Welcome to Acta Agronomica Sinica,March 17, 2025

Acta Agron Sin ›› 2004, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (05): 491-495.

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Influence of Different Fertilizers to Crop Rhizosphere Microorganisms

JIA Zhi-Hong;SUN Min;YANG Zhen-Ping;MIAO Guo-Yuan   

  1. College of Crop Science, Shanxi Agricultural University , Taigu 030801, Shanxi
  • Received:2002-11-04 Revised:2003-06-29 Online:2004-05-12 Published:2004-05-12
  • Contact: JIA Zhi-Hong

Abstract: The amounts of three large groups of microorganisms in the immature soil with crops planted were higher than that without crops planted and changed with the species of crops. There were larger amounts of rhizosphere microorganism on the trial plots with fertilizers than without fertilizers. And amon

Key words: Crops, Fertilization, Rhizosphere microorganisms

CLC Number: 

  • S154.3
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