
作物学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (12): 3107-3117.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2024.41010

• 耕作栽培·生理生化 • 上一篇    下一篇


亢秀丽1(), 马爱平1,*(), 靖华1, 赵玉坤1,*(), 崔欢虎1, 席吉龙2, 黄学芳3   

  1. 1山西农业大学小麦研究所, 山西临汾 041000
    2山西农业大学棉花研究所, 山西运城 044000
    3山西农业大学山西有机旱作农业研究院, 山西太原 030006
  • 收稿日期:2024-02-05 接受日期:2024-08-15 出版日期:2024-12-12 网络出版日期:2024-08-27
  • 通讯作者: *马爱平, E-mail: mapinglflf@163.com;赵玉坤, E-mail: tykzhao@163.com;
  • 作者简介:E-mail: kangxl103@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Effects of micro-sprinkling limited irrigation on winter wheat yield, water and nitrogen use efficiency

KANG Xiu-Li1(), MA Ai-Ping1,*(), JING Hua1, ZHAO Yu-Kun1,*(), CUI Huan-Hu1, XI Ji-Long2, HUANG Xue-Fang3   

  1. 1Wheat Research Institute, Shanxi Agricultural University, Linfen 041000, Shanxi, China
    2Cotton Research Institute, Shanxi Agricultural University, Yuncheng 044000, Shanxi, China
    3Organic Dry Farming Research Institute, Shanxi Agricultural University, Taiyuan 030006, Shanxi, China
  • Received:2024-02-05 Accepted:2024-08-15 Published:2024-12-12 Published online:2024-08-27
  • Contact: *E-mail: mapinglflf@163.com; E-mail: tykzhao@163.com;
  • Supported by:
    Science and Technology Innovation Enhancement Project of Shanxi Agricultural University(CXGC2023055);National Key Research and Development Program(2021YFD1901102-4);High-Quality Development of Specialty Agriculture Project of Shanxi Agricultural University(TYGC23-21);Independent R&D Project of State Key Laboratory of Organic Dry Farming(202001-6);National Agri-Environmental Yaodu Experimental Station Program(NAES-AE-016)


为探究微喷限水灌溉对冬小麦产量及水氮利用效率的影响, 在山西南部麦区设置正常微喷(S0)、限水微喷(S1)、过量微喷(S2)、漫灌(F0) 4个灌溉处理, 比较分析不同灌溉水平下麦田土壤贮水耗水特性、籽粒产量构成因素、植株氮素分配及水氮利用的差异化表现规律。结果表明,过量灌溉(S2、F0)处理0~200 cm土层贮水量显著高于S0、S1处理, 而S0和S1处理间无显著差异; 不同处理各土层贮水量均随灌水量增加而增加, 0~100 cm土层贮水量低于100~200 cm。4种灌溉方式下麦田0~200 cm土壤水耗水量在生育期总耗水量的占比区间为8.95%~48.48%, 该比例随灌水量增加而减小; 0~200 cm土壤水耗水最高处理为S1, 而灌溉水耗水最高处理为F0; F0、S2处理的100~200 cm土层耗水量显著低于S0和S1。在产量构成因素中, F0、S2处理的穗数显著低于S0和S1, 而千粒重高于S0和S1; 各处理冬小麦籽粒产量S0>S1>S2>F0, S0和S1处理间产量差异较小, 均显著高于F0和S2。各处理水分利用效率随灌水量增多而降低, 限水微喷S1处理水分利用效率较其余灌溉处理高1.39~7.36 kg hm-2 mm-1。与正常微喷S0相比, S1处理的氮素吸收效率、氮素收获指数分别高1.64%和1.91%, 氮肥偏生产力略低(P > 0.05), 但两处理氮肥偏生产力均显著高于F0和S2。S1处理的土壤氮素表观盈余量较其余灌溉处理低2.46%~21.01%, 而籽粒氮素积累量较其余处理高3.64%~ 31.39%。综上所述, 限水微喷灌溉能促进冬小麦对深层土壤水分的吸收和籽粒氮素积累, 优化灌溉制度, 提高水氮利用效率, 稳产增效, 同时可减少麦田土壤氮素盈余, 降低无机氮向下淋溶风险, 推进节水农业可持续健康发展。

关键词: 限水微喷, 产量, 水分利用效率, 氮肥偏生产力, 氮素表观盈余


To clarify the influence of micro-sprinkling limited irrigation on winter wheat yield, water, and nitrogen use efficiency, we conducted an experiment with four treatments in irrigated wheat fields in southern Shanxi: normal micro-sprinkling irrigation (S0), micro-sprinkling limited irrigation (S1), excessive micro-sprinkling irrigation (S2), and flood irrigation (F0). We analyzed the different performance rules in farmland soil water storage and consumption, yield component factors, plant nitrogen distribution, and water and nitrogen utilization under these different irrigation levels. The results showed that soil pondage in the 0-200 cm layer under excessive irrigation (F0 and S2) was significantly higher than under normal micro-sprinkling irrigation (S0) and micro-sprinkling limited irrigation (S1), with no significant difference between S0 and S1. Soil pondage increased with increasing irrigation amounts in all treatments, with the 0-100 cm soil pondage being lower than the 100-200 cm pondage. The percentage of 0-200 cm soil water consumption relative to total water consumption during the winter wheat growth period ranged from 8.95% to 48.48% under the four irrigation treatments, decreasing with increasing irrigation amounts. The peak of 0-200 cm soil water consumption was observed in the S1 treatment, while the peak of irrigation water consumption was in the F0 treatment. The deeper 100-200 cm soil water consumption in the F0 and S2 treatments was significantly lower than in S0 and S1. The spike number of the yield components under excessive irrigation treatments (F0 and S2) were significantly lower than those in S0 and S1, while the 1000-grain weight was higher in F0 and S2. The ranks of winter wheat grain yield in different irrigation treatments were S0, S1, S2, and F0. There was no significant difference between S0 and S1; however, the yields of both treatments were significantly higher than those of F0 and S2. Water use efficiency (WUE) in winter wheat decreased with increasing irrigation amounts, with the WUE in the micro-sprinkling limited irrigation (S1) treatment being 1.39 to 7.36 kg hm-2 mm-1 higher than in the other treatments. The nitrogen uptake efficiency and nitrogen harvest index of the S1 treatment were 1.64% and 1.91% higher than those of the normal micro-sprinkling irrigation (S0) treatment, while nitrogen fertilizer partial productivity was slightly lower. The nitrogen fertilizer partial productivity in the S0 and S1 treatments was significantly higher than in F0 and S2. The nitrogen apparent surplus amount in the S1 treatment was 2.46% to 21.01% lower than in the other treatments, while the nitrogen accumulation in the seeds of the S1 treatment was 3.64% to 31.39% higher. In summary, micro-sprinkling limited irrigation can promote water uptake in deeper soil layers and grain nitrogen accumulation in winter wheat, optimize irrigation patterns, and improve water use and nitrogen uptake efficiency. This irrigation pattern is characterized by stable production and high efficiency, significantly reducing soil nitrogen surplus and the risk of inorganic nitrogen downward leaching. Thus, it promotes the sustainable and healthy development of water-saving agriculture.

Key words: micro-sprinkling limited irrigation, yield, water use efficiency, N fertilizer partial productivity, N apparent surplus



Grain filling
Total irrigation amount
S1 20 30 30 20 100
S2 40 50 60 50 200
S0 30 40 50 40 160
F0 90 90 90 90 360
灌水时间Irrigation time 2021-2022 11/29 03/10 04/03 05/14
(month/day) 2022-2023 12/03 03/08 04/03 05/15


微喷限水灌溉对麦田0~200 cm土层贮水量的影响 PS: 播前; OW: 越冬期; J: 拔节期; GF: 灌浆期; M: 成熟期。"


微喷限水灌溉对麦田0~200 cm土层全生育期耗水量的影响"

Soil water consumption
Precipitation consumption
Irrigation consumption
0-100 cm (mm) 100-200 cm
0-200 cm
2021-2022 S1 133.85 a 70.95 a 204.80 a 48.48 117.60 27.84 100.00 23.67
S2 104.63 c 54.69 b 159.32 c 33.41 117.60 24.66 200.00 41.94
S0 114.73 b 71.35 a 186.08 b 40.13 117.60 25.36 160.00 34.51
F0 77.24 d 18.41 c 95.65 d 16.69 117.60 20.51 360.00 62.80
2022-2023 S1 90.32 b 41.30 a 131.62 a 28.23 234.60 50.32 100.00 21.45
S2 96.81 a 3.99 c 100.80 c 18.83 234.60 43.82 200.00 37.36
S0 92.95 b 23.37 b 116.32 b 22.77 234.60 45.92 160.00 31.32
F0 55.44 c 2.99 c 58.43 d 8.95 234.60 35.92 360.00 55.13



Spike number
(×104 hm-2)
per spike
1000-grain weight (g)
(kg hm-2)
贮水量Water storage (mm) 总耗水
Total water consumption
Water use
(kg hm-2 mm-1)
S1 516.67 b 26.51 a 39.49 c 8119.91 a 561.87 357.07 d 422.40 d 19.22 a
S2 477.78 d 23.40 b 40.45 b 7555.73 b 561.87 402.55 b 476.92 b 15.84 c
S0 595.56 a 23.93 b 39.35 c 8259.61 a 561.87 375.79 c 463.68 c 17.81 b
F0 483.71 c 23.50 b 42.08 a 7033.76 c 561.87 506.22 a 533.25 a 13.19 d
S1 517.34 b 26.12 c 41.49 b 8819.36 a 503.71 b 372.09 d 466.22 d 18.92 a
S2 428.00 c 28.83 ab 42.81 a 8312.69 b 511.37 a 410.57 b 535.40 b 15.53 c
S0 531.34 a 24.44 d 38.95 c 8954.36 a 497.36 b 381.04 c 510.92 c 17.53 b
F0 338.67 d 27.41 bc 42.25 ab 7546.02 c 512.12 a 453.69 a 653.03 a 11.56 d



Soil layer
Spike number
(×104 hm-2)
Grains per spike
1000-grain weight
(kg hm-2)
2021-2022 0-100 0.4369 0.7922 -0.9272 0.8516
100-200 0.6217 0.5379 -0.9961** 0.9558*
0-200 0.5155 0.5959 -0.9779* 0.9112
2022-2023 0-100 0.7892 -0.1572 -0.2817 0.8194
100-200 0.8172 -0.6482 -0.4683 0.9713*
0-200 0.9509 -0.4696 -0.4414 0.8476



氮素积累量N accumulation (kg hm-2) 分配比例Distribution proportion (%)
Spike axis
and glume

and sheath
Spike axis
and glume

and sheath
2021-2022 S1 183.39 a 12.35 c 8.01 c 26.77 b 79.55 5.36 3.47 11.61
S2 161.42 c 15.60 a 9.76 b 29.24 a 74.72 7.22 4.52 13.54
S0 176.07 b 13.11 b 8.22 c 27.93 b 78.14 5.82 3.65 12.40
F0 140.53 d 16.85 a 11.64 a 30.12 a 70.57 8.46 5.85 15.13
2022-2023 S1 152.09 a 10.33 c 6.22 c 21.20 d 80.11 5.44 3.28 11.17
S2 127.14 c 12.52 b 7.17 b 25.37 b 73.83 7.27 4.16 14.73
S0 147.62 b 10.12 c 6.43 c 23.16 c 78.80 5.40 3.43 12.36
F0 114.80 d 17.34 a 10.24 a 27.08 a 67.74 10.23 6.04 15.98



N uptake efficiency (kg kg-1)
N harvest index
N fertilizer partial productivity (kg kg-1)
2021-2022 S1 1.02 a 0.80 a 36.09 a
S2 0.96 bc 0.75 c 33.58 b
S0 1.00 ab 0.78 b 36.71 a
F0 0.89 c 0.71 d 31.26 c
2022-2023 S1 0.84 a 0.80 a 39.20 a
S2 0.77 b 0.74 b 36.95 b
S0 0.83 a 0.79 a 39.80 a
F0 0.75 b 0.68 c 33.54 c



氮素输入N input (kg hm-2) 氮素输出N output (kg hm-2) 表观盈余
Apparent surplus
(kg hm-2)
Initial N
N application
N residue
N uptake by wheat
2021-2022 S1 217.40 225.00 163.26 c 230.52 a 48.62 d
S2 217.40 225.00 172.08 b 216.02 c 54.30 b
S0 217.40 225.00 165.13 c 225.33 b 51.94 c
F0 217.40 225.00 181.71 a 199.14 d 61.55 a
2022-2023 S1 283.52 c 225.00 247.25 c 189.84 a 71.43 b
S2 286.08 b 225.00 258.23 b 172.20 b 80.65 a
S0 285.17 bc 225.00 249.61 c 187.33 a 73.23 b
F0 288.45 a 225.00 262.12 a 169.46 c 81.87 a
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