Acta Agronomica Sinica ›› 2023, Vol. 49 ›› Issue (9): 2505-2516.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2023.24217
LI Yi-Yang(), LI Yuan, ZHAO Zi-Xu, ZHANG Ding-Shun, DU Jia-Ning, WU Shu-Juan, SUN Si-Qi, CHEN Yuan, ZHANG Xiang, CHEN De-Hua(
), LIU Zhen-Yu(
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[1] | HU Yan-Juan, XUE Dan, GENG Di, ZHU Mo, WANG Tian-Qiong, WANG Xiao-Xue. Mutation effects of OsCDF1 gene and its genomic variations in rice [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2023, 49(9): 2362-2372. |
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