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Acta Agron Sin ›› 2013, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (09): 1628-1634.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2013.01628


Path Analysis between Yield of Spring Maize and Meteorological Factors at Different Sowing Times in North China Low Plain

TAO Zhi-Qiang1,CHEN Yuan-Quan1,LI Chao2,YUAN Shu-Fen1,SHI Jiang-Tao2,GAO Wang-Sheng1,*,SUI Peng1,*   

  1. 1 College of Agronomy and Biotechnology, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China; 2 Wuqiao Experimental Station, China Agricultural University, Cangzhou 061800, China
  • Received:2013-01-30 Revised:2013-06-04 Online:2013-09-12 Published:2013-07-09
  • Contact: 高旺盛, E-mail: wshgao@cau.edu.cn; 隋鹏, E-mail: suipeng@cau.edu.cn


In order to study high temperature stress problem of spring maize at grain filling stage in North China Plain, an experiment was conducted using two varieties (Zhengdan 958 and Jinhai 5) sown in six sowing times in Wuqiao County, Hebei Province. We investigated the relationship between meteorological factors and maize yield, hoping to find the evitable sowing time to avoid high temperature stress at grain filling stage . Preliminary results showed that meteorological factors during grain filling stage were different when the sowing time was different. Compared with other sowing time, the treatment with sowing time of early April had more than 5.0–47.4 mm of rainfall, more than 41.0–70.0 h of sunshine, and 0.2–0.6°C of diurnal temperature , but the most serious high temperature stress ( ≥33°C days and mean daily temperature up to 15 d and 28.4°C respectively). Compared with other sowing time, the treatment with sowing time of mid May had weak high temperature stress (≥33°C days and mean daily temperature up to 8 d and 26.0°C respectively), but more rainfall, sunshine hours and diurnal temperature range, that of Mid April, late April and early May had more serious high temperature stress. The sowing treatment of late May had weaker high temperature stress, but more rainfall, less sunshine hours and diurnal temperature range. The order of grain yield for different sowing times from high to low was early April, mid May, early May, late April, mid April, late May. Yield of Zhengdan 958 and Jinhai 5 was up to 9912.0 kg ha-1 and
11 046.0 kg ha-1 in early April respectively, 9906.0 kg ha-1 and 10 852.5 kg ha-1 in mid May respectively. Yield of the other four sowing times was 6.0%–28.2% lower than that of early April and mid May. The result of path analysis showed that the yield of spring maize sown in early April was the highest, due to its higher diurnal temperature range and sunshine hours, resulting in the greater direct positive effects on 1000-grain weight and grain number per ear
than those of other sowing treatments from flowering to maturity, and relieving the negative effect of high temperature stress. The yield of spring maize sown in mid May was higher than that of other sowing treatments (except sown in early April), because of avoiding high temperature stress, increasing 1000-grain weight and grain number per ear, while its lower diurnal temperature range and sunshine hours led to lower yield compared with that sown in early April. High temperature stress or cloud and drizzle had higher negative effect on 1000-grain weight and grain number per ear, and diurnal temperature range and sunshine hours had lower positive effect on yield in other sowing date (mid April, late April, early May, and late May).

Key words: North China, Spring maize, Sowing time, Yield, Temperature, Sunshine, Rainfall

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