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    12 May 2023, Volume 49 Issue 5
    • REVIEW
      Advances in germplasm innovation and genetic improvement of food legumes resistant to bruchid
      YANG Xiao-Ming, CHENG Xu-Zhen, ZHU Zhen-Dong, LIU Chang-Yan, CHEN Xin
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2023, 49(5):  1153-1169.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2023.24169
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      Food legumes play a key role in maintaining soil sustainability, developing agroecosystem diversification, and improving human nutrition. However, bruchid (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) is a notorious pest that can devastate the entire seed and cause severe loss in pulses storage. To explore the potential germplasm resources and breed legume varieties resistant to bruchids, a few elite germplasms and genes resistant to bruchids were identified and finely mapped. Lots of studies have been carried out and made some progress on resistance mechanisms, genetic analysis, genetic mapping, gene cloning, and molecular markers of bruchid resistance in pulses. In this paper, studies on pulses germplasm exploring and evaluating for resistance to bruchids, resistance inheritance, discovery and mapping of resistance genes, and the breeding of resistant cultivars were reviewed. Several important directions for future research have prospected. Here, the main objective is to supply useful information for exploring potential germplasm and promoting the genetic improvement of food legumes with resistance to bruchids in China.

      Identification of rice blast resistance in xian and geng germplasms by genome- wide association study
      ZHOU Hai-Ping, ZHANG Fan, CHEN Kai, SHEN Cong-Cong, ZHU Shuang-Bing, QIU Xian-Jin, XU Jian-Long
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2023, 49(5):  1170-1183.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2023.22024
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      Rice blast is one of the major fungal diseases that threaten rice production worldwide. To improve rice blast resistance, identifying blast resistant genes and introgressing them into elite rice varieties is an effective way. In this study, a panel of 212 xian accessions and 235 geng accessions collected worldwide were evaluated for resistance against five blast isolates at seedling stage. All of them showed large variations in resistance against five isolates, and 8 xian and 12 geng accessions were detected to present resistance to all five blast isolates. Using genome-wide association strategy, a total of 43 QTLs were identified for resistance to five isolates in mix population (xian subpopulation and geng subpopulation), including 9, 4, 14, 14, and 2 QTLs for GD00-193, GD08-T19, GD17-CQ16, HB1708, and HLJ13-856, respectively. Among them, 12 resistant QTLs were detected only in xian rice sub-population, 7 only detected in geng rice sub-population, and 1 simultaneously detected in both sub-populations, indicating that blast resistance was generally better in xian than in geng rice, and there was obvious differentiation in blast resistance between xian and geng rice. A total of 11 QTLs affected resistance to two or more trains or were simultaneously identified in two or more populations, and 23 candidate genes were identified by candidate interval association analysis and haplotype analysis. Different resistance candidate genes had different frequencies in xian and geng populations. The results provide germplasm resources and favorable genes information for molecular improvement of blast resistance in rice varieties and the breeding and utilization strategies of different resistance genes.

      Genome-wide association study for agronomic traits in common wheat lines derived from wild emmer wheat
      LIU Jia, GONG Fang-Yi, LIU Ya-Xi, YAN Ze-Hong, ZHONG Xiao-Ying, CHEN Hou-Lin, HUANG Lin, and WU Bi-Hua
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2023, 49(5):  1184-1196.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2023.21006
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      Wild emmer (Triticum dicoccoides ssp. dicoccoides) is the tetraploid progenitor of common wheat with wide genotypic variations, which is an important germplasm resource for common wheat improvement. In this study, the plant height, tiller number, spikelet number, heading date, anthesis date, and 1000-kernel weight of 161 introgression lines derived from wild emmer were phenotyped in four environments of different years and locations. We performed genome-wide association study (GWAS) of agronomic traits using 13,116 DArT markers to identify marker-trait associations (MTA) and candidate genes. A total of 147 stable markers associated with the tested 6 agronomic traits were identified. Among them, some MTAs were associated with both heading and anthesis date, and these MTAs were clustered on chromosome 2B. In addition, a total of 21 candidate genes related to the agronomic traits were deduced in introgression lines derived from wild emmer. Among them, the candidate gene associated with 1000-kernel weight on chromosome 7A maybe related to cyclin protein. These MTAs and candidate genes could provide the essential information for cloning genes related to excellent agronomic traits and further provide basis and guidance for comprehensive utilization of wild emmer for genetic improvement in common wheat background.

      Preliminary exploration of the role of LncRNA in the ecotype differentiation of Brassica napus L.
      YANG Tai-Hua, YANG Fu-Quan, GAO Geng-Dong, YIN Shuai, JIN Qing-Dong, XU Lin-Shan, KUAI Jie, WANG Bo, XU Zheng-Hua, GE Xian-Hong, WANG Jing, ZHOU Guang-Sheng
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2023, 49(5):  1197-1210.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2023.24105
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      Brassica napus L. is one of the important oil crops in China. Based on its different requirements for vernalization temperature during flower transition, Brassica. napus can be divided into three ecotypes (spring, semi-winter, and winter ecotype). Previous studies found that long non-coding RNA (LncRNA) can regulate gene expression level in multiple levels and participate in the regulation of plant growth and development. In Arabidopsis thaliana, LncRNA can regulate flowering time by regulating the expression of genes related to vernalization pathway. In this study, to preliminarily explore the ecotype differentiation and adaptive formation among the three ecotypes of Brassica napus, three different ecotypes of Brassica. napus were used as the materials and high-throughput sequencing technology was used to sequence mRNA and LncRNA in seeding leaves. The GO and KEGG enrichment analysis of co-differential expression genes of three ecotypes of Brassica napus showed that there were a lot of differences in the anabolism of basic compounds, especially lipid compounds. A total of 3775 LncRNA sequences were identified from the three ecotypes of Brassica napus, among which 285 LncRNA were differentially expressed in two or three ecotype combinations, and 1517 candidate target genes were involved. The candidate target genes of these differential expression LncRNA were also enriched in large number of anabolism related pathways of basic compounds. Based on conjoint analysis of mRNA and LncRNA, we predicted a putative regulatory network in the flowering genes, included eight flowering time genes and 23 LncRNA, which were involved in the regulation of temperature and light signal pathways. By analyzing the location of QTLs for important agronomic traits in B. napus, we found that about 90% of LncRNA and QTLs intervals were overlapped. The distribution of different expression LncRNA and the location of QTLs were different in three ecotypes of Brassica napus, which suggesting that LncRNA played an important role in ecotype differentiation and formation of important agronomic traits in Brassica napus.

      Functional analysis of Bna-miR43-FBXL regulatory module involved in aluminum stress in Brassica napus
      ZHANG Ying-Chuan, WU Xiao-Ming-Yu, TAO Bao-Long, CHEN Li, LU Hai-Qin, ZHAO Lun, WEN Jing, YI Bin, TU Jing-Xing, FU Ting-Dong, SHEN Jin-Xiong
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2023, 49(5):  1211-1221.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2023.24079
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      Aluminum is one of the main factors that limited crop growth and yield in acid soil and how to utilize acid soil is of great significance. This study is based on Bna-miR43, an unreported miRNA identified in the previous study. We analyzed the molecular characteristics, conserved structure, phylogenetic analysis, and the expression level of Bna-miR43 and its target genes in Brassica napus. The Bna-miR43 over expression vector was constructed to explore the molecular mechanism of Bna-miR43- FBXL module in Brassica napus in aluminum stress. 5'-RACE showed that Bna-miR43 actually cleaved BnaA09g03940D and BnaCnng24950D. Bioinformatics analysis revealed that the homologous gene of BnaA09g03940D and BnaCnng24950D in Arabidopsis was AT5G27950, encoding E3 ubiquitin ligase contained F-box. The qRT-PCR indicated that the relative expression levels of Bna-miR43 and its target genes had a phenomenon of trade-off in different tissues of Brassica napus and under transient treatment of aluminum stress. Aluminum treatment showed that the entire aerial part of the transgenic plant grew much better than control and accumulated less MDA and H2O2. Meanwhile, the aluminum accumulation in the root of transgenic plants was less than the control. In this study, these results may provide reference for the response of aluminum stress in Brassica napus.

      Development and employment of InDel marker in peanut QTL mapping of oil content
      TAO Shun-Yu, WU Bei, LIU Nian, LUO Huai-Yong, HUANG Li, ZHOU Xiao-Jing, CHEN Wei-Gang, GUO Jian-Bin, YU Bo-Lun, LEI Yong, LIAO Bo-Shou, JIANG Hui-Fang
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2023, 49(5):  1222-1230.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2023.24140
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      The developing of stable and efficient molecular markers is of great value for marker-assisted selection of peanut varieties with high oil content. In this study, two parents with significant differences in oil content, Xuhua 13 (high oil content) and Zhonghua 6 (low oil content), were used to detect genomic structural variation by PacBio third-generation sequencing technology, and 35,794 and 74,703 structural variations were detected in Xuhua 13 and Zhonghua 6, respectively. 84 InDel markers in the target region were detected based on the parents’ structural variations and the previous QTL mapping information. And 9 InDel markers were found to be polymorphic between the parents. Meanwhile, F2 population with 1160 individual plants was constructed based on near isogenic lines (NILs) derived from heterozygous residuals in the recombined inbred line (RIL) population. The polymorphic markers were used to genotype the population and to construct the genetic linkage map with 149.84 cM. Combining with phenotype data of population for oil content, QTL (qOCA08) was fine mapped between marker M23 and marker M11, which was located on 1.2 Mb interval of chromosome A08. This study demonstrated the feasibility of InDel marker for peanut QTL mapping. The locus of oil content and closely linked InDel markers can provide the theoretical and technical guidance for peanut molecular marker-assisted breeding.

      Comprehensive evaluation of maize hybrids tested in Huang-Huai-Hai summer maize regional trial based on GYT biplot analysis
      YUE Hai-Wang, HAN Xuan, WEI Jian-Wei, ZHENG Shu-Hong, XIE Jun-Liang, CHEN Shu-Ping, PENG Hai-Cheng, BU Jun-Zhou
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2023, 49(5):  1231-1248.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2023.23035
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      The objective of this study is to scientifically and accurately conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the tested hybrids participating in the Huang-Huai-Hai summer maize regional trials, and provide theoretical and practical basis for the rational distribution of hybrids and regional planning. GYT biplot analysis was applied to the data of 22 hybrids during 2020?2021 in the Huang-Huai-Hai summer maize regional trials to provide a comprehensive evaluation of the tested hybrids based on grain yield, growth period, grain moisture content at harvest, plant height, ear height, lodging rate, ear length, ear diameter, barren tip length, grain weight per ear, and hundred grain weight. The analysis of variance results showed that the genotype and environment main effects of the evaluated agronomic traits reached significant level at P < 0.05. Genotype and environment interaction effect of other traits had significant level, except for ear diameter, bald tip length, and grain weight per ear, which had no significant difference. The square sum of environmental effect on grain yield, growth period, grain moisture content, ear diameter, bare tip length, 100-seed weight, and the square sum of genotype and environment interaction effect on lodging rate were worth the largest in the square sum of total variance. The results of the correlation analysis showed that grain yield was significantly at P < 0.001 and positively correlated with 100-seed weight, plant height, ear height, ear length, ear diameter, and growth period, but negatively correlated with bald tip length. According to the GYT superiority index, Hengyu 868, Handyu 1806, and Sudan 908 had the best yield-trait combinations. The comprehensive performances of hybrids Shandan 686, Dunyu 291, Hanyu 17-6601, and Hanyu 573 were poor, and the performance of the control hybrid Zhengdan 958 was intermediate. Compared with other tested hybrids, Hengyu 868 had the widest adaptability in the Huang-Huai-Hai summer maize area, indicating outstanding regional yield advantages, and great potential for maize production in the region. Compared with the GT biplot, the GYT biplot showed that the first two principal components explained a higher proportion of variance, a better fit, and a higher reliability of the analysis results. Through GYT biplot analysis, maize hybrids with superior yield-trait combinations were identified, the GYT biplot analysis was a useful analytic tool for graphical evaluation based on multiple traits, and also set up a reference base for comprehensive evaluation of other crops.

      Construction of core collection of sweetpotato based on phenotypic traits and SSR markers
      CHEN Yi-Hang, TANG Chao-Chen, ZHANG Xiong-Jian, YAO Zhu-Fang, JIANG Bing-Zhi, WANG Zhang-Ying
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2023, 49(5):  1249-1261.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2023.24122
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      To better preserve, study, and utilize sweet potato collection resources, 1091 sweetpotato germplasms preserved in the National Sweetpotato Germplasm Nursery (Guangzhou) were used as the materials in this study. Euclidean distance and Nei’s distance were used for NJ cluster grouping, respectively, and random sampling was conducted within the group to construct the core collection. Mean, variance, Shannon’s diversity index, coefficient of variation, and other indicators were used to evaluate the representativeness of the core collection based on phenotypic traits data, and effective alleles, Nei’s genetic diversity index, Shannon’s diversity index, and other indicators were used to evaluate the representativeness of the core collection based on SSR markers data. The results showed that the constructed sweetpotato core collection contained 289 materials, accounting for 26.49% of the entire collection. At P < 0.05, there was no significant difference in the related indicators of phenotypic traits and SSR molecular markers between the core collection and the entire collection, and the phenotypic frequency distribution of the two germplasm was basically the same. The principal component analysis revealed that the core collection had similar genetic diversity and population structure to the entire collection. In conclusion, the established core collection of sweetpotato well represented the entire collection’s genetic variation and population structure, which could lay a good foundation for variety improvement, excellent genes mining, and germplasm innovation of sweetpotato.

      Construction of cotton fiber quality index and weighted genotype by trait (WGT) biplot analysis
      XU Nai-Yin, WANG Yang, WANG Dan-Tao, NING He-Jia, YANG Xiao-Ni, QIAO Yin-Tao
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2023, 49(5):  1262-1271.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2023.24118
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      Cotton fiber quality is determined by multiple fiber traits. Construction of a cotton fiber evaluation index is important for comprehensive and objective evaluation of cotton cultivars for their fiber quality. A cotton fiber quality index model was constructed based on the cotton fiber quality monitoring data collected by the China Fiber Quality Monitoring Center in the main cotton producing regions in Xinjiang during 2019-2021, and a weighted genotype by trait (WGT) biplot method was developed for visual evaluation of cotton cultivars for their fiber quality index (FQI) and trait profile. The results showed that (1) The key traits and assigned weights were fiber length (weight = 0.451, the same below), uniformity (0.173), strength (0.285), micronaire value (-0.117) and color grade ordination (-0.526), respectively. (2) The FQI was constructed based on fiber comprehensive evaluation index (CEI) and fiber trait consistency index (TCI), and the cotton cultivars classified as having superior FQI included Xinluzhong 64, Xinluzao 78, and Zhongmian 113, while Xinluzao 67, Xinluzao 54, Jiumian 18, and Xinluzhong were identified as poor in FQI. (3) WGT biplot was developed and used to graphically display the fiber quality comprehensive evaluation index, trait consistency index, and fiber quality index. (4) 52 cotton varieties sampled in the fiber quality monitoring action were clustered into four variety type groups. Cluster I was the best in almost all fiber traits, while cluster II was the worst in most traits. Cluster III showed best performance in fiber trait consistency index, but poor in other traits or indexes. Cluster IV was high in fiber color grade but low in other aspects. The methods and results reported in this research will provide a theoretical support for the construction of nationwide cotton fiber quality index model and serve as a model for other crops kinds.

      GmCIPK10, a CBL-interacting protein kinase promotes salt tolerance in soybean
      LI Hui, LU Yi-Ping, WANG Xiao-Kai, WANG Lu-Yao, QIU Ting-Ting, ZHANG Xue-Ting, HUANG Hai-Yan, CUI Xiao-Yu
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2023, 49(5):  1272-1281.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2023.24070
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      Salt stress seriously restricts the yield and quality of soybean. Calcineurin B subunit-interacting protein kinases (CIPKs) play a vital role in response to environmental stresses in plant. However, few study is known about the biological function of soybean CIPKs. In this study, GmCIPK10 was cloned from soybean genome. Bioinformatics analysis exhibited that GmCIPK10 encoded an intron-poor type CIPKs with a serine (Ser)/threonine (Thr) protein kinase domain and a NAF/FISL motif. The relative expression pattern levels showed that the transcript level of GmCIPK10 was increased under NaCl, MV, and H2O2 treatments. Overexpression of GmCIPK10 in Arabidopsis and soybean hairy roots improved salt tolerance of transgenic plants. Further physiological indicator assays demonstrated that GmCIPK10 overexpression could decrease the accumulation of MDA and H2O2, enhance the activity of antioxidant enzymes, and reduce sodium (Na+)/potassium (K+) in transgenic plants under salt stress. In addition, qRT-PCR illustrated that GmCIPK10 promoted the relative expression level of antioxidant- and salt tolerance-related gene in salt stress. The yeast two-hybrid, pull-down, and bimolecular fluorescence complementation experiments confirmed that GmCIPK10 interacts with the Ca2+ sensor GmCBL4. These results provide a reference for investigating the role of the CBL-CIPK signaling pathway in response to salt stress in soybean.

      Quality selection indices and parent combination principle of weak-gluten wheat
      ZHANG Xiao, LU Cheng-Bin, JIANG Wei, ZHANG Yong, LYU Guo-Feng, WU Hong-Ya, WANG Chao-Shun, LI Man, WU Su-Lan, GAO De-Rong
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2023, 49(5):  1282-1291.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2023.21026
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      To identify the efficient indices of quality selection and the principle of parent combination for weak-gluten wheat, a 7×6 diallel crossing of Griffing II analysis involving 21 combinations of seven wheat varieties with different quality types was performed, and genetic analyses of the quality indices of F2 kernels was carried out. The results showed there were extremely significant differences in general combining ability (GCA) of the quality indices. The effect values of GCA of hardness, sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) sedimentation value, and solvent retention capacity (SRC) were relatively higher, while those of GCA of protein content and gluten content were relatively lower. Meanwhile, significant or extremely significant differences in special combining ability (SCA) of the quality indices were observed, except for protein content, SDS sedimentation value, sucrose SRC, and gluten index. Hardness, SDS sedimentation value, and SRC had the high general combining ability, indicating that additive effect was dominant. The negative GCA effects of weak-gluten wheat and the positive GCA effects of mid-gluten and strong-gluten wheat were significant. The narrow heritability of hardness, SDS sedimentation value, water SRC, and sodium carbonate SRC was as high as 91.23%, 82.66%, 83.81%, and 83.96%, respectively, indicating that they could be strictly screened in the early generations. The narrow heritability of lactic acid SRC and sucrose SRC was 72.79% and 75.26%, respectively. The narrow heritability of protein content, wet gluten content, dry gluten content, and gluten index was as low as 30.72%, 25.62%, 32.62%, and 49.82%, respectively. The quality analysis of high generation lines in different combinations revealed that grain hardness, protein content, SDS sedimentation value, SRC, and other quality indices of the descendant of weak-gluten/weak-gluten wheat combinations were the lowest, followed by those of the weak-gluten/strong-gluten wheat combinations, while those of the strong-gluten/strong-gluten and medium-gluten/strong-gluten wheat combinations were the highest with the rare separation of weak-gluten lines. In conclusion, hardness, SDS sedimentation value, water SRC, and sodium carbonate SRC were the high-efficient selection indices for quality breeding. We suggested at least one parent of weak-gluten quality should be selected in the breeding of weak-gluten wheat.

      Water and nitrogen reduction scheme optimization based on yield and nitrogen utilization of summer maize
      LI Hui, WANG Xu-Min, LIU Miao, LIU Peng-Zhao, LI Qiao-Li, WANG Xiao-Li, WANG Rui, LI Jun
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2023, 49(5):  1292-1304.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2023.23046
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      The objective of this study is to solve the problems of excessive water and nitrogen input in current summer maize cropping system and lacking comprehensive evaluation approach and evaluate the current water and nitrogen management scheme for yield, nitrogen utilization of summer maize and soil nitrate nitrogen content. AHP, entropy method, and game theory were combined to determine index weight, TOPSIS was used to evaluate water and nitrogen reduction scheme, thus the results can provide a theoretical basis for water-saving, nitrogen-reducing and high efficient cultivation scheme of summer maize in Guanzhong plain. The two-factor split-plot field experiment during 2018-2020 was conducted in Yangling, Shaanxi province, where three irrigation levels were traditional 800 m3 hm-2 (W2) as the control, reduced to 400 m3 hm-2 (W1), and no irrigation (W0). Each water treatment was the five N rate treatments [300 kg hm-2 (N300) as the control, reduced 25% (225 kg hm-2), reduced 50% (150 kg hm-2), reduced 75% (75 kg hm-2), and no N fertilizer (0)]. Maize yield, nitrogen use efficiency, and soil nitrate nitrogen content under different water and nitrogen reduction treatments were analyzed and to choose optimal scheme with modeling by TOPSIS. Compared with W2N300 (CK), W1N225 had best effect on yield, and increased significantly by 5.4%. Meanwhile, W2N225, W2N150, and W1N150 had significantly effect on yield, and increased significantly by 2.4%, 0.7%, and 0.3%, respectively. W1N225 and W1N150 enhanced the N-use efficiency, agronomic efficiency, and partial factor productivity, and increased significantly by 29.7%, 16.2%, 24.5%; 36.5%, 25.4%, 28.8%; 53.4%, 36.7%, 32.8%; 46.5%, 35.2%, 47.4%; 43.6%, 37.3%, 48.0%; and 66.9%, 43.1%, 54.5% than CK in 2018, 2019, 2020, respectively. W1N225, W1N150 reduced soil nitrate nitrogen leaching, and decreased by 28.6% and 53.8% than CK, respectively. Using TOPSIS for comprehensive evaluation, it was found that the evaluation value of each index was the highest when nitrogen fertilizer was reduced by 25%-50% (with nitrogen application rate of 150-225 kg hm-2) and irrigation water was reduced by 50% (irrigated 400 m3 hm-2 in jointing stage). Water and nitrogen reduction (medium fertilizer in middle water) were better than high water and high fertilizer, high water and high fertilizer were better than low water and low fertilizer, and high water and low fertilizer were better than low water and high fertilizer. Through TOPSIS optimization, the comprehensive evaluation value was the best when the irrigation amount was W1 (irrigated 400 m3 hm-2 at jointing stage) and the nitrogen application amount was 200 kg hm-2. Therefore, reduced irrigation (irrigated 400 m3 hm-2 in jointing stage) and reduced 33.3% nitrogen (with nitrogen application rate of 200 kg hm-2) mode can be used to realize the water-saving and nitrogen reduction production of summer maize in Guanzhong Plain.

      Response of reproductive growth period length to climate warming and technological progress in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River during 1981-2010 in single-cropping rice
      LIU Er-Hua, ZHOU Guang-Sheng, WU Bing-Yi, SONG Yan-Ling, HE Qi-Jin, LYU Xiao-Min, ZHOU Meng-Zi
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2023, 49(5):  1305-1315.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2023.22026
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      Crop growth period length is closely linked to climate change and technological progress. Even though the extensive researches conducting on crop growth period length variation and its response to climate change, particularly temperature change, the response of reproductive growth periods lengths (RGLs) to climate change and technological progress remains unclear. Based on the reproductive growth periods and meteorological data of single-cropping rice in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River (MLYR) during 1981?2010, the trends of the RGLs (including booting to heading (BDHD), heading to milking (HDMS), milking to maturity (MSMD), and booting to maturity (BDMD)) and climatic variations were analyzed. In addition, to explore the confounding effects of climate change and technological progress on the RGLs, the sensitivities of the RGLs to mean temperature (TEM), cumulative precipitation (PRE), and cumulative sunshine duration (SSD) were measured. The results showed that the BDMD had an extension trend (0.24 d a-1), among which the extension trend in the HDMS (0.16 d a-1) was the most obvious in RGLs, while the extension trends of BDHD (0.03 d a-1) and MSMD (0.05 d a-1) were not significant. High temperature and low sunshine duration were unfavorable to the extension of the RGLs. The mean relative contributions of TEM to the BDHD, HDMS, and MSMD were -50.0%, -50.7%, and -21.9%, which were -47.2%, -48.7%, and -67.6% in terms of SSD, respectively. Technological progress compensated for the adverse impacts of climate change on the trends of different RGLs. These results suggested that cultivar selection and agronomic management were the effective adaptation strategies benefiting for the stable and high yield of single-cropping rice. Single-cropping rice cultivar with longer RGLs and heat-tolerant may be suitable to cope with the continuous climate change in the future.

      Response on light energy utilization and water production benefit of spring wheat to straw retention in an oasis irrigated area
      LI Pan, CHEN Gui-Ping, GOU Zhi-Wen, YIN Wen, FAN Zhi-Long, HU Fa-Long, FAN Hong, CHAI Qiang
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2023, 49(5):  1316-1326.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2023.21037
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      Traditional tillage crop production pattern often leads to the waste of light resources and low benefit of water production. The response of light use efficiency, irrigation water productivity, and economic benefits of spring wheat to different straw retention patterns, which providing the theoretical and practical basis for production technologies for farmland resources use efficiency. A field experiment was conducted with various straw retention operations in Wuwei Oasis agricultural base of a typical oasis irrigation region in Gansu province during 2014-2016. Wheat straw retention operations included four treatments [no tillage with 25-30 cm long straw mulching (NTSM), no tillage with 25-30 cm high straw standing (NTSS), conventional tillage with 25-30 cm long straw incorporation (CTS), and conventional tillage with no straw retention (CT, the control)]. The objective of this study is to provide the basis for screening the suitable straw returning method for spring wheat production in this region. The results indicated that, compared with CT, straw retention (NTSM, NTSS, and CTS) improved the mean leaf area index (MLAI) by 14.6%-17.2%, 10.4-11.9%, 7.3%-9.4%, and improved total leaf area duration (LAI-D) by 14.6%-17.6%, 9.2%-12.3%, 8.3%-9.8%, respectively. Compared with NTSS, NTSM improved MLAI and LAI-D by 6.6%-7.1% and 5.9%-7.2%, respectively, which facilitating the expansion of photosynthetic sources in spring wheat. Compared with CT, NTSM and NTSS reduced MLAI and LAI-D by 6.1%-7.6%, 4.6%-9.8%, 6.0%-7.6%, and 8.1%-10.4% before booting stage of spring wheat, respectively. On the contrary, NTSM and NTSS improved MLAI after booting stage of spring wheat by 38.9%-45.1% and 30.7%-32.6%, respectively, and LAI-D from filling stage to full-riping stage of spring wheat was improved by 37.0%-47.5% and 28.6%-33.9%, respectively, compared with CT. NTSM effectively regulated the photosynthetic source dynamics during the growth period of spring wheat and facilitated post-flowering grain filling. Compared with CT, NTSM, NTSS, and CTS increased grain yield of spring wheat by 18.6%-27.3%, 16.6%-24.9%, and 10.2%-18.7%, respectively, increased light use efficiency by 7.8%-12.2%, 6.5%-11.2%, and 6.2%-8.4%, respectively, increased water use efficiency per cubic meter irrigation water by 18.6%-27.3%, 16.6%-24.9%, and 10.2%-18.7%, respectively. NTSM had the advantage of efficient utilization of soil water and heat resources by increasing grain yield and improving water and heat use efficiency to a greater extent. Meanwhile, NTSM and NTSS reduced the total inputs by 6.5%-7.3%, increased total output by 11.4%-19.3% and 8.6%-17.2%, and increased net income by 32.2%- 41.5% and 27.8%-37.6%, compared with CT, respectively. SM had a higher input-output ratio and benefit per cubic meter irrigation water due to less resource input and higher economic benefits. Compared with CTS and CTNT, NTSM increased input-output ratio by 14.2%-16.9% and 19.1%-28.8%, and increased benefit per cubic meter irrigation water by 16.5%-23.1% and 32.2%-41.5%, respectively. Therefore, no tillage with 25-30 cm long straw mulching was the ideal way of straw retention to improve light energy utilization and water production benefit of spring wheat in Hexi oasis irrigated region.

      Characteristics of heat and solar resources allocation and utilization in rice- oilseed rape double cropping systems in the Yangtze River Delta
      TAO Yue-Yue, SHENG Xue-Wen, XU Jian, SHEN Yuan, WANG Hai-Hou, LU Chang-Ying, SHEN Ming-Xing
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2023, 49(5):  1327-1338.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2023.22033
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      To improve annual yield and resource use efficiency in rice-oilseed rape systems in the Yangtze River Delta, a field experiment of two cropping systems, namely innovated system with late maturity medium season japonica rice-directly sowing oilseed rape (Rs-Ods) and traditional system with medium maturity late season japonica rice-furrow ridging and placed planting oilseed rape (Rl-Ofrpp), was conducted at Suzhou, Jiangsu, China, from 2017 to 2021. The annual dry matter yield, rice grain yield, distribution and utilization efficiency of heat and solar climatic resources as well as the economic benefit were compared between two cropping systems. The results showed that, compared with the conventional system, the new system significantly improved the accumulated temperature production efficiency by 24.1% and light energy production efficiency by 20.6% of the oilseed rape season, while there was no significant difference in rice season. In the new system, the dry matter yield of rapeseed was significantly increased by 18.2% whereas the rice grain and dry matter yield were significantly decreased by 17.6% and 15.5%, respectively. In the traditional system, with the rate of accumulated temperature between two seasons of 1.77, the accumulative temperature distribution rate was 63.9% in rice season and 36.1% in oilseed rape season, respectively. The annual accumulative temperature of the new system decreased by 588℃, among which the accumulated temperature of rice decreased by 483℃. The accumulative temperature distribution rate in oilseed rape season was increased by 1.8%, and the ratio of accumulated temperature between the two seasons decreased to 1.64. Compared to the traditional system, the new system increased the annual economic benefit by 31.4%, increased the rape planting benefit by 2.2 times and decreased the rice growing economic benefit by 17.4%. In conclusion, the new cropping system, late maturity medium season japonica rice-directly sowing oilseed rape forage, significantly improved the yield, accumulated temperature and radiation production efficiency, growing benefit of oilseed rape season as well as the annual economic benefit. Considering the food and forage security as well as economic benefit, the new rice-rapeseed cropping system can be used as one of the alternatives for the long-term monoculture of rice-wheat or rice-oilseed rape double cropping system.

      Panicle silicon fertilizer optimizes the absorption and distribution of mineral elements in rice (Oryza sativa L.) in coastal saline-alkali soil to improve salt tolerance
      WEI Hai-Min, TAO Wei-Ke, ZHOU Yan, YAN Fei-Yu, LI Wei-Wei, DING Yan-Feng, LIU Zheng-Hui, LI Gang-Hua
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2023, 49(5):  1339-1349.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2023.22031
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      This purpose of this study is to elucidate the mechanism of silicon fertilizer on mineral element distribution at heading stage in rice. In this study, a field experiment was carried out in the coastal beach saline-alkali of Jiangsu Province (3.4 g kg-1 soil salinity, pH 8.3). The conventional japonica rice (Huaidao 5) was used as the material, and three silicon fertilizer amounts (0, 60 and 100 kg hm-2) were applied with panicle fertilizer at panicle initiation stage. The results showed that: (1) Silicon panicle fertilizer promoted plant nutrient absorption at heading stage, increased dry matter accumulation at mature stage, and increased yield, Si60 increased by 4.3% on average, Si100 increased by 8.6% on average. (2) Silicon panicle fertilizer optimized the distribution of K+ and Na+ in rice at heading stage. Silicon increase K+ content in leaves, upper sheaths and lower stems of rice, decreased Na+ content in panicles, upper leaves, sheaths and stems, and increased the K+/Na+ ratio in various tissues, thus improving ion homeostasis of rice. (3) Silicon panicle fertilizer promoted the accumulation of N, P, Ca, Mg, Fe, and Mn in leaves. Compare with Si0, the average increase of the two silicon treatments was 16.5% in P, 18.5% in Mg, 22.4% in Ca and 19.8% in Fe, and alleviated the adverse effects of saline-alkali stress on rice leaves. In summary, silicon panicle fertilizer optimizes the absorption and distribution of mineral elements in rice, reduced salt stress in young organs, promoted the accumulation of beneficial elements in leaves, improved nutrient absorption of rice, and the effect of 100 kg hm?2 was better.

      Effects of green manure replanting and returning after wheat on following year’s maize root traits and water use efficiency in oasis irrigation area
      WANG Yu-Long, YU Ai-Zhong, LYU Han-Qiang, LYU Yi-Tong, SU Xiang-Xiang, WANG Peng-Fei, CHAI Jian
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2023, 49(5):  1350-1362.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2023.23036
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      Long leisure time, high evaporation, and low water use efficiency in fallow period are the most prominent constraints for crop production in the northwest arid oasis irrigated agricultural region. In this study, the relationship between maize root traits and its water utilization under different green manure returning methods were investigated in this area. To determine the effects of different returning methods of green manure on soil water storage, root traits and water use efficiency of maize, a field experiment was carried out in a typical oasis irrigation region from 2020 to 2021. The treatments included tillage with full quantity of green manure incorporated in the soil (TG), no-tillage with full quantity of green manure mulched on soil surface (NTG), harvesting and removing above ground green manure and tillage with root incorporated in the soil (T), no-tillage with above ground green manure harvested and removed (NT), and conventional tillage and fallow without green manure after spring wheat harvest (CT). The results indicated NTG and TG significantly increased soil water storage in 0-110 cm soil layer. Compared with CT, the average water storage of NTG and TG during the whole growth period increased by 14.0%-15.0% and 8.8%-12.0%, respectively. Compared with CT, the NTG and TG treatments increased root length (20.7%-26.0% and 19.9%-28.5%), root surface area (43.0%-52.9% and 41.3%-58.7%), root volume (45.7%-46.7% and 40.6%-46.7%), and root dry weight (48.0%-51.5% and 41.9%-50.2%), respectively. The NTG and TG significantly increased maize grain yield and its water use efficiency. Compared with CT, maize grain yield of NTG and TG increased 15.4%-34.3% and 19.1%-32.0%, the WUE of NTG and TG increased 19.5%-39.2% and 20.5%-34.8%, respectively. The root length and root surface area were positively related to soil water storage at maize jointing, tasseling, and silking stages. The root length, root surface area, root volume, and root dry weight were positively related with WUE at jointing, big trumpet, and silking stages. In conclusion, this study suggested the full quantity of green manure returned in the field was beneficial to increase soil water storage, optimize root traits, and thus improving the yield and water use efficiency in maize. Among them, no-tillage with full quantity of green manure mulched on soil surface was recommend as a feasible green manure returning method in the oasis irrigation area.

      Difference analysis of yield and resource use efficiency of modern summer maize varieties in Huang-Huai-Hai region
      LIU Xin-Meng, CHENG Yi, LIU Yu-Wen, PANG Shang-Shui, YE Xiu-Qin, BU Yan-Xia, ZHANG Ji-Wang, ZHAO Bin, REN Bai-Zhao, REN Hao, LIU Peng
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2023, 49(5):  1363-1371.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2023.23050
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      Variety improvement plays an important role in improving the yield per unit area of summer maize, but the reasons for the yield difference between modern summer maize varieties are not clear at present. The experiment was conducted at the National Demonstration Center for Crop Varieties in Shanghe. 390 maize varieties approved or to be approved in Huang-Huai-Hai rivers region of China were selected. To explore the yield and resource use efficiency differences of different summer maize varieties and their causes, plant samples were taken at maize maturity stage to determine yield and its components, dry matter accumulation and distribution, nitrogen accumulation, distribution and utilization, and radiation and thermal utilization efficiency of different varieties at maturity stage. There were significant differences in yield among different varieties of summer maize. The direct path coefficients of number of harvested ear, grain number per ear, and 1000-grain weight on yield were 0.57, 1.00, and 0.88, respectively, indicating that the yield difference among varieties were mainly affected by the change of grain number per ear. The accumulation and distribution of dry matter and nitrogen had significant effects on summer maize yield. Compared with that in the yield range of <7 t hm-2, the total dry matter of the plant population in the yield range of 7.0-8.0, 8.0-9.0, 9.0-10.0, 10.0-11.0, and >11.0 t hm-2 was increased by 12.25%, 20.52%, 29.61%, 40.11%, and 54.04%, respectively. Grain nitrogen accumulation was increased by 16.62%, 24.85%, 38.45%, 48.42%, and 68.41%, respectively. Grain dry matter allocation was increased by 5.11%, 9.93%, 13.32%, 15.51%, and 17.94%, and grain nitrogen allocation was increased by 4.09%, 7.24%, 7.37%, 7.31%, and 10.91%, respectively. The radiation use efficiency of grain was increased by 12.50%, 21.25%, 30.00%, 41.25%, and 55.00%, respectively. The thermal utilization efficiency of grain was increased by 11.36%, 20.45%, 29.55%, 39.77%, and 53.41%, respectively. To achieve high-yielding and high-efficient production of summer maize, high-yielding maize varieties were improved dry matter and nitrogen accumulation in maize population, increased the proportion of dry matter and nitrogen distribution in grain, improved the utilization efficiency of nitrogen, radiation and thermal in plant, and promoted the synergistic improvement of yield components, especially the increase of grain number per ear.

      Effects of exogenous tryptophan on root elongation of sorghum seedlings under low nitrogen stress
      LI Bang, LIU Chun-Juan, GUO Jun-Jie, WU Yu-Xin, DENG Zhi-Cheng, ZHANG Min, CUI Tong, LIU Chang, ZHOU Yu-Fei
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2023, 49(5):  1372-1385.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2023.24133
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      The physiological mechanism of root elongation in sorghum under low nitrogen stress remains unclear. Here, two sorghum inbred lines, 398B (low nitrogen tolerance) and CS-3541 (low nitrogen sensitivity), were used as experimental materials, to clarify the physiological mechanism of root elongation of sorghum seedlings under low nitrogen stress. The results showed that, compared with normal nitrogen stress, low nitrogen stress significantly increased root length and root tip cell length of 398B and CS-3541, and 398B had longer root length. The endogenous tryptophan content in roots of 398B and CS-3541 increased significantly at 1, 5, and 10 days after low nitrogen stress. Tryptophan was involved in root elongation of sorghum under low nitrogen conditions through the auxin synthesis pathway by RNA-seq, and the relative expression level of genes in the auxin synthesis pathway of root in 398B was significantly higher than that in CS-3541. Furthermore, the root lengths of 398B and CS-3541 were significantly increased by 50 mg L-1 exogenous tryptophan treatment under low nitrogen conditions. Exogenous tryptophan activated the activity of H+-ATPase in plasma membrane by increasing the content of auxin, promoted the acidification of plasma membrane, and improved the activity of enzymes related to energy metabolism and ATP content, and thus inducing energy metabolism of root system. Exogenous tryptophan had a better effect on 398B under low nitrogen stress. In conclusion, low nitrogen stress activated the key role of endogenous tryptophan in sorghum root elongation, and auxin depended on tryptophan pathway and synergistic enhancement of energy metabolism were the physiological mechanism promoting root elongation of sorghum seedlings under low nitrogen stress.

      Effects of adding biochar and straw with equal carbon content on soil respiration and net carbon budget in tobacco field
      FU Yun-Peng, LIU Tian, LI Yao-Xin, LIU Yuan-Bo, WANG Jing, JIN Jia-Wei, JIANG Wei-Feng, LIU Yong-Yan, YANG Yang, YUN Fei
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2023, 49(5):  1386-1396.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2023.24054
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      To clarify the carbon sequestration effect of biochar, straw and their combined application in tobacco field, the effects of biochar and straw addition on soil respiration and carbon budget of tobacco ecosystem were explored. From 2020 to 2021, four treatments including conventional fertilization (CK), conventional fertilization +2.25 t hm-2 biochar-C (T1), conventional fertilization +2.25 t hm-2 straw-C (T2), and conventional fertilization +1.125 t hm-2 biochar-C + 1.125 t hm-2 straw-C (T3) were conducted to measure soil respiration and main environmental factors of soil, soil carbon increment, carbon sequestration of net primary productivity of crops and carbon emissions caused by agricultural production. The results showed that the cumulative carbon emissions from soil respiration during the growth period of flue-cured tobacco treated with straw, straw and biochar were significantly higher than that of the control (P < 0.05), and the increase ranges were 21.40%-35.45% and 5.90%-9.89%, respectively. Compared with the control, the proportion of soil autotrophic respiration increased by 6.35%-7.34% and 3.21%-5.97% in the treatment of adding biochar and straw, respectively. The combined application of biochar and straw increased by 3.91% in 2021 compared with the control. The addition of biochar and straw increased the soil temperature and moisture during the growth period, and soil water content increased significantly by 1.93% to 7.07% under biochar treatment alone. Among the main environmental factors in soil, soil temperature had the greatest impact on soil respiration rate. Soil respiration rate was significantly positively correlated with soil temperature. There was a significant positive correlation between soil respiration rate and soil moisture in the treatment of adding straw, biochar, and straw. The carbon sequestration of ecosystem treated by all exogenous additives was positive, which was expressed as “carbon sink”. The addition of biochar could not only increase the carbon sequestration of net primary productivity (NPP) and soil carbon sequestration, but also reduce the cumulative carbon emissions of soil respiration in tobacco growing season, and the “carbon sink” ability was the strongest. Therefore, the application of biochar was the best way to reduce the carbon emission of soil respiration, which could enhance the “carbon sink” capacity of tobacco ecosystem.

      Effects of drought stress before and after anthesis on photosynthetic characteristics and yield of summer maize after re-watering
      ZHANG Jun-Jie, CHEN Jin-Ping, TANG Yu-Lou, ZHANG Rui, CAO Hong-Zhang, WANG Li-Juan, MA Meng-Jin, WANG Hao, WANG Yong-Chao, GUO Jia-Meng, KRISHNA SV Jagadish, YANG Qing-Hua, SHAO Rui-Xin
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2023, 49(5):  1397-1409.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2023.23003
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      Drought before and after anthesis is one of the important factors affecting the decrease of summer maize yield in Huang-Huai-Hai Rivers region. From 2020 to 2021, a pool planting control experiment was carried out. To study the effect of regulated deficit irrigation before and after anthesis on photosynthetic characteristics, dry matter accumulation and distribution, and yield of summer maize after re-watering, four water gradients were set within 28 days before and after anthesis, including 100% Eapotranspiration (ETc) (CK), 70% ETC (Water deficit, WD1), 40% ETC (WD2), and 0 ETC (WD3) using Zhongkeyu 505 as the test materials. The result showed that the photosynthetic performance of summer maize leaves did not recover after re-watering under drought stress. The SPAD value, net photosynthetic rate, population leaf area index, photosynthetic potential and net assimilation rate were lower than the control, and the dry matter accumulation of the plants was blocked, photosynthetic potential and net assimilation rate were lower than the control, and the dry matter accumulation of the plants was blocked, resulting in the decrease of grain storage capacity. Drought stress prolonged the anthesis-silking interval for 1-3 day (s), increased the seed abortion rate, and decreased the grain number per row and 100-seed weight after re-watering, especially the seed abortion rate in WD3 was significantly increased by 220.71% and 100.73% in 2020 and 2021, respectively. The yield of WD1, WD2, WD3 was decreased by 14.52%, 36.69%, 39.83% and 19.62%, 45.18%, 54.42% in 2020 and 2021, respectively. In conclusion, after re-watering under water deficit before and after anthesis, the photosynthetic performance of maize was still inhibited, which further affected the accumulation and distribution of photosynthetic assimilates, and ultimately leading to a significant decrease in storage capacity and yield.

      Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of G2-like transcription factors family genes in wheat
      JIA Yu-Ku, GAO Hong-Huan, FENG Jian-Chao, HAO Zi-Rui, WANG Chen-Yang, XIE Ying-Xin, GUO Tian-Cai, MA Dong-Yun
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2023, 49(5):  1410-1425.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2023.21036
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      Golden2-like (G2-like) transcription factor, a member of the GARP superfamily of MYB transcription factors, plays an important role in regulating chloroplast development. In this study, genome-wide identification of G2-like genes in wheat was carried out by bioinformatics methods, and their physicochemical properties, subcellular localization, cis-acting elements of promoters, and response patterns to abiotic stresses and hormones were analyzed. A total of 87 G2-like genes were identified from wheat, which distributed in evenly on 21 chromosomes in wheat. Phylogenetic analysis showed that these genes were divided into 14 subfamilies, and fragment replication was the main reason for the expansion of this gene family. The prediction of protein secondary structure revealed that α helix and random curl were the main amino acid sequences of G2-like gene in wheat. Promoter cis-acting elements showed that there were seven cis-acting elements (P-box, SpI, LTR, ABRE, MBS, TGA-Element, and AE-box) in 2-kb region upstream of the promoter. Among them, Ta3AG2-Like19 contained the most cis-regulatory element binding sites with a total of 18 binding sites. The qRT-PCR revealed. that the relative expression levels of Ta3AG2-like19, Ta3AG2-Like20, Ta4AG2-Like29, and Ta6AG2-Like52 were significantly up-regulated under PEG and salt stresses, and induced by GA, IAA, and ABA hormones. These genes may mediate the response of wheat plant to various abiotic stresses.

      Identification and gene mapping of brittle culm mutant bc21 in rice
      DAI Wen-Hui, ZHU Qi, ZHANG Xiao-Fang, LYU Shen-Yang, XIANG Xian-Bo, MA Tao, CHEN Yu-Jie, ZHU Shi-Hua, DING Wo-Na
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2023, 49(5):  1426-1431.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2023.22025
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      A brittle culm mutant bc21 was obtained by mutagenesis of indica rice Kasalath with ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS). Phenotypic analysis revealed that the mutant displayed both brittle culm and leaf phenotypes, which began to manifest at seedling stage and were most pronounced at mature stage. The mechanical strength analysis showed that the breaking resistance and tensile force of bc21 stems decreased significantly. Resin sections and scanning electron microscope observation showed that the sclerenchyma cells of bc21 culms had increased voids and thinner cell walls. Compared with the wild type, the cell wall component of stems revealed that the cellulose content of bc21 decreased by 36.60%, and the hemicellulose and lignin contents increased by 23.08% and 26.06%, respectively. Genetic analysis indicated that the brittle trait of bc21 was controlled by a single recessive gene. Using SSR markers and self-designed STS markers, BC21 was located in a 52.9 kb region between the markers STS2 and STS3 on chromosome 6, and there was no previously reported rice brittleness-related gene within this region, indicating that BC21 might be a new brittle culm gene in rice. This study will provide material support for further dissection of the regulation mechanism of mechanical strength of rice stems.

      Transcriptome sequencing analysis of different sweet potato varieties under salt stress
      ZHANG Xiao-Hong, PENG Qiong, YAN Zheng
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2023, 49(5):  1432-1444.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2023.24143
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      The objective of this study is to obtain the salt tolerant transcriptome sequence information of sweet potato, mine and identify the differentially expressed genes and their related metabolic pathways. Rongshu 819 (salt-tolerant variety) and Rongshu 910 (salt-sensitive variety) under salt treatment for 0, 3, and 6 days were conducted for the transcriptome by high-throughput sequencing. The results showed that a total of 157,252 Unigenes with an average length of 576 bp were obtained from the two varieties. The 83,264 Unigenes, accounting for 52.95% of the total Unigenes, were annotated in the 7 functional databases. NR annotation revealed that sweet potato Unigenes had the most homologous sequences in Ipomoea nil with a total of 43,620 accounting for 57.05%. The annotation of Unigenes in the KOG database is mainly concentrated in general functional prediction only (8752), signal transformation mechanisms (5067), and post translation modification, protein transformation, molecular chaperones (4471). The qRT-PCR indicated that, in Rongshu 819, the number of differentially expressed genes in 3 days and 6 days of salt treatment was 3752 and 807, respectively, which classified into 33 GO functional categories and 302 KEGG metabolic pathways. In Rongshu 910, the number of differentially expressed genes in 3 days and 6 days of salt treatment was 5554 and 7395, respectively, which classified into 50 GO functional categories and 329 KEGG metabolic pathways. The heat map was drawn based on the transcriptome data of partial differentially expressed genes. The result showed that 7 differentially expressed β-Glucosidase genes annotated into starch and sucrose metabolic pathway were up-regulated in salt-tolerant variety while down-regulated in salt-sensitive variety. Seven calmodulin-like genes annotated into Ca2+ signaling pathway were specifically expressed in two varieties, among which 2 were specifically up-regulated in salt-tolerant variety and 5 were specifically down-regulated in salt-sensitive variety. The expression heat map of differentially expressed transcription factors indicated that IbERF1 was only specifically expressed in salt-tolerant varieties, IbNAC3, IbNAC11, IbERF3, and IbERF4 were only specifically expressed in salt-sensitive varieties, while IbNAC29 was down-regulated in salt-tolerant varieties and up-regulated in salt-sensitive varieties. In conclusion, the number of Unigenes obtained from transcriptome of sweet potato under salt stress was large and the sequence information was rich. The differentially expressed genes and high abundance transcription factors may play an important role in sweet potato response to salt stress.

the Crop Science Society of China
the Institute of Crop Science, CAAS
China Science Publishing & Media Ltd.
Published: Science Press
Editor-in-chief: Wan Jian-min
Associate Editors-in-Chief:
Chen Xiao-ya Yang Jian-chang Zhang Xian-long Wang Jian-kang Xu Ming-liang Liu Chun-ming Wang Dao-wen Sun Chuan-qing Ding Yan-feng Jin Wei-wei Chu Cheng-cai Cheng Wei-hong
Director of the editorial department:
Yan Chun-ling
CN 11-1809/S
ISSN 0496-3490
Post subscription code: 82-336

  • Started in 2013
  • Covered by SCIE
  • Open access in ScienceDirect

Editor in chief: Wan Jian-min
CN 10-1112/S
ISSN 2095-5421, 2214-5141(online)
Online published:
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