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Acta Agronomica Sinica ›› 2025, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (2): 432-446.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2025.44094


Effect of nitrogen fertilizer management on yield and resistance of late-seeded rapeseed

QIN Meng-Qian1(), HUANG Wei2, CHEN Min1, NING Ning1, HE De-Zhi3, HU Bing4, XIA Qi-Xin5, JIANG Bo6, CHENG Tai6, CHANG Hai-Bin2, WANG Jing1, ZHAO Jie1, WANG Bo1, KUAI Jie1, XU Zheng-Hua1,*(), ZHOU Guang-Sheng1   

  1. 1College of Plant Science and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University / Key Laboratory of Crop Ecophysiology and Farming System for the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Wuhan 430070, Hubei, China
    2Huanggang Academy of Agriculture Science, Huanggang 438000, Hubei, China
    3Dajin Agricultural Extension Services Centre, Wuxue 435408, Hubei, China
    4Dafa Agricultural Extension Services Centre, Wuxue 435404, Hubei, China
    5Wuxue Agriculture and Rural Bureau, Wuxue 435401, Hubei, China
    6Hubei Department of Rape Production Management, Wuhan 430070, Hubei, China
  • Received:2024-06-08 Accepted:2024-10-25 Online:2025-02-12 Published:2024-11-13
  • Contact: E-mail: xzh@mail.hzau.edu.cn
  • Supported by:
    Key Research and Development Program of Hubei Province(2023BBB028);Open Competition Program of Hubei Province(HBZY2023B001-01)


The conflict between rice cultivation and rice-rapeseed rotation stubble is a significant issue in the Yangtze River Basin, with delayed sowing of rapeseed often resulting in slow growth, poor development, and reduced yields. Therefore, optimizing nitrogen management is critical for promoting pre-winter growth and improving the yield of late-sown rapeseed. In this study, we used the variety “Huayouza 137” and conducted large-scale split-plot experiments in Wuhan and Huanggang, Hubei province. Four nitrogen application rates were tested: N0 (0 kg hm-2), N1 (150 kg hm-2), N2 (225 kg hm-2), and N3 (300 kg hm-2). Additionally, three fertilization methods were employed: S1 (basal application), S2 (basal application: topdressing at the 3-leaf stage in a 5:5 ratio), and S3 (basal application: topdressing at the 3-leaf stage in a 5:5 ratio). The study investigated the effects of different nitrogen rates and fertilization methods on growth, lodging resistance, and yield of late-sown rapeseed. The results showed that as nitrogen application increased, rapeseed yields in both Wuhan and Huanggang followed a pattern of initial increase and then stabilization. The difference in seed yield between N2 and N3 treatments was not significant, with N2 treatment increasing yields by 20.76% in Wuhan and 15.02% in Huanggang compared to N1. Root neck thickness, number of green leaves, dry matter weight, and yield components followed a similar trend of initial increase and then stabilization. However, Basal and upper stem strengths increased initially and decreased later, while the basal and upper lodging indices increased with higher nitrogen application rates, indicating a greater risk of lodging and reduced resistance to lodging at higher nitrogen levels. Nitrogen use efficiency also followed a pattern of initial increase and then decrease, with the N2 treatment achieving 24.60% and 42.20% increases in nitrogen utilization efficiency compared to N1, and 11.58% and 9.04% increases compared to N3 in Wuhan and Huanggang, respectively. With changes in fertilization methods, rapeseed yield exhibited a trend of increasing and then decreasing. Under S2, yields in Wuhan and Huanggang increased by 11.72% and 11.92% compared to S1, and by 6.16% and 6.66% compared to S3. Root neck thickness, number of green leaves, dry matter weight, and yield components all reached their maximum under the S2 treatment. The basal and upper stem bending forces in both Wuhan and Huanggang first increased and then decreased, reaching their maximum under the N2S2 treatment. Conversely, the basal and upper lodging indices were highest under the N3S3 treatment, indicating poor lodging resistance and a higher risk of lodging under these conditions. Nitrogen partial productivity, nitrogen contribution rate, agronomic nitrogen use efficiency, and overall nitrogen use efficiency were all highest in the S2 treatment. There were no significantly different yield effects between N fertiliser rate and application method in this experiment, and the interaction effect between N fertiliser rate and application method was not significant. In conclusion, the N2S2 treatment (112.5 kg hm-2 applied at the base and 112.5 kg hm-2 applied at the 3-leaf stage) was the optimal nitrogen application strategy for late-sown rapeseed, balancing yield and lodging resistance. The findings from this study provide a theoretical basis and technical support for nitrogen management in late-sown rapeseed cultivation in the Yangtze River Basin.

Key words: rapeseed, late-seeded, yield, nitrogen management mode, lodging resistance

Table 1

Initial soil conditions at the two experimental sites"

Organic matter
(g kg-1)
Alkaline nitrogen
(mg kg-1)
Available phosphorus
(mg kg-1)
Available potassium
(mg kg-1)
武汉Wuhan 20.61 112.82 16.12 153.00 7.33
黄冈Huanggang 22.88 120.23 18.55 151.00 6.98

Fig. 1

Key meteorological factors during the two growing seasons"

Fig. 2

Effect of nitrogen management on the yield of late-sown oilseed rape N0: 0 kg hm-2; N1: 150 kg hm-2; N2: 225 kg hm-2; N3: 300 kg hm-2; S1: basal application; S2: base application∶3-leaf topdressing (5∶5); S3: base application∶5-leaf topdressing (5∶5). Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences among the ten treatments in the same experimental site at P < 0.05. * indicates significant difference at the 0.05 level, ** indicates significant difference at the 0.01 level, and NS indicates non-significant difference."

Table 2

Effect of nitrogen management on yield and yield component of late-sown oilseed rape"

Nitrogen application
施肥方式Fertilization method 单株角果数Pod number 每角粒数
Number of seeds per silique
1000-seed weight (g)
成株率Survival rate (%) 单株产量
Seed weight
(g plant-1)
武汉(W) Wuhan N0 78.33 d 16.31 b 3.28 b 48.00 c 4.18 d
N1 S1 91.93 c 18.76 a 3.55 a 60.67 ab 6.10 c
S2 94.33 c 18.68 a 3.54 a 64.33 a 6.22 ab
S3 94.20 c 18.69 a 3.55 a 60.67 ab 6.24 a
N2 S1 104.20 b 18.99 a 3.62 a 56.33 b 7.12 bc
S2 114.60 a 18.66 a 3.58 a 59.33 ab 7.64 a
S3 110.00 ab 18.98 a 3.63 a 61.67 ab 7.57 a
N3 S1 107.40 ab 18.68 a 3.65 a 57.33 b 7.31 bc
S2 112.80 ab 18.72 a 3.67 a 59.00 ab 7.75 a
S3 111.93 ab 18.62 a 3.66 a 62.00 ab 7.62 a
Analysis of variance
黄冈(H) Huanggang N0 80.80 d 16.51 b 3.42 b 50.33 a 4.58 e
N1 S1 93.87 c 18.11 a 3.69 a 48.00 a 6.27 d
S2 98.93 bc 18.07 a 3.64 a 52.00 a 6.47 cd
S3 97.80 bc 18.52 a 3.66 a 49.00 a 6.56 bcd
N2 S1 106.27 abc 18.62 a 3.62 a 50.00 a 7.12 abcd
S2 119.53 a 18.02 a 3.62 a 50.67 a 7.77 a
S3 114.87 a 18.14 a 3.63 a 49.00 a 7.56 ab
N3 S1 111.93 ab 18.20 a 3.62 a 51.67 a 7.36 abc
S2 120.93 a 18.04 a 3.63 a 51.00 a 7.87 a
S3 118.90 a 18.01 a 3.64 a 50.67 a 7.79 a
Analysis of variance
N ** NS NS NS **
W×H * NS NS ** NS

Table 3

Effect of nitrogen management on agronomic traits at maturity of late-sown oilseed rape"

Nitrogen application
Plant height
Root crown
Diameter (mm)
Silique thickness (cm)
number of branches
N0 112.73 e 7.37 e 29.73 e 2.89 e
N1 S1 123.40 d 7.75 d 34.93 d 3.05 d
S2 127.00 bcd 7.95 cd 36.10 cd 3.42 cd
S3 126.73 bcd 7.91 cd 36.07 cd 3.35 cd
N2 S1 125.67 cd 8.02 bcd 36.33 bcd 3.35 cd
S2 133.67 a 8.36 ab 40.33 a 4.15 a
S3 131.33 ab 8.31 abc 39.90 abc 4.07 ab
N3 S1 129.27 abc 8.25 abc 37.73 abcd 3.68 bc
S2 134.07 a 8.46 a 40.93 a 4.18 a
S3 133.87 a 8.42 ab 40.07 ab 4.11 ab
Analysis of variance
N ** ** ** **
S ** NS * **
N0 115.53 e 7.54 c 30.57 d 2.90 d
N1 S1 124.20 d 7.81 b 35.60 c 3.26 c
S2 128.20 bcd 7.98 ab 36.57 bc 3.50 bc
S3 128.13 bcd 7.95 ab 36.50 bc 3.38 bc
N2 S1 126.73 cd 8.03 ab 37.60 abc 3.43 bc
S2 136.80 a 8.45 ab 40.90 ab 4.20 a
S3 134.77 ab 8.33 ab 40.03 abc 4.03 a
N3 S1 132.10 abc 8.35 ab 38.73 abc 3.76 ab
S2 136.43 a 8.50 a 41.43 a 4.16 a
S3 135.50 ab 8.45 ab 40.83 ab 4.06 a
Analysis of variance
N ** * ** **
S * NS NS **

Fig. 3

Effect of nitrogen management on dry matter weight of late-sown oilseed rape Treatments are the same as those given in Fig. 2. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences among the 10 treatments in the same experimental site at P < 0.05. * indicates significant difference at the 0.05 level, ** indicates significant difference at the 0.01 level, and NS indicates non-significant difference."

Fig. 4

Effects of nitrogen management on key agronomic traits during overwintering of late-sown rapeseed Treatments are the same as those given in Fig. 2. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences among the 10 treatments in the same experimental site at P < 0.05. * indicates significant difference at the 0.05 level, ** indicates significant difference at the 0.01 level, and NS indicates non-significant difference."

Fig. 5

Effect of nitrogen management on flexural strength and collapse index of late-sown oilseed rape Treatments are the same as those given in Fig. 2. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences among the 10 treatments in the same experimental site at P < 0.05. * indicates significant difference at the 0.05 level, ** indicates significant difference at the 0.01 level, and NS indicates non-significant difference."

Table 4

Effect of nitrogen management on nitrogen use in late-sown oilseed rape"

Nitrogen application
Fertilization method
contribution rate
Nitrogen partial
factor productivity
(kg kg-1)
Nitrogen agronomic
(kg kg-1)
Nitrogen fertilizer utilization rate
武汉(W) N1 S1 38.78 d 13.23 b 5.14 bc 24.27 d
Wuhan S2 43.11 c 14.22 a 6.14 a 27.59 cd
S3 41.93 cd 13.93 ab 5.85 ab 27.86 cd
N2 S1 47.52 b 10.27 d 4.88 cd 25.22 d
S2 52.61 a 11.40 c 6.01 a 39.48 a
S3 51.68 a 11.15 c 5.76 ab 34.63 ab
N3 S1 49.34 ab 7.99 e 3.95 d 24.88 d
S2 53.06 a 8.61 e 4.57 cd 33.03 bc
S3 52.34 a 8.48 e 4.44 cd 31.11 bc
Analysis of variance
N ** ** ** **
S ** ** ** **
黄冈(H) N1 S1 23.68 e 13.32 b 3.15 c 19.53 c
Huanggang S2 33.87 cd 15.38 a 5.21 a 23.11 c
S3 32.27 d 15.01 a 4.84 a 23.40 c
N2 S1 34.71 c 10.39 d 3.61 b 22.78 c
S2 43.04 a 11.90 c 5.13 a 38.18 a
S3 41.49 a 11.59 c 4.81 a 32.94 b
N3 S1 38.11 b 8.22 f 3.14 c 23.53 c
S2 42.29 a 8.81 e 3.73 b 32.32 b
S3 42.01 a 8.77 e 3.68 b 30.26 b
Analysis of variance
N ** ** ** **
S ** ** ** **
N×S ** ** ** NS
W×H ** ** ** **

Fig. 6

Correlation analysis of yield with root and neck thickness, number of green leaves, and pre-winter above ground dry matter weight *** indicates significant correlation at P < 0.001."

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