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Acta Agronomica Sinica ›› 2019, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (3): 419-430.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2019.84087


Evaluation of drought tolerance and screening for drought-tolerant indicators in sweetpotato cultivars

Hai-Yan ZHANG1,Bei-Tao XIE1,Bao-Qing WANG1,Shun-Xu DONG1,Wen-Xue DUAN1,*(),Li-Ming ZHANG2,*()   

  1. 1 Crop Research Institute of Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences / Scientific Observation and Experimental Station of Tubers and Root Crops in Huang-Huai-Hai Region, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Jinan 250100, Shandong, China
    2 Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Jinan 250100, Shandong, China
  • Received:2018-06-26 Accepted:2018-10-08 Online:2019-03-12 Published:2018-11-07
  • Contact: Wen-Xue DUAN,Li-Ming ZHANG E-mail:duanwenxue2010@163.com;zhanglm11@sina.com
  • Supported by:
    This study was supported by Shandong Province Modern Agricultural Technology System Tubers and Root Crops Innovation Team(SDAIT-16-09);the China Agriculture Research System(CARS-10-B08)


Field experiments were conducted under a rain proof shelter using 15 sweetpotato cultivars with drought stress treatment and well-watered treatment. The yield and agronomic traits of different sweetpotato cultivars under drought stress were studied. The sweetpotato cultivars were classified according to the drought resistance coefficient of each cultivar. The drought-tolerant cultivars (DC ≥ 0.6) included Jishu 21, Jishu 25, Jixu 23, Jishu 15, and Yanshu 25. The moderate drought-tolerant cultivars (0.4 ≤ DC < 0.6) included Xushu 18, Jishu 26, Beijing 553, Jizishu 2, and Jishu 18. The drought-sensitive cultivars (DC < 0.4) included Zhengshu 20, Jizishu 3, Jishu 22, Jizishu 1, and Ayamaraski. Drought stress caused the decline of leaf number per plant, vine length, leaf area index and biomass which was different among cultivars. The impact of drought stress on drought-tolerant cultivars was lower than that of drought-sensitive cultivars. Under drought stress, these were significant positive correlations of drought resistance with leaf number per plant, vine length, leaf area index and biomass of different cultivars. All the agronomic traits could be used as a comprehensive evaluation index for identifying drought resistance of sweetpotato cultivars. Xushu 18 could be used as a control cultivar in the identification and screening of drought tolerance.

Key words: sweetpotato, drought tolerant, comprehensive assessment, identified index

Table 1

Cultivar, breeding unit, and cultivar type of experimental materials"

Cultivar type
Cultivar name
Breeding organization
淀粉型 1 徐薯18 Xushu 18 江苏徐州甘薯研究中心 Xuzhou Sweetpotato Research Center
High-starch 2 济薯15 Jishu 15 山东省农业科学院作物研究所 Crop Research Institute of SAAS
3 济薯21 Jishu 21 山东省农业科学院作物研究所 Crop Research Institute of SAAS
4 济徐23 Jixu 23 山东省农业科学院作物研究所 Crop Research Institute of SAAS
5 济薯25 Jishu 25 山东省农业科学院作物研究所 Crop Research Institute of SAAS
鲜食型 6 北京553 Beijing 553 原华北农业科学研究所 North China Institute of Agricultural Sciences
Table-used 7 郑薯20 Zhengshu 20 河南省农业科学院粮食作物研究所 Crop Research Institute of HAAS
8 烟薯25 Yanshu 25 烟台市农业科学研究院 Yantai Academy of Agricultural Sciences
9 济薯22 Jishu 22 山东省农业科学院作物研究所 Crop Research Institute of SAAS
10 济薯26 Jishu 26 山东省农业科学院作物研究所 Crop Research Institute of SAAS
色素型 11 凌紫Ayamaraski 日本品种 Japanese Genotype
Rich in pigment 12 济薯18 Jishu 18 山东省农业科学院作物研究所 Crop Research Institute of SAAS
13 济紫薯1号 Jizishu 1 山东省农业科学院作物研究所 Crop Research Institute of SAAS
14 济紫薯2号 Jizishu 2 山东省农业科学院作物研究所 Crop Research Institute of SAAS
15 济紫薯3号 Jizishu 3 山东省农业科学院作物研究所 Crop Research Institute of SAAS

Table 2

Evaluation of drought resistance in different sweetpotato cultivars"

2012 2013 抗旱评价
Fresh weight (kg hm-2)
Fresh weight (kg hm-2)
对照Control 干旱Drought 对照
徐薯18 Xushu 18 18735 fg 10305 d 0.55 ef 20970 d 11955 d 0.57 e 中抗Medium resistance
济薯15 Jishu 15 20205 de 13530 c 0.67 bc 22740 c 14325 c 0.63 d 抗Resistance
济薯21 Jishu 21 19200 ef 13635 b 0.71 a 21525 d 15720 b 0.73 a 抗Resistance
济徐23 Jixu 23 22950 b 15840 a 0.69 ab 24540 b 15945 b 0.65 c 抗Resistance
济薯25 Jishu 25 25080 a 17550 a 0.70 a 27090 a 18420 a 0.68 b 抗Resistance
北京553 Beijing 553 16350 hi 9315 e 0.57 de 18570 e 9840 e 0.53 fg 中抗Medium resistance
郑薯20 Zhengshu 20 20250 cd 7890 f 0.39 h 23400 c 8430 f 0.36 h 不抗Not resistance
烟薯25 Yanshu 25 21600 c 14040 b 0.65 c 22920 c 14445 c 0.63 cd 抗Resistance
济薯22 Jishu 22 16875 h 6405 g 0.38 h 18525 e 6480 h 0.35 hi 不抗Not resistance
济薯26 Jishu 26 23520 b 13635 bc 0.58 d 26820 a 14490 c 0.54 ef 中抗Medium resistance
凌紫Ayamaraski 13140 k 4590 i 0.35 i 13530 h 4470 j 0.33 i 不抗Not resistance
济薯18 Jishu18 17550 g 8595 e 0.49 g 15600 g 7950 g 0.51 ef 中抗Medium resistance
济紫薯1号 Jizishu 1 15450 ij 5250 h 0.34 i 16845 f 5895 i 0.35 i 不抗Not resistance
济紫薯2号 Jizishu 2 14640 j 7470 f 0.51 f 16065 fg 8520 f 0.53 g 中抗Medium resistance
济紫薯3号 Jizishu 3 16200 hi 5985 gh 0.37 hi 16935 f 6435 h 0.38 h 不抗Not resistance

Table 3

Effects of drought stress on leaf number per plant in sweetpotato"

栽后60 d 60 DAP 栽后100 d 100 DAP
对照Control 干旱Drought 相对值RV 对照Control 干旱Drought 相对值RV
徐薯18 Xushu 18 123 ab 59 b 0.48 bc 197 b 72 cd 0.37 b
济薯15 Jishu 15 121 b 62 a 0.51 bc 203 b 80 b 0.39 ab
济薯21 Jishu 21 110 d 57 b 0.52 b 185 c 75 c 0.41 a
济徐23 Jixu 23 118 bc 61 ab 0.52 b 194 b 76 c 0.39 ab
济薯25 Jishu 25 129 a 65 a 0.50 bc 213 a 85 a 0.40 a
北京553 Beijing 553 109 d 65 a 0.60 a 178 d 68 de 0.38 ab
郑薯20 Zhengshu 20 107 d 45 d 0.42 cd 168 e 56 f 0.33 c
烟薯25 Yanshu 25 127 a 58 b 0.46 bc 201 b 65 e 0.32 c
济薯22 Jishu 22 118 bc 59 b 0.50 bc 178 d 69 de 0.39 ab
济薯26 Jishu 26 128 a 60 b 0.47 bc 215 a 79 bc 0.37 b
凌紫Ayamaraski 98 e 39 e 0.40 d 199 b 49 g 0.25 d
济薯18 Jishu 18 114 c 51 c 0.45 c 187 c 63 e 0.34 c
济紫薯1号 Jizishu 1 125 ab 60 b 0.48 bc 200 b 70 d 0.35 bc
济紫薯2号 Jizishu 2 107 d 49 cd 0.46 bc 178 d 64 e 0.36 bc
济紫薯3号 Jizishu 3 112 cd 48 cd 0.43 cd 184 c 59 f 0.32 c
徐薯18 Xushu 18 134 a 65 ab 0.49 ab 213 b 79 b 0.37 bc
济薯15 Jishu 15 110 d 51 c 0.46 bc 187 ef 62 e 0.33 d
济薯21 Jishu 21 128 b 70 a 0.55 a 209 bc 89 a 0.43 a
济徐23 Jixu 23 124 bc 65 ab 0.53 a 202 cd 80 b 0.40 ab
济薯25 Jishu 25 125 bc 63 b 0.50 ab 207 c 82 b 0.40 ab
北京553 Beijing 553 113 d 55 c 0.49 ab 182 f 68 d 0.37 bc
郑薯20 Zhengshu 20 126 b 63 b 0.50 ab 191 e 73 c 0.38 bc
烟薯25 Yanshu 25 131 ab 65 ab 0.50 ab 207 c 78 b 0.38 bc
济薯22 Jishu 22 135 a 69 a 0.51 ab 198 d 79 b 0.40 ab
济薯26 Jishu 26 121 c 53 c 0.44 c 208 c 72 c 0.35 cd
凌紫Ayamaraski 87 g 35 e 0.40 d 213 b 53 f 0.25 e
济薯18 Jishu 18 130 ab 63 b 0.48 bc 221 a 75 bc 0.34 cd
济紫薯1号 Jizishu 1 98 f 47 d 0.48 bc 156 g 55 f 0.35 cd
济紫薯2号 Jizishu 2 114 d 54 c 0.47 bc 189 e 69 d 0.37 bc
济紫薯3号 Jizishu 3 104 e 45 d 0.43 cd 171 55 f 0.32 d

Table 4

Effects of drought stress on vine length in sweetpotato (cm) "

栽后60 d 60 DAP 栽后100 d 100 DAP
对照Control 干旱Drought 相对值RV 对照Control 干旱Drought 相对值RV
徐薯18 Xushu 18 105.64 c 69.56 cd 0.66 a 148.95 f 81.89 c 0.55 ab
济薯15 Jishu 15 91.75 d 59.45 g 0.65 ab 163.79 e 81.45 c 0.50 cd
济薯21 Jishu 21 119.34 b 78.13 b 0.65 ab 157.57 e 90.32 b 0.57 a
济徐23 Jixu 23 117.56 b 73.56 bc 0.63 b 164.32 e 92.31 b 0.56 ab
济薯25 Jishu 25 114.56 b 77.45 b 0.68 a 185.64 c 104.53 a 0.56 ab
北京553 Beijing 553 98.46 d 64.13 ef 0.65 ab 138.45 g 75.88 d 0.55 ab
郑薯20 Zhengshu 20 107.23 c 64.12 ef 0.60 cd 142.56 fg 74.79 d 0.52 bc
烟薯25 Yanshu 25 131.89 a 78.56 b 0.60 cd 201.76 b 91.86 b 0.46 de
济薯22 Jishu 22 108.76 c 67.26 de 0.62 cd 158.29 e 84.56 c 0.53 bc
济薯26 Jishu 26 134.56 a 84.56 a 0.63 b 213.22 a 101.23 a 0.47 d
凌紫 Ayamaraski 97.56 d 56.46 g 0.58 d 119.56 h 63.56 e 0.53 bc
济薯18 Jishu 18 105.46 c 61.23 fg 0.58 d 188.45 c 81.46 c 0.43 e
济紫薯1号 Jizishu 1 112.67 bc 66.76 de 0.59 d 165.45 e 86.35 bc 0.52 bc
济紫薯2号 Jizishu 2 106.87 c 63.58 ef 0.59 d 138.45 g 73.69 d 0.53 bc
济紫薯3号 Jizishu 3 112.46 bc 69.56 cd 0.62 cd 176.45 d 90.23 b 0.51 bc
徐薯18 Xushu 18 91.81 e 57.18 cd 0.62 b 133.39 e 70.69 de 0.53 bc
济薯15 Jishu 15 88.08 ef 50.35 e 0.57 cd 147.64 c 68.59 de 0.46 e
济薯21 Jishu 21 94.97 de 63.48 bc 0.67 a 141.67 d 79.11 b 0.56 ab
济徐23 Jixu 23 103.26 bc 70.02 a 0.68 a 152.15 c 87.02 a 0.57 a
济薯25 Jishu 25 104.92 bc 60.04 bc 0.57 cd 148.91 c 78.24 b 0.53 bc
北京553 Beijing 553 109.98 b 65.71 ab 0.60 bc 158.61 b 78.75 b 0.50 cd
郑薯20 Zhengshu 20 83.34 f 48.12 f 0.58 bc 127.26 f 62.20 e 0.49 d
烟薯25 Yanshu 25 121.39 a 63.90 bc 0.53 d 184.09 a 78.59 b 0.43 f
济薯22 Jishu 22 94.81 de 54.97 de 0.58 bc 139.88 d 71.58 d 0.51 c
济薯26 Jishu 26 99.58 cd 59.58 cd 0.60 bc 135.09 e 74.58 cd 0.55 ab
凌紫 Ayamaraski 84.06 f 44.60 f 0.53 d 105.18 g 51.42 f 0.49 d
济薯18 Jishu 18 101.24 c 58.78 cd 0.58 bc 151.31 c 69.60 de 0.46 e
济紫薯1号 Jizishu 1 98.56 cd 52.57 e 0.53 d 149.23 c 73.30 cd 0.49 d
济紫薯2号 Jizishu 2 93.00 de 56.24 de 0.60 bc 127.55 f 65.94 e 0.52 bc
济紫薯3号 Jizishu 3 98.36 cd 61.02 bc 0.62 bc 159.79 b 77.02 bc 0.48 de

Table 5

Effects of drought stress on leaf area index in sweetpotato"

栽后60 d 60 DAP 栽后100 d 100 DAP
对照Control 干旱Drought 相对值RV 对照Control 干旱Drought 相对值RV
徐薯18 Xushu 18 4.23 e 2.45 cd 0.58 de 4.03 e 2.07 d 0.51 bc
济薯15 Jishu 15 3.98 e 2.64 cd 0.66 b 3.96 e 2.14 cd 0.54 b
济薯21 Jishu 21 6.01 cd 4.34 ab 0.72 a 5.86 c 3.84 a 0.66 a
济徐23 Jixu 23 6.54 bc 3.98 b 0.61 bcd 6.31 b 3.57 a 0.57 b
济薯25 Jishu 25 6.78 bc 4.32 ab 0.64 bc 6.52 b 3.79 a 0.58 b
北京553 Beijing 553 3.65 ef 2.13 d 0.58 de 3.61 ef 1.82 de 0.50 bc
郑薯20 Zhengshu 20 3.78 ef 2.34 d 0.62 bcd 3.71 ef 1.41 ef 0.38 e
烟薯25 Yanshu 25 7.12 ab 4.72 a 0.66 b 6.89 b 3.62 a 0.53 b
济薯22 Jishu 22 4.03 e 2.45 cd 0.61 bcd 4.06 e 1.72 de 0.42 de
济薯26 Jishu 26 7.86 a 4.19 b 0.53 e 7.48 a 3.84 a 0.51 bc
凌紫 Ayamaraski 2.98 f 1.65 e 0.55 e 2.87 g 1.13 f 0.39 e
济薯18 Jishu 18 3.59 ef 2.11 d 0.59 cde 3.87 e 1.79 de 0.46 cd
济紫薯1号 Jizishu 1 7.21 ab 4.37 ab 0.61 bcd 6.76 b 2.67 b 0.40 de
济紫薯2号 Jizishu 2 3.45 f 2.14 d 0.62 bcd 3.33 f 1.69 de 0.51 bc
济紫薯3号 Jizishu 3 5.35 d 2.98 c 0.56 e 4.97 d 2.58 bc 0.52 b
徐薯18 Xushu 18 3.61 c 1.93 cd 0.53 c 3.16 bc 1.49 de 0.47 c
济薯15 Jishu 15 3.96 c 2.28 c 0.57 bc 3.74 b 1.89 cd 0.51 bc
济薯21 Jishu 21 3.98 c 2.72 c 0.68 a 3.46 bc 2.23 c 0.64 a
济徐23 Jixu 23 6.20 b 4.34 a 0.70 a 5.97 a 3.71 a 0.62 a
济薯25 Jishu 25 6.45 b 4.29 a 0.67 a 6.19 a 3.86 a 0.62 a
北京553 Beijing 553 3.43 c 2.10 cd 0.61 b 3.39 bc 1.79 cd 0.53 b
郑薯20 Zhengshu 20 3.57 c 2.03 cd 0.57 bc 3.50 b 1.49 de 0.43 d
烟薯25 Yanshu 25 6.56 b 4.08 ab 0.62 b 6.02 a 3.08 b 0.51 bc
济薯22 Jishu 22 3.81 c 2.32 c 0.61 b 3.03 bc 1.29 e 0.43 d
济薯26 Jishu 26 7.58 a 4.42 a 0.58 bc 6.20 a 3.17 b 0.51 bc
凌紫 Ayamaraski 2.80 d 1.64 d 0.59 bc 2.09 d 1.06 e 0.51 bc
济薯18 Jishu 18 3.83 c 2.25 c 0.59 bc 3.11 bc 1.63 d 0.52 b
济紫薯1号 Jizishu 1 6.86 b 3.72 b 0.54 c 6.41 a 2.03 c 0.32 e
济紫薯2号 Jizishu 2 3.72 c 2.21 c 0.59 bc 3.10 bc 1.56 de 0.50 bc
济紫薯3号 Jizishu 3 3.45 c 2.09 cd 0.61 b 2.91 c 1.49 de 0.51 bc

Table 6

Effects of drought stress on biomass of aboveground part in sweetpotato (g plant-1) "

栽后60 d 60 DAP 栽后100 d 100 DAP
对照Control 干旱Drought 相对值RV 对照Control 干旱Drought 相对值RV
徐薯18 Xushu 18 59.24 c 35.48 c 0.60 ab 85.97 d 44.53 c 0.52 bcde
济薯15 Jishu 15 50.13 cd 30.83 cd 0.62 ab 82.17 d 42.25 cd 0.51 cdef
济薯21 Jishu 21 58.78 c 38.69 bc 0.66 a 85.24 d 48.52 bc 0.57 a
济徐23 Jixu 23 65.49 b 41.19 ab 0.63 a 93.53 c 51.61 ab 0.55 ab
济薯25 Jishu 25 72.43 a 44.31 ab 0.61 ab 99.89 b 53.97 a 0.54 abc
北京553 Beijing 553 47.63 de 26.65 de 0.56 cd 75.83 e 38.70 d 0.51 cdef
郑薯20 Zhengshu 20 42.22 e 23.17 e 0.55 cd 67.22 f 30.08 e 0.45 g
烟薯25 Yanshu 25 73.84 a 45.41 a 0.61 ab 107.65 a 54.49 a 0.51 cdef
济薯22 Jishu 22 45.47 e 24.26 e 0.53 d 72.39 e 32.85 e 0.45 g
济薯26 Jishu 26 65.32 b 40.48 ab 0.62 ab 91.68 c 49.27 b 0.54 abc
凌紫 Ayamaraski 31.99 f 18.50 f 0.58 bc 57.39 g 22.75 f 0.40 h
济薯18 Jishu 18 53.12 c 30.17 cd 0.57 bc 75.57 e 35.76 de 0.47 fg
济紫薯1号 Jizishu 1 65.33 b 38.80 bc 0.59 bc 83.80 d 40.99 cd 0.49 ef
济紫薯2号 Jizishu 2 45.69 e 27.33 de 0.60 ab 63.66 f 31.81 e 0.50 def
济紫薯3号 Jizishu 3 78.26 a 49.07 a 0.63 a 105.02 a 54.99 a 0.52 bcde
徐薯18 Xushu 18 65.18 c 37.15 c 0.57 cdef 96.72 d 47.82 c 0.49 cde
济薯15 Jishu 15 55.61 de 32.84 d 0.59 bcd 93.43 de 46.32 c 0.50 bcde
济薯21 Jishu 21 66.10 c 44.61 b 0.67 a 94.42 de 55.13 b 0.58 a
济徐23 Jixu 23 67.93 c 41.93 bc 0.62 bc 97.94 d 53.08 b 0.54 b
济薯25 Jishu 25 80.99 a 48.65 a 0.60 bc 112.57 b 59.76 a 0.53 bc
北京553 Beijing 553 57.04 d 30.81 de 0.54 efg 92.29 de 45.88 c 0.50 bcde
郑薯20 Zhengshu 20 50.27 e 26.46 e 0.53 fg 81.52 f 35.09 d 0.43 g
烟薯25 Yanshu 25 82.62 a 49.92 a 0.60 bc 121.50 a 60.36 a 0.50 bcde
济薯22 Jishu 22 55.20 d 28.27 e 0.51 g 89.39 e 39.18 d 0.44 fg
济薯26 Jishu 26 74.08 b 45.02 ab 0.61 bc 104.93 c 55.31 b 0.53 bc
凌紫 Ayamaraski 41.09 f 22.60 f 0.55 efg 75.88 g 28.43 e 0.37 h
济薯18 Jishu 18 54.70 de 30.14 d 0.55 efg 78.72 fg 36.13 d 0.46 efg
济紫薯1号 Jizishu 1 74.10 b 43.06 b 0.58 cde 95.71 d 45.62 c 0.48 defg
济紫薯2号 Jizishu 2 64.23 c 37.24 c 0.58 cde 90.64 de 43.82 c 0.48 defg
济紫薯3号 Jizishu 3 81.60 a 45.36 ab 0.56 def 110.23 b 57.70 ab 0.52 bcd

Table 7

Effects of drought stress on biomass underground part in sweetpotato (g plant-1) "

栽后60 d 60 DAP 栽后100 d 100 DAP
对照Control 干旱Drought 相对值RV 对照Control 干旱Drought 相对值RV
徐薯18 Xushu 18 5.60 de 3.08 d 0.55 de 24.03 cd 10.79 de 0.45 d
济薯15 Jishu 15 5.23 ef 2.74 de 0.52 ef 22.34 de 9.87 de 0.44 d
济薯21 Jishu 21 6.14 cd 3.98 bc 0.65 a 29.59 b 17.42 ab 0.59 a
济徐23 Jixu 23 7.45 b 4.54 b 0.61 abc 31.43 ab 17.49 ab 0.56 a
济薯25 Jishu 25 9.78 a 5.76 a 0.59 bcd 34.56 a 19.73 a 0.57 a
北京553 Beijing 553 6.25 c 3.58 cd 0.57 cd 29.76 b 15.43 bc 0.52 bc
郑薯20 Zhengshu 20 5.98 d 2.76 de 0.46 g 24.89 cd 9.67 de 0.39 e
烟薯25 Yanshu 25 6.56 c 3.87 c 0.59 bcd 29.78 b 16.45 abc 0.55 ab
济薯22 Jishu 22 7.00 b 4.31 b 0.62 ab 33.33 a 16.28 abc 0.49 c
济薯26 Jishu 26 9.56 a 5.43 a 0.57 cd 33.54 a 17.56 ab 0.52 bc
凌紫 Ayamaraski 4.37 f 2.10 e 0.48 fg 18.75 e 7.73 e 0.41 de
济薯18 Jishu 18 5.86 d 2.89 de 0.49 fg 25.02 cd 10.78 de 0.43 de
济紫薯1号 Jizishu 1 7.56 b 3.66 c 0.48 fg 28.67 bc 9.70 de 0.34 f
济紫薯2号 Jizishu 2 4.65 f 2.39 e 0.51 ef 19.88 e 8.73 e 0.44 d
济紫薯3号 Jizishu 3 6.08 cd 3.08 d 0.51 ef 29.09 b 13.21 cd 0.45 d
徐薯18 Xushu 18 4.67 e 2.48 d 0.53 de 20.71 cd 9.19 cd 0.44 d
济薯15 Jishu 15 4.95 de 2.53 d 0.51 ef 21.54 cd 9.45 cd 0.44 d
济薯21 Jishu 21 4.64 e 3.06 c 0.66 a 29.41 ab 15.51 ab 0.53 abc
济徐23 Jixu 23 6.91 b 4.08 b 0.59 bc 30.17 a 16.65 ab 0.55 ab
济薯25 Jishu 25 9.07 a 5.17 a 0.57 bcd 33.11 a 18.72 a 0.57 a
北京553 Beijing 553 4.99 de 2.93 cd 0.59 bc 23.09 c 12.06 bc 0.52 bc
郑薯20 Zhengshu 20 5.58 cd 2.45 d 0.44 g 23.92 c 9.16 cd 0.38 e
烟薯25 Yanshu 25 5.46 cd 3.12 c 0.57 bcd 25.67 bc 14.07 abc 0.55 ab
济薯22 Jishu 22 6.11 bc 3.72 b 0.61 b 29.55 ab 14.37 abc 0.49 c
济薯26 Jishu 26 9.24 a 5.19 a 0.56 cd 32.74 a 17.08 a 0.52 a
凌紫 Ayamaraski 3.43 f 1.60 e 0.47 fg 15.08 e 6.16 d 0.41 d
济薯18 Jishu 18 4.18 e 1.89 e 0.45 g 18.93 de 7.97 d 0.42 d
济紫薯1号 Jizishu 1 6.08 bc 2.71 d 0.45 g 28.67 ab 10.45 cd 0.36 e
济紫薯2号 Jizishu 2 3.75 f 1.77 e 0.47 fg 16.99 e 7.29 d 0.43 d
济紫薯3号 Jizishu 3 4.50 e 2.20 de 0.49 ef 22.22 cd 9.99 cd 0.45 cd

Table 8

Correlation coefficient of agronomic traits with drought resistance coefficient (control) "

年份Year 生育期
Growth stage
Leaf number
Vine length
Leaf area index
生物量 Biomass
地上部 Aboveground 地下部 Underground
2012 40 DAP 0.13 0.46 0.39 0.28 0.30
60 DAP 0.41 0.29 0.38 0.36 0.30
80 DAP 0.48 0.35 0.35 0.49 0.46
100 DAP 0.40 0.35 0.41 0.47 0.31
2013 40 DAP 0.43 0.42 0.28 0.15 0.30
60 DAP 0.45 0.43 0.36 0.21 0.35
80 DAP 0.38 0.46 0.35 0.31 0.50
100 DAP 0.40 0.39 0.41 0.27 0.39

Table 9

Correlation coefficient of agronomic traits with drought resistance coefficient (drought stress) "

年份Year 生育期
Growth stage
Leaf number
Vine length
Leaf area index
生物量 Biomass
地上部 Aboveground 地下部 Underground
2012 40 DAP 0.61* 0.59* 0.53* 0.37 0.50
60 DAP 0.62* 0.53* 0.49 0.42 0.48
80 DAP 0.69** 0.65** 0.52* 0.60* 0.63*
100 DAP 0.73** 0.52* 0.67** 0.60* 0.61*
2013 40 DAP 0.56* 0.61* 0.56* 0.46 0.42
60 DAP 0.50 0.61* 0.49 0.51 0.50
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