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    20 May 2018, Volume 44 Issue 05
      Identification of Candidate Genes for Seed Glucosinolate Content of Rapeseed by Using Genome-wide Association Mapping and Co-expression Networks Analysis
      Da-Yong WEI, Yi-Xin CUI, Qing XIONG, Qing-Lin TANG, Jia-Qin MEI, Jia-Na LI, Wei QIAN
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2018, 44(05):  629-641.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2018.00629
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      Seed meal of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) is a valuable protein source for livestock raising. However, high seed glucosinolates (GSL) content is harmful and toxic to livestock. Therefore, identifying candidate genes of seed GSL content is important in rapeseed breeding for low seed GSL. In this study, a genome-wide association study (GWAS) for seed GSL content was conducted using 157 rapeseed lines grown in four consecutive years. Meanwhile, a weighted gene co-expression network analysis (WGCNA) was carried out in early seed development stage of 15 low and 15 high seed GSL content lines for detecting candidate genes. In total, 45 SNPs found by GWAS significantly associated with seed GSL contents, explaining 13.5%-23.3% of the phenotypic variance per SNP. These SNPs were mainly detected from three intervals on chromosomes A09, C02, and C09, covering five known GSL metabolism genes. A total of 2275 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were identified by RNA-Seq between rapeseed lines with low and high seed GSL contents. These DEGs were clustered into 12 modules by WGCNA, of which one module (contains 163 DEGs) was mainly enriched in the GSL biosynthetic process. By using a weighted analysis for this module, 13 hub-genes were detected including nine known GSL metabolic genes. Among the 18 candidate genes identified by GWAS and WGCNA, 14 genes showed significant correlation between their expressions and the seed GSL contents (r = 0.376-0.638, P < 0.05). Furthermore, one gene, BnaC02g41790D (MAM1), was detected by both GWAS and WGCNA. Five haplotypes were formed by five SNPs that significantly linked with BnaC02g41790D, and 63% of the rapeseed population (99/157) were found to carry Hap 5 with significant lower seed GSL contents (an average of 50.79 μmol g-1) compared with those carrying the other four haplotypes (95.04-110.28 μmol g-1). By GWAS and WGCNA, our study not only identified the candidate genes for seed GSL content of rapeseed, but also provided a guidance for digging candidate genes for other complex traits.

      Identification and Expression Analysis of Likely Orthologs of Tobacco Salicylic Acid Binding Protein 2 in Common Beans
      Ren-Feng XUE, Li WANG, Ming FENG, Wei-De GE
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2018, 44(05):  642-649.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2018.00642
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      Salicylic acid can induce the systematic resistant response in plants, and salicylic acid-binding protein 2 is an important esterase in the regulation of salicylic acid content in plant cells. In this study, we used the bioinformatics method to search the orthologous genes of tobacco salicylic acid-binding protein 2 in common bean, which were designated as PvMES1-PvMES7, then analyzed the changes of MES activity and free SA accumulation in plant roots. The expression level of 7 PvMES genes in susceptible varieties BRB130 and Baidaodou, resistant varieties Heiyundou and 260205 infected by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. phaseoli isolate FOP-DM01 was detected by Real time PCR, showing that the expression of PvMES1, PvMES3, PvMES4, PvMES5, and PvMES6 was significantly increased at three days after FOP-DM01 infection, with most significant increase of 7.6 folds and 5.6 folds for PvMES5 gene in Heiyundou and PvMES1 gene in 260205 at 0 day, respectively. The MES activity and free SA content in roots of Heiyundou and 260205 were also improved, which activated the relevant defense response reaction mediated by SA in the host. The results of this study provide a theoretical basis for the resistance molecular breeding of Fusarium wilt in common beans.

      Expression Pattern and Protein Localization of a Yellow-Green Leaf 6 (YGL6) Gene in Rice (Oryza sativa)
      Jun-Qiong SHI, Ya-Qin WANG, Tian-Quan ZHANG, Ling MA, Guang-Hua HE
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2018, 44(05):  650-656.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2018.00650
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      Leaf color mutants are used not only as morphological markers in hybrid rice breeding, but also as ideal materials in studies on the structure and function of photosystem, chlorophyll biosynthesis and regulation mechanism. A new rice mutant exhibiting stable inheritance was derived from ethyl methane sulfonate (EMS)-treated restorer line Jinhui 10 (Oryza sativa), tentatively named as yellow-green leaf 6 (ygl6). The ygl6 leaf displayed yellow-green at seeding stage, and pale green at jointing stages. The YGL6 complementation experiment implied that the Os12g23180 is the YGL6 gene. The expression pattern analysis indicated that YGL6 was expressed in green tissues including young leaves, mature leaves, sheaths and green glume, with the highest expression level in young leaves. And YGL6 expression was induced by light. Transient expression of the YGL6-GFP protein in rice protoplast showed that YGL6 was localized in chloroplasts. These results provide a foundation for functional analysis of YGL6.

      Functional Markers Reveal Genetic Variations in Wheat Improved Cultivars and Landraces from Xinjiang
      Da-Wei JIAN, Yang ZHOU, Hong-Wei LIU, Li YANG, Chun-Yan MAI, Li-Qiang YU, Xin-Nian HAN, Hong-Jun ZHANG, Hong-Jie LI
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2018, 44(05):  657-671.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2018.00657
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      Illuminating genetic variations in the improved cultivars and landraces of wheat from Xinjiang is important for further improvement of wheat in this region. In this study, 52 functional markers were used to examine 136 Xinjiang wheat accessions. Compared with the improved cultivars, the semi-dwarfing alleles Rht-B1b and Rht-D1b, facultative allele Vrn-D1b, T1BL·1RS translocation, TaLox-B1a allele for high lipoxynase activity, Ppo-D1a allele for lower polyphenol oxidase activity, Psy-A1b allele for low yellow pigment content and Hap-H (TaSus-2B) allele for high kernel weight were absent in the landraces. Furthermore, the frequencies of photoperiod insensitivity allele Ppd-D1a (77.6%), strong gluten subunits Dx5+Dy10 (35.4%), Pin-D1ballele (25.0%) for hard grain texture, and TaCwi-A1a (63.3%), Hap-4A-T (Tacwi-4A) (33.8%), Hap-5D-C (TaCWI-5D) (93.7%), Hap-2 (TaGS1a) (77.9%), TaGS-D1a (78.5%), TaGS5-A1b (50.0%), and TaTGW6-A1a (92.1%) alleles associated with high kernel weight were higher in the improved cultivars than in the landraces. The frequencies of most favorable alleles displayed a discontinuously increasing trend over breeding periods. As for the favorable alleles associated with adaptation and quality, the spring cultivars had higher frequencies than the winter cultivars. Analysis of the functional markers showed that the improved cultivars had higher genetic diversity than the landraces. Based on the principle component analysis, the wheat accessions were clustered into two groups: improved cultivars and landraces, and the improved cultivars were further divided into two groups of winter and spring cultivars. There were significant genetic differences between the improved cultivars and the landraces. The favorable alleles and allele combinations identified in this study provide important information for further improvement of wheat cultivars in Xinjiang.

      Genome-wide Association Studies of Seed Germination Related Traits in Maize
      Run-Miao TIAN, Xue-Hai ZHANG, Ji-Hua TANG, Guang-Hong BAI, Zhi-Yuan FU
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2018, 44(05):  672-685.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2018.00672
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      Germination is important for seed emergence, which has significant impact on maize yield. To reveal the genetic mechanism of maize seed germination, we investigated six traits related to seed germination using 467 diverse inbred lines. The genome-wide association studies (GWAS) between the six traits and 1.25M SNPs were implemented in three different models (Q model, K model, and Q+K model). The K model was much better than the other two models for weight before imbibition, volume before imbibition, weight after imbibition, volume after imbibition and volume of imbibition. While weight of imbibition trait could be well evaluated by Q+K model. In total, 15 SNPs were significantly associated with the six traits by the optimal model. These SNPs correspond to six QTLs, including five QTLs co-located in different biological replications. The six QTLs were located on chromosomes 3, 6, 7, and 10. The single SNP could explain 5.09%-7.85% variation of phenotype. Genes within or nearby most significant SNP were selected as candidates, and six candidate genes were identified for seed germination related traits in the six loci. Among these genes, GRMZM2G148411 encoding a TLD-domain calcium ion binding protein according to the annotations associated with weight after imbibition, volume after imbibition and volume of imbibition might be a signal molecule regulating seed germination and dormancy. The QTLs identified in this study are useful for developing functional markers and elucidating the genetic basis of seed germination.

      Genome-wide Identification of Molecular Markers Based on Genomic Re-sequencing of Foxtail Millet Elite Cultivar Jingu 21
      Qing-Ying ZHAO, Rui-Juan ZHANG, Rui-Liang WANG, Jian-Hua GAO, Yuan-Huai HAN, Zhi-Rong YANG, Xing-Chun WANG
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2018, 44(05):  686-696.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2018.00686
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      Foxtail millet becomes more and more popular for its rich nutrients, and the grain quality is the key concern that consumers would consider when selecting millet brand. Jingu 21 is an elite cultivar with high edible quality. However, the lack of genomic information impedes studies on the molecular mechanisms of millet quality formation. Here, we re-sequenced the whole genome of Jingu 21 using high-throughput sequencing technology, and obtained 14.95 Gb high quality data. By comparing sequence of Jingu 21 with the reference genome of Yugu 1, we identified 169 037 InDels and 1 167 555 SNPs. Of these InDels, 14 578 could be detected easily by agarose gel electrophoresis. One SNP and 68 InDel markers were selected to verify the polymorphism between Jingu 21 and Yugu 1, showing that the InDel and SNP markers developed by using next generation sequencing technology were reliable. Although the InDel and SNP markers were generated based on genome re-sequencing data of the elite cultivar Jingu 21, they could also be used for research on other foxtail millet, green foxtail, and giant foxtail. Moreover, a specific InDel marker 2G5501976 for Jingu 21 was developed, which could be used to identify Jingu 21 and its derivative varieties. Taken all together, the genomic characterization of Jingu 21 not only lays a foundation for elucidating the molecular mechanisms of high quality formation, but also provides a large number of molecular markers for marker-assisted selection of high quality millet, genetic analysis and map-based cloning.

      Pan Bread and Steamed Bread Qualities of Novel-Released Cultivars in Northern Winter Wheat Region of China
      De-Hui ZHAO, Yong Zhang, De-Sen WANG, Ling HUANG, Xin-Min CHEN, Yong-Gui XIAO, Jun YAN, Yan ZHANG, Zhong-Hu HE
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2018, 44(05):  697-705.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2018.00697
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      This study aimed at understanding the quality characters of newly released winter wheat cultivars and providing essential data to wheat breeding. Fifty-two improved cultivars from the Northern Winter Wheat Region of China, together with six exotic cultivars with high pan bread quality, were planted Gaoyi of Hebei province and Jining of Shandong province in the 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 cropping seasons to investigate Farinograph and Extensograph parameters, pan bread and steamed bread qualities, and their associations with the quantity of protein fractions. Most cultivars were characterized with strong gluten and Farinograph stability > 7 min. Large variations were observed in gluten strength and processing qualities of pan bread and steamed bread. Five cultivars, CA0493, Shiluan 02-1, 12-Pin-404, Xinmai 26, and Karl, had good pan bread quality. Shiluan 02-1 and Karl also had good steamed bread quality, suggesting that they can be used in quality breeding with dual purposes. Extensograph parameters, especially extensibility, play an important role in determining pan bread quality of strong-gluten wheat. SDS-unextractable polymeric protein content is an efficient parameter to screen pan bread quality because of its positive correlations with gluten and pan bread qualities (P < 0.05).

      Genetic Effects of Key Genomic Regions Controlling Yield-Related Traits in Wheat Founder Parent Fan 6
      Mei DENG, Yuan-Jiang HE, Lu-Lu GOU, Fang-Jie YAO, Jian LI, Xue-Mei ZHANG, Li LONG, Jian MA, Qian-Tao JIANG, Ya-Xi LIU, Yu-Ming WEI, Guo-Yue CHEN
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2018, 44(05):  706-715.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2018.00706
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      Fan 6 is an important wheat founder parent in China. A deep understanding on the genetic mechanism for excellent agronomic traits in Fan 6 will facilitate its utilization in wheat breeding. In this study, seven yield-related traits were investigated in Fan 6 and its 39 derived varieties and trait-associated chromosomal regions were scanned with genome-wide SSR markers. The traits investigated showed no significant differences between Fan 6 and its derived varieties, indicating that these traits have been subjected to directive selection and inherited stably from Fan 6 to its offspring. Out of the 417 SSR markers flanking loci for yield-related traits, 11 Fan 6-specific markers were detected frequently in its derived varieties. Trait-marker association analysis indicated that 21 Fan 6-specific markers were significantly associated with yield-related traits (P < 0.01). Two chromosomal intervals, Xgdm93.3-Xgwm526.2 on 2A and Xbarc100-Xgwm156.1 on 5A, were identified to control plant height + spikelet number per spike and thousand-kernel weight, respectively. The present study confirmed that the loci or chromosomal regions associated with yield-related traits are key factors for high yield and have been selected intensively and continuously during breeding process in Sichuan and even Southwest wheat zones.

      Genetic Analysis of Imazethapyr Resistance in Rice and the Closely Linked Marker Selection and Application
      Yun-Yan FEI, Jie YANG, Fang-Jun FAN, Fang-Quan WANG, Wen-Qi LI, Jun WANG, Jin-Yan ZHU, Wei-Gong ZHONG
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2018, 44(05):  716-722.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2018.00716
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      Cultivation and extension of herbicide-resistant rice can increase the efficiency of weed control and obtain great economic benefits. Here, Jinjing 818 was identified as an imazethapyr-resistant line, F2 population from the cross between Jinjing 818 and the conventional japonica rice Suken 118 was used for genetic analysis and gene mapping of the imazethapyr resistance in rice. The imazethapyr resistance in Jinjing 818 was controlled by a single dominant nuclear gene located between SSR markers RM7413 and RM7426 on the chromosome 2. Through gene-predicting and sequencing in this region, we found that the target gene of imazethapyr, acetolactate synthase gene (ALS), had a nucleotide mutation (G mutated into A) in its coding region, leading to the mutation of serine into asparagine. It could be preliminarily deduced that ALS is the candidate gene for imazethapyr resistance. The physical distances between RM7413, RM7426 and ALS were 165 kb, 1612 kb, respectively. Jinjing 818 and Nanjing 9108 were used as parents to detect the application potential of RM7413 in molecular marker assisted selection breeding (MAS). On the basis of selecting phenotype and RM7413 in the hybrid and its selfing generation, F7 population showed stable imazethapyr resistance, indicating that the great application potential of RM7413 in MAS and breeding for imazethapyr resistant rice. Our results will lay a foundation for breeding herbicide-resistant japonica rice by MAS.

      Identification of Sugarcane Varieties by AFLP and SSR Markers and Its Application
      Zhou-Tao WANG, Qian YOU, Shi-Wu GAO, Chun-Feng WANG, Zhu LI, Jing-Jing MA, You-Xiong QUE, Li-Ping XU, Jun LUO
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2018, 44(05):  723-736.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2018.00723
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      Genetic diversity and fingerprint of varieties are crucial reference for breeding, cultivar right protection and new cultivar extension. We used nine pairs of AFLP markers and 15 pairs of SSR markers to scan 38 new sugarcane varieties (lines) from the national variety regional testings, obtaining abundant fingerprint data. Among the total 348 AFLP bands, 248 were polymorphic, with a polymorphism rate of 72.26 %. In addition, among the total 180 SSR bands, 176 were polymorphic, with a polymorphism rate of 97.78 %. The genetic similarity coefficients of these 38 new varieties (lines) were distributed from 0.668 to 0.847. We explored the distribution characteristics of genetic similarity coefficients using the boxplot, observing the genetic basis of five series (FN, MT, YZ, YG, and GT) of the 38 new sugarcane varieties (lines) was approximately similar. The clustering analysis manifested that these 38 new sugarcane varieties (lines) were divided into two groups at the genetic similarity coefficient of 0.732, with a subgroup including FN09-2201 and GT06-1492 that had high heterogeneity. Moreover, there was a small subgroup containing ROC22 at the genetic similarity coefficient of 0.770. Except for ROC22, the subgroup also contained FN 07-3206, FN 40, HZ 22, GT 09-12, and LC 07-150. ROC22 has wide adaptability, high yield, high sugar content and other excellent characteristics, other varieties (lines) in the same subgroup should be more likely to have these excellent characteristics and higher extention potential. Finally, through selection of 60 efficient amplification sites in the identification of SSR markers, we constructed the fingerprints of these 38 new sugarcane varieties (lines), which should play an important role in variety identification and variety protection. This study is expected to be directly applied to guide the genetic diversity assessment and molecular fingerprinting identification of sugarcane germplasm, and also to provide references for the extention and layout of these varieties or their utilization as hybrid parents.

      Effects of Maize Varieties with Different Nitrogen Efficiencies on Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Soil Nitrate and Field Nitrogen Balance
      Jia-Wei QU, Ju-Lin GAO, Xiao-Fang YU, Zhi-Gang WANG, Shu-Ping HU, Ji-Ying SUN, Zhi-Jun SU, Min XIE, Ge-Er QING
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2018, 44(05):  737-749.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2018.00737
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      Studying effects caused by maize varieties with different nitrogen efficiencies on nitrate content in soil and nitrogen balance in filed is quite important for excavating high nitrogen efficiency biological potential of maize varieties, coordinating nitrate supply with plant requirement, and improving the nitrogen utilization efficiency. In this study, high nitrogen efficiency maize varieties ZD958, JS27 and low nitrogen efficiency maize varieties MN2133, ND314, and SD19 were separately used to systematically study the effects on nitrate spatial and temporal distribution in soil and nitrogen balance, as well as relationship between plant nitrogen uptake and soil nitrate accumulation. Compared with low nitrogen efficiency maize varieties, the high nitrogen efficiency varieties had higher yield, higher nitrogen absorption and use efficiency in all the nitrogen treatments (0, 300, and 450 kg ha-1). According to the correlation analysis, significant negative correlation was shown between the plant nitrogen accumulation and nitrate accumulation in soil. The temporal and the spatial distribution of nitrate in soil were also analyzed, showing that the soil layer with maximum nitrate content moved toward lower gradually in the process of maize growth. The move rate of the soil layer was independent of maize varieties, but largely correlated with the precipitation. However, after silking stage the nitrate content in 60-100 centimeter layer of soil was significantly lower in high nitrogen efficiency varieties than in low nitrogen efficiency varieties. After harvest, the nitrate residual in soil was significantly higher in low nitrogen efficiency varieties compared with high nitrogen efficiency varieties. Moreover, the nitrate residual amount was largely increased with increasing nitrate application. In the aspect of nitrate balance, the nitrogen efficiency of maize significantly affected filed nitrate residue and apparent lost. The apparent nitrate lost in field in low nitrogen efficiency varieties was 2.2 (300 kg ha-1) and 1.5 times (450 kg ha-1) as high as that in high nitrogen efficiency varieties, and had much more difference among different years. Therefore, different nitrogen efficiency varieties affected N-balance in filed via nitrate absorption. Choosing high nitrogen efficiency varieties can decrease nitrate content in soil, apparent lost in field, and nitrogen leaching risk, which is an effective way to improve nitrogen utilization efficiency.

      Correcting the Response of Maximum Leaf Photosynthetic Rate to Temperatures in Crop Models
      Shen-Bin YANG, Sha-Sha XU, Xiao-Dong JIANG, Chun-Lin SHI, Ying-Ping WANG, Shuang-He SHEN
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2018, 44(05):  750-761.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2018.00750
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      Crop photosynthesis is sensitive to temperature variations, and the temperature dependence of photosynthesis is known to vary with growth environments and crop varieties. Crop models based on light use efficiency model, seldom correct parameter values related to the temperature dependence of photosynthesis for a specific crop, which unavoidably increases the simulation errors in dry biomass. In this paper, a scheme used to correct those parameter values was put forward with the rice crop model ORYZA2000 as an example to evaluate the scheme’s performance. The temperature-controlled experiments were conducted to observe photosynthesis at heading stage of rice variety Liangyoupeijiu in 2012 and 2013. The data were first analyzed to retrieve photosynthetic characteristics from light response curves and CO2 response curve. Based on their relationship with temperatures, temperature effect functions were established for all temperature sensitive photosynthetic parameters using Arrhenius and Peaked functions. A biochemical photosynthesis model was applied to simulate the changes of maximum leaf photosynthetic rate with temperatures, based on which temperature response curve for maximum leaf photosynthetic rate was produced and normalized to replace the default parameter values in ORYZA2000. The observations of above ground biomass (WAGT) of Liangyoupeijiu in two years were used to validate simulations before and after the correction. The normalized temperature response curve for maximum leaf photosynthetic rate of Liangyoupeijiu was different from the default response curve in ORYZA2000. From the corrected response curve, the optimal temperature for photosynthesis was between 38-40°C, higher than the default, and temperature effect coefficient was lower than the default between 10-20°C. Compared with the default parameter values, average relative error of the corrected parameter values was reduced by 3.3%. In conclusion, the method used in this paper can be an important reference for improving biomass simulation accuracy and analyzing temperature dependence of photosynthesis for different crop varieties.

      Acguisition of Winter Wheat Area in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region with GF-1 Satellite Data
      Li-Min WANG, Jia LIU, Fu-Gang YANG, Ling-Bo YANG, Bao-Min YAO, Xiao-Long WANG
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2018, 44(05):  762-773.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2018.00762
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      Winter wheat area accurate acquisition at provincial scale is an important aspect in remote-sensing monitoring of crop area. This study aimed at estimating winter wheat area in Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei at provincial scale using classification map units from the national standard topographic map and the winter wheat area index (WWAI) created from the wide field view (WFV) data of GF-1 satellite. A total of 984 satellite monitoring images between October 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014 were used as data sources. The major process steps were data preprocessing, NDVI synthesis of standard map units, selection of samples, creation of winter wheat area index, confirmation of winter wheat crop type, provincial scale mapping, and accuracy verification. Multi-temporal GF-1/WFV data were preprocessed and NDVI value of images were calculated by using block adjustment and 6S atmospheric correction algorithm. By means of the 1:100 000 national standard topographic map framings of China, as the classification map units, WWAI was equally divided at a proportion of 1 percent into 101 extraction nodes from 0 to 100%. The NDVI values of extraction nodes were compared with type confirmation samples, and the most accurate NDVI was adopted as the extraction threshold value of winter wheat area. This threshold was then used into WWAI image in the map units to obtain winter wheat planting distribution. The identification result showed that, by taking standard map framing as calculation units and based on the creation of WWAI of GF-1 images, we remarkably improved the wave spectrum difference between winter wheat and other ground objects, with the overall accuracy of 89.6%, user accuracy of 89.8%, mapping accuracy of 96.5%, and Kappa coefficient of 0.72. In a typical region, the algorithm proposed had a similar accuracy with supervised classification algorithm. Except for 4.77% of the difference in mapping accuracy, the differences in overall accuracy and user accuracy were less than 1.00%. These results indicate that the used in this study is of algorithm high accuracy, efficiency and consistency in classification unit identification and applicable in agricultural monitoring at provincial level.

      Effects of Straw Strip Returning on Spring Maize Yield, Soil Moisture, Nitrogen Contents and Root Distribution in Northeast China
      Jun-Peng AN, Cong-Feng LI, Hua QI, Peng-Xiang SUI, Wen-Ke ZHANG, Ping TIAN, De-Bao YOU, Nan MEI, Jing XING
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2018, 44(05):  774-782.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2018.00774
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      Field experiments were conducted in 2015 and 2016 at Tieling city, Liaoning province of Northeast China to study the effects of straw stripe returning on yield of spring maize, and the relationships of yield with soil moisture, nitrogen and maize root spatial distribution. The experiments included four treatments: (1) the ridges of the rotary tillage with straw returning (RR+S); (2) the ridges of rotary tillage without straw returning (RR); (3) interlaced ridges of rotary tillage with straw returning (IR+S); (4) interlaced ridges of rotary tillage without straw returning (IR). Compared with no straw returning, under RR+S and IR+S treatments the yield, increased by 6.7% and 8.2%, respectively, with more significant yield-increasing effect in dry year (2015) than in rainy year (2016); their grain number per spike and harvest index increased significantly, but there was no significant difference in 1000-grain weight; their soil moisture content increased by 7.8% and 6.1%, and their soil nitrogen increased by 6.9% and 4.5%, respectively; their root length significantly increased by 29.4% and 22.7%, and the water use efficiency was increased by 7.8% and 7.0%, respectively. We conclude that the straw strip returning (RR+S and IR+S) can improve water use efficiency and grain yield by optimizing distribution of soil structure, moisture and nitrogen. This study provides useful references for improving spring maize yield and straw comprehensive utilization in Northeast of China.

      Characteristics of Ultra-weak Photon Emission from Sorghum Seeds during Germination
      Yan-Yan ZHAO, Gang XI
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2018, 44(05):  783-789.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2018.00783
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      Ultra-weak photon radiation from germinated seed includes spontaneous photon emission of germinated seeds in the dark and delayed photon radiation induced by external light. In order to study dynamical feature and biological significance of ultra-weak photon radiation from sorghum during germination, 50 μg mL-1 protein synthesis transcription inhibitor actinomycin D (AMD), 100 μg mL-1 protein synthesis translation inhibitor cycloheximide (CHM) and 650 μg mL-1 respiration inhibitor were adopted to treat germinated sorghum seeds separately. There was a positive correlation (correlation coefficient was 0.93121) between the spontaneous photon emission intensity of germinated sorghum and seed fresh mass. AMD and CHM partially inhibited while NaN3 almost completely inhibited the increase of fresh mass of sorghum seeds in germination process. It indicated that the spontaneous photon emission intensity from germinated sorghum seed can be taken as a signal of germination status from which RNA/DNA synthesis reaction is one of the sources and respiratory metabolism is the main source. The characteristic of delayed photon emission from germinated sorghum seeds can be expressed quantitatively by dynamical parameters such as initial photon number, coherence time and the integrated intensity of delayed photon emission. The cell metabolism and its changes in germination process of sorghum seeds can be understand and evaluated through a real-time, sensitive and non-destructive analysis of the integrated intensity of delayed photon emission from germinated sorghum seeds.

the Crop Science Society of China
the Institute of Crop Science, CAAS
China Science Publishing & Media Ltd.
Published: Science Press
Editor-in-chief: Wan Jian-min
Associate Editors-in-Chief:
Chen Xiao-ya Yang Jian-chang Zhang Xian-long Wang Jian-kang Xu Ming-liang Liu Chun-ming Wang Dao-wen Sun Chuan-qing Ding Yan-feng Jin Wei-wei Chu Cheng-cai Cheng Wei-hong
Director of the editorial department:
Yan Chun-ling
CN 11-1809/S
ISSN 0496-3490
Post subscription code: 82-336

  • Started in 2013
  • Covered by SCIE
  • Open access in ScienceDirect

Editor in chief: Wan Jian-min
CN 10-1112/S
ISSN 2095-5421, 2214-5141(online)
Online published:
Submission: https://www.editorialmanager.com/cj/
E-mail: cropjournal@caas.cn
