
作物学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (6): 1608-1615.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2024.34158

• 研究简报 • 上一篇    下一篇


孙一鸣(), 田侠, 王少霞, 刘庆*()   

  1. 青岛农业大学资源与环境学院, 山东青岛 266109
  • 收稿日期:2023-09-17 接受日期:2024-01-30 出版日期:2024-06-12 网络出版日期:2024-02-20
  • 通讯作者: * 刘庆, E-mail: qy7271@163.com
  • 作者简介:E-mail: 792572557@qq.com
  • 基金资助:
    财政部和农业农村部国家现代农业产业技术体系建设专项(Sweetpotato, CARS-10)

Effects of phosphorus application levels on selenium absorption, distribution, and transformation in sweet potatoes

SUN Yi-Ming(), TIAN Xia, WANG Shao-Xia, LIU Qing*()   

  1. College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, Qingdao Agricultural University, Qingdao 266109, Shandong, China
  • Received:2023-09-17 Accepted:2024-01-30 Published:2024-06-12 Published online:2024-02-20
  • Contact: * E-mail: qy7271@163.com
  • Supported by:
    China Agriculture Research System of MOF and MARA(Sweetpotato, CARS-10)


为了探明叶面喷施硒条件土壤施磷对甘薯(Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.)硒吸收、分配和转化的影响, 于2021和2022年在山东莱阳市开展连续2年的田间试验。采用裂区试验设计, 主区纯硒用量分别为0 g hm-2 (Se0)和150 g hm-2 (Se1), 副区P2O5施用量分别为0 kg hm-2 (P0)、75 kg hm-2 (P1)、225 kg hm-2 (P2), 测定甘薯各器官干物质量、总硒和有机硒含量并计算硒利用率。结果表明, 施磷可显著增加甘薯不同器官干物质量, 施硒对不同器官干物质量的影响不显著。施磷可显著提高甘薯块根中硒含量和硒累积量, 与不施磷(P0)相比, 施用低磷(P1)可使施硒条件下块根硒含量和硒累积量平均增加19.54%和27.74%, 施用高磷(P2)可使施硒条件下块根硒含量和硒累积量平均增加40.24%和52.64%。施硒条件下施磷还可提高甘薯块根中的硒分配率和硒利用率, 施用低磷(P1)和施用高磷(P2)块根硒分配率较不施磷(P0)平均提高7.77和12.46个百分点, 硒利用率平均提高1.81和3.36个百分点, 施磷对甘薯全株硒利用率影响不显著。施磷提高了甘薯块根中总硒含量的同时, 还提高了块根中有机硒含量, 但对块根中有机硒占总硒的比例影响不显著。综上所述, 富硒甘薯生产中, 适量增加施磷量可以提高甘薯不同器官干物质量, 增加块根中的总硒和有机硒含量, 提高硒利用率, 但应避免过量施磷带来的环境风险。

关键词: 土壤施磷, 叶面施硒, 吸收利用, 累积分配, 有机硒, 甘薯


To investigate the effects of soil phosphorus application on selenium uptake, distribution, and transformation in sweet potato under selenium foliar spraying conditions, the field experiment were conducted in Laiyang county, Shandong province in 2021 and 2022. The split-plot design was used with pure selenium applications of 0 g hm-2 (Se0) and 150 g hm-2 (Se1) in the main plots, and P2O5 applications of 0 kg hm-2 (P0), 75 kg hm-2 (P1), and 225 kg hm-2 (P2) in the sub-plots, the dry matter weight, total selenium, and organic selenium content in different organs of sweet potato were measured, and the selenium utilization rates were calculated. The results showed that phosphorus application significantly increased the dry matter quality of different organs in sweet potato, but the effect of selenium application on the dry matter quality was not significant difference on the dry matter quality of different organs. Phosphorus application significantly increased the selenium content and accumulation in sweet potato root tubers. Compared with no phosphorus application (P0), the selenium content and accumulation in root tubers with low phosphorus application (P1) increased by 19.54% and 27.74% on average under seleniium application under selenium application conditions, respectively, while high phosphorus application (P2) increased selenium content and selenium accumulation in root tubers by 40.24% and 52.64% on average, respectively. Phosphorus application can also improve the selenium distribution and utilization rates in root tubers under selenium applications. The selenium distribution rate increased by 7.77% and 12.46%, and the selenium utilization rate increased by 1.81% and 3.36% in root tubers applied with low phosphorus (P1) and high phosphorus (P2) respectively, while the effect of phosphorus application on selenium utilization of the whole plant of sweet potato was not significant. Phosphorus application not only increased the total selenium content in sweet potato tubers, but also increased the organic selenium content in tubers. However, the effect on the proportion of organic selenium to the total selenium in tubers was not significant. In summary, proper increase of phosphorus application can appropriately increase the dry matter quality of different organs of sweet potato, increase the content of total selenium and organic selenium of root tubers, and improve selenium utilization rate, but the environmental risks caused by excessive phosphorus application should be avoided.

Key words: soil phosphorus application, foliar selenium application, absorption and utilization, accumulation and distribution, organic selenium, sweet potato



干物质量 Dry matter weight
块根 Root tuber 茎 Stem 叶 Leaf
2021 Se0 P0 7.05±0.155 b 1.66±0.045 b 1.49±0.031 b
P1 7.57±0.183 ab 1.74±0.029 ab 1.56±0.037 ab
P2 7.69±0.201 a 1.81±0.036 a 1.62±0.026 a
Se1 P0 7.10±0.174 b 1.62±0.040 b 1.50±0.030 c
P1 7.62±0.149 a 1.66±0.062 b 1.57±0.046 b
P2 7.80±0.213 a 1.78±0.055 a 1.65±0.061 a
F P * ** **
F-value Se ns ns ns
P×Se ns ns ns
2022 Se0 P0 7.40±0.144 b 1.67±0.012 b 1.54±0.034 b
P1 7.84±0.204 a 1.73±0.034 a 1.63±0.033 ab
P2 7.95±0.137 a 1.78±0.021 a 1.70±0.054 a
Se1 P0 7.45±0.211 b 1.63±0.049 b 1.53±0.040 b
P1 7.93±0.228 ab 1.68±0.065 b 1.60±0.044 b
P2 8.04±0.256 a 1.87±0.045 a 1.71±0.026 a
F P * ** *
F-value Se ns ns ns
P×Se ns * ns



各器官含硒量Selenium content in different organs (µg kg-1 DW)
块根 Root tuber 茎 Stem 叶 Leaf
2021 Se0 P0 46.47±0.97 c 82.83±1.93 c 74.36±2.63 c
P1 52.06±0.86 b 86.07±1.40 b 92.28±1.38 b
P2 76.42±1.59 a 90.58±1.46 a 112.71±7.52 a
Se1 P0 1273.01±44.00 c 4092.78±36.65 a 4792.01±62.94 a
P1 1496.09±26.86 b 3519.79±56.65 b 4455.34±38.71 b
P2 1818.93±35.43 a 3296.36±30.59 c 3924.99±38.56 c
F P ** ** *
F-value Se ** ** **
P×Se ** ** **
2022 Se0 P0 65.72±3.42 c 79.57±2.83 c 88.48±3.23 c
P1 75.24±3.40 b 91.75±1.71 b 106.14±4.08 b
P2 86.39±1.59 a 98.72±1.96 a 119.94±5.29 a
Se1 P0 1435.41±55.49 c 4365.28±82.64 a 5388.41±30.30 a
P1 1744.91±42.73 b 3706.01±33.57 b 5057.56±70.85 b
P2 1975.18±51.87 a 3476.00±42.36 c 4695.05±34.79 c
F P ** ns *
F-value Se ** ** **
P×Se ns ** **



各器官硒累积量Selenium content in organs (mg hm-2 DW)
块根 Root tubers 茎 Stem 叶 Leaf
2021 Se0 P0 327.43±14.88 c 137.69±0.51 c 110.63±6.23 c
P1 394.03±20.84 b 149.72±3.29 b 144.24±3.08 b
P2 587.54±25.66 a 164.00±6.37 a 182.22±12.75 a
Se1 P0 9049.46±599.78 c 6617.66±187.43 a 7186.81±70.59 a
P1 11, 403.30±502.60 b 5845.16±258.93 b 6995.13±187.27 a
P2 14, 191.81±882.76 a 5857.92±202.09 b 6491.19±258.74 b
F P ** * **
F-value Se ** ** **
P × Se ns ** **
2022 Se0 P0 486.99±36.83 c 132.63±5.26 c 136.66±7.93 c
P1 590.61±39.46 b 158.47±5.65 b 174.50±8.06 b
P2 686.41±19.30 a 176.09±5.44 a 203.26±4.99 a
Se1 P0 10,685.45±275.34 c 7097.72±69.77 a 8226.28±182.95 a
P1 13,834.02±351.87 b 6212.65±169.36 b 8092.95±243.05 a
P2 15,862.04±511.05 a 6512.61±184.91 b 8043.92±119.12 a
F P ** ** **
F-value Se ** ** **
P × Se ns ** **



Selenium distribution rate of root tubers
Selenium utilization rate of root
Selenium utilization rate of whole plant
2021 Se0 P0 56.84±1.70 b
P1 57.24±0.96 b
P2 62.89±1.62 a
Se1 P0 39.55±1.49 c 5.81±0.38 c 14.85±0.45 b
P1 47.01±1.21 b 7.34±0.34 b 15.70±0.32 b
P2 53.42±1.87 a 9.07±0.57 a 17.07±0.47 a
F P ** ** **
F-value Se **
P × Se **
2022 Se0 P0 64.35±0.66 a
P1 63.88±2.05 a
P2 64.39±0.68 a
Se1 P0 41.08±0.85 c 7.03±0.18 c 16.84±0.07 c
P1 49.15±0.55 b 9.12±0.24 b 18.14±0.29 b
P2 52.13±1.26 a 10.49±0.34 a 19.57±0.22 a
F P ** ** **
F-value Se **
P × Se **



Organic selenium content (µg kg-1 DW)
Proportion of organic
selenium (%)
2021 Se1P0 883.19±19.97 c 69.45±3.56 a
Se1P1 1046.25±30.52 b 69.95±1.59 a
Se1P2 1268.52±45.57 a 69.76±3.02 a
2022 Se1P0 991.51±66.22 c 69.08±0.46 a
Se1P1 1200.07±52.72 b 68.83±1.82 a
Se1P2 1387.92±71.02 a 70.24±1.71 a
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