE interactions. Three QTLs with additive effect and QE interactions associated with LW were mapped on LG A2, C2, and O. Two QTLs for LSL were mapped on LG L and O. Three QTLs for CC were mapped on LG A1, C2, and H_1. The genetic mechanism for leaf traits and leaf chlorophyll content is more complicated containing additive effect, additive × additive epistatic effect and QE interaction. It is important to consider not only to QTLs with major effects, but also to those with epistatic effects in soybean molecular marker-assisted breeding for stability of expression and inheritance of agronomic traits.

Key words: Soybean, Leaf traits, Leaf chlorophyll content, QTL ×, environment interactions effects, Epistatic effects

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