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Acta Agronomica Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (1): 209-218.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2024.34039


Ethephon ripening affects boll weight and fiber quality of machine-harvested cotton

LIU Tao-Fen1(), LUO Dan1(), ZHANG Qi-Peng1, SUN Yuan-Yuan1, LI Pei-Song1, TIAN Jing-Shan1,*(), ZHANG Wang-Feng1, XIANG Dao2, ZHANG Ya-Li1, YANG Ming-Feng2, GOU Ling1   

  1. 1College of Agronomy, Shihezi University / Key Laboratory of Oasis Eco-Agriculture, the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, Shihezi 832003, Xinjiang, China
    2Wulanwusu Agrometeorological Experiment Station of Shihezi Meteorological Bureau, Shihezi 832003, Xinjiang, China
  • Received:2023-02-27 Accepted:2023-06-29 Online:2024-01-12 Published:2023-07-20
  • Contact: *E-mail: tianjs@shzu.edu.cn
  • About author:**Contributed equally to this study
  • Supported by:
    National Key Research and Development Program of China(2020YFD1001001);Open Project of State Key Laboratory of Cotton Biology(CB2022A26);Financial Science and Technology Planning Project of the XPCC(2021CB044)


The use of ethephon can achieve early and concentrated the machine-harvested cotton boll opening. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of the boll-period shortening on the boll weight, fiber quality, and relationship, when the ethephon was sprayed at different stages of the boll development with a selection of 18 materials. The results showed that when the period of cotton was 47-69 days, spraying ethephon at the age of boll was 40.5-49.7 days, which could advance boll opening by 3.5-5.7 days. It took 64.1-69.7 days for fiber to fully mature under ethephon, while it took 54.8-60.5 days for cotton seed. When boll was opened 1.5-6.2 days earlier, the probability of boll weight and fiber quality decreasing was up to 58.0%-76.5%. To achieve an early opening of the boll, ethephon can be applied at the boll age of 34.8-44.1 days, when the boll weight (< 0.26 g) and fiber quality damage (length reduction < 0.28 mm and fiber strength < 0.30 cN tex-1) at the top of cotton plant are reduced by 5% and 1%, respectively. In addition, the boll period was shortened in some materials, but the boll weight, fiber length, and strength were increased, with the 9.5%-23.5% probability. Therefore, the reasonable use of ethephon in some cotton varieties can shorten the boll period and improve the boll weight and quality.

Key words: cotton, ripening, boll weight, fiber quality, concentrated boll-opening

Table 1

Materials, boll growth period, date of flower hanging and treatment time of ripening agent test"

Cotton cultivars (materials)
(d, CK)
Marked date
Treatment time
2020 苏K202, 巴1, 巴2, 巴4, 巴6, 巴8, 新陆早33号,
新陆早50号, 新陆早57号, 新陆早61号, 新陆早74号, 新陆早80号, 65-38, 16566, 2A0620, 80511, 80506, 3413
Su K202, Ba 1, Ba 2, Ba 4, Ba 6, Ba 8, Xinluzao 33, Xinluzao 50, Xinluzao 57, Xinluzao 61, Xinluzao 74, Xinluzao 80, 65-38, 16566, 2A0620, 80511, 80506, 3413
47, 50, 48, 51, 47, 51, 52, 50, 47, 50, 51, 52, 60, 60, 64, 57, 60, 69 7/6 Rd/b 0.82
7/11 Rd/b 0.72
7/16 Rd/b 0.62
2021 苏K202, 巴8, 新陆早33号, 新陆早50号,
新陆早80号, 16566, 2A0620, 80506, 3413
Su K202, Ba 8, Xinluzao 33, Xinluzao 50,
Xinluzao 80, 16566, 2A0620, 80506, 3413
47, 51, 52, 57, 60,
60, 64, 60, 69
7/11 Rd/b 0.82
7/16 Rd/b 0.72
7/21 Rd/b 0.62
7/25 Rd/b 0.52

Fig. 1

Effect of ethephon on cotton boll period days The thick solid line in the figure represents the average value. The sample number n of Rd/b (0.82, 0.72, 0.62, 0.52) was 25, 25, 25, 9, respectively. ** indicates significant difference between different treatments at the same time at P < 0.01. The number of days of boll shortening is the difference between the boll period of the ethephon sprayed sample and the control. Each spraying time treatment had a control treatment (CK)."

Fig. 2

Relationship between shortening of boll period days and decrease amounts of fiber weight and seed weight under ethephon ripening The number in the figure represents the number of samples in the quadrant. The total number of samples was 84. The sample number n of Rd/b(0.82, 0.72, 0.62, 0.52) was 25, 25, 25, 9, respectively. The amount of damage is the difference between the single boll fiber weight and the single boll seed weight of the ethephon sprayed sample and the control."

Fig. 3

Relationship between boll weight and boll period days and shortening of boll period days under ethephon ripening The total number of samples was 84. The amount of damage is the difference between the single boll fiber weight and the single boll seed weight of the ethephon sprayed sample and the control."

Fig. 4

Relationship between shortening of boll period days days and fiber quality decrease amount of cotton bolls under ethephon ripening The number in the figure represents the number of samples in the quadrant. The total number of samples was 81. The sample number of Rd/b(0.82, 0.72, 0.62, 0.52) was 25, 25, 25, 9, respectively. The amount of fiber quality damage is the difference between the fiber quality index of the sample sprayed with ethephon and the control."

Fig. 5

Relationship between fiber quality decrease amount and boll period days and shortening of boll growth period under ethephon ripening The total number of samples was 81. The amount of fiber quality damage is the difference between the fiber quality index of the sample sprayed with ethephon and the control."

Table 2

Effect of spraying ethephon on fiber length, strength, and boll weight after shortening the boll period"

Cotton cultivars (materials)
Treatment time
Boll period days (d)
Fiber length (mm)
Fiber strength
(cN tex-1)
Fiber weight
(g per boll)
Su K202
Rd/b 0.82 对照 CK 60.3±0.91 a 29.1±0.28 b 30.7±0.12 b 4.77±0.67 a
乙烯利 Ethephon 57.1±0.87 b 30.1±0.18 a 31.2±0.15 a 4.87±0.72 a
Xinluzao 61
Rd/b 0.82 对照 CK 57.1±0.87 a 26.2±0.37 b 27.4±0.92 a 4.50±0.10 a
乙烯利 Ethephon 54.6±1.25 a 28.1±0.01 a 28.1±1.15 a 4.60±0.17 a
Xinluzao 74
Rd/b 0.82 对照 CK 61.8±1.04 a 27.7±0.70 a 29.3±0.58 a 5.07±0.67 a
乙烯利 Ethephon 61.3±0.78 a 28.6±0.57 a 29.8±0.58 a 4.27±0.30 a
Xinluzao 74
Rd/b 0.72 对照 CK 58.6±0.93 a 27.8±0.15 b 31.7±0.36 a 5.03±0.13 a
乙烯利 Ethephon 55.8±0.18 a 29.4±0.50 a 29.5±0.58 b 4.40±0.20 a
Xinluzao 57
Rd/b 0.62 对照 CK 57.2±1.09 a 29.2±0.58 a 29.1±0.49 b 5.37±0.18 a
乙烯利 Ethephon 51.4±0.85 b 29.3±0.58 a 31.2±0.33 a 5.10±0.21 a
3413 Rd/b 0.62 对照 CK 49.1±0.42 a 27.2±0.78 a 25.7±0.52 b 3.40±0.26 a
乙烯利 Ethephon 47.2±0.86 a 28.0±0.58 a 28.1±0.64 a 4.13±0.24 a
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