
作物学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (9): 2396-2407.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2024.31071

• 耕作栽培·生理生化 • 上一篇    下一篇


张振(), 何建宁, 石玉*(), 于振文, 张永丽   

  1. 山东农业大学农学院 / 小麦育种全国重点实验室 / 农业农村部作物生理生态与耕作重点实验室, 山东泰安 271018
  • 收稿日期:2023-11-22 接受日期:2024-04-01 出版日期:2024-09-12 网络出版日期:2024-04-30
  • 通讯作者: *石玉, E-mail: shiyu@sdau.edu.cn
  • 作者简介:E-mail: zhangzhenxiaomai@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Effects of row spacing and planting patterns on photosynthetic characteristics and yield of wheat

ZHANG Zhen(), HE Jian-Ning, SHI Yu*(), YU Zhen-Wen, ZHANG Yong-Li   

  1. College of Agronomy, Shandong Agricultural University / National Key Laboratory of Wheat Breeding / Key Laboratory of Crop Physiology, Ecology and Farming, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Tai’ an 271018, Shandong, China
  • Received:2023-11-22 Accepted:2024-04-01 Published:2024-09-12 Published online:2024-04-30
  • Contact: *E-mail: shiyu@sdau.edu.cn
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China(32172114);China Agriculture Research System of MOF and MARA(CARS-03-18);Special funds for Taishan Scholars Project


为研究不同行距对宽幅精播小麦产量和干物质积累与转运的影响, 阐明其高产高效的生理机制, 给宽幅精播技术在黄淮海平原的进一步推广提供理论依据和技术支撑, 于2017—2019小麦生长季, 以‘济麦22’为试验材料, 在20 cm (R1)、25 cm (R2)和30 cm (R3) 3个行距下, 设置宽幅精播(K)和常规条播(T)两种种植方式, 分析不同行距下宽幅精播种植与常规条播种植对小麦旗叶光合特性、干物质积累与分配和旗叶13C同化物分配特性差异。结果表明: 在相同种植方式下, R2处理下小麦的旗叶净光合速率, 开花期和成熟期干物质积累量, 花后干物质在籽粒中的分配量和贡献率, 籽粒产量均显著高于行距R1和R3处理; 在R2行距下, K处理灌浆期叶面积指数、光合有效辐射截获率和开花后14、21和28 d旗叶净光合速率和蒸腾速率显著高于T处理, 两年度K处理通过增加穗数和粒重使得籽粒产量较T处理提高8.67%; 13C示踪结果显示, R2K处理旗叶13C同化物在籽粒的分配量和分配比例显著高于其他处理; R2K处理开花期和成熟期干物质积累量和单茎质量、开花后干物质向籽粒的分配量和对籽粒的贡献率最高, 均显著高于其他处理, 获得了最高的籽粒产量。综上所述, 行距25 cm、宽幅精播种植方式是本试验条件下小麦高产高效的最佳种植模式。

关键词: 宽幅精播, 光合特性, 干物质, 13C同化物积累与分配, 籽粒产量


To study the effects of different row spacings on wheat yield and dry matter accumulation and transport under wide-precision planting technology, clarify the physiological mechanism of high yield and high efficiency, and provide theoretical basis and technical support for the further promotion of wide-precision planting technology in Huang-Huai-Hai Plain, two planting methods of wide-precision planting (K) and conventional drilling (T) were set up with ‘Jimai 22’ as the experimental material under three row spacings of 20 cm (R1), 25 cm (R2) and 30 cm (R3) in the wheat growth season of 2017-2019. The differences of photosynthetic characteristics, dry matter accumulation and distribution, and 13C assimilation distribution characteristics of wheat flag leaves between wide precision sowing and conventional drilling planting under different row spacing were analyzed. The results showed that under the same planting method, the net photosynthetic rate of flag leaf, dry matter accumulation at anthesis and maturity, the distribution and contribution rate of dry matter in grain after anthesis, and grain yield of wheat under R2 treatment were significantly higher than those under R1 and R3 treatments. Under R2 row spacing, the leaf area index, photosynthetically active radiation interception rate at filling stage and the net photosynthetic rate and transpiration rate of flag leaves at 14, 21, and 28 days after flowering in K treatment were significantly higher than those in T treatment. In the two years, K treatment increased grain yield by 8.67% compared with T treatment by increasing panicle number and grain weight. The results of 13C tracing showed that the distribution amount and proportion of 13C assimilates in flag leaves of R2K treatment were significantly higher than those of other treatments. The dry matter accumulation and single stem weight at anthesis and maturity stages, the distribution of dry matter to grains after flowering and the contribution rate to grains were the highest in R2K treatment, which were significantly higher than other treatments, and the highest grain yield was obtained. In summary, the planting pattern of 25 cm row spacing and wide precision sowing is the best planting pattern for high yield and high efficiency of wheat under the conditions of this experiment.

Key words: wide precision broadcast, photosynthetic characteristics, dry matter, 13C assimilate accumulation and distribution, grain yield




播种前0~20 cm土层土壤养分含量"

Growth season
Organic matter
Total nitrogen
Available nitrogen
Available phosphorus
Available potassium
2017-2018 14.13 1.18 117.62 41.93 116.45
2018-2019 14.56 1.09 117.32 42.11 113.18


不同处理拔节期和开花期灌溉量 R1K、R2K、R3K: 宽幅精播下行距为20、25、30 cm; R1T、R2T、R3T: 常规条播下行距为20、25、30 cm。"


不同处理开花后叶面积指数 DAA: 开花后天数。不同字母表示处理间差异显著(P < 0.05)。"


不同处理开花后冠层光合有效辐射截获率 不同字母表示处理间差异显著(P < 0.05)。"




同处理开花期和成熟期干物质积累量和单茎质量 不同字母表示处理间差异显著(P < 0.05)。"



开花前营养器官贮藏同化物Pre-anthesis reserves 开花后干物质Post-anthesis assimilates
Translocation (kg hm-2)
Contribution to grain (%)
Accumulation (kg hm-2)
Contribution to grain (%)
2017-2018 R1K 2485±49.70 a 33.60±1.34 a 4911±98.22 c 66.40±1.33 c
R1T 2483±45.30 a 33.65±1.35 a 4895±97.90 c 66.35±1.32 c
R2K 2322±46.44 a 26.61±1.06 c 6403±128.06 a 73.39±1.47 a
R2T 2474±43.54 a 30.81±1.23 b 5555±111.10 b 69.19±1.38 b
R3K 2451±47.02 a 30.65±1.22 b 5545±103.90 b 69.35±1.39 b
R3T 2446±45.90 a 34.90±1.40 a 4562±91.24 d 65.10±1.30 c
2018-2019 R1K 2552±38.28 a 31.60±1.26 a 5523±110.46 c 68.40±1.37 c
R1T 2533±38.99 a 31.62±1.27 a 5477±108.54 c 68.38±1.34 c
R2K 2337±35.06 c 24.74±0.99 c 7108±142.16 a 75.26±1.51 a
R2T 2453±36.78 b 27.89±1.12 b 6342±126.84 b 72.11±1.44 b
R3K 2424±34.53 b 27.93±1.04 b 6256±123.12 b 72.07±1.41 b
R3T 2430±32.45 b 31.79±1.24 a 5215±104.30 d 68.21±1.36 c


同处理成熟期 13C同化物各器官分配量和分配比例"

生长季Growing season 处理
(g hm‒2)
分配量 Distribution amount (g hm‒2) 分配比例 Distribution ratio (%)

Spike axis+Glume

Spike axis+Glume
2017-2018 R1K 1935±39 c 126.1±2.5 b 213.2±4.3 b 97.6±1.5 b 1498±30 c 6.52±0.13 a 11.02±0.22 a 5.04±0.10 a 77.42±1.55 c
R1T 1914±38 c 124.7±2.5 b 211.5±4.2 b 97.4±1.5 b 1481±29 c 6.52±0.12 a 11.05±0.21 a 5.09±0.09 a 77.35±1.54 c
R2K 3046±61 a 136.1±2.7 a 230.0±4.6 a 106.5±3.5 a 2573±51 a 4.47±0.09 c 7.55±0.15 c 3.50±0.07 c 84.48±1.69 a
R2T 2428±49 b 132.3±2.6 a 227.9±4.5 a 103.1±4.2 a 1965±39 b 5.45±0.11 b 9.38±0.19 b 4.24±0.08 b 80.93±1.62 b
R3K 2413±43 b 132.4±2.5 a 226.3±4.1 a 102.5±4.1 a 1952±38 b 5.49±0.10 b 9.38±0.18 b 4.25±0.08 b 80.88±1.60 b
R3T 1787±46 d 118.3±2.4 c 198.4±3.9 c 91.9±1.4 c 1378±28 d 6.62±0.13 a 11.10±0.22 a 5.14±0.10 a 77.13±1.54 c
2018-2019 R1K 2285±46 c 148.0±3.0 b 237.7±4.8 b 104.7±2.0 b 1794±36 c 6.48±0.13 a 10.40±0.21 a 4.58±0.09 a 78.53±1.57 c
R1T 2267±45 c 147.3±2.9 b 236.9±4.7 b 104.6±2.1 b 1779±36 c 6.50±0.13 a 10.45±0.20 a 4.61±0.08 a 78.44±1.51 c
R2K 3557±71 a 159.0±3.1 a 254.6±5.1 a 112.1±2.2 a 3031±61 a 4.47±0.09 c 7.16±0.14 c 3.15±0.06 c 85.22±1.70 a
R2T 2865±57 b 155.4±3.1 a 249.0±5.0 a 109.5±2.2 a 2351±47 b 5.42±0.11 b 8.69±0.17 b 3.82±0.07 b 82.06±1.64 b
R3K 2841±56 b 154.6±3.1 a 248.1±4.7 a 109.1±2.1 a 2329±46 b 5.44±0.10 b 8.73±0.16 b 3.84±0.07 b 81.99±1.46 b
R3T 2093±42 d 136.1±2.7 c 218.9±4.4 c 97.2±1.9 c 1641±33 d 6.50±013 a 10.46±0.21 a 4.65±0.09 a 78.39±1.57 c



Grain yield
(kg hm-2)
Spike number
(×104 spike hm-2)
Kernel number
(kernels spike-1)
1000-kernel weight
2017-2018 R1K 7396±148 c 644±13 a 33.81±0.68 b 40.69±0.81 c
R1T 7378±147 c 641±13 a 33.94±0.67 b 40.58±0.80 c
R2K 8725±175 a 630±13 a 36.57±0.73 a 45.18±0.90 a
R2T 8029±161 b 606±12 b 36.55±0.70 a 43.15±0.86 b
R3K 7996±159 b 605±12 b 36.53±0.72 a 43.13±0.82 b
R3T 7008±140 d 570±11 c 36.54±0.71 a 40.34±0.81 c
2018-2019 R1K 8075±162 c 693±14 a 37.52±0.75 b 37.28±0.75 c
R1T 8010±160 c 691±14 a 37.39±0.74 b 37.26±0.72 c
R2K 9445±189 a 679±14 a 40.01±0.80 a 41.61±0.83 a
R2T 8795±176 b 651±13 b 40.39±0.81 a 39.79±0.80 b
R3K 8680±174 b 650±13 b 40.21±0.78 a 39.77±0.79 b
R3T 7645±153 d 607±12 c 40.48±0.81 a 37.25±0.74 c
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