
作物学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (6): 1616-1627.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2024.33054

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王菲儿1(), 郭瑶2, 李盼1, 韦金贵1, 樊志龙1, 胡发龙1, 范虹1, 何蔚1, 殷文1,*(), 陈桂平1,*()   

  1. 1省部共建干旱生境作物学国家重点实验室 / 甘肃农业大学农学院, 甘肃兰州 730070
    2西北师范大学生命科学学院, 甘肃兰州 730070
  • 收稿日期:2023-09-28 接受日期:2024-01-30 出版日期:2024-06-12 网络出版日期:2024-02-20
  • 通讯作者: * 殷文, E-mail: yinwen@gsau.edu.cn;陈桂平, E-mail: chengp@gsau.edu.cn
  • 作者简介:E-mail: wangfeier0912@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Compensation mechanism of increased maize density on yield with water and nitrogen reduction supply in oasis irrigation areas

WANG Fei-Er1(), GUO Yao2, LI Pan1, WEI Jin-Gui1, FAN Zhi-Long1, HU Fa-Long1, FAN Hong1, HE Wei1, YIN Wen1,*(), CHEN Gui-Ping1,*()   

  1. 1State Key Laboratory of Arid Land Crop Science / College of Agronomy, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070, Gansu, China
    2College of Life Sciences, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou 730070, Gansu, China
  • Received:2023-09-28 Accepted:2024-01-30 Published:2024-06-12 Published online:2024-02-20
  • Contact: * E-mail: yinwen@gsau.edu.cn;E-mail: chengp@gsau.edu.cn
  • Supported by:
    National Key Research and Development Program of China(2023YED1900405);National Natural Science Foundation of China(32101857);National Natural Science Foundation of China(U21A20218);National Natural Science Foundation of China(32372238);Science and Technology Program of Gansu Province(23JRRA704);Science and Technology Program of Gansu Province(23JRRA1407);Fuxi Young Talents Fund of Gansu Agricultural University(Gaufx-03Y10)


针对河西绿洲灌区水资源短缺、玉米田氮肥施用量高等生产生态问题, 在节水减氮条件下, 分析增加种植密度补偿水氮减量导致玉米减产的效应, 为水氮节约型玉米高效生产提供理论依据与技术支撑。基于2016年布设的裂裂区田间试验, 主区为2种灌水定额: 灌水减量20% (W1, 3240 m3 hm-2)和传统灌水(W2, 4050 m3 hm-2), 裂区为2种施氮量: 减量施氮25% (N1, 270 kg hm-2)和传统施氮(N2, 360 kg hm-2), 裂裂区为3种玉米密度: 传统种植密度(D1, 7.50万株 hm-2)、增密30% (D2, 9.75万株 hm-2)和增密60% (D3, 12.00万株 hm-2), 通过测定2020—2021年玉米籽粒产量和生物产量, 分析干物质积累及其分配、转运特征, 量化产量构成因素, 明确增密对水氮减量玉米产量的补偿效应及机制。研究表明, 减水、减氮降低了玉米籽粒产量和生物产量, 而增密30%能够补偿因水氮同步减量造成的产量负效应, 且维持较高的施氮量有利于玉米增产节水。W1N1D1 (减量灌水减量施氮及传统密度)较W2N2D1 (对照: 传统灌水传统施氮及传统密度)籽粒产量和生物产量分别降低9.1%~15.0%与10.0%~11.0%, 但W1N1D2 (减量灌水减量施氮及增密30%)与W2N2D1差异不显著。W1N2D2 (减量灌水传统施氮及增密30%)较W2N2D1籽粒和生物产量分别提高12.9%~15.4%与6.4%~12.0%。增密30%能够补偿水氮同步减量造成玉米减产的主要原因是W1N1D2能增加玉米穗数, 进而提高玉米灌浆初期至成熟期干物质积累量和苗期到大喇叭口期群体生长速率及花前转运率。增密30%在灌水减量和传统施氮条件下促进玉米增产的主要原因是W1N2D2可增加玉米穗数, 提高玉米生育期干物质积累量与群体生长速率, 促进穗部干物质分配, 提高花前转运量、转运率及转运贡献率。因此, 增密30%是绿洲灌区水氮同步减量玉米稳产高产的可行措施, 是氮肥不减但减水20%玉米节水增产有效举措。

关键词: 水氮减量, 密植, 玉米, 产量构成, 干物质积累, 干物质分配与转运


Aiming at the production and ecological problems of the lack of water resources and excessive chemical nitrogen fertilizer input in arid oasis irrigation areas, the effect of increased planting density to compensate for the loss of maize yield caused by reducing water and nitrogen inputs was analyzed under reduced water and nitrogen inputs, which could provide theoretical and technical support for the efficient production of maize with water and nitrogen reduction. Based on a split-plot field experiment conducted in 2016, the main plot was divided into two irrigation quotas: reduced irrigation by 20% (W1, 3240 m3 hm-2) and traditional irrigation (W2, 4050 m3 hm-2), and the split-plot was divided into two nitrogen application rates: reduced nitrogen (N1, 270 kg hm-2) by 25% and traditional nitrogen (N2, 360 kg hm-2) were applied, and the sub-split plot was divided into three maize densities: traditional planting density (D1, 75,000 hm-2 plants), increased density by 30% (D2, 97, 500 hm-2 plants) and increased density by 60% (D3, 120,000 hm-2 plants). We measured grain yield and biological yield of maize in 2020 and 2021, analyzed the characteristics of dry matter accumulation, distribution, and transport characteristics, quantified the yield composition factors, and clarified the compensation effect and mechanism of densification on maize yield with water and nitrogen reduction. The study showed that water and nitrogen reduction inputs decreased the grain yield and biological yield in maize, but the increased density by 30% can compensate for the loss of yield due to reducing water and nitrogen inputs and improve maize yield under reduced water while maintaining traditional nitrogen. The grain yield and biological yield of W1N1D1 (reduced water and nitrogen and traditional density) was 9.1%-15.0% and 10.0%-11.0% lower than W2N2D1 (comparison: traditional irrigation, traditional nitrogen application, and traditional density), but there was no significant difference in W1N1D2 (reduced irrigation, reduced nitrogen, and increased density by 30%) compared with W2N2D1. Compared with W2N2D1, W1N2D2 (reduced irrigation, traditional nitrogen, and increased density by 30%) increased grain yield and biological yield by 12.9%-15.4% and 6.4%-12.0%, respectively. Increased density by 30% compensated for the negative effect of water and nitrogen reduction mainly attributed to improving spike number of W1N1D2, which further increased dry matter accumulation from the early-filling stage to the maturity stage in maize, population growth rate and dry matter remobilization at pre-anthesis from seeding stage to the flare opening stage. Increasing spike number of W1N2D2 improved dry matter accumulation and population growth rate, promoted dry matter distribution in the ear, and increased dry matter remobilization. In addition, the dry matter remobilization efficiency and contribution of dry matter remobilization to grain at pre-anthesis were the main reasons for increasing maize yield with the increased density by 30% under water and nitrogen reduction inputs. Therefore, increasing density by 30% was a feasible measure for simultaneous reduction of water and nitrogen in oasis irrigation area to stabilize and increase maize yield.

Key words: water-nitrogen reduction, dense planting, maize, yield components, dry matter accumulation, dry matter distribution and transportation




增密对水氮减量玉米籽粒产量的影响 W1: 传统灌水减量20% (3240 m3 hm-2); W2: 传统灌水(4050 m3 hm-2); N1: 减量施氮25% (270 kg hm-2); N2: 传统施氮(360 kg hm-2); D1: 传统种植密度(75,000株hm-2); D2: 传统种植密度增加30% (97,500株hm-2); D3: 传统种植密度增加60% (120,000株hm-2)。图中柱子上的不同小写字母表示处理间差异显著P < 0.05。**: P < 0.01; *: P < 0.05; NS: 无显著差异。"


增密对水氮减量玉米生物产量的影响 图中柱子上的不同小写字母表示处理间差异显著P < 0.05。**: P < 0.01; *: P < 0.05; NS: 无显著差异。各处理缩写同图2。"



灌水Irrigation 施氮Nitrogen 密度
Dry matter accumulation (kg hm-2)
Population growth rate (kg hm-2 d-1)
P1-P2 P2-P3 P3-P4 P1-P2 P2-P3 P3-P4
2020 W1 N1 D1 2647 e 17,302 g 10,924 cd 62 f 303 f 102 g
D2 3605 d 20,008 ef 10,322 d 72 cd 333 de 127 e
D3 4768 c 22,641 bc 13,413 b 85 b 370 cd 201 a
N2 D1 5520 b 16,386 h 10,012 d 66 e 326 ef 142 d
D2 4553 c 20,671 de 11,783 c 76 c 377 c 157 c
D3 5367 b 24,747 a 14,332 ab 97 a 460 a 176 b
W2 N1 D1 6699 a 18,587 f 11,247 cd 63 ef 371 c 114 f
D2 3404 d 18,926 f 14,483 ab 68 e 354 d 154 c
D3 5714 b 22,938 b 15,183 a 102 a 427 b 199 a
N2 D1 2339 ef 20,359 ef 9969 d 68 de 347 d 121 ef
D2 2131 f 21,402 cd 13,635 b 71 cd 359 cd 204 a
D3 3371 d 26,095 a 13,845 ab 100 a 454 a 171 b
2021 W1 N1 D1 4323 bc 15,248 g 10,076 e 72 e 346 g 93 f
D2 3472 de 18,113 ef 12,352 cd 84 cd 382 f 104 d
D3 4778 a 21,247 bc 14,305 b 115 a 406 de 97 ef
N2 D1 3247 e 18,654 ef 12,155 d 78 de 378 f 109 cd
D2 2841 f 20,394 cd 13,166 c 85 cd 427 bc 112 c
D3 4238 bc 22,059 ab 15,638 a 102 b 442 b 114 c
W2 N1 D1 1841 g 17,687 f 12,262 cd 61 f 359 g 102 de
D2 3556 d 19,351 de 14,350 b 86 c 417 cd 84 g
D3 4393 b 21,706 abc 14,502 b 108 b 424 c 152 a
N2 D1 4071 c 19,002 ef 11,932 d 75 de 400 e 103 de
D2 3244 e 21,050 bc 13,177 c 78 e 429 bc 122 b
D3 4990 a 22,983 a 14,086 b 121 a 471 a 123 b
灌水W NS ** ** NS ** *
施氮N NS ** NS * ** **
密度D ** ** ** ** ** **
W×N * ** ** NS * **
W×D NS NS * ** NS NS
N×D * NS ** NS * **
W×N×D ** ** * NS * **


不同灌水、施氮及密度下玉米成熟期干物质分配 图中柱子上的不同小写字母表示处理间差异显著P < 0.05。**: P < 0.01; *: P < 0.05; NS: 无显著差异。各处理缩写同图2。"



灌水Irrigation 施氮Nitrogen 密度Density 花前转运量
Dry matter remobilization at pre-anthesis
(kg hm-2)
Dry matter
efficiency at pre-anthesis (%)
Contribution of dry matter remobilization to grain at pre-anthesis
Dry matter accumulation at post anthesis
(kg hm-2)
Contribution of dry matter accumulation to grain at post anthesis
2020 W1 N1 D1 1419 ef 11.29 d 6.72 e 11,160 g 93.28 c
D2 1527 de 10.68 e 7.44 de 12,773 ef 92.56 cd
D3 1377 fg 9.84 fg 5.20 fg 12,428 f 94.80 ab
N2 D1 1793 c 11.73 cd 9.11 b 13,145 ef 90.89 f
D2 1834 c 10.29 f 8.21 cd 15,981 a 91.79 de
D3 2321 b 14.15 ab 8.14 cd 14,004 cd 91.86 de
W2 N1 D1 1608 d 12.26 c 5.85 f 11,444 g 94.15 b
D2 1277 g 9.19 g 5.75 f 12,535 f 94.25 b
D3 1448 ef 9.56 fg 4.66 g 13,400 de 95.34 a
N2 D1 1599 d 10.12 f 7.99 d 14,173 cd 92.01 d
D2 2619 a 14.75 a 13.37 a 15,289 ab 86.63 g
D3 2309 b 13.55 b 8.87 bc 14,735 bc 91.13 ef
2021 W1 N1 D1 1271 gh 8.87 f 6.85 d 12,409 de 93.15 d
D2 1601 de 10.99 d 7.43 c 12,985 cd 92.57 e
D3 1284 gh 8.98 ef 4.95 fg 12,971 cd 95.05 ab
N2 D1 1737 cd 12.71 c 7.90 bc 11,939 e 92.10 ef
D2 1926 c 11.82 cd 8.38 b 14,368 a 91.62 f
D3 1545 e 9.81 e 5.88 ef 13,775 b 94.12 bc
W2 N1 D1 1351 fg 9.83 e 6.93 d 12,262 de 93.07 d
D2 1751 cd 11.77 cd 7.64 bc 13,116 cd 92.36 ef
D3 1110 h 8.17 fg 4.32 g 12,502 de 95.68 a
N2 D1 1450 f 7.87 g 6.29 de 13,062 cd 93.71 cd
D2 2985 a 18.35 a 12.29 a 13,309 c 87.71 g
D3 2335 b 13.91 b 8.40 b 14,227 ab 91.60 f
灌水W ** * * NS *
施氮N ** ** ** ** **
密度D ** ** ** ** **
W×N ** * ** NS **
W×D * ** * * *
N×D * ** ** NS *
W×N×D ** ** ** * *



灌水Irrigation 施氮Nitrogen 密度
Spike number
(×104 spikes hm-2)
Kernel number per spike
(grain per ear)
1000-kernel weight
2020 2021 2020 2021 2020 2021
W1 N1 D1 7.38 d 7.29 d 509 e 518 c 323 f 349 bc
D2 9.29 c 9.49 c 478 f 477 ef 311 g 332 cd
D3 11.43 b 11.32 b 456 g 440 h 292 h 293 e
N2 D1 7.66 d 7.53 d 558 bc 564 b 370 ab 367 ab
D2 9.46 c 9.34 c 543 cd 517 cd 366 b 364 ab
D3 11.88 a 11.55 b 484 f 465 fg 333 e 331 cd
W2 N1 D1 7.29 d 7.43 d 554 cd 557 b 369 ab 372 a
D2 9.40 c 9.49 c 539 d 508 d 351 c 346 bc
D3 11.45 b 11.36 b 477 f 453 hg 325 ef 316 d
N2 D1 7.53 d 7.54 d 598 a 585 a 376 a 378 a
D2 9.52 c 9.43 c 574 b 528 c 370 ab 367 ab
D3 11.98 a 12.03 a 510 e 481 e 342 d 334 cd
灌水W NS * ** ** ** **
施氮N ** ** ** ** ** **
密度D ** ** ** ** ** **
W×N NS NS NS * ** NS
N×D NS ** NS NS * NS


不同处理玉米籽粒产量与其调控因素的通径分析 粗线代表直接通径, 细线代表间接通径。粗体数字为相关系数, 不加粗数值为通径系数。**: P < 0.01; *: P < 0.05; NS: 无显著差异。CGR、DMRCG、DMAC、SN、KNS、TKW分别表示群体生长速率、花前转运贡献率、花后积累贡献率、穗数、穗粒数、千粒重。"

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