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Acta Agronomica Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (1): 76-88.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2024.33007


Functional identification of maize transcription factor ZmMYB12 to enhance drought resistance and low phosphorus tolerance in plants

WANG Li-Ping(), WANG Xiao-Yu, FU Jing-Ye, WANG Qiang*()   

  1. State Key Laboratory of Crop Gene Exploration and Utilization in Southwest China / College of Agronomy, Sichuan Agricultural University, Chengdu, 611130, Sichuan, China
  • Received:2023-02-12 Accepted:2023-06-29 Online:2024-01-12 Published:2023-07-20
  • Contact: *E-mail: qwang@sicau.edu.cn
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China(31971825)


Maize usually suffers from various abiotic stresses such as drought, high temperature, high salt, and deficiency of nutrient elements during growth and development period, which will eventually lead to the decline of yield and quality, resulting in serious agricultural yield reduction. MYB transcription factors are widely distributed in plants and involved in the whole process of plant growth and development and environmental response. Therefore, the screening and identification of MYB transcription factors conferring stress resistance can provide the theoretical basis and technical support for genetic improvement in maize. In this study, a R2R3-MYB family transcription factor gene, ZmMYB12, was cloned from maize materials under drought treatment. This gene showed inducible expression in response to drought, ABA, and PEG treatments. Maize plants with virus induced gene silencing (VIGS) of ZmMYB12 had higher sensitivity to drought and accumulated more reactive oxygen species (ROS), as well as smaller roots. The survival rate of ZmMYB12 silencing plants was lower after re-watering than the wild type plants (WT), indicating that ZmMYB12 was a positive regulator of drought response. Overexpression of ZmMYB12 in Arabidopsis thaliana resulted in less ROS accumulation and more lateral roots than WT, thus elevating drought resistance. After low phosphorus stress, ZmMYB12 overexpression Arabidopsis had more lateral roots and stronger root system, as well as higher contents of chlorophyll and anthocyanin. The content of inorganic phosphorus in ZmMYB12 overexpression Arabidopsis was also higher than WT. In conclusion, this study indicates that ZmMYB12 positively regulates drought response and increases the uptake and utilization of phosphorus in plants, providing an elite gene for maize breeding to increase abiotic resistance.

Key words: maize, MYB, drought stress, low phosphorus stress, root

Table 1

Primers used in this study"

Primer name
Primer sequence (5'-3')
Primer usage
p3301-ZmMYB12-R AAAAGATCT CTAATTCATCCCAAGCTTTC Plant expression vector construction

Fig. 1

Relative expression pattern and evolutionary of ZmMYB12 genes A: the relative expression pattern of ZmMYB12 in maize in drought, PEG, or ABA treatment. The relative expression level is normalized to WT. Three biological replicates were conducted for each treatment, and the SPSS software was used for significant difference analysis (***: P < 0.001); B: phylogenetic tree of ZmMYB12 and other MYB family members. Accession number: ZmMYB12, Zm00001d013164; ZmMYB111, Zm00001d021296; ZmMYB148, Zm00001d026203; ZmMYB167, Zm00001d032032; ZmMYB48, Zm00001d030678; ZmMYB94, Zm00001d022227; ZmMYB134, Zm00001d024726; ZmMYB31, Zm00001d006236; ZmMYB3R, Zm0000d042910; ZmMYB119, Zm00001d037994; OsMYB48, LOC_Os01g74410; OsMYBS1, LOC_Os01g340 60; OsMYB91, LOC_Os12g38400."

Fig. 2

Phenotype of ZmMYB12-VIGS maize plants in drought treatment A: ZmMYB12 gene silencing efficiency; B: drought treatment of maize plants with VIGS of ZmMYB12; C: survival rate after re-watering; D: DAB staining of maize leaves after drought treatment; E: root morphology of GFP and maize plants with VIGS of ZmMYB12 in normal growth condition; F: root morphology of GFP and maize plants with VIGS of ZmMYB12 in drought treatment. GFP is the control and each treatment is conducted with three replicates. The SPSS software is used for statistic analysis (***: P < 0.001)."

Fig. 3

ZmMYB12 enhances Arabidopsis thaliana drought resistance by reducing ROS accumulation A: the relative expression level of ZmMYB12 in the over-expression lines (OE-1, 2, and 3). nd: no detection. B: the enhanced drought resistance in ZmMYB12 over-expression plants. C: survival rate after re-watering. D: DAB staining of Arabidopsisis leaves with 20% PEG treatment. E: MDA content and anti-oxidant enzyme activities under normal growth and drought stress. Three biological replicates are conducted for each treatment, and the SPSS software is used for statistic analysis (***: P < 0.001). Different lowercase letters indicate significant difference between different treatments at P < 0.05."

Fig. 4

ZmMYB12 responds to low phosphorus stress by regulating lateral root development in Arabidopsis A: root morphological development after low phosphorus treatment for 7 days and 21days; B: Arabidopsis seedlings with treatment of low phosphorus for 21 days; C: lateral root density after low phosphorus treatment for 21 days; D: lateral root morphology under normal (MS) and low phosphorus (LP) treatment; E: lateral root length under MS and LP conditions; F: root hair morphology under MS and LP treatments; G: root hair length under MS and LP conditions; H: root hair density under MS and LP conditions. Three biological replicates are conducted for each treatment, and the SPSS software is used for statistic analysis (Different lowercase letters indicate significant difference at P < 0.05)."

Fig. 5

Over-expression of ZmMYB12 enhances phosphorus uptake in Arabidopsis A: in situ staining of bromocresol purple in the roots of wild-type (WT) and ZmMYB12 over-expression plants (OE-1, 2, and 3) under normal and low phosphorus treatment; B: quantification of roots acidification in WT and ZmMYB12 over-expression plants under normal and low P treatments; C: the inorganic phosphorus content in wild-type (WT) and ZmMYB12 over-expressed leaves under normal and low P treatments; D: the inorganic phosphorus content in wild-type (WT) and ZmMYB12 over-expressed roots under normal and low P treatments; E: chlorophyll a content under normal and low phosphorus treatment; F: chlorophyll b content under normal and low phosphorus treatment; G: the anthocyanin content under normal and low phosphorus treatment. Three biological replicates are conducted for each treatment, and the SPSS software is used for statistic analysis (*: P < 0.05; Different lowercase letters indicate significant difference at P < 0.05)."

Fig. 6

Seed germination of Arabidopsis thaliana with over-expression of ZmMYB12 A: seed germination of wild-type and ZmMYB12 over-expression plants on the MS plates for one week; B: germination rate of on the MS plates; C: cotyledon greening rate on the MS plates; D: seed germination of wild-type and ZmMYB12 over-expression plants with GA treatment. E: germination rate under GA treatment; F: cotyledon greening rate under GA treatment; G: seed germination of wild-type and ZmMYB12 over-expression plants under ABA inhibitor treatment; H: germination rate under ABA inhibitor treatment. Three biological replicates were conducted for each treatment and the SPSS software was used for statistic analysis (*: P < 0.05; ***: P < 0.001; Different lowercase letters indicate significant difference between different treatments at P < 0.05)."

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