
作物学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (11): 2848-2859.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2024.43003

• 耕作栽培·生理生化 • 上一篇    下一篇


桑会哲(), 王超, 樊志龙, 殷文, 范虹, 何蔚, 胡发龙(), 柴强()   

  1. 干旱生境作物学国家重点实验室 / 甘肃农业大学农学院, 甘肃兰州 730070
  • 收稿日期:2024-01-11 接受日期:2024-06-20 出版日期:2024-11-12 网络出版日期:2024-07-10
  • 通讯作者: *胡发龙, E-mail: hufl@gsau.edu.cn; 柴强, E-mail: chaiq@gsau.edu.cn
  • 作者简介:E-mail: shz001117@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Effects of nitrogen fertilizer reduction on water use characteristics of silage maize leguminous forage intercropping system

SANG Hui-Zhe(), WANG Chao, FAN Zhi-Long, YIN Wen, FAN Hong, HE Wei, HU Fa-Long(), CHAI Qiang()   

  1. Gansu Provincial Key Laboratory of Arid Land Crop Science / College of Agronomy, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070, Gansu, China
  • Received:2024-01-11 Accepted:2024-06-20 Published:2024-11-12 Published online:2024-07-10
  • Contact: *E-mail: hufl@gsau.edu.cn; E-mail: chaiq@gsau.edu.cn
  • Supported by:
    National Key Research and Development Program of China(2022YFD1900200);National Natural Science Foundation of China(U21A20218);“Double First-Class” Key Scientific Research Project of Education Department in Gansu Province(GSSYLXM-02)


针对河西绿洲灌区青贮玉米氮肥投入高、水分利用效率低等问题, 本研究在减氮条件下, 探讨间作豆科饲草对青贮玉米产量及耗水特征的影响, 为青贮玉米水分高效利用提供理论依据和技术支撑。试验于2022—2023年在武威绿洲农业综合试验站开展, 设置3个种植模式(M: 青贮玉米单作; MH: 青贮玉米-秣食豆间作; ML: 青贮玉米-拉巴豆间作)和4个施氮水平(N3: 360 kg hm-2; N2: 306 kg hm-2; N1: 252 kg hm-2; N0: 0 kg hm-2 )。结果表明,2种混播模式下N1处理的青贮玉米和豆科饲草干物质积累量较N3显著提高, MH模式下分别提高10.0%和20.5%, ML模式下分别提高16.5%和28.8%。MH模式下N1处理饲草产量与N3差异不显著, 但ML模式下较之提高22.4%, 且ML模式饲草产量在N1水平下较MH模式提高12.3%。引入豆科饲草可降低间作系统棵间蒸发量, MH、ML模式的棵间蒸发量在N1水平下比M模式相同施氮水平分别降低23.5%、30.0%, 但2种模式不同施氮处理间棵间蒸发量差异不显著。青贮玉米间作拉巴豆结合氮肥减施30%可降低蒸散比, 较M模式相同施氮水平降低23.0%。间作豆科饲草提高了水分利用效率, MH、ML模式水分利用效率在N1、N2、N3水平下较M模式分别提高43.3%、29.5%、17.9%和51.9%、30.2%、21.2%。其中, 以MLN1处理提升幅度最大, 较MN3处理水分利用效率提高52.4%。因此, 青贮玉米间作豆科饲草结合施氮量252 kg hm-2可降低棵间蒸发量、提高饲草产量和水分生产力, 是绿洲灌区青贮玉米生产适宜采用的种植模式和施氮量。

关键词: 间作, 施氮, 水分利用效率, 青贮玉米, 豆科饲草


Aiming at the problems of high nitrogen fertilizer input and low water use efficiency of silage maize in the Hexi oasis irrigation region, the study explored the effects of intercropping leguminous forage on silage maize yield and water consumption characteristics under nitrogen reduction conditions, so as to provide practical basis and theoretical support for the technology of highly efficient use of water of silage maize. The experiment was carried out at Wuwei Oasis Agricultural Experimental Station during 2022-2023, with three cropping patterns (M: silage maize monoculture; MH: silage maize-fodder soybean intercropping; ML: silage maize-laba bean intercropping) and four N application rates (N3: 360 kg hm-2; N2: 306 kg hm-2; N1: 252 kg hm-2; N0: 0 kg hm-2). The results showed that the dry matter accumulation of silage maize and legume forage was significantly higher in N1 treatment compared with N3 under both mixing modes, by 10.0% and 20.5% under the MH mode, and by 16.5% and 28.8% under the ML mode, respectively. The difference between forage yield of the N1 treatment and that of the N3 under the MH mode was not significant, but it increased by 22.4% under the ML mode compared with that of the N3 mode, and forage yield of the ML mode increased by 12.3% under the N1 level compared with that of the ML mode. N1 level was 12.3% higher than that of MH mode. The introduction of legume forage could reduce the soil evaporation of intercropping system, and the soil evaporation of MH and ML modes was 23.5% and 30.0% lower than that of M mode with the same level of nitrogen application at N1 level, but the differences in the soil evaporation of the two modes between different nitrogen application treatments were not significant. Silage maize intercropped with lablab bean combined with a 30% reduction in N fertilizer reduced the evapotranspiration ratio by 23.0% compared with the same N application level of the M model. Intercropping legume forage improved water use efficiency, and water use efficiency of MH and ML modes increased by 43.3%, 29.5%, 17.9% and 51.9%, 30.2%, 21.2% at N1, N2, and N3 levels, respectively, compared with M mode. Among them, the MLN1 treatment showed the greatest improvement, with a 52.4% increase in water use efficiency over the MN3 treatment. Therefore, silage maize intercropped with leguminous forage combined with nitrogen application rate at 252 kg hm-2 can reduce evaporation, improve forage yield and water productivity, which was suitable planting pattern and nitrogen application rate for silage maize production in oasis irrigation areas.

Key words: intercropping, nitrogen application, water use efficiency, silage maize, leguminous forage




青贮玉米干物质积累动态 M、MH、ML分别表示青贮玉米单作、青贮玉米秣食豆间作、青贮玉米拉巴豆间作; N3、N2、N1、N0分别表示地方传统施氮(360 kg hm-2)、减量15%施氮(306 kg hm-2)、减量30%施氮(252 kg hm-2)、不施氮(0 kg hm-2)。C表示种植模式, N表示施氮水平, C×N表示种植模式与施氮水平的交互作用。*表示P < 0.05; **表示P < 0.01。"


豆科作物干物质积累动态 H、L分别表示秣食豆、拉巴豆; 处理同图2。C表示种植模式, N表示施氮水平, C×N表示种植模式与施氮水平的交互作用。*表示P < 0.05; **表示P < 0.01。"


不同种植模式及施氮水平下饲草产量 处理同图2。不同字母表示处理间差异在0.05概率水平差异显著(P < 0.05)。C表示种植模式, N表示施氮水平, C×N表示种植模式与施氮水平的交互作用。*表示P < 0.05; **表示P < 0.01。"


不同种植模式和施氮处理下棵间蒸发量 处理同图2。不同字母表示处理间差异在0.05概率水平差异显著(P < 0.05)。C表示种植模式, N表示施氮水平, C×N表示种植模式与施氮水平的交互作用。*表示P < 0.05; **表示P < 0.01。"



SWS before sowing (mm)
SWS after harvesting (mm)
ET for entire growth period (mm)
2022 2023 2022 2023 2022 2023
种植模式 Cropping pattern
M 378.5 a 365.3 a 351.5 a 395.3 b 542.0 a 422.6 a
MH 379.3 a 367.5 a 350.3 a 390.1 b 544.2 a 430.0 a
ML 384.3 a 385.9 a 346.3 a 415.8 a 553.3 a 422.7 a
施氮水平 N application rate
N3 387.5 a 379.1 a 336.8 a 395.3 a 565.7 a 436.4 a
N2 375.9 a 371.2 a 346.9 a 406.4 a 544.0 a 417.4 a
N1 378.4 a 370.3 a 342.2 a 394.6 a 551.2 a 428.3 a
N0 381.0 a 371.1 a 361.6 a 405.5 a 534.4 a 418.2 a
种植模式Cropping pattern (C) NS NS NS NS NS NS
施氮水平N application rate (N) NS NS NS NS NS NS
种植模式×施氮水平 C×N NS NS NS NS NS NS


不同种植模式和施氮下蒸散比 处理同图2。不同字母表示处理间差异在0.05概率水平差异显著(P < 0.05)。C表示种植模式, N表示施氮水平, C×N表示种植模式与施氮水平的交互作用。*表示P < 0.05; **表示P < 0.01。"


不同种植模式和施氮处理下作物水分利用效率 处理同图2。不同字母表示处理间差异在0.05概率水平差异显著(P < 0.05)。C表示种植模式, N表示施氮水平, C×N表示种植模式与施氮水平的交互作用。*表示P < 0.05; **表示P < 0.01。"

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