
作物学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (7): 1829-1840.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2024.34190

• 耕作栽培·生理生化 • 上一篇    下一篇


谢雄泽*(), 谢捷, 褚乾梅, 尹羽丰, 余小红, 王盾, 冯鹏   

  1. 襄阳市农业科学院, 湖北襄阳 441057
  • 收稿日期:2023-11-14 接受日期:2024-04-01 出版日期:2024-07-12 网络出版日期:2024-04-18
  • 通讯作者: *谢雄泽, E-mail: 2446668888@msn.cn
  • 基金资助:

Analysis of water requirement and water surplus/deficit characteristics of winter rapeseed in Yangtze River Basin

XIE Xiong-Ze*(), XIE Jie, CHU Qian-Mei, YIN Yu-Feng, YU Xiao-Hong, WANG Dun, FENG Peng   

  1. Xiangyang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Xiangyang 441057, Hubei, China
  • Received:2023-11-14 Accepted:2024-04-01 Published:2024-07-12 Published online:2024-04-18
  • Contact: *E-mail: 2446668888@msn.cn
  • Supported by:
    China Agriculture Research System of MOF and MARA(CARS-12)


基于长江流域冬油菜优势产区11个省、2个直辖市共计129个城市近20年的逐日气象数据, 采用经验公式、FAO推荐的改进HS数据模型和作物系数分别计算各城市冬油菜全生育期及各生育阶段有效降水量及需水量, 并对水分盈亏指数及多年旱涝灾害发生频率进行分析。结果表明, 长江流域冬油菜在各生育阶段有效降水量均呈由东南向西北递减的带状分布特征, 其中鄱阳、洞庭两湖平原及杭嘉湖平原有效降水量充沛, 长江中下游干流南北沿岸地区有效降水量适中, 秦岭—淮河一线、四川盆地及云贵高原有效降水量偏少; 各生育阶段的需水量呈现西南高、东南中、西北低的分布特征, 其中云南省需水量最高, 长江中下游平原需水量适中, 秦岭—淮河一线、四川盆地、贵州省需水量最低; 多年水分盈亏空间分布特征表现为长江中下游干流南北沿岸地区水分供应适中, 秦岭—淮河一线、四川盆地、云贵高原水分供应不足; 水分盈亏年代演变特征表现为苗期长江上游旱灾多发、涝灾偶发, 中下游涝灾多发、旱灾偶发, 其他生育阶段长江上游旱灾频发, 中下游旱灾多发、涝灾偶发的特征。为有效保障长江流域冬油菜各生育阶段的适当水分供应, 在苗期阶段, 长江上游地区应注意适量灌溉、中下游地区应注意及时排涝; 其他生育阶段, 长江上游地区应注意充分灌溉, 中下游干流北岸城市应注意适时灌溉, 中下游干流南岸城市应注意适时排涝, 以促进长江流域冬油菜高产稳产, 保障国内油菜籽原料稳定供应。

关键词: 长江流域, 冬油菜, 有效降水量, 需水量, 变化趋势, 水分盈亏


Based on the daily meteorological data of 129 cities in 11 provinces and 2 municipalities in the Yangtze River Basin for nearly 20 years, the effective precipitation and water requirement of winter rapeseed during the whole growth period and various growth stages were calculated by empirical formulas, the improved HS data model recommended by Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and crop coefficients. Furthermore, the water surplus/deficit index and the frequency of droughts and waterlogging disasters over multiple years were analyzed. The results indicated that the effective precipitation during various growth stages of winter rapeseed in the Yangtze River Basin had a decreasing belt-like distribution from southeast to northwest. Specifically, the plains around Poyang Lake and Dongting Lake, as well as Hangzhou-Jiaxing-Huzhou Plain, had abundant effective precipitation, while the effective precipitation in the coastal areas of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River mainstream was moderate. Conversely, the effective precipitation was relatively low along the line from Qinling Mountains to Huaihe River, in Sichuan Basin, and on Yungui Plateau. The water requirement during various growth stages exhibits a distribution pattern of high in the southwest, moderate in the southeast, and low in the northwest. Among them, the water requirement was the highest in Yunnan Province, moderate in the plains of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, and the lowest in the areas along the line from Qinling Mountains to Huaihe River, in Sichuan Basin and Guizhou province. The spatial distribution characteristics of water surplus/deficit over multiple years indicated moderate water supply in the coastal areas of the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River mainstream, insufficient water supply along the line from Qinling Mountains to Huaihe River, in Sichuan Basin, and on Yungui Plateau. The temporal evolution characteristics of water surplus/deficit indicated that droughts are more frequent at seedling stage in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, with the occasional occurrences of waterlogging disasters, while waterlogging disasters were more frequent in the middle and lower reaches, with the occasional occurrences of droughts. At other growth stages, droughts were frequent in the upper reaches, while both droughts and waterlogging disasters were frequent in the middle and lower reaches. To ensure appropriate water supply at various growth stages of winter rapeseed in Yangtze River Basin, it was recommended to focus on adequate irrigation in the upper reaches at seedling stage and timely drainage in the middle and lower reaches. At other growth stages, sufficient irrigation should be emphasized in the upper reaches, timely irrigation in the cities on the northern bank of the mainstream in the middle and lower reaches, and timely drainage in the cities on the southern bank of the mainstream in the middle and lower reaches, aiming to promote high and stable yields of winter rapeseed in Yangtze River Basin and ensure a stable supply of domestic rapeseed raw materials.

Key words: Yangtze River Basin, winter rapeseed, effective precipitation, water requirement, trend of change, water surplus/ deficit


研究区概况图 中国标准地图: 审图号GS (2019) 1822号, 底图边界无修改。"



Province (Municipality)
City (Autonomous)
Upper reaches
云南省Yunnan 保山市, 楚雄州, 大理州, 德宏州, 迪庆州, 红河州, 昆明市, 丽江市, 临沧市, 怒江州, 普洱市, 曲靖市, 文山州, 玉溪市, 昭通市
Baoshan, Chuxiong, Dali, Dehong, Diqing, Honghe, Kunming, Lijiang, Lincang, Nujiang, Puer, Qujing, Wenshan, Yuxi, Zhaotong
四川省Sichuan 阿坝州, 巴中市, 成都市, 达州市, 德阳市, 甘孜州, 广安市, 广元市, 乐山市, 泸州市, 眉山市, 绵阳市, 南充市, 内江市, 攀枝花市, 遂宁市, 雅安市, 宜宾市, 资阳市, 自贡市
Aba, Bazhong, Chengdu, Dazhou, Deyang, Ganzi, Guangan, Guangyuan, Leshan, Luzhou, Meishan, Mianyang, Nanchong, Neijiang, Panzhihua, Suining, Ya’an, Yibin, Ziyang, Zigong
重庆市Chongqing 重庆市Chongqing
贵州省Guizhou 安顺市, 毕节市, 贵阳市, 六盘水市, 黔东南州, 黔南州, 黔西南州, 铜仁市, 遵义市
Anshun, Bijie, Guiyang, Liupanshui, Qiandongnan, Qiannan, Qianxinan, Tongren, Zunyi
陕西省Shaanxi 汉中市Hanzhong
Middle reaches
湖北省Hubei 鄂州市, 恩施自治州, 黄冈市, 黄石市, 荆门市, 荆州市, 潜江市, 十堰市, 随州市, 天门市, 武汉市, 仙桃市, 咸宁市, 襄阳市, 孝感市, 宜昌市
Ezhou, Enshi, Huanggang, Huangshi, Jingmen, Jingzhou, Qianjiang, Shiyan, Suizhou, Tianmen, Wuhan, Xiantao, Xianning, Xiangyang, Xiaogan, Yichang
湖南省Hunan 常德市, 郴州市, 衡阳市, 怀化市, 娄底市, 邵阳市, 湘潭市, 湘西州, 益阳市, 永州市, 岳阳市, 张家界市, 长沙市, 株洲市
Changde, Chenzhou, Hengyang, Huaihua, Loudi, Shaoyang, Xiangtan, Xiangxi, Yiyang, Yongzhou, Yueyang, Zhangjiajie, Changsha, Zhuzhou
河南省Henan 信阳市Xinyang
江西省Jiangxi 抚州市, 赣州市, 吉安市, 景德镇市, 九江市, 南昌市, 萍乡市, 上饶市, 新余市, 宜春市,
Fuzhou, Ganzhou, Ji’an, Jingdezhen, Jiujiang, Nanchang, Pingxiang, Shanrao, Xinyu, Yichun, Yingtan
安徽省Anhui 安庆市, 蚌埠市, 亳州市, 池州市, 滁州市, 阜阳市, 合肥市, 淮北市, 淮南市, 黄山市, 六安市, 马鞍山市, 宿州市, 铜陵市, 芜湖市, 宣城市
Anqing, Bengbu, Bozhou, Chizhou, Chuzhou, Fuyang, Hefei, Huaibei, Huainan, Huangshan, Lu’an, Ma’anshan, Suzhou, Tongling, Wuhu, Xuancheng
Lower reaches
江苏省Jiangsu 常州市, 淮安市, 连云港市, 南京市, 南通市, 苏州市, 宿迁市, 泰州市, 无锡市, 徐州市,
盐城市, 扬州市, 镇江市
Changzhou, Huai’an, Lianyungang, Nanjing, Nantong, Suzhou, Suqian, Taizhou, Wuxi, Xuzhou, Yangcheng, Yangzhou, Zhenjiang
上海市Shanghai 上海市Shanghai
浙江省Zhejiang 杭州市, 湖州市, 嘉兴市, 金华市, 丽水市, 宁波市, 衢州市, 绍兴市, 台州市, 温州市, 舟山市
Hangzhou, Huzhou, Jiaxing, Jinhua, Lishui, Ningbo, Quzhou, Shaoxing, Taizhou, Wenzhou, Zhoushan


冬油菜全生育期作物系数变化 不同生态区各生育时期(M1/D1、M2/D2、M3/D3、M4/D4、M5/D5、M6/D6、M7/D7)如下, 云贵高原亚区: 10/10、11/10、12/25、2/5、3/1、3/30、4/30; 四川盆地亚区: 10/10、11/10、12/25、2/10、3/10、4/10、5/10; 长江中游亚区: 10/10、11/10、12/25、2/10、3/10、4/10、5/10; 长江下游亚区: 10/25、11/15、12/25、2/10、3/10、4/10、5/10。"


不同生育期有效降水量空间分布图 (a) 苗期; (b) 越冬期; (c) 蕾薹期; (d) 花期; (e) 角果期; (f) 全生育期。中国标准地图: 审图号GS (2019) 1822号, 底图边界无修改。"


不同生育期需水量空间分布图 (a) 苗期; (b) 越冬期; (c) 蕾薹期; (d) 花期; (e) 角果期; (f) 全生育期。中国标准地图: 审图号GS (2019) 1822号, 底图边界无修改。"


不同生育期水分盈亏指数空间分布图 (a) 苗期; (b) 越冬期; (c) 蕾薹期; (d) 花期; (e) 角果期; (f) 全生育期。中国标准地图: 审图号GS (2019) 1822号, 底图边界无修改。"


长江流域冬油菜水分盈亏指数年代演变特征 图中各省辖地级市自下而上的顺序与表1中所列城市的顺序相对应。"



Growth stage
Disaster situation
长江上游Upper reaches 长江中游Middle reaches 长江下游Lower reaches
旱Drought 58 50 5 25 25 7 6 15 5 15 22 10 3
无旱无涝Suitable 40 46 65 63 65 62 44 70 45 58 55 60 53
涝Waterlogging 2 5 30 12 10 31 51 15 50 27 24 30 45
越冬期Overwintering 旱Drought 94 100 100 93 100 59 30 55 18 41 43 30 18
无旱无涝Suitable 6 0 0 7 0 38 62 45 59 53 50 55 63
涝Waterlogging 0 0 0 0 0 3 8 0 23 7 7 15 20
旱Drought 96 99 100 91 100 45 23 55 12 48 58 35 23
无旱无涝Suitable 4 1 0 9 0 46 64 45 50 41 37 55 47
涝Waterlogging 1 0 0 0 0 9 13 0 38 11 5 10 30
旱Drought 97 95 85 83 90 55 20 80 8 64 86 80 35
无旱无涝Suitable 3 5 15 17 10 42 78 20 80 36 14 20 65
涝Waterlogging 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 12 0 0 0 0
旱Drought 91 56 10 41 65 28 8 50 3 48 68 80 24
无旱无涝Suitable 8 44 90 57 35 68 74 50 67 49 32 20 68
涝Waterlogging 0 0 0 2 0 5 18 0 30 3 0 0 9
Whole growth period
旱Drought 98 94 45 68 100 22 1 40 0 34 46 10 2
无旱无涝Suitable 2 6 55 32 0 78 97 60 77 66 54 90 95
涝Waterlogging 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 23 0 0 0 4
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