
作物学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (6): 1525-1539.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2024.32036

• 耕作栽培·生理生化 • 上一篇    下一篇


郭松1(), 郭慧婷2, 张裕梁2, 钱紫慧2, 王子君1, 路佳明2, 汪源2, 赵灿2, 王维领2, 张洪程2, 杨凤萍1,*(), 霍中洋2,*()   

  1. 1扬州大学生物科学与技术学院行为生态学实验室, 江苏扬州 225009
    2江苏省作物遗传生理国家重点实验室培育点, 江苏扬州 225009
  • 收稿日期:2023-09-13 接受日期:2024-01-31 出版日期:2024-06-12 网络出版日期:2024-02-27
  • 通讯作者: * 杨凤萍, E-mail: fpyang@yzu.edu.cn;霍中洋, E-mail: huozy69@163.com
  • 作者简介:E-mail: 1004751420@qq.com
  • 基金资助:

Effects of side deep placement of controlled release nitrogen management on rice yield, NH3, and greenhouse gas emissions

GUO Song1(), GUO Hui-Ting2, ZHANG Yu-Liang2, QIAN Zi-Hui2, WANG Zi-Jun1, LU Jia-Ming2, WANG Yuan2, ZHAO Can2, WANG Wei-Ling2, ZHANG Hong-Cheng2, YANG Feng-Ping1,*(), HUO Zhong-Yang2,*()   

  1. 1Department of Animal Behavior, College of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, Jiangsu, China
    2Jiangsu Province Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Physiology, Yangzhou 225009, Jiangsu, China
  • Received:2023-09-13 Accepted:2024-01-31 Published:2024-06-12 Published online:2024-02-27
  • Contact: * E-mail: fpyang@yzu.edu.cn;E-mail: huozy69@163.com
  • Supported by:
    Jiangsu Province Agricultural Science and Technology Independent Innovation Fund Project(CX(22)1001);Jiangsu Province Carbon Peak Carbon Neutral Science and Technology Innovation Special Fund Project(BE2022424)


为建立机插稻高产低碳减排的控释氮肥施用技术, 以迟熟中粳南粳9108、泰香粳1402为材料, 选用控释期100 d、43%树脂包膜缓释氮肥与46%速效尿素为氮肥, 分别设置基穗氮肥比例为10:0 (NM1)、8:2 (NM2)、7:3 (NM3)与6:4 (NM4)不同运筹方式处理, 基肥采用侧深施肥方法, 控释氮肥与速效尿素比例均为5:5, 穗氮肥为尿素, 并设置常规施肥(FFT)与不施氮肥(0N)对照处理, 研究不同氮肥运筹方式对水稻产量、NH3挥发和温室气体排放的影响。结果表明: 与FFT处理相比, 侧深施控释氮肥推迟NH3挥发峰值出现, 避免分蘖期NH3挥发峰值产生, 穗期追施尿素后的NH3挥发通量和平均NH3挥发通量显著降低, NH3累积损失总量降低25.33%~48.76%, NH3排放系数降低29.14%~60.81%, 单位产量NH3排放强度显著降低29.60%~56.01%。与FFT处理相比, 侧深施控释氮肥分蘖期和抽穗后的CH4排放通量显著降低, 搁田期和穗期追施尿素后的N2O排放通量显著降低, CH4排放累积总量降低20.20%~55.04%, CH4减排率随基穗氮肥比例变小而降低, N2O排放累积总量降低25.56%~61.56%, N2O减排率表现为NM1>NM3>NM2>NM4, GWP和GHGI分别降低20.96%~53.35%、25.91%~55.40%。品种间NH3挥发和温室气体规律一致, 减排效果均表现为NM1>NM3>NM2>NM4。综合考虑经济、生态效益, NM1处理氨挥发和温室气体减排效果最佳, 且比NM3和FFT处理减少施肥次数1~2次, 利于水稻绿色轻简规模化生产; NM3处理增产率最高且NH3挥发和温室气体减排效果仅次NM1, 实现丰产减排协同进行。综上, 本文探索出一套适配迟熟中粳减排增产的控释氮肥施肥方式, 重点发现“轻简+减排”型施肥方式NM1和“丰产+减排”型施肥方式NM3。

关键词: 控释氮肥, 运筹方式, NH3挥发, CH4, N2O, 减排


The objective of this study is to establish controlled-release nitrogen fertilization technology for achieving high yield and reduce carbon emissions. Two late-maturing medium japonica rice varieties, Nanjing 9108 and Taixiangjing 1402, were selected in this study. The controlled-release fertilizer with resin-coated urea (N 43%, the longevity was 100 d) and common urea (46% N) were used as nitrogen fertilizers. Different ratios of basal and panicle nitrogen fertilizers were set for different treatments of 10 : 0 (NM1), 8 : 2 (NM2), 7 : 3 (NM3), and 6 : 4 (NM4). The basal fertilizer was applied using the side-deep fertilization method, with a ratio of 5:5 for resin-coated urea and common urea. The panicle nitrogen fertilizer was common urea. Conventional fertilization (FFT) and no nitrogen fertilizer (0N) control treatments were also included. The effect of different nitrogen fertilizer application methods on rice yield, NH3 volatilization, and greenhouse gas emissions were investigated. The results showed that the side-deep application of controlled-release nitrogen fertilizer delayed the peak of NH3 volatilization, preventing it from occurring at tillering stage compared to the FFT treatment. In addition, the flux of NH3 volatilization and the average flux after topdressing were significantly reduced by the side-deep application of controlled-release nitrogen fertilizer. The NH3 emission accumulation, NH3 emission factor, and NH3 emission intensity were reduced by 25.33%-48.76%, 29.14%-60.81%, and 29.60%-56.01%, respectively. Furthermore, the CH4 emission fluxes were significantly reduced at tillering stage and after heading stage. The N2O emission fluxes were also significantly reduced during the shelving and heading period. The CH4 and N2O emission accumulation were reduced by 20.20%-55.04% and 25.56%-61.56%, respectively. The CH4 emission reduction rate decreased as the proportion of basal and panicle fertilizer decreased. The N2O emission reduction rate followed the order of NM1 > NM3 > NM2 > NM4. The GWP and GHGI were reduced by 20.96%-53.35% and 25.91%-55.40%, respectively. Considering the economic and ecological benefits, NM1 treatment had the best effect on the reduction of NH3 volatilization and greenhouse gas emissions. NM1 treatment reduced the number of fertilization times 1-2 compared with the NM3 and FFT treatments, which was advantageous for achieving green, simple, and large-scale rice production. NM3 treatment exhibited the highest increase in yield, and its impact on reducing NH3 volatilization and greenhouse gas emissions was second only to NM1 treatment. In summary, the present study explored a set of controlled-release nitrogen fertilization method (NM1 and NM3 focused on “light and simple + emission reduction” and “high yield + emission reduction”, respectively) suitable for reducing emission and increasing yield of late-maturing medium japonica rice.

Key words: controlled-release nitrogen fertilizer, fertilization technology, NH3 volatilization, CH4, N2O, emission reduction



基肥 Base fertilizer 分蘖肥
Tillering fertilizer
(common urea)
Spike fertilizer
(common urea)
Total N
(kg hm-2)
Proportion of base fertilizer (%)
Ratio of controlled-release nitrogen fertilizer to available nitrogen
不施肥处理0N 0 / 0 0 0
农民施肥FFT 35 / 35% 30 270
100%基肥NM1 100 5 : 5 0 0 270
80%基肥+20%穗肥NM2 80 5 : 5 0 20 270
70%基肥+30%穗肥NM3 70 5 : 5 0 30 270
60%基肥+40%穗肥NM4 60 5 : 5 0 40 270




不同处理的NH3挥发通量动态变化特征 处理同表1。误差线均表示标准偏差。"



南粳9108 Nanjing 9108 泰香粳1402 Taixiangjing 1402
Basic fertilizer
Tillering fertilizer
Spike fertilizer
Basic fertilizer
Tillering fertilizer
Spike fertilizer
0N 0.22±0.00 f 0.30±0.02 e 0.14±0.00 f 0.12±0.00 f 0.31±0.02 d 0.28±0.00 f
FFT 8.82±0.00 a 9.75±0.01 a 7.96±0.01 a 9.42±0.00 a 10.05±0.02 a 5.56±0.01 a
NM1 7.98±0.01 b 0.93±0.05 b 0.47±0.06 e 7.68±0.01 d 1.93±0.05 b 0.41±0.00 e
NM2 7.83±0.08 c 0.81±0.05 c 4.10±0.02 d 8.70±0.09 c 0.57±0.00 c 4.04±0.01 d
NM3 7.39±0.01 d 0.54±0.00 d 4.38±0.02 c 7.12±0.01 e 0.54±0.00 c 4.37±0.00 c
NM4 5.92±0.01 e 0.90±0.01 b 5.82±0.02 b 8.94±0.08 b 0.05±0.03 e 4.61±0.01 b



移栽-拔节期T-J 拔节期-抽穗期J-H 抽穗-成熟期H-M 移栽-成熟期T-M
(kg N hm-2)
(kg N hm-2)
(kg N hm-2)
(kg N hm-2)
0N 9.38±0.02 f 7.24±0.11 f 9.58±0.27 d 26.20±0.36 f
FFT 73.55±0.50 a 46.25±0.06 a 9.40±0.52 d 129.21±0.03 a
NM1 40.48±0.18 b 44.97 14.09±0.71 e 69.53 12.00±0.29 ab -27.57 66.57±0.59 e 48.48
NM2 34.69±0.75 c 52.83 29.32±0.06 c 36.60 12.73±0.02 a -35.31 76.74±0.67 c 40.61
NM3 31.74±0.08 e 56.84 26.54±0.14 d 42.61 11.62±0.01 bc -23.59 69.91±0.07 d 45.90
NM4 33.10±0.31 d 55.00 36.99±0.74 b 20.02 10.88±0.22 c -15.68 80.97±0.65 b 37.33
jing 1402
0N 5.20±0.35 e 4.82±0.13 f 5.04±0.12 e 15.06±0.59 f
FFT 65.80±0.15 a 45.05±0.30 a 4.35±0.45 f 115.20±0.90 a
NM1 39.47±0.67 b 40.01 10.51±0.19 e 76.68 9.05±0.29 d -108.14 59.03±0.57 e 48.76
NM2 37.18±0.29 c 43.49 28.48±0.11 c 36.78 16.65±0.20 b -283.05 82.32±0.37 c 28.54
NM3 31.21±0.09 d 52.56 26.24±0.65 d 41.76 10.47±0.56 c -140.74 67.91±0.18 d 41.04
NM4 36.72±0.21 c 44.19 31.77±0.00 b 29.47 17.52±0.20 a -303.04 86.01±0.41 b 25.33


不同处理的NH3排放系数与单位产量NH3排放强度 处理同表1。不同小写字母表示不同处理间在0.05概率水平差异显著。误差线均表示标准偏差。"


不同处理的CH4排放通量变化特征 处理同表1。误差线均表示标准偏差。"



南粳9108 Nanjing 9108 泰香粳1402 Taixiangjing 1402
First peak
(mg m-2 h-1)
Second peak
(mg m-2 h-1)
Third peak
(mg m-2 h-1)
Average CH4 emission flux
(mg m-2 h-1)
First peak
(mg m-2 h-1)
Second peak
(mg m-2 h-1)
Third peak
(mg m-2 h-1)
Average CH4
emission flux
(mg m-2 h-1)
CK 13.70±0.13 e 19.23±0.20 d 2.41±0.01 e 3.41±0.02 f 32.34±0.01 f 28.45±0.14 c 4.45±0.14 f 4.51±0.05 f
FFT 69.43±0.73 a 17.34±0.01 e 9.56±0.36 a 10.58±0.02 a 101.25±2.76 a 42.52±0.00 a 13.31±0.06 a 15.70±0.12 a
NM1 42.51±0.27 d 12.95±0.55 f 7.48±0.06 b 6.00±0.02 e 51.48±0.06 d 23.32±0.01 e 12.23±0.13 b 6.88±0.04 e
NM2 56.70±0.19 b 23.04±0.04 c 5.28±0.03 d 6.92±0.01 d 42.75±0.65 e 15.32±0.30 f 9.08±0.01 c 7.37±0.01 d
NM3 43.98±1.21 d 28.21±0.21 a 6.21±0.21 c 7.11±0.07 c 63.38±0.02 c 27.29±0.50 d 7.72±0.02 d 7.90±0.07 c
NM4 53.24±0.18 c 25.38±0.03 b 2.53±0.13 e 7.97±0.01 b 72.23±0.76 b 38.40±0.09 b 7.42±0.04 e 8.47±0.06 b


不同处理的N2O排放通量变化特征 处理同表1。误差线均表示标准偏差。"



处理Treatment N2O排放通量峰值 Peak value of N2O emission flux (µg m-2 h-1) 平均N2O排放通量
Average N2O
emission flux
(µg m-2 h-1)
Base fertilizer
Tillering fertilizer
Field drying stage
Earing fertilizer
Nanjing 9108
CK 16.99±1.04 f 41.29±0.54 de 207.17±4.24 f 21.66±0.29 f 35.42±0.56 f
FFT 356.59±1.15 c 266.47±3.23 a 732.37±0.49 a 1986.04±3.14 a 303.15±0.38 a
NM1 420.58±0.46 a 76.98±3.94 c 654.80±4.14 b 107.53±0.39 e 132.34±0.31 e
NM2 386.11±4.16 b 46.89±5.64 d 536.76±0.30 d 645.20±4.12 d 161.63±0.21 c
NM3 341.11±2.34 d 35.46±1.93 e 503.78±2.11 e 712.09±1.65 c 147.00±0.17 d
NM4 285.58±2.35 e 94.81±4.23 b 645.25±0.30 c 908.12±4.59 b 184.99±0.78 b
泰香梗1402 Taixiangjing 1402 CK 19.36±0.07 f 26.95±2.47 d 136.71±3.85 f 49.11±0.04 f 45.34±0.21 f
FFT 523.90±3.01 c 432.79±2.15 a 620.62±2.18 a 1570.49±2.96 a 260.39±0.51 a
NM1 752.41±1.43 a 65.86±1.53 b 577.67±1.29 b 73.47±0.25 e 161.83±0.04 d
NM2 656.35±0.21 b 68.84±0.91 b 458.90±1.29 c 599.67±2.64 d 179.30±0.10 c
NM3 413.74±1.53 d 48.79±1.44 c 413.85±0.56 e 682.65±3.54 c 164.93±0.25 e
NM4 326.92±1.34 e 66.47±2.46 b 437.41±0.89 d 1294.49±5.58 b 194.43±0.03 b



CH4 emission
(kg hm-2)
CH4 emission
reduction rate
N2O emission
(kg hm-2)
N2O emission
reduction rate
Nanjing 9108
CK 75.96±0.03 f 0.88±0.01 f
FFT 275.97±0.57 a 7.94±0.01 a
NM1 156.15±0.05 e 43.42 3.05±0.01 e 61.56
NM2 169.78±0.18 d 38.48 3.95±0.00 c 50.22
NM3 174.03±1.70 c 36.94 3.57±0.01 d 55.07
NM4 200.11±0.12 b 27.49 4.55±0.01 b 42.66
Taixiangjing 1402
CK 105.43±1.34 e 1.18±0.01 f
FFT 351.19±2.79 a 6.61±0.02 a
NM1 157.88±1.05 d 55.04 3.76±0.01 e 43.09
NM2 192.21±0.02 c 45.27 4.18±0.00 c 36.74
NM3 192.90±1.59 c 45.07 4.01±0.01 d 39.41
NM4 280.27±0.36 b 20.20 4.92±0.00 b 25.56


不同处理下的增温潜势与排放强度 处理同表1。不同小写字母表示不同处理间在0.05概率水平差异显著。误差线均表示标准偏差。GPW: 增温潜势; GHGI: 温室气体排放强度。"

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