Welcome to Acta Agronomica Sinica,March 18, 2025

Acta Agron Sin ›› 2013, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (08): 1445-1451.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2013.01445


Effect of Biochar on Root Morphological and Physiological Characteristics and Yield in Rice

ZHANG Wei-Ming,MENG Jun,WANG Jia-Yu,FAN Shu-Xiu,CHEN Wen-Fu*   

  1. Shenyang Agricultural University / Biochar Engineering Technology Research Center of Liaoning Province, Shenyang 110866, China
  • Received:2012-07-16 Revised:2012-11-16 Online:2013-08-12 Published:2013-01-04
  • Contact: 陈温福, E-mail: wfchen5512@yahoo.com.cn


In order to clear the effects of biochar on rice root and yield and in further proved the value of biochar application on rice production, effects of biochar on root growth, morphological and physiological characteristics of super japonica rice were studied in a pot experiment. The results showed that biochar application in soil could increase the main root length, volume and fresh weight of rice roots during the earlier growing stage, enlarge root total absorption area and active absorption area. Biochar delayed root senescence and maintained a higher root activity to some extent in the later growth stage. Biochar promoted the root physiological activities, showing a higher bleeding rate, larger root activity and higher soluble protein content, as comparison with the control in the whole growth stage. The yield was 25.28% more than the control with an improved rice panicle number per hill, grain number per panicle and seed setting rate. The highest yield with a 33.21% increase was achived in the treatment with 20 g biochar per kilogram of dry soil. Biochar plays a promoting role in optimizing morphological and physiological characteristics of rice roots.

Key words: Biochar, Rice, Root traits, Yield

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