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    12 June 2018, Volume 44 Issue 6
    • REVIEW
      Opportunities and Challenges for Crop Production in China during the Transition Period
      Ying-Bin ZOU,Min HUANG
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2018, 44(6):  791-795.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2018.00791
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      China’s crop production goes in to a transition period from the small household mode mainly with traditional manual works to the moderately large-scale mode with high degrees of mechanization, intensification and informatization. The important goal of crop production during this period is to simultaneously enhance productivity per unit land area and per capita. In recent years, steadily increased crop production capacity, significant change in crop production patterns and rapid development of industrial economy have created new opportunities for China’s crop production during the transition period. But at the same time, new challenges have also been raised, including shortened crop growth duration in multiple cropping systems, increased seed rate per unit land area and decreased values of heterosis. Aiming these challenges, we proposed that crop production researches should be focused on developing high light-efficiency cultivation technologies through dense planting, improving seed quality of hybrid crops and strengthening collaboration between breeders and agronomists during the transition period.

      Investigation of Maize miRNA Involved in Developing-ear Heterosis
      Qi-Yue WANG, Shu-Jun MENG, Ke ZHANG, Zhan-Hui ZHANG, Ji-Hua TANG, Dong DING
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2018, 44(6):  796-813.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2018.00796
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      Heterosis has been utilized widely in maize breeding; it plays an important role in increasing yield, improving quality and enhancing stresses resistance. However, the molecular mechanism of heterosis is far from clear. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) act as key regulating factors of gene expression in post-transcriptional level. To investigate whether miRNA-dependent gene regulation is responsible for heterosis during maize ear development, we performed an illumine miRNA deep-sequencing on the most widely-planted elite hybrid Zhengdan 958 and its parental inbred lines (Chang 7-2 and Zheng 58) in China. The ear samples at the developmental stages of inflorescence meristem (IM) producing spikelet pair meristems (SPM), resulting in spikelet meristems (SMs), and floral meristems (FM) were collected for RNA library construction. As a result, 81 conserved miRNAs belonging to 16 miRNA families were identified which were non-additively expressed. At the three stages, 80.30%, 56.06%, and 48.10% of these non-additively expressed miRNAs were repressed ever dominantly or over-dominantly. A total of 82 target transcripts from 42 genes of conserved miRNAs among Zhengdan 958 and its parents were detected via whole genome degradome sequencing. Additionally, eight novel maize miRNAs belonging to seven miRNA families were identified using stringent criteria. Global repression of miRNAs in hybrid ears at the early stage might lead to the up-regulated expressing of their target genes. Moreover, the in-step de-repression of given miRNA family members may be the reason of enhanced repression of their target genes. These results revealed, at least in part, the involvement of maize miRNAs in hybrids leads to higher ear developing vigor compared with its parental lines.

      Molecular Cloning and Functional Analysis of 1-FFT in Wheat Relatives
      Jian-Wei WANG,Xiao-Lan HE,Wen-Xu LI,Xin-Hong CHEN
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2018, 44(6):  814-823.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2018.00814
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      Fructan is closely related to carbon distribution and the response to adverse stresses in plant, protecting plant cell membrane stabilization in stress conditions. To determine the effects of fructan:fructan-1-fructosyltransferase genes from different species, we cloned three genes of full-length cDNA from Psathyrostachys huashanica (2n = 2x = 14, NsNs), Dasypyrum villosum (2n = 2x = 14, VV) and Leymus racemosus (2n = 4x = 28, NsNsXmXm), designated Ph-1-FFT, Dv-1-FFT, and Lr-1-FFT, respectively, using reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR) and rapid-amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) techniques. The full-length open reading frames (ORF) are 1989, 1950, and 1989 bp in length, encoding 662, 649, and 662 amino acids, respectively. The predicted protein contains a conserved fructosyltransferase domain. Multiple sequences alignment and phylogenetic analysis indicated that the Dv-1-FFT shared a high similarity with 1-FFT from Triticum aestivum, T. turgidum subsp. durum, Aegilops searsii and T. urartu, Ph-1-FFT and Lr-1-FFT were clustered into the same evolutionary branch, which was different from those of Dv-1-FFT. Furthermore, the plant expression vector pCAMBIA1300-35SN-Ph-1-FFT/Dv-1-FFT/Lr-1-FFT was constructed and transferred into tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) cv. W38 via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. The validation with PCR and RT-PCR assay showed that drought and cold tolerance was obviously improved in all types of transgenic tobacco compared with the wild type, and no significant difference between transgenic genotypes. Under drought and cold stresses, the contents of carbohydrate and proline were significantly higher in the transgenic tobacco lines than in the wild type, whereas, malondialdehyde content was significantly lower in the transgenic lines, which was no significant difference between the transgenic plants with 1-FFT from different species. These results suggest that Ph-1-FFT, Dv-1-FFT, and Lr-1-FFT are typical members of the gene family coding glycoside hydrolase 32 (GH32) and play a role in drought and cold resistance in tobacco.

      A Sugarcane Phosphatidylinositol Transfer Protein Gene ScSEC14 Responds to Drought and Salt Stresses
      Hua-Ying MAO,Feng LIU,Wei-Hua SU,Ning HUANG,Hui LING,Xu ZHANG,Wen-Ju WANG,Cong-Na LI,Han-Chen TANG,Ya-Chun SU,You-Xiong QUE
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2018, 44(6):  824-835.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2018.00824
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      Sec14-like phosphatidylinositol transfer proteins are present in all eukaryotic genomes and involved in a variety of biological activities, such as metabolism of inositol phosphate, membrane transportation, polar growth, signal transduction and stress responses. The responses of Sec14-like gene to drought and salt stresses have not been reported in sugarcane. In this study, a SEC14 gene sequence was obtained in the sugarcane transcription database infected by Sporisorium scitamineum, and the full length cDNA sequence of a sugarcane SEC14 gene was obtained by RT-PCR technology and named as ScSEC14 (GenBank accession number: MG571103). Bioinformatics analysis showed a full length of 1617 bp in ScSEC14 gene containing a complete open reading frame of 1008 bp and encoding 335 amino acid residues. ScSEC14 is an unstable hydrophilic protein with no signal peptide. The secondary structure of ScSEC14 protein is mostly α-helices, with a typical SEC14 domain and a CRAL_TRIO_N domain. Phylogenetic tree analysis showed that ScSEC14 belonged to SSH (soybean Sec14 homolog group) subfamily of Sec14-like protein family. Subcellular localization experiment showed that ScSEC14 protein was mainly localized in the plasma membrane. Real-time quantitative PCR analysis showed that ScSEC14 gene was constitutively expressed in sugarcane, with the lowest expression level in skin, and the highest in leaf, which was 4.9 times of that in skin. The expression of ScSEC14 gene was up-regulated under the stresses of PEG, NaCl, CaCl2 and salicylic acid (SA). We speculate that ScSEC14 plays an important role in response to drought and salt stresses, and may be involved in the stress response signaling pathway mediated by Ca 2+ and SA.

      Mapping QTLs against Leaf Rust in CIMMYT Wheat C615
      Yu-Ling LI,Zheng-Ning JIANG,Wen-Jing HU,Dong-Sheng LI,Jing-Ye CHENG,Xin YI,Xiao-Ming CHENG,Rong-Lin WU,Shun-He CHENG
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2018, 44(6):  836-843.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2018.00836
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      Leaf rust, caused by Puccinia triticina, is an important wheat disease. The introduced wheat line C615 shows adult resistance to leaf rust, but its mechanism is not clear. In this study, the quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for leaf rust resistance were identified and located in a linkage map constructed with 337 SSR markers using a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population (112 lines of the F2:7 generation) derived from CIMMYT wheat C615 (resistant) and Ningmai 18 (highly susceptible). Final disease severity (FDS) of leaf rust was evaluated in 2016 and 2017. Five QTLs were detected on chromosomes 1BL, 2DS, 3BS, 4DL, and 6BS, designated QLr.njau-1BL, QLr.njau-2DS, QLr.njau-3BS, QLr.njau-4DL, and QLr.njau-6BS, respectively. All the resistance alleles were contributed by the resistant parent C615, except for QLr.njau-2DS. Three QTLs, QLr.njau-1BL, QLr.njau-3BS, and QLr.njau-4DL, were detected in both years, which explained phenotypic variance by 10.1%-15.7%, 10.9%-13.5%, and 8.2%-9.0%, respectively. The remaining two QTLs were detected in one year with smaller contributions (6.2% and 9.2%, respectively). QLr.njau-1BL and QLr.njau-4DL were located in the same regions of the known resistance genes Lr46 and Lr67, respectively. QLr.njau-3BS in the marker interval Xbarc102-Xwmc623 is probably a novel QTL for leaf rust resistance. Fifteen BC4F5 lines derived from the cross of C615/Yangmai 13 (recurrent parent) were genotyped for leaf rust resistance using seven SSR markers closely linked to the QTLs from C615. All the 15 lines had QTLs donated by C615 and three of them pyramided four QTLs, indicating that C615 can serve as an elite donor parent in wheat breeding aiming at high-yield and high-resistance to leaf rust. These results provide a basis of marker-assisted selection and providing breeding materials.

      Construction of tms5 Mutants in Rice Based on CRISPR/Cas9 Technology
      Zhong-Ming HUANG,Yan-Biao ZHOU,Xiao-Dan TANG,Xin-Hui ZHAO,Zai-Wei ZHOU,Xing-Xue FU,Kai WANG,Jiang-Wei SHI,Yan-Feng LI,Chen-Jian FU,Yuan-Zhu YANG
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2018, 44(6):  844-851.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2018.00844
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      In order to create excellent temperature sensitive sterile line and promote the development of two line hybrid rice breeding. a 20 bp guide RNA (gRNA) was targeted to the first exon of TMS5, a thermo-sensitive genic male sterile gene as the editable object in present study, and driven by the rice U3 promoter. The target site of gRNA was ligated into the vector pCAMBIA1301, and its transgenic lines were obtained via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. The genomic DNA of T0 transgenic lines was then extracted, and the TMS5 locus was detected by PCR and sequenced. The mutagenesis frequency for TMS5 was 63.89%, of which the frequency of homozygous deletion mutation was 34.78%. Furthermore, the fertility transition temperature and agronomic traits of T1 homozygous deletion mutants were investigated, showing that the fertility transition temperature of tms5 mutants was 28°C. Both seed setting rate and grain yields in tms5 mutants were significantly decreased compared with those in wild-type plants in paddy field condition. Together, the successful construction of tms5 mutants lays a material foundation for breeding the thermo-sensitive male sterile line of japonica rice.

      Mapping Main-effect and Epistatic QTL for Hard Seededness in Soybean
      Li-Juan AI,Qiang CHEN,Chun-Yan YANG,Long YAN,Feng-Min WANG,Rong-Chao GE,Meng-Chen ZHANG
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2018, 44(6):  852-858.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2018.00852
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      Hardness is a common characteristic of plant seeds, which is an important quantitative trait affecting germination rate, viability and storage life, and also processing quality of soybean seeds. In this study QTL analysis of the additive and epistatic interaction was used to reveal the important loci and effects controlling soybean hard seededness, and to provide theoretical basis for further analysis of the complex genetic mechanism of hard seededness. F6:8 and F6:9 populations of 186 recombinant inbred lines (RIL) derived from a cross of Jidou 12 and native variety Heidou (ZDD03651) were used to determine the additive QTLs for hard seededness in different years by the composite interval mapping (CIM) method in WinQTL Cartographer V. 2.5 software. The inclusive complete interval mapping (ICIM) method in IciMapping 4.1 software was used for analysing the interaction of additive and epistatic QTLs for hard seededness. Three QTLs for hard seededness were identified on Chr. 02, Chr. 06, and Chr. 14, respectively, with the genetic contribution rate of 5.54%-12.94%. Four pairs of epistatic interaction QTLs were detected on Chr. 02, Chr. 06, Chr. 09, Chr. 12, and Chr. 14, respectively, with explained 2.53%-3.47% of the phenotypic variation. The QTLs of additive and epistatic interactions were also detected in the hard seeds of soybean, and the epistasis was performed between the main effect QTLs or between the main effect QTL and the non-main effect QTL. The results indecate that the epistatic interaction effect plays an important role in the genetic basis of hard seededness of soybean.

      Correlation Analysis between Yield of Bast Fiber and Main Agronomic Traits in Jute (Corchorus spp.)
      Yi XU,Lie-Mei ZHANG,Jian-Min QI,Mei SU,Shu-Sheng FANG,Li-Lan ZHANG,Ping-Ping FANG,Li-Wu ZHANG
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2018, 44(6):  859-866.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2018.00859
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      Studies on correlation between yield of bast fiber and main agronomic traits will provide scientific evidence to the breeding for high yield and reproduction of cultivars in jute. In this study, we analyzed the impact of 12 agronomic traits from 159 different jute germplasm resources on bast fiber yield (dry bark weight per plant). The variation coefficients of different traits varied from 11.89% to 38.50%, indicating abundant genetic variation among these traits. Bast fiber yield had significantly positive correlations with other traits, among which the relative high correlation coefficients between fiber yield and fresh bark weight per plant, plant height, days to flowering were 0.814, 0.760, and 0.648 respectively. The regression equation between bast fiber yield and fresh bark weight per plant, plant height, fresh bark thickness, bark rate was significant, with standard regression values of 0.443, 0.437, 0.291, and 0.113 respectively. Path coefficient analysis indicated that fresh bark weight per plant and plant height played a leading role in the determination of bast fiber yield. Also, the correlation coefficient (0.253) and standard regression coefficient (0.291) of bark rate were very close, showing that bark rate directly affects bast fiber yield, with a significant positive correlation between bast fiber yield and bark rate. Therefore, in breeding jute varieties with high bast fiber yield, it is imperative to take days to flowering, fresh bark weight per plant, plant height, bark rate and fresh bark thickness as main selection criteria with consideration for the improvement of comprehensive traits improvement.

      Stability of Trypsin Inhibitor in Foun Bruchid-Resistant Mung Bean Varieties
      Yan-Ping FAN,Xiao-Fang CHENG,Hong-Min WANG,Yao-Wen ZHANG,Xian-Hong ZHANG
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2018, 44(6):  867-875.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2018.00867
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      Taking bruchid-resistant mung beans C6749, C5200, C5193, and C5205 as experimental materials, with a susceptible mung bean Jinlyu 1 as control, the activity and the stability of mung bean trypsin inhibitor were measured under high temperature, high pressure, denaturant and reductant stresses. The trypsin inhibitor activities of four bruchid-resistant mung beans were significantly higher (P<0.01) than those of control (Jinlyu 1), showing C5200 > C5193 > C6749 > C5205. When treated with high temperature, high pressure, denaturant and reductant, the residual activities of trypsin inhibitor from the four bruchid-resistant mung beans were higher than those of control, and decreased with increasing temperature and pressure, and extending treatment time of denaturant and reductant. The effects of denaturant and reductant on the residual activity of trypsin inhibitor of bruchid-resistant mung beans showed a tendency of guanidine hydrochloride > ure, and TCEP > DTT > β-ME. Among the four bruchid-resistant mung beans, C5200 had the highest tolerance and C5193 had the moderate tolerance to high temperature, high pressure, denaturant and reductant stresses; C5205 had the lowest tolerance to high temperature, high pressure, denaturant stresses, while C6749 had the lowest tolerance to reductant treatment. We concluded that C5200 and C5193 have the highest residual activity of bruchid-resistant mung bean trypsin inhibitor under high temperature, high pressure, denaturant and reductant stresses, being of the higher value in its application.

      Water-saving Potential for Biennial Mulched Corn with Same Plastic Film in Oasis Irrigation Area
      Nai-Xu ZHANG,Cai ZHAO,Liang-Xia ZHAO,Li-Juan CAI,Yi-Fan WANG,Qiang CHAI
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2018, 44(6):  876-885.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2018.00876
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      The agricultural water-saving measures in Northwest oasis irrigation areas are mainly mulching with traditional plastic film. This process is increasingly challenged by lack of water resources and increasing environment pollution from the white plastic film. Therefore, reducing the plastic film use and identifying innovative water-saving technologies need to be carried out urgently. The experiment was conducted to explore the effects of conventional plastic film mulching (CM), plastic film mulching with reduced tillage (RtM) and plastic film re-mulching for two years (RM) under different irrigation levels on water consumption characteristics and water use efficiency (WUE) in the Hexi corridor oasis zone in 2014-2016. Both RM and RtM relative to CM could significantly increase soil water storage before sowing, respectively increasing 41.7 mm and 31.6 mm (15.9% and 12.1%) on average in three years. From corn seeding to early jointing stages (the first 40 days of the plants’ life cycle), under the same irrigation level, the water consumption of RM decreased, compared with that of RtM and CM, but the ground evaporation between plants increased. Also, there was a significant increase for soil evaporation/water consumption (E/ET). On the contrary, from early stage of corn jointing to harvesting stage, RM decreased E/ET by 13.2%, compared with CM, showing that RM is beneficial to reduce the useless water consumption in the later stage of corn production. There was no significant difference on E/ET between RtM and CM. When the water level was the same, the water use efficiency was the best in RtM and no significant difference between RM and CM. Under the same film mulching mode, the WUE of the middle water level irrigated maize was the highest, and there was no significant difference in water consumption, evaporation and E/ET between RM and CM during the whole growth period, indicating that RM is just like CM having the advantage of water saving and increasing efficiency. The research indicate that the biennial mulching shares the same water use outcome with the traditional annual mulching in Hexi oasis irrigation area, which could be adopted in the trial areas to save water and reduce the application of plastic film.

      Effects of Plastic Film Mulching on Grain Yield and Sulfur Concentration of Winter Wheat in Dryland of Loess Plateau
      Lai-Chao LUO,Zhao-Hui WANG,Xiao-Li HUI,Xiang ZHANG,Qing-Xia MA,Ming BAO,Yue ZHAO,Ming HUANG,Sen WANG
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2018, 44(6):  886-896.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2018.00886
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      Plastic film mulching is popular in dryland wheat production in China and important to understand to effects on grain yield, sulfur (S) accumulation and remobilization, and grain S concentration in high-yield and nutritional-quality wheat production. In the 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 growing seasons, we carried out field experiments in seven locations of three provinces in Northwest China to compare the biomass, grain yield, yield components, grain S concentration, and S uptake and distribution of winter wheat between conventional flat cropping pattern (no mulching) and the ridge mulch with furrow seeding or flat mulching cropping pattern (plastic film mulching). Compared with no mulching pattern, the plastic film mulching pattern showed 13.7% increase of grain yield through higher spike number, but 9.0% decrease of grain S concentration. The S accumulation in stem and leaf, ear, and aboveground plant parts at anthesis increased by 19.9%, 16.1%, and 19.2%, respectively, in plastic film mulching pattern than in no mulching pattern; however, the S remobilization amount and efficiency increased by 36.2% and 17.9%, respectively, during grain filling. Under plastic film mulching pattern, soil available S at anthesis stage decreased by 24.5%, and the S uptake during grain filling greatly declined by 77.9%. As a result, no significant increases in S accumulation of aboveground plant parts at maturity and S harvest index. The grain S concentration decreased owing to the increased grain yield. Therefore, under plastic film mulching pattern in Northwest China, additional S fertilizer should be applied for improving S nutrition and processing quality in dryland wheat.

      Proteomic Analysis of the Effect of 2,4-Epibrassinolide on Rice Seedlings Response to Cold Stress
      Dao-Ping WANG,Jiang XU,Yong-Ying MU,Wen-Xiu YAN,Meng-Jie ZHAO,Bo MA,Qun LI,Li-Na ZHANG,Ying-Hong PAN
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2018, 44(6):  897-908.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2018.00897
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      As a plant growth regulator which functionally resembles a kind of plant hormone Brassinosteroids (BRs), 2,4-Epibrassinolide (EBR) has been widely studied and applied in different aspects. EBR can enhance plant’s cold tolerance effectively, but the proteomic characteristics of the effect of EBR on rice seedings response to cold stress are still unclear. In this study, the germinating seeds of rice Nipponbare were treated with 0.1 mg L -1 EBR and distilled water before they were cultivated at 4°C or 26°C, and then the total protein of each group of seedlings was extracted. Finally, proteomes of rice seedings were analyzed by label-free quantitative mass spectrometry, and some important proteins were verified by parallel reaction monitoring technique (PRM). A total of 5778 protein groups were identified by qualitative method and 4834 protein groups were accurately quantitated. Among them, 401 up-regulated and 220 down-regulated proteins were related to the effect of EBR on rice seedings response to cold stress. The up-regulated proteins were mainly related to molecular function of RNA binding and hydrolase activity, and mainly enriched in the pathways of carbon metabolism, folic acid synthesis and amino acid biosynthesis. The down-regulated proteins were mainly related to catalytic activity and oxidoreductase activity, and mainly enriched in the pathways of porphyrin and chlorophyll metabolism and other metabolic pathways. PRM validation and literature analysis showed that NADP-malic acidase, peroxidase, 3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase, enolase, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase and pyruvate kinase, which are distributed in the pathways of carbon metabolism and phenylpropanol metabolism and others, take part in the regulation of EBR on rice seedlings response to cold stress, suggesting that BRs can affect rice seedlings response to cold stress through a variety of pathways.

      Effect of Chemical Regulators on Physical and Chemical Properties and Lodging Resistance of Spring Maize Stem in Northeast China
      Hai-Chao FAN,Wan-Rong GU,De-Guang YANG,Ju-Ping YU,Lin PIAO,Qian ZHANG,Li-Guo ZHANG,Xiu-Hong YANG,Shi WEI
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2018, 44(6):  909-919.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2018.00909
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      In order to investigate the mechanical mechanism of controlling lodging resistance of corn stalk, effects of chemical regulators on contents of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin and lignin related enzyme activity of spring maize stalk were studied. Field experiments were conducted at the Xiangyang experimental practice base of Northeast Agricultural University in 2015 and 2016 using spring maize cultivar Dongnong 253 with two chemical regulators, DTB and KP (a chemical regulator made of DCPTA and ETH). Two chemical regulators were sprayed at the 6-leaf stage, with water spraying as the control. The randomized block group was designed with three replicates, and a plot area was 56 m 2. The responses of bending resistance, lodging resistance index, lignin, cellulose and hemi-cellulose contents, and the activities of key enzymes of lignin synthesis at different growth stages of maize to different treatments were analyzed. The two chemical regulators application could significantly improve activities of 4-coumarate: CoA ligase (4CL) and cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase (CAD) in maize stem. The contents of cellulose, hemi-cellulose and lignin, bending resistance, and lodging resistance index were also improved significantly, where actual lodging rate decreased significantly. The lodging resistance index was extremely positively correlated with contents of lignin and hemi-cellulose (correlation coefficients were 0.67 and 0.64, respectively). The bending resistance was extremely positively correlated with the content of cellulose (correlation coefficient was 0.89). The content of lignin was extremely positively correlated with the activity of CAD (correlation coefficient was 0.89) and positively correlated with the activity of 4CL (correlation coefficient was 0.51). However, there’s no significant correlation of lignin content with phenylalanine transaminase (PAL) and tyrosine ammonia lyase (TAL) activityies. Our results suggest that spraying chemical regulators at the 6-leaf stage can improve activities of key enzymes in stem (especially activities of CAD and 4CL), and stem fiber quality significantly enhancing stem lodging resistance of spring maize.

      Effects of Mixed-cropping with Different Varieties on Photosynthetic Characteristics and Yield of Summer Maize under Close Planting Condition
      Dan-Dan HU,Ji-Wang ZHANG,Peng LIU,Bin ZHAO,Shu-Ting DONG
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2018, 44(6):  920-930.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2018.00920
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      During the 2016 and 2017 growing seasons in Shandong, a province in the North China Plain, using Zhengdan 958 and Denghai 605 for five treatments, including M (random sowing after mixing in the same proportion), 1:1 (raw ratio of ZD958 to DH605 is 1:1), 2:2 (raw ratio of ZD958 to DH605 is 2:2), and two monoculture treatments (SDH605 and SDH605). This experiment was conducted to explore the effects of mixed-cropping on grain yield, amount of dry matter of groups, net photosynthetic rate, anti-oxidative metabolism, canopy structure of summer maize under a density of 82 500 plants ha -1. The two-year results showed that mixed-cropping significantly improved canopy light transmittance, leaf area index, chlorophyll content, net photosynthetic rate and dry matter accumulation. Superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD) activities and soluble protein content increased significantly, but the content of MDA decreased under mixed-cropping. The grain yield of summer maize increased significantly under mixed-cropping, due to the increase in grains per spike and 1000-kernel weight. Compared with SZD958 and SDH605, the two-year average grain yields of M, 1:1, 2:2 increased by 11.47%, 8.70%, 8.48% and 9.30%, 6.42%, 6.20%, respectively. There were no significant difference among M, 1:1 and 2:2 treatments. Mixed-cropping formed high-efficiency canopy structure, created better aeration and transmittance conditions, delayed leaf senescence, slowed down the decrease of leaf area index and chlorophyll content after anthesis, maintained higher net photosynthetic rate and increased dry matter accumulation, eventually resulted in the higher grain yield of summer maize. It is concluded that mixed-cropping with reasonable varieties can significantly increase the yield of close planting summer maize, which is one of the optional cultivation patterns to increase maize yield in the Yellow-Huaihe-Haihe Rivers Plain.

      Genetic Analysis of Haplotype-blocks from Wheat Founder Parent Linfen 5064
      Ling QIAO,Cheng LIU,Xing-Wei ZHENG,Jia-Jia ZHAO,Bao-Hua SHANG,Xiao-Fei MA,Lin-Yi QIAO,Hong-Mei GE,Hu-Tai JI,Jian-Jun LIU,Jian-Cheng ZHANG,Jun ZHENG
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2018, 44(6):  931-937.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2018.00931
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      The objective of this study was to provide essential basis for further utilization of Linfen 5064, an elite founder parent, through dissecting haplotype-blocks of Linfen 5064 transmitted to its progenies. A total of 895 alleles were detected on 395 SSR loci in Linfen 5064 and the 21 derived varieties (lines), with 1-8 alleles per locus and an average of 2.27. The average polymorphism information content (PIC) was 0.25. On 146 loci, the alleles were identical between all derived varieties (lines) and the parent, and genetic contributions of the parent were higher than 80% on 30 loci. Generally, the genetic contributions of Linfen 5064 to the first- and second-derived generations were 65.30% and 64.24%, and the contribution ratio did not decrease significantly along with the increase of generations. Sixteen haplotype-blocks were inherited completely from the parent to all derived varieties (lines) and the haplotype-blocks with contribution ratios higher than 80% were distributed on all the 21 chromosomes. In combination with the results of association analysis, almost every haplotype-block was associated with QTLs controlling important agronomic traits, indicating these chromosomal segments were strongly selected in breeding programs.

      QTL Mapping for Heading Date in Rice Using High-density Bin Map
      Ji-Chi DONG,Jing YANG,Tao GUO,Li-Kai CHEN,Zhi-Qiang CHEN,Hui WANG
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2018, 44(6):  938-946.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2018.00938
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      A recombination inbred lines (RIL) population including 192 lines derived from an inter-subspecific cross between indica rice ‘Yuzhenxiang’ and japonica rice ‘02428’ was used in the experiment. The two parent varieties and RIL population were separately sequenced by Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) and Genotyping-By-Sequencing (GBS) to construct a genetic linkage map with 2711 recombination Bin markers. The number of markers on 12 chromosomes ranged from 162 to 311, and the average physical distance between two markers was 137.68 kb. The WinQTL Cartographer 2.5 was used to analysis QTLs associated with heading date in four different environments. A total of 14 QTLs associated with heading date were detected on chromosomes 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, and 10. Among them, qHD2.2 and qHD10.2, which explained 5.14%-11.15% and 5.35%-16.97% of the total phenotypic variation for heading date separately, could be detected in three environments and shorting heading date about 1.66 days and 1.56 days on average. The two QTLs could inherit stablely, having a good potential to be applied in QTL pyramiding. After comparing the physical positions of these QTLs with those previously reported, we found 11 QTLs were located in the same or near position, among them qHD1.1, qHD2.2, and qHD9.1 were newly reported. Furthermore, we found one cloned gene LOC_Os02g46450 and two annotated genes LOC_Os02g46710 and LOC_Os02g46940 in the genomic region of qHD2.2, might be related to heading date. DNA sequence comparison between YZX and 02428 revealed that all the three genes could be candidate genes.

the Crop Science Society of China
the Institute of Crop Science, CAAS
China Science Publishing & Media Ltd.
Published: Science Press
Editor-in-chief: Wan Jian-min
Associate Editors-in-Chief:
Chen Xiao-ya Yang Jian-chang Zhang Xian-long Wang Jian-kang Xu Ming-liang Liu Chun-ming Wang Dao-wen Sun Chuan-qing Ding Yan-feng Jin Wei-wei Chu Cheng-cai Cheng Wei-hong
Director of the editorial department:
Yan Chun-ling
CN 11-1809/S
ISSN 0496-3490
Post subscription code: 82-336

  • Started in 2013
  • Covered by SCIE
  • Open access in ScienceDirect

Editor in chief: Wan Jian-min
CN 10-1112/S
ISSN 2095-5421, 2214-5141(online)
Online published:
Submission: https://www.editorialmanager.com/cj/
E-mail: cropjournal@caas.cn
