
作物学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 49 ›› Issue (4): 1122-1131.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2023.23031

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栾奕1(), 白岩2, 卢实3, 李磊鑫4, 王德强5, 高婷婷3, 石洁6,*(), 杨洪明1,*(), 路明3,*()   

  1. 1吉林省种子管理总站, 吉林长春 130033
    2全国农业技术推广服务中心, 北京 100125
    3吉林省农业科学院玉米研究所/主要粮食作物国家工程研究中心/国家玉米工程技术研究中心(吉林)/农业农村部东北中部玉米生物学与遗传育种重点实验室, 吉林长春 130033
    4辽宁省农业发展服务中心, 辽宁沈阳 110034
    5黑龙江省种业技术服务中心, 黑龙江哈尔滨 150008
    6河北省农林科学院植物保护研究所, 河北保定 071000
  • 收稿日期:2022-04-13 接受日期:2022-07-22 出版日期:2023-04-12 网络出版日期:2022-08-19
  • 通讯作者: *路明, E-mail: lum7893@163.com;杨洪明, E-mail: yhmym@126.com;石洁, E-mail: shij99@163.com
  • 作者简介:E-mail: ccly0505@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Multi-disease resistance evaluation of spring maize varieties for the national regional test in Northeast and North China during 2016-2020

LUAN Yi1(), BAI Yan2, LU Shi3, LI Lei-Xin4, WANG De-Qiang5, GAO Ting-Ting3, SHI Jie6,*(), YANG Hong-Ming1,*(), LU Ming3,*()   

  1. 1Jilin Provincial Seed Management Station, Changchun 130033, Jilin, China
    2National Agro-Technical Extension and Service Center, Beijing 100125, China
    3Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences/National Engineering Research Center of Major Food Crops/National Engineering Research Center for Maize (Jilin)/Key Laboratory Biology and Genetic Improvement of Maize in Northeast Region, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Changchun 130033, Jilin, China
    4Service Center for Agricultural Development in Liaoning Province, Shenyang 110034, Liaoning, China
    5Heilongjiang Seed Technology Service Centre, Harbin 150008, Heilongjiang, China
    6Plant Protection Institute, Hebei Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, Baoding 071000, Hebei, China
  • Received:2022-04-13 Accepted:2022-07-22 Published:2023-04-12 Published online:2022-08-19
  • Contact: *E-mail: lum7893@163.com;E-mail: yhmym@126.com;E-mail: shij99@163.com
  • Supported by:
    National Key Research and Development Program of China(2021YFD1201002);Horizontal Scientific Research Program of National Agro-Technical Extension and Service Center


病害是影响玉米生产的重要生物逆境, 培育抗病品种是玉米病害防控最为经济、有效和环保的策略。本研究以我国“十三五”期间国家东华北春玉米区域试验(中早熟、中熟和中晚熟3个熟期组)中724份(次)参试品种的病害鉴定数据进行分析, 病害包括玉米大斑病、丝黑穗病、禾谷镰孢茎腐病、灰斑病和禾谷镰孢穗腐病。结果表明, 5种病害抗性级别以中抗和感病为主, 中早熟、中熟和中晚熟组的这2个级别分别占总数的82.94%、84.12%和72.46%; 中晚熟组抗性强于中熟和中早熟, 中早熟、中熟和中晚熟组达到中抗(MR)以上的品种分别占总数的50.24%、56.37%和69.33%, 其中, 达高抗(HR)的分别占4.52%、4.41%和7.84%, 达抗(R)的分别占8.73%、10.59%和18.88%; 大斑病和灰斑病的抗原较为缺乏, 均无高抗品种, 中早熟组达到抗(R)以上水平的病害排序从高到低是禾谷镰孢茎腐病、丝黑穗病、禾谷镰孢穗腐病、灰斑病和大斑病, 中熟组排序是禾谷镰孢穗腐病、禾谷镰孢茎腐病、丝黑穗病、灰斑病和大斑病, 中晚熟组排序是禾谷镰孢穗腐病、禾谷镰孢茎腐病、丝黑穗病、大斑病和灰斑病; 年际间鉴定结果受气候环境影响较大, 2020年总体表现较差; 中早熟、中熟和中晚组5种病害同时达到中抗(MR)以上的品种分别占2.78%、6.37%和15.67%, 但最终仅有1个品种(承玉88)通过审定, 说明高产抗病绿色玉米品种选育难度较大, 建议设立抗病绿色玉米品种试验组别, 强化抗病绿色玉米品种审定标识, 有效快速推动绿色品种的选育与推广。本研究明确了近年来我国东华北春玉米试验品种的主要病害抗性水平, 为今后品种选育、审定与推广提供参考依据, 从而支撑我国玉米种业绿色发展。

关键词: “十三五”, 东华北, 春玉米, 品种, 抗病性


Diseases have been major biological adversity affecting maize production. Developing disease resistant varieties is the most economical, effective, and environment-friendly strategy for maize disease prevention. In this study, the disease identification data of 724 tested varieties in the national regional test (early-medium maturity, medium maturity, and late-medium maturity) were analyzed in Northeast and North China from 2016 to 2020, including northern corn leaf blight, head smut, fusarium stalk rot, gray leaf spot, and fusarium ear rot. The results revealed that medium resistance and susceptibility dominated the five disease resistance categories, accounting for 82.94%, 84.12%, and 72.46% in the early-medium maturity, medium maturity, and late-medium maturity groups, respectively. The varieties with early-medium maturity, medium maturity, and late-medium maturity groups with medium resistance (MR) or above accounted for 50.24%, 56.37%, and 69.33% of the total varieties, with high resistance (HR) accounting for 4.52%, 4.41%, and 7.84% of the total, respectively. Northern corn leaf blight and gray leaf spot antigens were few, and no high-resistance varieties existed. Fusarium stalk rot, head smut, fusarium ear rot, gray leaf spot, and northern corn leaf blight were ranked from high to low in terms of resistance (R) in early-medium maturity. The medium maturity group was fusarium ear rot, fusarium stalk rot, head smut, gray leaf spot, and northern corn leaf blight. The order of late-medium maturity group was fusarium ear rot, fusarium stalk rot, head smut, northern corn leaf blight, and gray leaf spot, respectively. Climate and environment had an impact on inter-annual identification results, and the overall performance in 2020 was worse. The varieties with the five kinds of diseases in the early-medium maturity, medium maturity, and late-medium maturity groups reaching the medium resistance (MR) or above at the same time accounted for 2.78%, 6.37%, and 15.67%, respectively. However, only one variety (Chengyu 88) passed the test, demonstrating that breeding high yielding, disease-resistant green maize variants was challenging. It was recommended that a disease-resistant green maize variety test group could be established, that disease-resistant green maize varieties be identified more successfully, and that green maize varieties be promoted more effectively and rapidly. This study clarifies the main disease resistance level of northeast and north spring maize test varieties in recent year, and provides a reference for future variety breeding, validation, and promotion, so as to support the green development of China’s maize seed industry.

Key words: 13th Five-Year, Northeast and North China, spring maize, variety, disease resistance



Ripe period


Northern corn leaf blight
中早熟 Early-medium maturity 0 0 57 180 15 252
中熟 Medium maturity 0 0 64 137 3 204
中晚熟 Late-medium maturity 0 41 116 111 0 268
Head smut
中早熟 Early-medium maturity 0 31 57 156 8 252
中熟 Medium maturity 1 23 77 100 3 204
中晚熟 Late-medium maturity 35 64 59 109 1 268
Stalk rot
中早熟 Early-medium maturity 56 57 120 18 1 252
中熟 Medium maturity 26 27 102 47 2 204
中晚熟 Late-medium maturity 39 65 124 30 10 268
Gray leaf spot
中早熟 Early-medium maturity 0 0 105 131 16 252
中熟 Medium maturity 0 11 92 101 0 204
中晚熟 Late-medium maturity 0 8 147 113 0 268
Ear rot
中早熟 Early-medium maturity 1 22 127 94 8 252
中熟 Medium maturity 18 47 87 51 1 204
中晚熟 Late-medium maturity 31 75 125 37 0 268


春玉米抗感品种比例 A: 中早熟; B: 中熟; C: 中晚熟。病害级别缩写同表1。"


2016-2020年春玉米品种病害抗性比例 A: 大斑病; B: 丝黑穗病; C: 茎腐病; D: 灰斑病; E: 穗腐病。病害级别缩写同表1。"


2016-2020年中抗1种(或以上)病害品种比例 A: 3个熟期的平均比例; B: 中早熟; C: 中熟; D: 中晚熟。"

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