
作物学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (6): 1486-1502.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2024.34157

• 作物遗传育种·种质资源·分子遗传学 • 上一篇    下一篇


李长喜(), 董占鹏, 关永虎, 刘金伟, 李航, 梅拥军*()   

  1. 塔里木大学农学院, 新疆阿拉尔 843300
  • 收稿日期:2023-09-16 接受日期:2024-01-30 出版日期:2024-06-12 网络出版日期:2024-02-20
  • 通讯作者: * 梅拥军, E-mail: xnmeiyj@126.com
  • 作者简介:E-mail: 1195321989@qq.com
  • 基金资助:

Genetic contribution and decision coefficient analysis of agronomic characters and lint yield traits of upland cotton in southern Xinjiang

LI Chang-Xi(), DONG Zhan-Peng, GUAN Yong-Hu, LIU Jin-Wei, LI Hang, MEI Yong-Jun*()   

  1. College of Agriculture, Tarim University, Alar 843300, Xinjiang, China
  • Received:2023-09-16 Accepted:2024-01-30 Published:2024-06-12 Published online:2024-02-20
  • Contact: * E-mail: xnmeiyj@126.com
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China “Genome-wide Mining of Specific Yield Traits (QTS) in Upland Cotton from Southern Xinjiang”(31560408)


研究陆地棉亲本及F1组合农艺性状与皮棉产量性状的遗传, 为育种工作者对某些性状的选择和改良提供参考依据。采用加性-显性及其与环境互作的遗传模型对130个陆地棉品种(系)及其206个F1组合的4个农艺性状和4个产量性状的观察结果进行了遗传贡献分析和决策系数分析。分析结果显示, 这些性状具有丰富的遗传多样性, 亲本的8个性状的变异系数在5.54%~50.83%之间, F1组合则在3.96%~55.87%之间。农艺性状(除第一果枝节位对衣分外)对产量性状的加性贡献率均达到极显著水平(贡献率在4%~100%), 五瓣铃率和株高对单株铃数和铃重的加性贡献率和显性 × 环境互作贡献率均达0.01以上的正向极显著水平。遗传效应中受加性效应控制有第一果枝高度、株高、五瓣铃率、铃重和衣分, 其中衣分为最大。株高除加性效应较小外, 其显性效应、加性 × 环境互作效应、显性 × 环境互作效应和互作广义遗传率均为最大。确定了提高陆地棉杂交种后代单株皮棉产量的主要决策性状和限制性状。陆地棉变异系数幅度较大; 五瓣铃率和株高对提高单株铃数和铃重起着更为重要的作用; 单株铃数、铃重和衣分是提高单株皮棉产量的主要决策性状。

关键词: 陆地棉, 产量性状, 农艺性状, 遗传多样性, 遗传贡献分析, 决策系数分析


To study the inheritance of agricultural characteristics and lint yield traits in upland cotton parents and F1 crosses can provide the reference for breeding workers to select and improve certain traits. Four agronomic characters and four yield traits of 130 varieties (lines) and their 206 F1 crosses of upland cotton were analyzed on additive and effects by a genetic model with additive, dominance, and their interaction effects with the environment, genetic contribution analysis and decision coefficient analysis were conducted on the observation results. The results showed that these traits had rich genetic diversity with the coefficient of variation of the eight traits of the parents ranging from 5.54% to 50.83%, and the F1 crosses ranging from 3.96% to 55.87%. The additive contribution rate of agronomic traits (except for the first fruit branch node position to yield) to yield traits reached a very significant level (contribution rate was 4%-100%), and the additive contribution rate and dominant contribution rate of five petal boll rate and plant height to the boll number and boll weight and the contribution rate of dominant × environmental interaction reached a positive and significant level above 0.01. The genetic effects controlled by additive effects included the height of the first fruit branch, plant height, five petal boll rate, boll weight, and lint percentage, with lint percentage being the largest. Except for the small additive effect, plant height exhibits significant differences in dominant and additive effects × environmental interaction effects, dominance × environmental interaction effect and the generalized heritability of interaction were the maximum. The main decision-making and limiting traits for improving the lint yield in hybrid offspring of upland cotton had been identified. The coefficient of variation of upland cotton was relatively large. The five petal boll rate and plant height played a more important role in increasing the boll number and boll weight per plant. The boll number, boll weight, and lint percentage were the main decision-making traits for increasing the lint yield.

Key words: upland cotton, yield traits, agronomic characters, genetic diversity, genetic contribution analysis, decision coefficient analysis



Parent number
Name of parent (line)
Parent number
Name of parent (line)
Parent number
Name of parent (line)
1 TH2# 45 21P245 89 21P192
2 21P122 46 21P244 90 21P191
3 7751 47 21P243 91 21P190
4 21P469 48 21P242 92 21P189
5 21P297 49 21P241 93 21P187
6 21P296 50 21P240 94 21P186
7 21P295 51 21P239 95 21P184
8 21P294 52 21P339 96 21P182
9 21P291 53 21P238 97 21P181
10 21P289 54 21P237 98 21P177
11 21P285 55 21P236 99 21P176
12 21P284 56 21P235 100 21P175
13 21P283 57 21P234 101 21P174
14 21P282 58 21P232 102 21P173
15 21P281 59 21P231 103 21P170
16 21P280 60 21P229 104 21P169
17 21P279 61 21P228 105 21P168
18 21P278 62 21P227 106 21P167
19 21P277 63 21P226 107 21P165
20 21P276 64 21P223 108 21P164
21 21P275 65 21P222 109 21P163
22 21P274 66 21P221 110 21P162
23 21P273 67 21P219 111 21P161
24 21P272 68 21P217 112 21P160
25 21P271 69 21P216 113 21P159
26 21P270 70 21P215 114 21P158
27 21P269 71 21P214 115 21P157
28 21P268 72 21P213 116 21P156
29 21P267 73 21P212 117 21P154
30 21P266 74 21P210 118 21P149
31 21P265 75 21P209 119 21P146
32 21P264 76 21P208 120 21P145
33 21P263 77 21P207 121 21P141
34 21P262 78 21P206 122 21P139
35 21P261 79 21P203 123 21P135
36 21P260 80 21P202 124 21P132
37 21P259 81 21P201 125 21P131
38 21P258 82 21P200 126 21P130
39 21P255 83 21P199 127 21P129
40 21P253 84 21P198 128 21P128
41 21P249 85 21P197 129 21P126
42 21P248 86 21P195 130 21P125
43 21P247 87 21P194
44 21P246 88 21P193



Crosses number
F1 collocations
Crosses number
F1 collocations
Crosses number
F1 collocations
1 TH2#×21P122 70 TH2#×21P162 139 21P122×21P216
2 TH2#×7751 71 TH2#×21P161 140 21P122×21P214
3 TH2#×21P469 72 TH2#×21P160 141 21P122×21P208
4 TH2#×21P297 73 TH2#×21P159 142 21P122×21P206
5 TH2#×21P295 74 TH2#×21P158 143 21P122×21P203
6 TH2#×21P294 75 TH2#×21P157 144 21P122×21P200
7 TH2#×21P284 76 TH2#×21P156 145 21P122×21P199
8 TH2#×21P283 77 TH2#×21P145 146 21P122×21P198
9 TH2#×21P281 78 TH2#×21P146 147 21P122×21P197
10 TH2#×21P277 79 TH2#×21P130 148 21P122×21P194
11 TH2#×21P275 80 TH2#×21P129 149 21P122×21P193
12 TH2#×21P274 81 TH2#×21P128 150 21P122×21P192
13 TH2#×21P273 82 TH2#×21P126 151 21P122×21P191
14 TH2#×21P271 83 TH2#×21P125 152 21P122×21P190
15 TH2#×21P266 84 21P122×21P296 153 21P122×21P189
16 TH2#×21P264 85 21P122×21P295 154 21P122×21P187
17 TH2#×21P263 86 21P122×21P294 155 21P122×21P182
18 TH2#×21P262 87 21P122×21P291 156 21P122×21P163
19 TH2#×21P260 88 21P122×21P289 157 21P122×21P149
20 TH2#×21P246 89 21P122×21P285 158 21P122×21P146
21 TH2#×21P241 90 21P122×21P284 159 21P122×21P145
22 TH2#×21P237 91 21P122×21P283 160 21P122×21P139
23 TH2#×21P235 92 21P122×21P282 161 21P122×21P135
24 TH2#×21P234 93 21P122×21P281 162 21P122×21P132
25 TH2#×21P232 94 21P122×21P280 163 21P122×21P131
26 TH2#×21P231 95 21P122×21P279 164 21P122×21P130
27 TH2#×21P229 96 21P122×21P278 165 21P122×21P129
28 TH2#×21P228 97 21P122×21P277 166 21P122×21P128
29 TH2#×21P222 98 21P122×21P276 167 21P122×21P126
30 TH2#×21P221 99 21P122×21P275 168 21P122×21P125
31 TH2#×21P219 100 21P122×21P274 169 7751×21P469
32 TH2#×21P217 101 21P122×21P273 170 7751×21P297
33 TH2#×21P216 102 21P122×21P272 171 7751×21P283
34 TH2#×21P215 103 21P122×21P271 172 7751×21P281
35 TH2#×21P214 104 21P122×21P270 173 7751×21P280
36 TH2#×21P213 105 21P122×21P269 174 7751×21P279
37 TH2#×21P212 106 21P122×21P268 175 7751×21P278
38 TH2#×21P210 107 21P122×21P267 176 7751×21P274
39 TH2#×21P209 108 21P122×21P266 177 7751×21P273
40 TH2#×21P207 109 21P122×21P265 178 7751×21P271
41 TH2#×21P206 110 21P122×21P264 179 7751×21P266
42 TH2#×21P203 111 21P122×21P263 180 7751×21P260
43 TH2#×21P202 112 21P122×21P262 181 7751×21P234
44 TH2#×21P201 113 21P122×21P261 182 7751×21P232
45 TH2#×21P200 114 21P122×21P259 183 7751×21P223
46 TH2#×21P198 115 21P122×21P258 184 7751×21P222
47 TH2#×21P195 116 21P122×21P255 185 7751×21P219
48 TH2#×21P194 117 21P122×21P253 186 7751×21P217
49 TH2#×21P193 118 21P122×21P249 187 7751×21P216
50 TH2#×21P192 119 21P122×21P248 188 7751×21P210
51 TH2#×21P191 120 21P122×21P247 189 7751×21P209
52 TH2#×21P189 121 21P122×21P245 190 7751×21P200
53 TH2#×21P187 122 21P122×21P244 191 7751×21P197
54 TH2#×21P186 123 21P122×21P243 192 7751×21P193
55 TH2#×21P184 124 21P122×21P242 193 7751×21P192
56 TH2#×21P182 125 21P122×21P241 194 7751×21P191
57 TH2#×21P181 126 21P122×21P240 195 7751×21P190
58 TH2#×21P177 127 21P122×21P239 196 7751×21P189
59 TH2#×21P176 128 21P122×21P339 197 7751×21P184
60 TH2#×21P175 129 21P122×21P238 198 7751×21P167
61 TH2#×21P174 130 21P122×21P237 199 7751×21P164
62 TH2#×21P173 131 21P122×21P236 200 7751×21P162
63 TH2#×21P170 132 21P122×21P234 201 7751×21P154
64 TH2#×21P169 133 21P122×21P232 202 7751×21P141
65 TH2#×21P168 134 21P122×21P227 203 7751×21P129
66 TH2#×21P167 135 21P122×21P226 204 7751×21P128
67 TH2#×21P165 136 21P122×21P223 205 7751×21P126
68 TH2#×21P164 137 21P122×21P222 206 7751×21P125
69 TH2#×21P163 138 21P122×21P221


8个性状的亲本及其F1 2年的表型分布"

年份Year 参数
branch position
Fruit branch height
Plant height
Five petal boll rate
Boll number
Boll weight
Lint yield
亲本 2021 最大值 Max. 7.86 38.86 126.83 88.00 16.43 7.78 52.24 43.83
Parents 最小值 Min. 2.71 11.43 56.29 0 3.29 2.20 34.29 6.55
极差 Range 5.15 27.43 70.54 88.00 13.14 5.58 17.95 37.28
平均值 Average 5.54 24.25 93.69 30.52 8.40 5.91 41.85 20.80
标准差 SD 1.06 5.23 13.01 15.51 2.36 0.74 2.32 6.60
变异系数 CV (%) 19.12 21.56 13.88 50.83 28.09 12.57 5.54 31.73
F1 2021 最大值 Max. 8.00 45.00 119.29 86.00 16.57 8.30 51.86 48.97
F1 generation 最小值 Min. 3.43 12.57 65.14 0 2.57 3.79 37.28 7.75
F1 2021 极差 Range 4.57 32.43 54.15 86.00 14.00 4.51 14.58 41.22
F1 generation 平均值 Average 5.68 25.99 100.10 37.37 9.83 6.39 43.08 27.04
标准差 SD 0.87 5.00 8.50 20.88 2.29 0.65 1.71 7.04
变异系数 CV (%) 15.37 19.24 8.49 55.87 23.30 10.18 3.96 26.02
亲本 2022 最大值 Max. 6.43 32.71 107.57 84.00 16.57 8.73 48.40 40.97
Parents 最小值 Min. 4.57 16.57 48.14 10.00 5.57 4.22 35.31 14.42
极差 Range 1.86 16.14 59.43 74.00 11.00 4.51 13.09 26.55
平均值 Average 5.36 24.18 78.45 34.85 9.61 6.16 41.08 24.29
标准差 SD 0.25 3.20 11.08 15.14 1.47 0.73 2.26 4.71
变异系数 CV (%) 4.68 13.25 14.12 43.44 15.31 11.80 5.50 19.41
F1 2022 最大值 Max. 7.57 46.29 108.57 88.00 15.71 8.61 49.14 48.06
F1 generation 最小值 Min. 3.43 13.71 48.43 4.00 4.14 2.47 36.18 9.18
极差 Range 4.14 32.58 60.14 84.00 11.57 6.14 12.96 38.88
平均值 Average 5.59 27.15 85.59 40.37 9.13 6.03 43.25 23.79
标准差 SD 0.38 4.30 8.52 17.85 1.83 0.92 2.06 5.94
变异系数 CV (%) 6.71 15.83 9.95 44.23 20.05 15.17 4.77 24.98



Fruit branch position
Fruit branch height
Plant height
Five petal boll rate
Boll number
CRA(C→T) 0.88** 0.99** 0.99** 1.00**
CRAE(C→T) -0.11 0.50** 0.99**
CRDE(C→T) 0.04* 0.85** 0.97** 0.99**
Boll weight
CRA(C→T) 0.04** 0.97** 0.97** 1.00**
CRD(C→T) 0.04** 1.00** 1.00**
CRAE(C→T) -0.10 0.99** 1.00**
CRDE(C→T) 0.01 0.99** 1.00** 1.00**
Lint percentage
CRA(C→T) -0.01 0.15** 0.20** 0.95**
CRD(C→T) 0.02* 0.97** 0.99**
CRAE(C→T) 0.01** -0.24 0.98**
CRDE(C→T) 0.01** 0.94** 0.99** 0.99**
Lint yield
CRA(C→T) 0.12** 0.27** 0.31** 0.95**
CRD(C→T) -0.37 0.98** 0.99**
CRDE(C→T) 0.03** -0.52 0.69** 0.88**



Fruit branch position
Fruit branch height (cm)
Plant height
Five petal boll rate (%)
Boll number
Boll weight
percentage (%)
Lint yield
VA/Vp 0.02 0.06* 0.01* 0.07* 0 0.06+ 0.27* 0.01
VD/Vp 0 0 0.10** 0.09+ 0.01 0.06* 0.08+ 0.04
VAE/Vp 0.19* 0.01 0.23* 0 0.02 0.01+ 0.12* 0
VDE/Vp 0.45* 0.50* 0.51** 0.49* 0.43* 0.19 0.17* 0.40*
Ve/Vp 0.34 0.42+ 0.15 0.34+ 0.54* 0.68* 0.36+ 0.55*
h2N 0.02 0.06* 0.01 0.07* 0 0.06+ 0.27* 0.01
H2B 0.02 0.06 0.11+ 0.17+ 0.01 0.12* 0.36* 0.05+
h2NE 0.19* 0.01 0.23* 0 0.02 0.01+ 0.12* 0
H2BE 0.64* 0.52* 0.74* 0.49* 0.45* 0.20 0.28* 0.40*



Fruit branch
Fruit branch height (cm)
Plant height
Five petal boll rate (%)
Boll weight
Lint percentage
Lint yield
TH2# 0.09 0.55+ 1.57 11.68 0.35* 1.75** 1.20+
21P122 -0.04 1.43* 1.26 2.57 -0.13+ 0.73** 0.45*
7751 0.15 2.17* 1.78 -5.67* 0.11+ 2.59** 1.05+
21P296 0.03 -0.95+ -1.02 3.87 0.05 -0.08+ -0.25**
21P285 0.08 0.65+ 0.62 -1.16 0.14+ -0.08 0.14
21P283 -0.04** -1.15* -0.43 -1.58* -0.17+ -0.12 -0.31*
21P282 -0.01 -0.73* -0.66 1.70 -0.32* -0.35* -0.55*
21P278 0.01 -0.46 0.05 -2.65 -0.13+ -1.02** -0.08*
21P277 0.03 0.49 0.68 1.22* 0.13 -0.38 1.33*
21P274 0.01 -0.20 -0.50 2.69 0.07 0.33+ 0.51+
21P269 0.05 0.72 -0.20 -1.96 -0.01 -0.63** -0.19**
21P267 0.05 -0.01 0.74 -0.02 0.02 0.99* 0.31
21P264 0 0.17 1.45 6.43+ 0.01 0.10* 0.93*
21P255 0.04 -0.35 -0.20 -2.87 0.01 0.50* 0.58**
21P249 0.03 -1.02* -0.77 0.61+ 0.07+ -0.35 0.26*
21P245 0.01 0.05* 0.15* -0.07 0.01 -0.22 0.23**
21P244 -0.02 0.63 0.44 4.04 -0.02 0.83* 0.49
21P239 -0.04* -0.10* 0.63 -3.67+ -0.05 0.01 0.36
21P232 0.01+ 0.04 -0.63 7.48 0.19 0.49** 0.33+
21P229 0.03 0.74 -0.76 4.22 0.07* 0.20* 0.75+
21P215 -0.09 -0.47 -0.22 0.85 -0.02 0.87** -0.35
21P210 -0.12 -0.62 1.69 1.64 -0.01 1.30+ 1.68+
21P200 0.05 1.30 -0.57 2.04+ 0 0.44* 0.26*
21P176 0.02 0.21 0.35 -1.44 0.39* 0.47* 0.57**
21P170 -0.04 0.08 0.80 0.33 0.06+ 0.68* 0.30**
21P160 0.03 -0.17 -0.97 3.42 -0.13+ -0.59+ -0.33*
21P156 0 0.01 -0.75 -3.26+ -0.05+ -1.88** -0.12**
21P154 0.05 0.67* 1.21 3.32+ 0.17* 1.32** 0.75*
21P128 0.02 0.50* -0.09 2.77+ 0 0.34 0.50*
21P126 0.06 0.75 0.37 -0.68 0.02 0.74** 0.16



Plant height
Five petal boll rate
Boll number
Boll weight
Lint percentage
Lint yield
TH2# -8.25 -6.17** -0.47 -0.07 -1.25+ -3.22+
21P122 1.12 -1.25 0.30+ -0.15** 0.28* 0.91
7751 -13.85+ 26.04* -0.27** -0.06* -1.54* -2.23**
21P469 -5.15+ -2.28 -0.18 -0.29* 0.64+ -1.56+
21P297 -5.97* -4.22* -0.34+ -0.04 0.10 -1.47*
21P295 -2.61 -4.33* -0.27+ -0.09* 0.61* -1.26*
21P291 -4.48+ -0.14 -0.08 -0.01** -0.12** -0.64
21P279 -4.51* -0.52** -0.02* 0.07+ -0.38* -0.06*
21P273 -3.28+ -3.97 -0.04 -0.17* 0.19* -0.69+
21P271 -7.15+ 0 -0.16 -0.06* 0.78* -0.71+
21P253 -2.27+ -3.72* -0.32 -0.23 -0.02** -2.37+
21P245 -2.34+ 2.87+ 0.06+ -0.23+ -0.80+ -0.74+
21P239 2.01+ 0.94* -0.02** -0.02+ -0.08 -0.21**
21P237 0.46 -3.95* -0.15** -0.09** 0.01 -1.03**
21P236 0.32 -2.82* 0.10 -0.12+ -0.19* 0.09
21P202 1.71* -4.91* 0.04 -0.10+ -1.03* -0.43+
21P197 -2.32 3.33** 0.06 -0.20+ -0.77* -0.61+
21P192 -1.09** -0.36+ 0.16 -0.14 -0.71* 0.25+
21P191 -1.95** 1.68* 0.18 -0.02+ -0.40* 0.96
21P187 -0.57 1.03 0.12 -0.27** -0.38+ -0.17+



Plant height
Five petal boll rate
Boll number
Boll weight
Lint percentage
Lint yield
TH2#×21P122 -6.03 -5.42* 0.20 -0.23* -0.36+ 0.05
TH2#×21P266 1.83 9.67+ 0.19 0.07 0.48 1.32*
TH2#×21P263 3.08 9.35+ 0.12 0.22* 0.33+ 1.71
TH2#×21P222 1.28 -2.24 -0.02 -0.42+ -0.79+ -1.90
TH2#×21P181 -2.95+ -6.94+ 0.06 0.32* 0.76+ 1.51
TH2#×21P170 2.28+ 4.77+ 0.06 0.19* 1.30 1.61
TH2#×21P159 2.02 3.63* -0.07 0.55+ 0.01 1.17
21P122×21P282 0.29 7.71+ -0.30 0.02 0.12+ -1.22
21P122×21P281 0.24* -2.76+ -0.19 -0.16* 0.71 -1.28+
21P122×21P262 0.70 6.98* 0.25 -0.10 0.28 1.11+
21P122×21P249 -9.54+ -1.09+ -0.09+ -0.04 0.10 -0.60
21P122×21P239 -2.29 -5.45* 0.18 -0.01 0.16 0.97*
21P122×21P237 -5.86 -3.49+ 0.14 0.19 0.10 1.24+
21P122×21P200 4.55* -1.99 0.75 0.27 0.29+ 5.24
21P122×21P194 -0.05 -0.08 0.26 0.23+ -0.07 2.25+
21P122×21P193 -1.25 -5.35 -0.22 -0.09+ -0.61+ -1.70+
21P122×21P182 -0.40 2.40** -0.21 0.14+ -0.41 -0.87
21P122×21P163 3.49+ 15.44+ 0.13 0.47 0.17 2.29
21P122×21P146 0.76+ 10.55+ 0.19 0.13+ 1.17 1.82
7751×21P260 3.42 -7.67+ -0.02 -0.51+ -1.58 -2.25



Fruit branch position
Fruit branch height (cm)
Plant height
Five petal boll rate (%)
Boll weight
percentage (%)
Lint yield
21P122in 2021 0.73 -9.36 -13.02* 20.33+ -0.32 -0.71 -1.08+ -6.01*
21P122in 2022 -0.49** -1.43 15.24* -22.85+ 1.89 0.47+ 1.46* 8.27+
21P262in 2021 0.54 -0.37 -10.85 -12.08+ -1.71* -0.24 -0.07+ -5.75*
21P262in 2022 -0.29 -0.61 8.91+ 11.94 0.60* 0.09 0.26 2.06*
21P247in 2021 0.47 -0.13 -0.87* 2.92 0.02 -0.04 -0.52* -0.79*
21P247in 2022 -0.09 -1.49 2.05 3.85 0.85** 0.23 0.29 3.34*
21P227in 2021 -0.53+ -3.53 -3.05+ 5.54 -1.61+ 0.03 -0.06 -4.21+
21P227in 2022 0.08 -0.07 2.88+ 5.09 1.17** 0.08 -0.26 3.22**
21P198in 2021 0.28 5.85 12.98 7.75 -0.29* -0.12 -1.15* -2.07*
21P198in 2022 -0.18+ -6.04* -10.78* -5.58* 0.62* 0.37 1.76* 4.37+
21P181in 2021 -0.40* -1.66* -9.28+ -2.11* 0.23 0.25 -0.16 1.80
21P181in 2022 0.10* 3.15* 13.53* 11.43* -0.55 -0.45 -0.19 -3.88
21P173in 2021 0.09 2.60 -1.58 -1.22 -1.17* -0.04 -0.88* -3.82*
21P173in 2022 -0.23+ -3.10* -1.76 -3.28 0.49* 0.07+ 1.16* 2.42*
21P162in 2021 -0.70* -5.39* -16.68+ -6.68* -0.22+ 0.15 -1.50* -0.59
21P162in 2022 0.26* 2.24* 4.77+ 11.30+ 0.29 -0.21 0.66* -0.27
21P158in 2021 -0.17 -0.79 -10.50+ -7.78+ -1.69+ 0.21 -0.61* -4.22
21P158in 2022 0.09+ 1.55+ 6.31* 9.26* 1.26+ -0.17 0.04 2.71+
21P156in 2021 -0.10* -2.33+ -8.14+ -1.51+ -1.24 -0.04 -0.72+ -3.46+
21P156in 2022 0.10 -0.15 0.49 3.21 1.32* -0.11 -0.49 2.08+



Fruit branch position
Fruit branch height (cm)
Plant height
Five petal boll rate (%)
Boll weight (g)
percentage (%)
Lint yield
TH2#×21P191in 2021 -0.64 -7.45* -2.32 -6.16 0.55+ -0.10 2.25* 2.30+
TH2#×21P191in 2022 0.02 -1.19* -6.80* 7.55+ -1.63** -0.25 -1.35* -6.74*
TH2#×21P158in 2021 0.12+ 0.54 13.32* 14.31 2.41* -0.09 1.53* 7.73+
TH2#×21P158in 2022 -0.05+ -1.58+ -14.69* -28.36* -2.17* 0 -0.68+ -6.50*
TH2#×21P157in 2021 -0.02 5.06* 10.81+ -14.40 2.98* 0.22 -0.20 9.59*
TH2#×21P157in 2022 -0.08 -0.74 -2.64 -4.85 -1.08* -0.29 -0.19 -4.72+
TH2#×21P156in 2021 0.03+ 6.15+ 12.61 5.72 2.33+ 0.04 -0.46 5.60+
TH2#×21P156in 2022 -0.02 -1.16 -1.42 -15.51+ -1.99** 0.20 0.78 -3.30+
TH2#×21P125in 2021 0.76* 8.65+ 3.93+ 4.35 4.14+ 0.12 0.02 12.30+
TH2#×21P125in 2022 -0.52* -6.05* -7.85 -11.81 -1.14+ -0.18 -0.70 -4.80*
21P122×21P265in 2021 0.14 -1.56 4.12+ 1.25 0.96+ 0.22+ 1.30* 4.17*
21P122×21P265in 2022 0.14 0.17 -5.51 10.26 -0.61 -0.86+ -1.91+ -7.25**
21P122×21P262in 2021 0.08+ 1.41 7.21+ 3.53 2.42* 0.23 0.33 7.87*
21P122×21P262in 2022 -0.11+ -2.11* -5.83+ 10.51 -1.11 -0.38+ 0.04 -5.11+
21P122×21P206in 2021 0.69+ 1.97 8.18+ -1.64 3.15* 0.09 0.91* 9.80*
21P122×21P206in 2022 -0.38 4.89+ -1.82 13.43 -1.98+ -0.21 -1.11+ -6.77+
7751×21P222in 2021 0.47+ 11.83+ 4.59 -10.78 0.05 -0.58 1.18+ -2.52
7751×21P222in 2022 -0.18 -6.34+ -4.57* 20.63* -0.49+ 0.36+ -0.08 0.55
7751×21P162in 2021 0.48* 3.32+ -0.27 8.42+ 0.37 0.06 3.14* 3.43
7751×21P162in 2022 -0.04 2.57+ 13.92* -7.43+ -0.16 -0.33 -2.31* -3.56



Related components
Fruit branch position
Fruit branch height (cm)
Plant height
Five petal boll rate (%)
Boll number
Boll weight
Lint percentage (%)
rA 0.72 -0.93+ 1.00 1.00 0 0.16+ 1.00
rD 0 0 0.70 -0.70 0.88 1.00 0.09
rAE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
rDE -0.24** -0.47* 0.25 0.10 0.93** 0.40 0.06
rP -0.05 -0.12** 0.27* 0.07+ 0.86** 0.48** 0.15**
rG -0.06 -0.09** 0.36* 0.10 0.87** 0.48** 0.14*



Additive ×
Dominant ×
Fruit branch position
-0.513 3 0 3 0 -0.058 6 -0.003 4 -0.004 4
Fruit branch height (cm)
-0.858 5 0 3 0 -0.218 7 -0.013 6 -0.008 5
Plant height (cm)
-0.986 6 -0.482 5 0 -0.057 5 -0.071 7 -0.124 7
Five petal boll rate (%)
-1.004 7 -0.483 6 0 -0.010 4 -0.006 5 -0.010 6
Boll number
0 2 0.695 1 0 0.688 1 0.697 1 0.696 1
Boll weight (g)
0.122 1 -0.064 4 0 0.215 2 0.219 2 0.219 2
Lint percentage (%)
-0.618 4 0.026 2 0 0.020 3 0.034 3 0.034 3
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