
作物学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (9): 2415-2424.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2024.41005

• 研究简报 • 上一篇    


刘志鹏(), 苟志文, 柴强*(), 殷文*(), 樊志龙, 胡发龙, 范虹, 王琦明   

  1. 省部共建干旱生境作物学国家重点实验室 / 甘肃农业大学农学院, 甘肃兰州 730070
  • 收稿日期:2024-01-23 接受日期:2024-05-21 出版日期:2024-09-12 网络出版日期:2024-06-03
  • 通讯作者: *柴强, E-mail: chaiq@gsau.edu.cn; 殷文, E-mail: yinwen@gsau.edu.cn
  • 作者简介:E-mail: lzp1102@163.com
  • 基金资助:
    国家自然科学基金区域联合重点项目(U21A20218);国家自然科学基金区域联合重点项目(32101857);财政部和农业农村部国家现代农业产业技术体系建设专项(绿肥, CARS-22-G-12);甘肃省拔尖领军人才项目(GSBJLJ-2022-23)

Effect of green manure on wheat and maize yields in diversified cropping patterns in an arid irrigated agricultural area

LIU Zhi-Peng(), GOU Zhi-Wen, CHAI Qiang*(), YIN Wen*(), FAN Zhi-Long, HU Fa-Long, FAN Hong, WANG Qi-Ming   

  1. State Key Laboratory of Aridland Crop Science / College of Agronomy, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070, Gansu, China
  • Received:2024-01-23 Accepted:2024-05-21 Published:2024-09-12 Published online:2024-06-03
  • Contact: *E-mail: chaiq@gsau.edu.cn; E-mail: yinwen@gsau.edu.cn
  • Supported by:
    Natural Science Foundation of China(U21A20218);Natural Science Foundation of China(32101857);China Agriculture Research System of MOF and MARA(Green manure, CARS-22-G-12);Gansu Province Top Leading Talent Project(GSBJLJ-2022-23)


为探究插种豆科绿肥对传统小麦、玉米多样化种植模式产量性能指标的影响, 通过配置豆科绿肥构建干旱灌区作物高产技术途径, 依托2017年布设的田间定位试验, 于2019—2021年对小麦、玉米传统种植模式及配置豆科绿肥后主栽作物叶面积指数(LAI)、叶日积(LAD)、作物生长率(CGR)、籽粒产量(GY)及产量构成要素的响应特征进行研究, 明确基于绿肥提升作物多样化水平进而提高作物产量的理论基础。试验设单作玉米(M)、单作小麦(W)一年一收、小麦复种绿肥(W-G)和小麦间作玉米(W||M)一年两收、小麦复种绿肥间作玉米(W-G||M)一年三收共5种作物多样化水平不同的种植模式。结果表明, 不同种植系统混合籽粒产量随作物多样化水平的提高而提高, 一年两收模式W||M显著高于W和M, W-G显著高于W, 一年三收模式W-G||M显著高于W||M和W-G; 净占地面积下, 两种组分作物籽粒产量随多样化水平的提高而提高。LAI、LAD和主栽作物生育后期CGR等产量性能指标也随作物多样化水平的提高而提高。产量构成要素方面, 随作物多样化水平的提高, 小麦穗粒数、玉米有效穗数随之提高; W-G在小麦穗粒数和千粒重方面显著高于W。通径分析显示, 组分作物小麦主要通过穗粒数的增加而实现增产, 组分作物玉米主要通过单位面积有效穗数的增加实现增产。本研究表明, 随作物多样化水平的提升, 主栽作物籽粒产量和产量性能指标也随之提升, 干旱灌区可通过配置豆科绿肥提升种植系统作物多样化水平, 从而实现增产。

关键词: 作物多样化, 绿肥, 间作, 复种, 产量性能指标


To investigate the impact of multiple cropping with leguminous green manure on yield performance indicators of wheat and maize in diversified cropping patterns, and to establish a high-yield technology pathway for crops in arid irrigation areas through the application of leguminous green manure, a field positioning experiment was conducted in 2017. Leaf area index (LAI), leaf area duration (LAD), crop growth rate (CGR), grain yield (GY), and the response characteristics of yield components were assessed from 2019 to 2021 to determine the feasibility of enhancing crop diversification and improving crop yield through the use of green manure. The experiment consisted of five cropping patterns with varying levels of crop diversification: monoculture maize (M), monoculture wheat (W) with a once-a-year harvest, wheat multiple cropped with green manure (W-G) and wheat intercropped with maize (W||M) with a twice-a-year harvest, and wheat multiple cropped with green manure intercropped with maize (W-G||M) with a thrice-a-year harvest. The results indicated that the mixed grain yield of different cropping systems increased with the level of crop diversification. The twice-a-year harvest pattern W||M showed significantly higher yield than W and M, while W-G exhibited significantly higher yield than W. The three-harvest-a-year pattern W-G||M showed significantly higher yield than W||M and W-G. Under net acreage, the grain yield of both component crops increased with higher levels of diversification. Yield performance indicators such as LAI, LAD, and late phenological stage CGR of the main crop also increased with increasing levels of crop diversification. Regarding yield components, the number of kernels in the spike of wheat and the number of ears of maize increased with higher levels of crop diversification. W-G showed significantly higher values than W for the number of kernels in the spike of wheat and the weight of 1000 kernels. Pathway analysis revealed that the yield increase in wheat was primarily attributed to the increase in the number of kernels in the ear, while the yield increase in maize was mainly due to the increase in the effective number of ears per unit area. The study demonstrated that increased levels of crop diversification led to higher grain yield and improved yield performance indicators of the main crop. Moreover, in arid irrigated areas, the implementation of legume green manure to enhance crop diversification in cropping systems can contribute to achieving higher yields.

Key words: crop diversification, green manure, intercropping, multiple cropping, yield performance


各处理小麦、玉米及间作群体全生育期叶面积指数变化动态 W-G||M: 春小麦-箭筈豌豆||玉米; W||M: 春小麦||玉米; W-G: 春小麦-箭筈豌豆; M: 单作玉米; W: 单作春小麦。"


不同处理作物群体全生育期总叶日积 不同小写字母代表同一年份中处理差异显著(P = 0.05)。"


不同种植模式作物生长率 W-G||M: 春小麦-箭筈豌豆||玉米; W||M: 春小麦||玉米; W-G: 春小麦-箭筈豌豆; M: 单作玉米; W: 单作春小麦。"



籽粒产量Grain yield (kg hm-2)
小麦Wheat 玉米Maize 总产量Total grain yield
2019 W-G||M 4118±90 c 9591±857 b 13,709±838 a
W||M 3731±108 d 9051±196 b 12,782±299 a
M 11,920±567 a 11,920±567 b
W-G 6588±128 a 6588±128 c
W 6203±346 b 6203±346 c
2020 W-G||M 3071±214 c 10,907±240 b 13,979±398 a
W||M 3016±22 c 9840±183 c 12,856±198 b
M 11,952±586 a 11,952±586 c
W-G 6761±195 a 6761±195 d
W 5874±118 b 5874±118 e
2021 W-G||M 3817±109 c 9800±558 b 13,617±574 a
W||M 3278±59 d 8802±173 c 12,080±206 b
M 13,157±784 a 13,157±784 b
W-G 6647±658 a 6647±658 c
W 5858±387 b 5858±387 d
显著性(P值) Significance (P-value)
种植模式Cropping pattern (C) 0*** 0*** 0***
年份Year (Y) 0.001** 0.033* 0.967
种植模式×年份 C×Y 0.016* 0.007** 0.033*



年份Year 处理Treatment 穗数
Spike number (×104 ear hm-2)
Kernel number per spike
1000-kernel weight (g)
小麦Wheat 玉米Maize 小麦Wheat 玉米Maize 小麦Wheat 玉米Maize
2019 W-G||M 872.73±14.60 a 9.48±0.48 a 40.93±1.76 a 606.87±6.91 a 47.00±1.25 a 430.06±6.87 a
W||M 876.87±23.61 a 8.86±0.19 a 38.11±2.02 ab 546.40±23.85 b 42.60±2.00 b 401.42±7.03 b
M 7.73±0.23 b 549.40±37.20 b 397.28±9.42 b
W-G 876.40±14.83 a 36.77±1.80 b 41.27±1.10 b
W 851.31±20.77 a 33.37±0.49 c 40.37±0.67 b
2020 W-G||M 851.33±8.36 a 9.57±0.17 a 35.87±0.25 a 592.67±6.47 a 48.20±1.87 a 429.06±10.81 a
W||M 840.73±8.44 a 9.10±0.15 b 30.67±0.83 c 538.93±13.63 c 41.31±1.31 c 414.56±2.22 a
M 7.51±0.28 c 566.27±10.74 b 417.00±17.02 a
W-G 839.53±20.42 a 32.17±0.97 b 46.38±0.86 ab
W 832.60±10.10 a 26.80±0.35 d 44.65±0.06 b
2021 W-G||M 877.33±3.79 a 9.27±0.18 a 36.67±1.53 a 564.27±46.25 a 47.13±1.35 a 399.27±8.73 b
W||M 851.67±3.79 b 7.45±0.26 b 35.33±2.08 a 566.93±41.89 a 43.47±0.56 b 421.16±3.29 a
M 7.50±0.12 b 554.13±22.35 a 428.79±5.86 a
W-G 843.33±3.21 bc 35.00±1.00 a 46.01±0.52 a
W 837.33±6.66 c 33.00±1.00 b 43.71±1.37 b


小麦玉米产量构成要素路径分析 SN: 小麦穗数; EN: 玉米穗数; KNS: 穗粒数; TKW: 千粒重; GY: 籽粒产量; 实线: 直接路径; 虚线: 间接路径; 粗体值: 决策系数; 细体值: 通径系数。"

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