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作物学报 ›› 2008, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (03): 429-436.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2008.00429

• 耕作栽培·生理生化 • 上一篇    下一篇


魏海燕1;张洪程1,2,*;张胜飞1;杭杰1;戴其根1,2;霍中洋1,2; 许轲1,2;马群1;张庆1;刘艳阳1

  1. 1 扬州大学江苏省作物遗传生理重点实验室; 2 扬州大学农业部长江流域稻作技术创新中心, 江苏扬州225009
  • 收稿日期:2007-07-27 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2008-03-12 网络出版日期:2008-03-12

Root Morphological and Physiological Characteristics in Rice Genotypes with Different N Use Efficiencies

WEI Hai-Yan1,ZHANG Hong-Cheng1,2,*,ZHANG Sheng-Fei1,HANG Jie1,DAI Qi-Gen1,2,HUO Zhong-Yang1,2,XU Ke1,2,MA Qun1,ZHANG Qing1,LIU Yan-Yang1

  1. 1 Jiangsu Province Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Physiology; 2 Innovation Center of Rice Cultivation Technology in Yangtze Valley, Ministry of Agriculture, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, Jiangsu, China
  • Received:2007-07-27 Revised:1900-01-01 Published:2008-03-12 Published online:2008-03-12

摘要: 选用氮素利用高效型和低效型具有代表性的12个粳稻品种, 研究了225 kg hm-2施氮条件下根系形态和生理指标的差异及其与氮素利用效率的相互关系。结果表明, 有效分蘖临界叶龄期、拔节期、抽穗期和成熟期, 氮高效型水稻的根干重、根系体积、总吸收表面积、活跃吸收表面积和活跃吸收表面积比均显著或极显著大于氮低效型水稻。有效分蘖临界叶龄期和拔节期, 氮高效类型水稻的根冠比显著大于氮低效型, 而抽穗和成熟期则表现相反趋势。成熟期前, 氮高效型水稻的根系α-NA氧化量极显著大于氮低效型, 而成熟期, 氮高效型中杂交水稻的根系α-NA氧化量略低于个别氮低效型水稻品种。相关性分析表明, 有效分蘖临界叶龄期、拔节期、抽穗期和成熟期, 水稻的根干重、根系体积、根系的α-NA氧化量、总吸收表面积、活跃吸收表面积和活跃吸收表面积比与氮素利用效率呈显著或极显著正相关。有效分蘖临界叶龄期和拔节期, 植株的根冠比与氮素利用效率呈显著正相关, 而抽穗和成熟期则呈极显著负相关。氮高效型水稻在其一生中具有良好的根系形态和保持较强的根系活力, 为植株大量吸收和高效利用氮素奠定了良好基础。同时, 在水稻的生长过程中, 地下部与地上部的合理比例及协调生长也是促进植株高效吸收利用氮素的重要因素。

关键词: 水稻, 氮素利用效率, 根系形态, 根系生理, 相关性


Nitrogen is the most important input required in rice production although over use of N causes so many environment problems. It is well known that N use efficiency is varied in different rice genotypes. Therefore, it is important to explore and exploit the potential contributing to the N use efficiency. As an integral part of plant organs, rice root plays an important role in absorption and utilization of N from soil and fertilizer. In this research, a field experiment with 225 kg ha-1 N fertilizer application was carried out in 2006 on the farm of Yangzhou University, Jiangsu province, China. A total of 12 rice genotypes ( 6 N-efficient and 6 N-inefficient ) selected from 120 rice cultivars grown in Yangzhou during 2004 and 2005 were adopted to investigate the charac-teristics of root morphology and physiology in rice types with different N use efficiencies. Relationship between N use efficiency and indexes of root morphology and physiology was also analyzed. The results showed that at different growth stages, the indexes of root morphology and physiology including the root dry weight, root volume, total absorbing surface area of root, active absorbing surface area of root, ratio of active absorbing surface area to total absorbing surface area in N efficient rice type were obviously higher than those in N inefficient rice type. At the critical stage of productive tillering and the stage of elongating, the ratio of root to shoot in N efficient rice type was significantly higher than that in N inefficient rice type while the trend was con-trary at the stages of heading and maturing. Before the stage of maturing, the root oxidation ability of α-NA in N efficient rice type was superior to that in N inefficiency rice type while at the stage of maturing the root oxidation ability of α-NA in N efficient hybrid rice was appreciably lower than that in some N efficient rice cultivars. N use efficiency positively correlated to all the above morphological and physiological indices at all growth stages, with the exception of negatively correlation to the ratio of root to shoot at the stage of heading and maturing. It could be concluded that the root morphology is good and the root is vigorous in N efficient rice type, its morphological and physiological characteristics ensures the efficient absorption and utilization of N in all its life, and proper ratio of root to shoot and the harmonious growth of root and shoot can also improve the efficiency of N absorption and utilization.

Key words: Rice, N use efficiency, Root morphology, Root physiology, Correlation

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