
作物学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (8): 2014-2024.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2024.41004

• 耕作栽培·生理生化 • 上一篇    下一篇


延飞龙1(), 张振1, 赵俊晔2,*(), 石玉1, 于振文1   

  1. 1山东农业大学 / 农业农村部作物生理生态与耕作重点实验室, 山东泰安 271018
    2中国农业科学院农业信息研究所 / 农业农村部农业信息服务技术重点实验室, 北京 100081
  • 收稿日期:2024-01-20 接受日期:2024-04-01 出版日期:2024-08-12 网络出版日期:2024-04-26
  • 通讯作者: * 赵俊晔, E-mail: zhaojunye@caas.cn
  • 作者简介:E-mail: yflxiaomai@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Effect of nitrogen application on water consumption characteristics and grain yield of winter wheat under wide width sowing

YAN Fei-Long1(), ZHANG Zhen1, ZHAO Jun-Ye2,*(), SHI Yu1, YU Zhen-Wen1   

  1. 1Key Laboratory of Crop Physiology, Ecology and Farming, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs / Shandong Agricultural University, Tai’an 271018, Shandong, China
    2Key Laboratory of Agricultural Information Service Technology, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs / Agricultural Information Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China
  • Received:2024-01-20 Accepted:2024-04-01 Published:2024-08-12 Published online:2024-04-26
  • Contact: * E-mail: zhaojunye@caas.cn
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China(32172114);China Agriculture Research System of MOF and MARA(CARS-03);Special Funds for Taishan Scholars Project.


为明确宽幅精播条件下冬小麦高产高效的适宜施氮量, 于2020—2022年在山东省兖州小麦试验站进行田间试验, 供试品种为济麦22。在宽幅精播条件下, 设置5个处理, 分别为不施氮(N0)、施氮150 kg hm-2 (N1)、180 kg hm-2 (N2)、210 kg hm-2 (N3)、240 kg hm-2 (N4), 研究施氮量对冬小麦耗水特性、旗叶衰老特性、荧光特性和籽粒产量的影响。结果表明, N2处理显著增加了60~120 cm土层土壤水分的吸收利用, 与N3和N4处理相比, N2处理有效减少了开花前无效分蘖的水分消耗, 降低了总耗水量。N2处理开花后日耗水量高, 显著增加了旗叶抗氧化酶活性, 其开花后14~28 d旗叶荧光参数显著高于其他处理。N2和N3处理籽粒产量和水分利用效率显著高于其他处理, 但N2处理氮肥农学效率最高, 较N1、N3、N4处理分别高6.88%、10.60%、45.37% (2020—2021年)和7.03%、13.56%、43.71% (2021—2022年)。综上所述, 施氮180 kg hm-2处理可提高冬小麦对深层土壤水分的吸收利用, 增加开花至成熟期阶段耗水量, 延缓旗叶衰老, 提高籽粒产量与水氮利用效率, 是本试验条件下的最优处理。

关键词: 宽幅精播, 施氮量, 耗水特性, 水氮利用效率


In order to clarify the optimal nitrogen application rate for sustainable and efficient utilization of water and nitrogen under wide width sowing, a field experiments were conducted at the Wheat Experiment Station in Yanzhou, Shandong province, during the growth period of 2020?2022, and using the variety Jimai 22 as the experimental material. The effects of nitrogen application on water consumption characteristics, flag leaf senescence and fluorescence characteristics, and grain yield of winter wheat were investigated by five treatments including no N (N0), 150 (N1), 180 (N2), 210 (N3), and 240 (N4) kg N hm-2, under wide width sowing. The results showed that the N2 treatment significantly increased the absorption and utilization of soil water in the 60?120 cm soil layer. Compared with N3 and N4 treatments, the N2 treatment effectively reduced the water consumption of ineffective tillers before anthesis and reduced the total water consumption. The high daily water consumption after anthesis in the N2 treatment significantly increased the antioxidant enzyme activities of the flag leaf, and its fluorescence parameters of the flag leaf were significantly higher than those of the other treatments from 14 to 28 days after anthesis. Grain yield and water use efficiency of N2 and N3 treatments were significantly higher than those of the other treatments, while N2 treatment had the highest nitrogen fertilizer agronomic efficiency, which was 6.88%, 10.60%, and 45.37% (2020?2021) and 7.03%, 13.56%, and 43.71% (2021?2022) higher than N1, N3, and N4 treatments, respectively. In conclusion, the N2 treatment can improve the absorption and utilization of deep soil water of winter wheat, increase the water consumption from anthesis to maturity, delay the senescence of flag leaves, and improve grain yield and water and nitrogen use efficiency, which is the optimal treatment under this experiment.

Key words: wide width sowing, nitrogen application, water consumption characteristics, water-nitrogen use efficiency


播种前0~20 cm土层土壤养分含量"

Organic matter
(g kg-1)
Total nitrogen
(g kg-1)
Available nitrogen
(mg kg-1)
Available phosphorus
(mg kg-1)
Available potassium
(mg kg-1)
2020-2021 14.18 1.11 119.45 38.25 121.35
2021-2022 14.19 1.13 123.36 37.15 119.70







Water source (mm)
Total water
consumption (mm)
Proportion to total water consumption (%)
Soil storage
Soil storage
2020-2021 N0 65.90 e 202.5 125.80 c 394.20 d 16.72 d 51.37 a 31.91 a
N1 72.55 d 202.5 146.64 b 421.69 c 17.21 c 48.02 b 34.77 a
N2 77.21 c 202.5 152.48 a 432.19 b 17.87 c 46.85 c 35.28 a
N3 86.10 b 202.5 151.68 a 440.28 a 19.56 b 45.99 c 34.45 a
N4 92.95 a 202.5 152.56 a 448.01 a 20.75 a 45.20 c 34.05 a
2021-2022 N0 101.33 d 79.5 192.23 c 373.06 d 27.16 b 22.31 a 50.53 a
N1 111.55 c 79.5 212.57 b 403.62 c 27.64 b 19.69 a 52.67 a
N2 113.59 c 79.5 222.96 a 416.05 b 27.30 b 19.11 a 53.59 a
N3 120.95 b 79.5 225.19 a 425.64 a 28.42 a 18.68 b 52.91 a
N4 127.60 a 79.5 225.81 a 432.91 a 29.48 a 18.36 b 52.16 a



播种-拔节 Sowing-Jointing 拔节-开花 Jointing-Anthesis 开花-成熟 Anthesis-Maturity
(mm d-1)
(mm d-1)
(mm d-1)
2020-2021 N0 195.64 b 49.63 a 1.08 b 72.90 c 18.49 c 3.04 c 125.66 c 31.88 b 2.86 c
N1 206.77 a 49.03 a 1.14 a 75.07 c 17.80 c 3.13 c 139.85 b 33.16 a 3.18 c
N2 207.16 a 47.93 a 1.14 a 76.93 c 17.80 c 3.21 c 148.10 a 34.27 a 3.37 a
N3 210.40 a 47.79 a 1.16 a 87.29 b 19.83 b 3.64 b 142.59 b 32.39 a 3.24 b
N4 212.50 a 47.43 a 1.17 a 92.97 a 20.75 a 3.87 a 142.54 b 31.82 b 3.24 b
2021-2022 N0 161.80 b 43.37 a 0.98 b 85.65 d 22.96 c 3.72 d 125.61 c 33.67 b 2.85 c
N1 173.29 a 42.93 a 1.05 a 93.44 c 23.15 c 4.06 c 136.89 b 33.92 b 3.11 b
N2 173.94 a 41.81 a 1.05 a 95.79 c 23.02 c 4.16 c 146.32 a 35.17 a 3.33 a
N3 177.60 a 41.73 a 1.08 a 104.93 b 24.65 b 4.48 b 143.11 a 33.62 b 3.25 b
N4 182.30 a 42.11 a 1.10 a 111.61 a 25.78 a 4.85 a 139.00 b 32.11 b 3.16 b


不同处理0~200 cm土层土壤贮水消耗量"


不同处理成熟期0~200 cm土层土壤相对含水量"









Spike number
(×104 hm-2)
Kernel number
(kernel spike-1)
1000-grain weight
Grain yield
(kg hm-2)
(kg hm-2 mm-1)
(kg hm-2 mm-1)
(kg kg-1)
2020-2021 N0 504.65 b 38.4 b 37.20 c 6196.80 d 94.03 c 15.71 c
N1 615.94 a 39.5 a 40.09 b 8378.25 c 115.48 a 19.86 b 14.54 b
N2 626.05 a 39.8 a 42.43 a 8995.05 a 116.50 a 20.81 a 15.54 a
N3 635.27 a 40.2 a 42.05 a 9147.75 a 106.24 b 20.77 a 14.05 b
N4 648.56 a 39.3 a 40.34 b 8764.05 b 94.28 c 19.56 b 10.69 c
2021-2022 N0 477.65 b 35.2 b 40.25 c 5773.55 d 56.97 d 15.47 c
N1 605.23 a 37.4 a 45.21 b 8718.20 c 78.15 b 21.60 b 19.63 b
N2 615.38 a 37.9 a 48.03 a 9555.37 a 84.12 a 22.97 a 21.01 a
N3 621.74 a 38.1 a 47.54 a 9659.13 a 79.86 b 22.69 a 18.50 c
N4 628.88 a 37.6 a 46.05 b 9283.55 b 72.75 c 21.44 b 14.62 d



参数Parameter GY SOD MDA Fv/Fm ΦPSII
籽粒产量GY 0.887 -0.916 0.847 0.765
超氧化物歧化酶SOD ** -0.911 0.897 0.770
丙二醛MDA ** ** -0.982 -0.931
最大光化学效率Fv/Fm ** ** ** 0.965
有效光化学效率ΦPSII ** ** ** **
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