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    12 March 2020, Volume 46 Issue 3
      Interactive effects of the photoperiod-/thermo-sensitive genic male sterile genes tms5 and pms3 in rice
      Fang-Quan WANG,Fang-Jun FAN,Shi-Jian XIA,Shou-Yu ZONG,Tian-Qing ZHENG,Jun WANG,Wen-Qi LI,Yang XU,Zhi-Hui CHEN,Yan-Jie JIANG,Ya-Jun TAO,Wei-Gong ZHONG,Jie YANG
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2020, 46(3):  317-329.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2020.92036
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      The tms5 and pms3 are two photoperiod-/thermo-sensitive genic male sterile genes, and their functional sites are clarified. However, the interactive effects of tms5 and pms3 in two-line sterile lines are still unclear. In this study, the functional markers AS-TMS5 and CAPS-PMS3 were designed, according to the functional sites of tms5 and pms3 respectively. The three genotypes of tms5 and pms3 were accurately distinguished by AS-TMS5 and CAPS-PMS3. The relationship of the phenotype and genotype in the F2 population of Pei’ai 64S/9311, Guangzhan 63S/Xianghui 47 and Yueguang S/Ninghui 108 were analyzed respectively. The tms5 was the major gene in Guangzhan 63S and Yueguang S, while pms3 was a non-independent gene in Pei’ai 64S and Yueguang S. By the phenotype and genotype analysis of the F2:3 population of Yueguang S/Ninghui 108, the plants carrying pms3 almost were fertile, while the plants carrying tms5 showed sterility, and had higher transition temperature. Furthermore, the sterility of the plants carrying tms5 and pms3 might have lower transition temperature than those carrying tms5. Pyramiding of tms5 and pms3 provides an efficient scheme to breed photoperiod-/thermo-sensitive genic male sterile lines, which have lower transition temperature and safer production.

      Assessment of genetic diversity by using EST-SSR markers in Lupinus
      Hong-Yan ZHANG,Tao YANG,Rong LIU,Fang JIN,Li-Ke ZHANG,Hai-Tian YU,Jin-Guo HU,Feng YANG,Dong WANG,Yu-Hua HE,Xu-Xiao ZONG
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2020, 46(3):  330-340.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2020.94077
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      In order to explore the evolutionary relationship of Lupinus preliminarily as well as to excavate and utilize lupin resources from the “Old World” effectively, the genetic diversity among the species under Lupinus genus was analyzed. Ninety-five polymorphic pairs of EST-SSR markers developed based on the transcriptome of narrow-leaved lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L.) were used to scan 133 lupin accessions from 22 species. A total of 1318 alleles were detected with 13.87 alleles per locus on average, ranging from 3 to 37 alleles; the polymorphism information content (PIC) ranged from 0.39 to 0.91 with the mean value of 0.63; the genetic diversity ranged from 0.41 to 0.92 with the mean value of 0.78. This study showed evolutionary relations among the 22 species under Lupinus genus from the “Old World” and the “New World” based on Neighbor-Joining (NJ) method, which is consistent with previous studies. Moreover, seventy-seven lupin accessions of seven Lupinus species from the “Old World” were divided into 4 groups; there was no overlap of accession from different species contained in each identified group, detected by all the three analysis methods like population structure, cluster analysis based on UPGMA and principal component analysis (PCA).

      QTL analysis for relative contents of glycinin and β-conglycinin fractions from storage protein in soybean seeds under monoculture and relay intercropping
      Dai-Ling LIU,Jun-Feng XIE,Qian-Rui HE,Si-Wei CHEN,Yue HU,Jia ZHOU,Yue-Hui SHE,Wei-Guo LIU,Wen-Yu YANG,Xiao-Ling WU
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2020, 46(3):  341-353.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2020.94076
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      The relative contents of glycinin and β-conglycinin from storage protein are closely related to the quality and function of soybean seeds. However, it is not clear whether or how glycinin and β-conglycinin contents change in maize-soybean strip intercropping system. The glycinin and β-conglycinin relative contents of the recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from the cross of ‘Nandou 12’ and ‘Jiuyuehuang’ were measured under different environments (E1: 2017, Renshou; E2: 2017, Ya’an; E3: 2016, Renshou) and planting patterns (M: monoculture; RI: relay intercropping), among which the differences were significant or extremely significant in parents and RILs. Based on a genetic linkage map with 6366 SNP markers, we detected ten QTLs for glycinin and β-conglycinin relative contents which were distributed in nine linkage groups with the phenotypic variation of 5.63%-9.68%. According to the soybean genomic information, 65 candidate genes were screened in the region of above-mentioned QTLs. These results lay a theoretical foundation for soybean quality breeding.

      Genotype × environment interaction and stability of yield components for potato lines
      Xi-Miao YE,Xin CHENG,Cong-Cong AN,Jian-Long YUAN,Bin YU,Guo-Hong WEN,Gao-Feng LI,Li-Xiang CHENG,Yu-Ping WANG,Feng ZHANG
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2020, 46(3):  354-364.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2020.94089
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      This study mainly focused on the application of GGE (genotype + genotypes and environment interactions) biplot in potato breeding, to evaluate the productivity, stability and adaptability of yield traits of potato lines in different environments comprehensively, and screen out the excellent lines adapted to different mage-environments. The representativeness and discriminating ability of each test-environment were also evaluated, providing a basis for the selection of test-environment. A total of 101 advanced lines from International Potato Center (CIP) and potato variety Qingshu 9 were planted in Neiguan Town, Lujiagou Town and Wuzhu Town of Gansu province in 2015 and 2016 to measure the plot yield, plot yield of large-sized tubers, plot yield of small-sized tubers, yield per plant, large-sized tuber yield per plant, small-sized tuber yield per plant, tuber number per plant, large-sized tuber number per plant and small-sized tuber number per plant. The genotype and environment interactions were analyzed by the combined analysis of variance and GGE biplot. Except the plot yield of small-sized tubers had no significant difference in genotype and environment interactions effect, all the other yield components had significant differences (P < 0.01) in genotype effect, environmental effect and genotype and environment interaction effect. The square sum of environmental effect on the plot yield, plot yield of large-sized tubers, plot yield of small-sized tubers, yield per plant, large-sized tuber yield per plant, tuber number per plant, and the square sum of genotype and environment interaction effect on the plot yield of small-sized tubers, the large-sized tuber number per plant, and the small-sized tuber number per plant were worth the largest in the square sum of total variance. The most adaptable lines in Lujiagou Town were G86, in Wuzhu Town G65, in Neiguan Town G86. The high-yield lines were G86, G116, and G124; the stable-yield lines were G124, G125, and G10; the high-yielding and stable lines were G86, G116, G124, and Qingshu 9. The lines with more large-sized tuber number per plant were G45, G86, and G67, and the lines with good stability were G67, G116, and G51. The variety Qingshu 9 did not have stable large-sized tuber yield per plant. According to the comprehensive discrimination and representativeness, the order of test-environments were Lujiagou Town in 2016, Lujiagou Town in 2015, Wuzhu Town in 2015, Wuzhu Town in 2016, Neiguan Town in 2015, and Neiguan Town in 2016. GGE model can intuitively display the results in the genotype-location-year framework, and objectively evaluate the productivity, stability and adaptability of tested lines, as well as the representativeness and discriminating ability of test-environment. According to the comprehensive evaluation of GGE model, the high-yielding and stable lines were G116, G124, G125, G122, and Qingshu 9, and the high-yielding and unstable lines were G86, G10, G121, G106, G107, and G72. The most ideal mage-environment is Lujiagou Town, and Wuzhu Town is the test-environment with the strongest discriminating ability for varieties identification.

      Genetic effects of important yield traits analysed by mixture model of major gene plus polygene in wheat
      Song-Feng XIE,Wan-Quan JI,Yao-Yuan ZHANG,Jun-Jie ZHANG,Wei-Guo HU,Jun LI,Chang-You WANG,Hong ZHANG,Chun-Huan CHEN
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2020, 46(3):  365-384.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2020.91044
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      The important traits represented by yield per plant are the main target traits in high-yield breeding of wheat, and analysing then the quantitative genetic characteristics will provide a basis for further study on the genetic mechanism. In this study, we selected the winter Pingdong 34 as the female parent (P1) and the Barran as the male parent (P2) to configure the hybrid combination, and applied the main gene + polygene mixed genetic model method to analyse the length and number of tillers in the single generation (P1, P2) RIL7:8, RIL8:9 at four environments in two years genetic model and correlation among yield per plant, 1000-grain weight, plant height, internode length, internode length and number of tillers. There were significant or extremely significant condation among all the traits, except for the 1000-grain weight and number of tillers. The average correlation coefficient between the internodes and the upper leaves of the flag was 0.91 (P ≤ 0.001). The optimal genetic model for yield per plant was four pairs of additive epigenetic gene + polygenic genetic model with the main gene additive effect values of 3.78, 2.89, -6.18, and 0.15, respectively, and the multigene heritability of 86.23%. The optimal genetic model of 1000-grain weight of a mixed genetic model with two pairs of complementary main genes + additive effects. The multi-gene additive effect value was 22.37, the main gene heritability was 66.96%, and the multi-gene heritability was 28.25%. The optimal genetic model of plant height was a mixed genetic model of two pairs of cumulative main genes + additive multigenes. The additive value of the first pair of main genes controlling plant height was 5.15. Additive × additive epistatic interaction value was -9.66, the multigene additive effect value was -9.31, the major gene heritability was 58.57%, and the polygene heritability was 39.71%. The optimal genetic model of the internode length below spike above the flag leaf was the additive-superordinate multi-gene genetic model, and the main gene heritability was 97.65% and 99.14%, respectively. The optimal genetic model of the number of tillers was an additive-superordinate multi-gene mixed genetic model with a genetic rate of 78.89% for primary genes and 19.87% for multiple genes. These traits were mainly dominated by the combination of major gene + polygene in multiple environments. In the process of breeding excellent strains, it is necessary to take into account the important performances adapting to the ecological environment conditions, and further provide a theoretical basis for screening closely linked to target traits markers and promoting molecular marker-assisted selection.

      Identification of gene co-expression modules of maize plant height and ear height by WGCNA
      Juan MA, Yan-Yong CAO, Li-Feng WANG, Jing-Jing LI, Hao WANG, Yan-Ping FAN, Hui-Yong LI
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2020, 46(3):  385-394.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2020.93021
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      Plant height (PH) and ear height (EH) are important factors for maize plant type and grain yield. Weighted gene co-expression network analysis (WGCNA) is an important method to explain the relationships between gene network and complicated traits and identify the PH and EH associated genes. In this study, we used Zheng 58, Ye 478, Chang 7-2, Huangzaosi and its combinations Zhengdan 958, Anyu 5, Zheng 58/Huangzaosi, and Ye 478/Huangzaosi as materials and utilized transcriptome data under the planting densities of 45,000 plants hm -2and 67,500 plants hm -2 to construct a co-expression network by WGCNA, getting 24 and 21 co-expression modules, respectively. Among them, a total of 15 co-expression modules were significantly correlated with PH and EH, with the absolute correlation coefficients higher than 0.50. Six modules were overlapped between PH and EH. By gene function analysis, these overlapped modules were significantly enriched in development, photosynthesis, response to light stimulus, plant hormone, and carbohydrate biosynthesis/metabolism related activities. According to connectivity of genes in modules, AP2-EREBP transcription factor EREB14, thiaminase TENA2, phosphoglyceric kinase PGK, glutathione transferase GST2, and succinate dehydrogenase SUDH7 were considered as hub genes. From gene networks, EREB14 was connected with three known PH genes D8, DWF1, ZmGRF10, and C3H35 (C3H transcription factor), GATA4 (C2C2-GATA transcription factor), and ethylene homology ETR40. Reported PH genes An1 and GA20ox3 were also found in our co-expression modules. From the networks of the five known PH genes, ARF-transcription factor 7 (ARFTF7), ARFTF26, GST39, photosystem II oxygen evolving polypeptide PspB2, and photosystem I N subunit PasN1 had connections with these known PH genes. The identification of 15 co-expression modules and their hub genes, and analysis of their gene function and gene networks of key genes will be helpful for revealing the genetic basis of PH and EH.

      Effects of increasing planting density and decreasing nitrogen rate on dry matter, nitrogen accumulation and distribution, and yield of cotton
      Shi-Hong WANG,Zhong-Xu YANG,Jia-Liang SHI,Hai-Tao LI,Xian-Liang SONG,Xue-Zhen SUN
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2020, 46(3):  395-407.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2020.94074
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      A field experiment was conducted using Liaomian 6 with the treatments of three plant densities (5.25×10 4, 6.75×10 4, and 8.25×10 4 plants hm -2), and five nitrogen rates (0, 105, 210, 315, and 420 kg hm -2) in 2016 and 2017. Compared with D5.25, D6.75, and D8.25 dry matter accumulation of cotton significantly increased by 17.6% and 28.7% in 2016, 12.6% and 20.9% in 2017, respectively. Compared with N0, N105, N210, N315, and N420 increased dry matter accumulation by 4.5%, 11.1%, 13.7%, 16.3% in 2016 and 3.6%, 13.5%, 15.3%, 19.8% in 2017, respectively. The dynamic curve of cotton dry matter and nitrogen absorption accumulation conformed to the Logistic model, and the maximal nitrogen accumulation (Ym) was obtained under D8.25 N420 treatment in 2016 and 2017. Compared to the average, the maximal biomass, duration of rapid accumulation (T), the maximal speed of accumulation (Vm) increased by 17.3% and 23.8%, 5.20% and 9.9%, 11.45% and 13.8%, respectively in two years. The starting date of rapid accumulation period (t1) was 4.1 d and 6.4 d earlier for nitrogen than for dry matter, indicating that the nutrient absorption of cotton was the premise of dry matter accumulation. The lint yield of D5.25N315, D6.75N210 and D6.75N105 in 2016 as well as D5.25N315 and D6.75N210 in 2017 was significantly higher than that of other treatments. The interaction effect of planting density and nitrogen application amount significantly affected cotton yield. Increasing planting density and reducing nitrogen application amount can obtain high yield. It is recommended for this region that the cotton planting density should be increased from 5.25×10 4 to 6.75×10 4 plants hm -2, and the amount of nitrogen application decreased from 300 kg hm -2 to 105 kg hm -2in the first year, and then to 210 kg hm -2 in the next year.

      Effects of methodical nitrogen-water distribution management on water and nitrogen use efficiency of rice
      Zhi-Yuan YANG,Na LI,Peng MA,Tian-Rong YAN,Yan HE,Ming-Jin JIANG,Teng-Fei LYU,Yu LI,Xiang GUO,Rong HU,Chang-Chun GUO,Yong-Jian SUN,Jun MA
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2020, 46(3):  408-422.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2020.92027
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      This study included three split-plot designed experiments. Experiments 1 and 2 were conducted in two fields with varied soil fertility and consistent treatment. Two rice varieties (Dexiang 4103, high NUE; Yixiang 3724, low NUE) were set as main plot. The sub-plot contained six nitrogen-water management modes (farmer’s usual management, FU; nitrogen-water coupling management, NWC; methodical nitrogen-water distribution management, MNWD; and their respective nitrogen-free controls). The main plot of Exp.3 was two high NUE varieties (Dexiang 4103, Fyou 498) and two low NUE varieties (Yixiang 3724, Chuanyou 6203); FU, NWC, and MNWD assembled the sub-plot. MNWD adopted the method of increasing frequency and reducing quantity, thus the nitrogen application rate was reduced by 20% compared with NWC and FU, the irrigation water amount was reduced by 20% to 25% compared with NWC, and 42% to 48% compared with FU. The stem number of MNWD changed smoothly and its ear bearing tiller percentage was higher. Compared with NWC and FU, the photo assimilation before anthesis MNWD had less, dry matter transportation before anthesis and high accumulation of assimilate after anthesis. The grain yield of MNWD was similar to that of NWC, while 8.77%-14.18% higher than that of FU. Correlation analysis showed that the dry weight of roots in 10-20 cm and 20-30 cm soil layers were significantly and positively correlated with nitrogen recovery efficiency (NRE), nitrogen agronomy efficiency (NAE), irrigation water production efficiency (IWPE) and water production efficiency (WPE). MNWD had a large amount of root system distributed in the soil layer below 10 cm, which was conducive to the improvement of water and nitrogen utilization efficiency. Compared with NWC and FU, MNWD increased NRE by 8.07%-11.99% and 20.72%-30.78%, NAE by 17.44%-27.38% and 96.47%-101.42%, IWPE by 23.34%-36.67% and 76.54%-117.38%, WPE by 8.41%-17.66% and 32.23%-65.29%, respectively.

      Interactive effects of sowing pattern and planting density on grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency in large spike wheat cultivar
      Fei-Na ZHENG,Jin-Peng CHU,Xiu ZHANG,Li-Wei FEI,Xing-Long DAI,Ming-Rong HE
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2020, 46(3):  423-431.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2020.91046
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      In order to find out the way to achieve further improvement in the grain yield (GY) and nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) of winter wheat, two sowing pattern (the wide range sowing and conventional drilling sowing) and seven planting densities (130×10 4, 200×10 4, 270×10 4, 340×10 4, 410×10 4, 480×10 4, and 550×10 4 plants hm -2) were designed during 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 growing seasons. Tainong 18, a winter wheat cultivar with larger spike and lower tillering capacity, was used to investigate the combined effects of sowing pattern and planting density on GY and NUE. Compared with the conventional drilling sowing, the wide range sowing with higher planting density effectively alleviated the negative effect of increasing spikes per unit area and nitrogen uptake efficiency (NUpE) on decreasing single spike weight and nitrogen utilization efficiency (NUtE), respectively. Concurrent improvement in GY and NUE was achieved by increasing the number of spikes per unit area and NUpE. The planting density resulting in the highest GY and NUE under wide range sowing conditions was 410×10 4 plants hm -2, which was significantly higher than that (340×10 4 plants hm -2) under conventional drilling sowing. Moreover, the increase percentage of GY and NUE under wide ranging sowing was also significantly higher than that under drilling sowing. In summary, it is feasible to further improve GY and NUE of large spike wheat cultivar through rational combination of wide range sowing with higher planting density. Under the condition of this experiment, the optimal combination measure for high GY and NUE was sowing width of 8-10 cm with plant density of 410×10 4 plants hm -2.

      Recovery characteristics of Bt insecticidal protein and relative physiological mechanisms after high temperature stress termination in square of Bt cotton
      Zhen-Yu LIU,Gui-Xia WANG,Li-Nan LI,Ze-Zhou CAI,Pan-Pan LIANG,Xin-Ling WU,Xiang ZHANG,De-Hua CHEN
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2020, 46(3):  440-447.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2020.94080
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      The experiments were conducted at Key Laboratory of Genetics and Physiology of Yangzhou University. The conventional cultivar Sikang-1 and hybrid cultivar Sikang-3 were used as the experimental materials. The potted cotton at squaring stage was moved to artificial climatic chamber with 38℃ for 72 h , and 38℃ for 96 h respectively in 2017 and 2018 cotton growth season, and moved to natural conditions, then the squares were collected to measure the Bt protein concentration and nitrogen metabolic physiology at 0, 12, 24, 48, 72, 96 hours respectively after the high temperature termination. The square Bt insecticidal protein contents were able to recover to the corresponding control level, the time for the recovery was in need of longer as the stressed high temperature period increased. In 72 h high temperature treatment, the square Bt insecticidal protein content could recover to the corresponding control level at 72 h for Sikang-1 and at 48 h for Sikang-3. In 96 h high temperature treatment, the square Bt insecticidal protein content could recover to the corresponding control level at 96 h for Sikang-1 and at 72 h for Sikang-3. There were significantly positive correlations of Bt toxin content with soluble protein content, glutamate pyruvate transaminase activity and glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase activity (the correlation coefficients were 0.964 **, 0.981 **, and 0.971 **, respectively), and significantly negative correlations of Bt toxin content with free amino acid contents, and activitied of protease and peptidase (the correlation coefficients were -0.894 **, -0.912 **, and -0.834 **, respectively). Therefore, the recovery degree of Bt insecticidal protein content of cotton square can be predicted according to the duration of high temperature stress, reasonably controlling Helicoverpa armigera and related pests in production.

      Drought resistance identification and drought resistance indexes screening of barley resources at mature period
      Yin-Ping XU, Yong-Dong PAN, Qiang-De LIU, Yuan-Hu YAO, Yan-Chun JIA, Cheng REN, Ke-Cang HUO, Wen-Qing CHEN, Feng ZHAO, Qi-Jun BAO, Hua-Yu ZHANG
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2020, 46(3):  448-461.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2020.91031
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      Drought is one of the major factors affecting barley production. Identification of drought resistance of barley resource at maturity stage, could provide and their associating indexes a basis for breeding drought-resistant cultivars. Field experiments were carried out in Wuwei city, Gansu province, in 2016 and 2017, where the average rainfall during the main water requirement period is less than 40 mm. thirty barley resource under measured normal irrigation and drought stress were used to measured plant height, spike length, tiller number, grain number per plant, grain weight per plant, grain number per spike, 1000-grain weight and yield of barley. Drought resistance comprehensive evaluation value (D-value), comprehensive drought resistance coefficient (CDC-value), weight drought resistance coefficient (WDC-value), correlation analysis, frequency analysis, principal component analysis, grey relational analysis, subordinate function analysis, clustering analysis, and stepwise regression analysis were combined to identify the drought resistance and to screen drought resistance indexes of tested resource at mature period. Drought stress had significant effects on all measured indexes. Frequency analysis showed that the sensitivity of each index to drought stress was yield, plant height, grain weight per plant, spike length, grain number per plant, tiller number, grain number per spike and 1000-grain weight. The yield was very significantly and positively correlated with plant height, spike length, tiller number, grain number per plant and grain weight per plant, and significantly and positively correlated with grain number per spike, but not correlated with 1000-grain weight. Principal component analysis showed that five principal components could represent 86.39% of the original data information of barley drought resistance. The ranks of drought resistance based on the D-value, CDC-value, and WDC-value were similar. Grey relational analysis showed that the correlation degree between DC-value of all indexes and D-value in turn for yield, grain weight per plant, grain number per plant, spike length, plant height, tiller number, grain number per spike and 1000-grain weight, the correlation degree between DC-value of all indexes and WDC-value in turn for grain weight per plant, yield, grain number per plant, tiller number, spike length, grain number per spike, plant height and1000-grain weight, According to D-value clustering analysis, tested barley materials were divided into five drought resistance grades, in which five were in grade 1, one was in grade 2, eleven were in grade 3, ten were in grade 4, and three were in grade 5. Except for tiller number and 1000-grain weight, the subordinate function values, CDC-values, D-values, and WDC-values of other indicators were increased with increase of drought resistance grades. Stepwise regression analysis showed that plant height, Spike length, tiller number, grain number per plant, grain weight per plant, grain number per spike, 1000-grain weight and yield were closely related to the D-value. Drought stress had significant effects on all indexes of barley resources at mature period. D-value was determined as an appropriate index for drought resistance identification. Ganpi 7, Z06-278-9, MERIT, NEVADA, and Xizang 25 were identified as drought resistant barley materials at mature period, which could provide basic materials for the researches on cultivar breeding, drought resistant mechanism, and regulation and alleviation mechanism of drought resistance in barley. The spike length, grain number per plant, grain weight per plant, grain number per spike and yield could be used as the simple and intuitive identification indexes of drought resistance in barley resources at mature period.

      Reason exploration for soil aeration promoting photosynthate transportation between sink and source in sweet potato
      Yong-Chen LIU,Cheng-Cheng SI,Hong-Juan LIU,Bin-Bin ZHANG,Chun-Yu SHI
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2020, 46(3):  462-471.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2020.94038
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      Field experiments were performed using the varieties of starchy sweet potato Shangshu 19 and Jixu 23 with three treatments including loose soil, control soil and compact soil, to clarify the regulatory mechanism of soil compaction on transportation of photosynthates between sink and source of sweet potato. Compared with control treatment, storage root yield and economic coefficient of loose soil treatment were significantly increased by 27.03%-38.74% and 6.30%-13.05% in two years, respectively, while those of compact soil treatment significantly decreased by 17.87%-15.92% and 10.83%-15.63%, respectively. The 13C labeling results of functional leaves showed that loose treatment significantly improved the import efficiency of photosynthate in storage roots. Loose soil treatment significantly increased sucrose and starch contents in storage roots, but significantly reduced starch content in aboveground organs, especially in lower-middle position of stem. Compact soil treatment significantly decreased sucrose and starch contents in storage roots, but significantly increased starch and sucrose contents in aboveground organs especially in lower-middle position of stem. Both difference of sucrose content between stem base and stem top and between stem base and storage root at 50-150 days after planting in loose treatment were significantly decreased. While, significantly increased in compact treatment. The variation range of sucrose content difference between stem base and storage root was larger than between stem base and stem top. There was a very significantly negative correlation between the sucrose content difference of stem base and storage root, and the sucrose and starch content in storage root. Improvement of soil aeration, can promote the transportation of photosynthates from stem base to storage root, increase carbohydrate content in storage root and enhance storage root yield.

the Crop Science Society of China
the Institute of Crop Science, CAAS
China Science Publishing & Media Ltd.
Published: Science Press
Editor-in-chief: Wan Jian-min
Associate Editors-in-Chief:
Chen Xiao-ya Yang Jian-chang Zhang Xian-long Wang Jian-kang Xu Ming-liang Liu Chun-ming Wang Dao-wen Sun Chuan-qing Ding Yan-feng Jin Wei-wei Chu Cheng-cai Cheng Wei-hong
Director of the editorial department:
Yan Chun-ling
CN 11-1809/S
ISSN 0496-3490
Post subscription code: 82-336

  • Started in 2013
  • Covered by SCIE
  • Open access in ScienceDirect

Editor in chief: Wan Jian-min
CN 10-1112/S
ISSN 2095-5421, 2214-5141(online)
Online published:
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E-mail: cropjournal@caas.cn
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