
作物学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (10): 2586-2598.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2024.32051

• 耕作栽培·生理生化 • 上一篇    下一篇


卢建祥(), 高倩文, 高志强*(), 阳会兵, 文双雅, 石楠, 胡文瑞, 金宇豪, 陈龙, 刘芸, 曹正邓渊   

  1. 湖南农业大学, 湖南长沙 410000
  • 收稿日期:2023-12-01 接受日期:2024-05-21 出版日期:2024-10-12 网络出版日期:2024-06-18
  • 通讯作者: *高志强, E-mail: 100640117@qq.com
  • 作者简介:E-mail: lujianxiang@stu.hunau.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:
    国家重点研发计划项目(水稻生产过程监测与智能服务平台建设, 2017YFD0301506)

Effect of high-density planting and fertilizer reduction on yield and growth and development of indica hybrid rice

LU Jian-Xiang(), GAO Qian-Wen, GAO Zhi-Qiang*(), YANG Hui-Bing, WEN Shuang-Ya, SHI Nan, HU Wen-Rui, JIN Yu-Hao, CHEN Long, LIU Yun, CAO Zheng-Deng-Yuan   

  1. Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha 410000, Hunan, China
  • Received:2023-12-01 Accepted:2024-05-21 Published:2024-10-12 Published online:2024-06-18
  • Contact: *E-mail: 100640117@qq.com
  • Supported by:
    National Key Research and Development Program of China (Rice Production Process Monitoring and Intelligent Service Platform Construction, 2017YFD0301506)


为探究增密减肥对水稻地上部干物质积累、产量等的影响, 在2021—2022年, 采用有序机抛技术, 设置3种移栽密度, 低密度(low density, LD)、中密度(medium density, MD)和高密度(high density, HD)分别为18万株 hm-2、22万株 hm-2和27万株 hm-2, 设置3种施肥量水平, 低肥料(low fertility, LF)、中肥料(medium fertility, MF)和高肥料(high fertility, HF)分别为450 kg hm-2、525 kg hm-2和675 kg hm-2进行大田试验。 结果表明: 中密中肥(medium density and medium fertilizer, MDMF)处理的产量最高, 与低密高肥(low density and high fertilizer, LDHF)相比, MDMF处理的产量2年平均增幅3.15%, 显著增加了有效穗数, 稳定了其他产量因素, 但收获指数增幅不高, 甚至降低。齐穗期前高密高肥(high density and high fertilizer, HDHF)处理的地上部干物质量最高, 2年平均增幅0.17%, 齐穗后MDMF处理的地上部干物质量最高, 2年平均增幅0.16%。MDMF处理在各生育时期的叶面积指数(leaf area index, LAI)、叶绿素相对含量(soil and plant analyzer development, SPAD)与LDHF处理相差不大, 但MDMF处理的SPAD衰减率和LAI衰减率维持在较高水平, 2021年和2022年MDMF处理条件下水稻SPAD衰减率分别为12.65%和16.85%, LAI衰减率分别为6.42%和6.74%。随着移栽密度和肥料的增加水稻分蘖数增加。由以上可知, 适当的增密减肥可增加有效穗数, 构造较高的群体结构和地上部干物质量, 增加齐穗期至成熟期籼型杂交稻群体光合物质的生产及转运能力, 保持了源的稳定, 增加了产量库容量而获得高产, 籼型杂交稻生产上宜采用栽插密度为22万株 hm-2和施肥量为525 kg hm-2的组合。

关键词: 籼型杂交稻, 移栽密度, 肥料, 产量, 干物质积累


To investigate the effects of increased planting density and reduced fertilizer application on the biological traits, accumulation of dry matter, and yield of rice, this study employed three transplanting densities: low density (LD), medium density (MD), and high density (HD) with 18×104, 22×104, and 27×104 plants hm-2, respectively. Three fertilizer application levels were also set: low fertility (LF), medium fertility (MF), and high fertility (HF) with rates of 450, 525, and 675 kg hm-2, respectively. Field experiments were conducted using sequential machine throwing technology during the period from 2021 to 2022. The results demonstrated that the medium density and medium fertilizer (MDMF) treatment exhibited the highest yield. Compared to the low density and high fertilizer (LDHF) treatment, the yield of MDMF treatment increased by 3.15% on average in two years. This treatment significantly increased the effective panicle number and stabilized other yield factors. However, there was no significant increase, and possibly a negative effect, on the harvest index. Prior to full heading, the shoot dry matter treated with high density and high fertilizer (HDHF) exhibited the highest quality, with an average increase of 0.17% over two years. On the other hand, the shoot dry matter treated with MDMF showed the highest quality after full heading, with an average increase of 0.16%. The leaf area index (LAI) and soil and plant analyzer development (SPAD) values of the MDMF treatment did not differ significantly from those of the LDHF treatment at each growth stage. However, the SPAD attenuation rate and LAI attenuation rate of the MDMF treatment remained consistently high. The SPAD attenuation rates were 12.65% and 16.85%, respectively, and the decay rates of LAI were 6.42% and 6.74%, respectively. The number of rice tillers increased with higher transplanting density and fertilizer application. In summary, appropriate densification and fertilizer reduction can increase the number of effective panicles, establish a more robust population structure and aboveground dry matter weight, enhance the production and transport capacity of indica hybrid rice from the full heading stage to the mature stage, maintain source stability, improve yield potential, and achieve high yields. The recommended combination for the production of indica hybrid rice is a planting density of 22×104 plants hm-2 and a fertilizer application rate of 525 kg hm-2.

Key words: indica hybrid rice, transplanting density, fertilization, yield, accumulation of dry matter





Effective panicle number
(panicle m-2)
Grain number per panicle
1000-grain weight
Grain yield
(t hm-2)
Harvest index
2021 LDHF 284.21±5.12 bcd 179.49±3.12 d 83.08±0.51 ab 24.25±0.75 abc 9.58±0.19 bc 0.51±0.02 c
LDMF 271.99±24.88 d 197.64±2.34 b 78.62±0.50 d 23.11±0.67 cd 8.94±0.64 cd 0.52±0.04 abc
LDLF 221.04±3.96 f 217.37±5.16 a 81.46±1.06 bc 23.76±0.44 bcd 8.41±0.15 d 0.57±0.02 a
MDHF 302.71±3.94 ab 168.98±7.51 e 83.54±0.51 a 25.09±0.17 a 9.87±0.52 ab 0.49±0.02 c
MDMF 305.44±8.76 a 170.58±4.85 e 84.21±0.26 a 24.92±0.31 ab 10.28±0.23 a 0.51±0.02 bc
MDLF 265.25±4.96 d 198.70±3.25 b 84.82±1.54 a 22.73±0.12 d 9.31±0.40 bc 0.57±0.03 ab
HDHF 292.97±10.58 abc 173.92±1.94 de 80.31±0.55 cd 25.44±1.48 a 9.50±0.26 bc 0.49±0.01 c
HDMF 274.59±5.98 cd 188.64±7.36 c 78.74±0.91 d 24.49±0.12 ab 9.42±0.37 bc 0.54±0.02 abc
HDLF 246.10±5.20 e 205.51±4.98 b 75.75±1.75 e 24.56±0.34 ab 8.49±0.34 d 0.53±0.02 abc
2022 LDHF 278.52±8.49 bc 188.66±1.13 cd 85.55±0.34 a 23.33±0.56 ab 9.63±0.21 abc 0.57±0.02 a
LDMF 237.58±4.20 d 196.3±12.27 bc 85.47±4.84 a 23.77±0.53 a 8.74±0.51 cde 0.54±0.05 a
LDLF 217.88±4.66 e 204.21±3.87 ab 81.69±0.88 a 22.96±0.41 ab 7.80±0.62 e 0.55±0.15 a
MDHF 289.11±2.69 b 186.28±7.99 cd 83.31±2.72 a 24.24±0.97 a 9.85±0.69 ab 0.58±0.07 a
MDMF 309.33±7.05 a 179.91±8.25 d 85.56±2.92 a 22.95±0.96 ab 10.10±0.16 a 0.55±0.05 a
MDLF 236.30±13.40 d 200.18±8.44 abc 85.68±6.70 a 22.09±1.75 b 8.50±1.12 de 0.55±0.13 a
HDHF 286.22±4.29 b 191.61±7.71 bcd 84.70±5.18 a 23.10±0.03 ab 9.76±0.56 abc 0.58±0.10 a
HDMF 267.41±12.49 c 194.43±10.06 bcd 81.12±5.05 a 22.86±0.71 ab 8.96±0.32 bcd 0.54±0.08 a
HDLF 221.82±10.32 e 213.74±6.63 a 79.01±1.06 a 22.66±0.45 ab 8.11±0.12 de 0.51±0.01 a
移栽密度 Density (D) ** ** ** NS ** NS
施肥量 Fertilizer (F) ** ** NS ** ** NS



Middle tillering
Full heading
Milk ripening
2021 LDHF 2.92±0.27 c 7.83±1.44 a 11.70±0.66 a 14.66±2.04 ab 16.56±0.78 b 18.97±0.56 b
LDMF 2.53±0.25 cd 7.17±1.67 a 10.99±0.59 ab 12.50±1.29 bc 13.84±1.08 bc 17.24±0.13 cd
LDLF 1.95±0.17 e 5.00±0.29 b 9.10±0.37 c 10.38±1.30 c 11.75±0.19 c 14.70±0.38 f
MDHF 4.55±0.18 a 8.00±0.76 a 11.79±2.01 a 15.29±3.38 ab 16.89±0.62 b 20.18±1.17 a
MDMF 3.70±0.41 b 7.95±0.22 a 11.20±0.51 ab 17.26±2.54 a 19.05±0.75 a 20.33±1.21 a
MDLF 2.03±0.06 e 6.54±0.91 ab 9.87±0.35 bc 12.13±1.07 bc 12.69±1.95 c 16.30±0.43 de
HDHF 4.94±0.35 a 8.21±0.59 a 11.89±0.44 a 15.10±0.97 ab 16.78±0.40 b 19.30±0.19 ab
HDMF 2.55±0.27 cd 7.49±1.35 a 11.25±0.40 ab 13.25±0.79 bc 15.05±0.22 ab 17.55±0.13 c
HDLF 2.27±0.06 de 7.40±0.24 a 9.98±0.55 bc 11.98±2.37 bc 12.51±2.22 c 15.90±0.17 e
2022 LDHF 2.47±0.08 abc 8.71±0.71 a 11.42±1.48 ab 13.20±1.96 abc 13.74±1.65 b 16.94±1.03 a
LDMF 2.22±0.14 bc 8.08±0.55 a 11.03±1.53 ab 12.61±1.34 bc 14.34±0.46 b 16.13±1.10 a
LDLF 2.13±0.22 c 7.20±1.26 a 9.82±2.10 b 11.12±1.18 c 13.72±1.11 b 14.78±3.50 a
MDHF 2.58±0.21 ab 8.95±1.21 a 11.62±1.19 ab 14.76±1.80 ab 17.14±0.80 a 17.29±2.71 a
MDMF 2.37±0.12 abc 8.31±0.48 a 11.31±0.65 ab 16.03±1.94 a 16.99±0.31 a 18.57±1.38 a
MDLF 2.14±0.21 c 7.33±0.91 a 9.86±1.42 b 12.59±0.43 bc 13.79±0.15 b 15.69±2.18 a
HDHF 2.68±0.35 a 9.17±1.89 a 13.18±0.55 a 14.16±0.57 ab 16.72±1.90 a 17.02±2.47 a
HDMF 2.40±0.15 abc 8.39±0.97 a 11.39±2.14 ab 13.52±1.86 abc 14.59±0.66 b 16.69±1.62 a
HDLF 2.17±0.13 c 7.79±0.34 a 11.16±1.04 ab 12.15±1.83 bc 13.25±1.30 b 16.06±0.23 a
移栽密度Density (D) * NS NS ** ** *
施肥量Fertilizer (F) ** ** ** ** ** **



Middle tillering stage
Booting stage
Full heading stage
Mid-filling stage
Milk ripening stage
Maturity stage
SPAD decay rate (%)
2021 LDHF 37.08±1.37 abcde 42.93±0.44 a 44.35±0.56 bcde 44.54±0.99 a 42.33±0.43 a 36.48±0.49 ab 4.57±3.38 c
LDMF 35.59±1.68 cde 40.86±0.39 abc 41.9±0.43 fg 42.09±1.57 abc 41.48±0.52 ab 37.53±0.6 a 4.34±6.09 c
LDLF 35.16±1.47 de 39.95±0.53 abcdef 40.51±1.16 g 41.68±1.15 abcd 39.45±2.81 bcd 34.57±0.53 ab 12.37±1.76bc
MDHF 39.56±0.38 a 40.19±0.24 abcde 43.57±0.82 bcdef 43.48±2.04 ab 40.55±1.91 abc 33.69±3.47bc 10.45±7.78 c
MDMF 37.01±1.04 abcde 40.84±0.97 cdef 41.34±0.82f g 41.51±1.28 cdefg 40.29±1.76 cde 34.46±2.62 ab 12.65±3.8 bc
MDLF 34.71±1.51 e 36.94±0.48 f 41.01±1.2 g 37.69±1.66 efgh 37.18±0.31 de 27.51±1.93d 27.27±4.72 a
HDHF 39.37±0.93 a 41.28±0.45 abc 44.65±0.61 abcd 43.91±1.48 ab 40.86±0.27 abc 35.3±1.91 ab 7.04±4.4 c
HDMF 39.27±1.08 ab 38.01±0.9 def 42.83±1.44 cdefg 38.91±0.89 defgh 38.22±0.56 cde 30.76±1.19 c 20.69±2.75 ab
HDLF 36.07±2.13 cde 37.1±0.57 ef 41.74±0.45 fg 35.53±0.76 cdefg 33.97±1.36 f 36.1±1.63 ab 9.08±5.3 c
2022 LDHF 38.08±2.03 abcd 40.05±1.99 abcdef 45.85±0.54 ab 41.41±1.6 bcdef 40.02±0.77 abc 34.32±0.83 cd 16.94±5.63 a
LDMF 37.84±0.33 abcd 40.03±1.64 abcdef 45.81±1.15 ab 38.9±1.25 defgh 38.62±1.12 cde 37.42±0.54 ab 3.73±2.93 bc
LDLF 37.43±1.8 abcde 39.6±0.69 bcdef 42.08±1.07 efg 38.7±0.81 efgh 38.49±0.72 cde 34.19±1.13 cd 11.59±4.8 ab
MDHF 38.41±1.16 abc 41.83±3.76 ab 46.96±0.85 a 41.58±0.39 bcde 40.33±1.3 abc 39.18±1.54 a 5.77±3.49b c
MDMF 38.31±1.07 abc 39.9±0.24 abcdef 45.87±0.55 ab 38.61±0.34 fgh 39.05±0.81 bcde 32.10±1.61 d 16.85±4.56 a
MDLF 36.73±0.83 abcde 39.76±2.40 bcdef 42.34±1.67 defg 36.34±2.37 he 36.37±1.49 e 34.71±1.55 c 4.2±6.63 bc
HDHF 37.73±0.7 abcde 39.93±0.45 abcdef 45.39±1.45 ab 41.82±0.5 abcd 40.47±0.33 abc 38.32±0.72 ab 8.36±1.81 abc
HDMF 36.25±0.78 bcde 39.53±0.42 bcdef 45.01±1.09 abc 39.62±0.24 cdefg 39.33±0.29 bcd 37.11±1.55 ab 6.31±4.51 bc
HDLF 35.03±0.58 de 39.47±0.49 bcdef 42.9±1.47 cdefg 36.64±0.84 he 38.14±0.2 cde 36.21±1.09 bc 1.07±5.62 c
移栽密度Density (D) NS NS NS ** * * NS
施肥量Fertilizer (F) ** ** ** ** ** * NS



Middle tillering stage
Booting stage
Full heading stage
Mid-filling stage
Milk ripening stage
Maturity stage
Decreasing rate of leaf area (%)
2021 LDHF 2.83±0.11 bcd 5.74±0.16 bc 7.17±0.32 abcd 6.18±0.36 bc 5.46±0.10 b 4.52±0.34 abc 6.03±1.40 a
LDMF 2.67±0.14 cd 5.60±0.42 bc 6.70±0.36 cd 5.94±0.34 c 5.14±0.12 cd 5.52±0.28 a 2.67±1.40 b
LDLF 2.50±0.29 d 5.12±0.10 c 6.38±0.14 d 5.69±0.14 c 5.16±0.03 bcd 4.44±0.17 abc 6.11±2.20 a
MDHF 3.17±0.21 ab 5.20±0.08 c 7.27±0.32 abc 6.32±0.2b c 5.18±0.17 bcd 4.2±0.08 bc 6.97±0.80 a
MDMF 3.09±0.27 bc 5.20±0.19 c 7.02±0.80 bcd 5.9±0.13 c 5.34±0.25 bc 4.2±0.19 bc 6.42±2.00 a
MDLF 2.87±0.29 bcd 4.52±0.25 d 6.39±0.23 d 5.8±0.14 c 5.01±0.02 d 3.52±0.25 d 6.54±0.50 a
HDHF 3.16±0.12 ab 6.52±0.28 a 7.88±0.07 a 7.28±1.1 a 5.91±0.23 a 4.74±0.16 b 7.14±0.50 a
HDMF 3.53±0.34 a 6.20±0.73 ab 7.66±0.68 ab 6.91±0.17 ab 5.8±0.14 a 4.60±0.42 bc 6.96±2.10 a
HDLF 3.09±0.11 bc 5.52±0.34 c 7.31±0.53 abc 6.13±0.39 bc 5.44±0.2 bc 4.12±0.10 c 7.24±1.40 a
2022 LDHF 2.69±0.23 bc 5.65±0.63 bc 6.72±0.46 bc 6±0.37 bcd 5.14±0.35 ab 4.12±0. 20 b 6.19±0.70 bc
LDMF 2.64±0.20 bc 5.05±0.14 cd 6.58±0.20 c 5.79±0.3 cd 4.98±0.18 b 4.44±0.08 ab 5.11±0.70 bc
LDLF 2.47±0.15 c 4.52±0.24 d 6.50±0.4 c 5.32±0.16 d 4.88±0.48 b 4.49±0.50 ab 4.78±1.70 c
MDHF 3.11±0.10 ab 5.75±0.39 b 7.33±0.22 b 6.54±0.14 abc 5.45±1.00 ab 4.29±0.10 ab 7.23±0.30 ab
MDMF 2.9±0.15 bc 5.82±0.37 b 7.04±0.49 bc 6.10±0.87 bcd 5.28±0.54 ab 4.21±0.46 b 6.74±1.90 abc
MDLF 2.60±0.20 c 5.05±0.39 cd 7.00±0.34 bc 6.04±0.58 bcd 5.13±0.27 ab 4.54±0.24 ab 5.84±1.40 bc
HDHF 3.49±0.28 a 6.65±0.29 a 8.24±0.38 a 7.07±0.45 a 6.20±0.30 a 4.59±0.05 ab 8.70±1.00 a
HDMF 3.13±0.27 ab 6.20±0.25 ab 7.39±0.15 b 6.80±0.06 ab 5.81±0.57 ab 4.32±0.27 ab 7.31±0.30 ab
HDLF 3.11±0.51 ab 5.77±0.39 b 7.35±0.39 b 6.23±0.44 bc 5.56±0.79 ab 4.80±0.24 a 6.08±1.50 bc
移栽密度 Density (D) ** ** ** ** ** ** *
施肥量 Fertilizer (F) ** ** ** ** ** NS **


2021-2022年水稻分蘖动态变化 a、b分别为2021、2022年水稻分蘖动态。处理缩写注释同表1。"


增密减肥条件对籼型杂交稻各生理指标的偏最小二乘路径模型(PLS-PM)分析 a分别为移栽密度、施肥量对产量构成因素、地上部干物质量、LAI、SPAD的总效应图; b为产量构成因素、地上部干物质量、LAI、SPAD对产量的总效应图。实线表示有正影响, 虚线表示有负影响。"

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