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    12 October 2023, Volume 49 Issue 10
      Creation and analysis of secondary translocation harbouring gene Pm21
      ZHANG Lan-Yue, LUO Jiang-Tao, FAN Chao-Lan, LI Ya-Zhou, JIANG Bo, CHEN Xue, CHEN Xue-Jiao, YUAN Zhong-Wei, NING Shun-Zong, ZHANG Lian-Quan, LIU Deng-Cai, HAO Ming
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2023, 49(10):  2603-2612.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2023.21082
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      Wheat-Haynaldia villosa 6VS.6AL translocation harbouring the gene Pm21 has made a great contribution to powdery mildew resistance breeding in China. Based on the data of 55K SNP chip, 25 (15.4%) out of 162 Sichuan wheat varieties contained the translocation. In this study, recombination point and haplotype analysis on the 25 varieties showed that it was centric translocation. Combined with the pedigree information, 92R178 was the original donor of the 6VS.6AL translocation in these varieties. 6AS-6VS-6AS.6AL secondary recombinant containing Pm21 was generated by using primary recombinants 6VS-6AS.6AL and 6AS-6VS.6AL as the cross parents, which both formed by the induction of ph1b. The secondary recombinant had a much smaller 6VS chromatin than the primary recombinants. Based on the Chinese Spring reference genome, the crossover points of the secondary recombinant were located within 53.1-53.8 Mb and 90.7-92.2 Mb of chromosome 6A, with a 6VS fragment size about 36.9-39.1 Mb. Molecular cytological identification also detected the extensive recombinants among wheat endogenous homoeologs induced by ph1b, which was not only disadvantage for genetic stabilization of wheat-alien recombinants but also for wheat breeding. A proposed solution to reduce endogenous recombinants was to preserve the ph1b mutant line in a heterozygous condition and reduce the selfing times during the development of ph1b-mediated wheat-alien recombination. In breeding, it is necessary to eliminate endogenous recombinants as soon as possible.

      Map-based cloning and allelic analysis of gene controlling maize kernel mutant crk4
      LI Meng-Yuan, ZHANG Wen-Cheng, GAO Yong, QIN Yong-Tian, BO Shi-Rong, SONG Kun-Yang, TANG Ji-Hua, FU Zhi-Yuan
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2023, 49(10):  2613-2620.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2023.33004
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      Kernel mutants are the important materials for cloning genes related to grain development and analyzing their genetic regulation mechanism. Crk4 (crumpled kernel 4) is a kernel mutant identified in the course of maize breeding and selection. Compared with the wild type, crk4 showed significantly lower in grain filling, grain weight, and germination rate. Genetic analysis showed that the mutant was controlled by a single recessive nuclear gene, which was mapped to a 614 kb physical distance on chromosome 5 by map-based cloning. In the 614 kb interval, 11 protein-coding genes were expressed in kernel. Sequence analysis revealed that there was a crk4-specific termination mutation in the second exon of Zm00001d017427 gene, which is caused by the deletion of C base. Zm00001d017427 encoded the metal-nicotianamine transporter (Sh4-shrunken4/Ysl2), which had been reported as the target gene of kernel mutant ysl2. The allelism test indicated that crk4 was a new allele mutant of ysl2/sh4. The identification of crk4 provided a new germplasm for elucidating the molecular regulation mechanism of Sh4 on seed development in maize.

      Mapping of stable QTL qSW20-1 for 100-seed weight and its effect on yield and quality in soybean
      SUN Jian-Qiang, HONG Hui-Long, ZHANG Yong, GU Yong-Zhe, GAO Hua-Wei, ZHOU Ya, CAO Jie, QI Hang, ZHAO Quan, BAO Li-Gao, CHEN Qing-Shan, QIU Li-Juan
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2023, 49(10):  2621-2632.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2023.34022
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      Seed weight is one of the key factors of soybean yield. Cloning the key genes controlling seed weight in major quantitative trait loci (QTL) is of great significance to improve soybean yield. In this study, a high-density genetic linkage map was constructed by SLAF-seq using 325 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) constructed by Qihuang 34 × Dongsheng 16 as the experimental materials. The total map distance was 2945.26 cM, and the average map distance was 0.47 cM. Combined with three environmental 100-seed weight phenotypes, 11 QTL related to 100-seed weight were detected. Among them, the QTL with stable environment was qSW20-1, which explaining 9.73%-18.10% of phenotypic variation. The large grain allele of the QTL could significantly increase the number of seed per plant and seed weight per plant, but there was no adverse effect on the two quality traits of protein content and fat content. The interval size was 435.42 kb, containing 36 genes. Five candidate genes were predicted by gene annotation and expression pattern analysis. The results of this study laid a solid foundation for soybean yield-increasing gene mining and molecular design breeding.

      QTL identification and favorable allele mining of cold tolerance at seedling stage by reciprocal introgression and recombinant inbred line populations in rice
      CAO Hui-Min, YANG Xian-Li, WANG Li-Zhi, LI Ping-Ping, ZHAI Lai-Yuan, JIANG Shu-Kun, ZHENG Tian-Qing, QIU Xian-Jin, XU Jian-Long
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2023, 49(10):  2633-2642.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2023.32007
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      Cold damage often hinders rice growth, affects its morphogenesis and leads finally to serious yield loss. Identifying favorable genes tolerant to cold, and breeding elite rice varieties with cold tolerance is an effective way to solve this problem. In this study, two sets of reciprocal introgression lines and a set of recombinant inbred line derived from xian variety Minghui 63 and geng variety 02428 were evaluated for cold tolerance in climate chamber using cold tolerance-related traits such as wilting degree and survival rate after recovered growth. Combined with the available Bin genotype data generated by previous re-sequencing, 13 QTLs for cold tolerance at seedling stage were identified on chromosomes 1, 4, 5, 7, and 12, which explained 0.36% to 13.63% of phenotypic variation. No QTL was stably detected in different genetic backgrounds, whereas five QTLs were simultaneously detected for both wilting degree and survival rate on chromosomes 1, 5, 7, and 12. Among them, QTLs in the regions of 12,732,139-13,202,097 bp and 14,445,778-14,585,009 bp on chromosome 1, and 14,658,891-15,684,510 bp on chromosome 5 had high LOD values above 25 and were considered as reliable main-effect QTLs. Combined with gene annotation, gene expression profile and phenotyping data of cold tolerance of 3K germplasms, the previously cloned gene OsWKRY45 for cold tolerance was regarded as the responsible gene for the QTL in the region of 14,658,891-15,684,510 bp on chromosome 5, while the two candidate genes, LOC_Os01g25540 and LOC_Os01g25560 in the two regions on chromosome 1, were the new candidate genes for both wilting degree and survival rate. Haplotype analysis indicated that Hap2, Hap4, and Hap9 of LOC_Os01g25540 and Hap1, Hap8, and Hap10 of LOC_Os01g25560 were favorable haplotypes for cold tolerance. The results provide the novel germplasms and favorable genes for molecular improvement of cold tolerance in rice.

      Identification of potato amylase StBAM9 interacting protein and analysis of the interaction mechanism
      DU Juan, PENG Xiao-Jun, HOU Juan, LIU Teng-Fei, LIU Zeng, SONG Bo-Tao
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2023, 49(10):  2643-2653.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2023.34009
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      Previous research conducted in our laboratory has demonstrated the crucial role of StBAM9 (β-Amylase 9) in the resistance of potatoes to cold-induced sweetening (CIS), although StBAM9 lacks β-Amylase activity. To investigate the mechanism, we generated a yeast two-hybrid library of tuber cDNA following low-temperature storage and screened for potential interacting proteins with StBAM9 as bait. The results revealed that 12 of the identified interacting proteins were common among both full-length and truncated transport peptide StBAM9 bait screens. Among them, four proteins (StDUF842, StTPR01660, StTPR22129, and StTPR45174) had significant interactions with StBAM9 in yeast two-hybrid assay. Subsequently, two of these proteins, StTPR01660 and StTPR4517, were identified as the interactors with StBAM9 through Glutathione-S-transferase (GST) pull-down experiments. Bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) assays demonstrated that only StTPR01660 was co-localized with StBAM9 on starch granules, while StTPR01660 itself was observed in the cytoplasm. In conclusion, StBAM9 may recruit StTPR01660 from the cytoplasm to starch granules, potentially enabling starch degradation.

      Functional identification of Saccharum spontaneum transcription factor SsWRKY1 to improve drought tolerance in sugarcane
      SHEN Qing-Qing, WANG Tian-Ju, WANG Jun-Gang, ZHANG Shu-Zhen, ZHAO Xue-Ting, HE Li-Lian, LI Fu-Sheng
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2023, 49(10):  2654-2664.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2023.24280
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      SsWRKY1 is a member gene of the WRKY family in Saccharum spontaneum. The functional analysis provides valuable information for studying the molecular mechanism of SsWRKY1 involved in drought regulation. In this study, SsWRKY1 overexpression lines and RNAi interference expression lines were obtained by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation technology. The results showed that overexpression lines were significantly less damaged by drought stress than non-transgenic plants, while the interference expression lines showed severe drought stress damage with PEG to simulate drought stress. The content of proline in the overexpression lines increased significantly, the content of malondialdehyde decreased significantly, and the activities of antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase, peroxidase, and catalase increased to varying degrees. The relative expression levels of MAPK Cascade signal transduction gene MAPK, ABA biosynthesis gene NCED, proline biosynthesis gene P5CS, ROS scavenging system gene SOD, POD, and CAT were significantly increased, indicating that SsWRKY1 overexpression could improve the ability of sugarcane to cope with drought stress. In conclusion, SsWRKY1 enhanced the drought resistance of sugarcane by activating the antioxidant system and regulating stress response genes and could be used as an important gene resource for genetic improvement of sugarcane resistance.

      Interaction of sugarcane glutathione S-transferase ScGSTF1 with P3N-PIPO in response to SCMV infection
      YANG Zong-Tao, JIAO Wen-Di, ZHANG Hai, ZHANG Ke-Ming, CHENG Guang-Yuan, LUO Ting-Xu, ZENG Kang, ZHOU Ying-Shuan, XU Jing-Sheng
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2023, 49(10):  2665-2676.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2023.34020
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      The Glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) are widely distributed in cellular organisms and participate in the regulation of growth and development, detoxification of xenobiotics, and response to stress in plants. In the present study, we screened a sugarcane (Saccharum spp. hybrid) cDNA library and obtained a GST gene from sugarcane original cultivar Badila using Sugarcane mosaic virus (SCMV)-encoded protein P3N-PIPO as bait. The open reading frame (ORF) of the cloned GST gene was 645 bp in length, encoding a protein with 214 amino acids. Sequence alignment and phylogenetic tree showed that this GST belonged to the Phi (F) class (GSTF) designated as ScGSTF1 in GST family. Further bioinformatics revealed that ScGSTF1 protein was a stable hydrophilic lipoprotein without transmembrane domain. Phylogenetic tree demonstrated that ScGSTF1 was divergent between monocotyledons and dicotyledonous, as well as in C3 and C4 plants. Yeast two-hybrid (Y2H) and biomolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) assays confirmed the interaction of ScGSTF1 with SCMV-P3N-PIPO. Subcellular localization assays indicated that ScGSTF1 was localized in the endoplasmic reticulum. The qRT-PCR analysis showed that ScGSTF1 gene was significantly differently expressed in different tissues of sugarcane plants with the highest expression level in the 3rd internode and the lowest expression level in leaf roll or roots. SCMV infection affected the relative expression level of ScGSTF1 gene, which was up-regulated at the early stage of infection and down-regulated later, but still maintained a significantly higher level than the control.

      Evaluation of cadmium tolerance in germination stage of 239 dark jute (Corchorus olitorius L.) germplasm resources and screening of cadmium tolerance resources
      LI A-Lei, DAI Zhi-Gang, CHEN Ji-Quan, DENG Can-Hui, TANG Qing, CHENG Chao-Hua, XU Ying, ZHANG Xiao-Yu, SU Jian-Guang, YANG Ze-Mao
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2023, 49(10):  2677-2686.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2023.24207
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      Cadmium is one of the most serious types of heavy metal pollution. It is of great significance to screen the germplasm resources of dark jute (Corchorus olitorius L.) with high tolerance cadmium varieties to improve the soil environment. In order to identify and evaluate the cadmium tolerance of dark jute germplasm resources at germination stage, 239 dark jute germplasm resources from different sources were subjected to cadmium stress treatment at germination stage of 0, 5, and 25 mg L-1. The germination rate, germination energy, root length, shoot length, germination index, vital index, and relative cadmium damage rate were measured at germination stage. The results showed that there were different degrees between the control group and the treatment group. Principal component analysis, membership function analysis, and systematic cluster analysis were used to comprehensively evaluate the cadmium tolerance of dark jute varieties at germination stage. 239 dark jute germplasms were clustered into five grades according to D-value including 72 cadmium sensitive materials, 52 sensitive materials, 56 medium resistance materials, 50 cadmium resistance materials, and 9 high cadmium resistance materials. Among them, 9 varieties such as CoODKCG had the higher resistance to cadmium, which could be used as excellent resources for dark jute germplasms. A comprehensive evaluation mathematical model [ D1 = 0.029 + 0.060 × GR + 0.036 × GI + 0.122 × VI + 0.066 × RL + 0.148 × BL + 0.047 × RCDR ( R12 = 0.833 ), D2= 0.064 + 0.098 × GR + 0.146 × GI + 0.133 × VI + 0.113 × RL + 0.087 × BL + 0.056 × RCDR (R22=0.801)] for the comprehensive evaluation of cadmium tolerance in dark jute was established by the stepwise regression analysis. Combined with principal component analysis, correlation analysis, and stepped-regression analysis, selected the germination index, vigor index, and root length as the comprehensive cadmium tolerance indexes of dark jute at germination stage. This study laid a foundation for the evaluation and screening of cadmium tolerance in dark jute.

      Genetic diversity and population structure analysis of naked barley germplasm resources in Jiangsu province
      LI Ying, LIU Hai-Cui, SHI Lyu, SHI Xiao-Xu, HAN Xiao, LIU Jian, WEI Ya-Feng
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2023, 49(10):  2687-2697.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2023.31006
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      The middle and lower regions of the Yangtze River and the coastal areas were one of the two major production areas of naked barley in China, especially Jiangsu province, which was the largest planting area and was an important production base of naked barley. Studying the genetic diversity and population structure of Jiangsu naked barley germplasm resources is of great significance for broadening the genetic base of existing naked barley resources, mining excellent alleles, and improving the breeding efficiency of naked barley. In this study, a set of 38 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers were used to assess the genetic diversity of 230 naked barley materials from Jiangsu and 109 materials from seven other sources. 242 alleles were detected with an average allele number of 6.3684 and the effective allele number of 3.092 for each SSR. The mean values of Shannon-Weaver index and Nei were 1.2189 and 0.5857, respectively. The average PIC value was 0.5486, indicating the high polymorphism of the SSRs. When the materials were divided into eight groups according to the regions, the largest number of alleles observed in Jiangsu population was 5.4737 and the mean values of effective alleles, Shannon's diversity index, Nei's diversity index, and PIC were 2.5347, 0.9551, 0.5004, and 0.4593, respectively. The genetic diversity of naked barley materials was mainly caused by genetic variation between and within populations, and gene flow was the main reason for the genetic differentiation among the naked barley materials of different groups. The genetic differentiation coefficient and genetic distance between various groups were not significantly correlated with the geographical location between groups. Based on clustering analysis, population structure analysis, and principal component analysis, the naked barley resources were divided into four groups, and the clustering results could corroborate each other and have not clear correlation with geographical location. The population structure analysis showed that the Jiangsu materials were distributed in all four groups and were clearly differentiated from other groups. In 339 materials, the Q-value of 295 materials were higher than 0.6, and most of them had relatively single genetic background.

      Correlation analysis of sucrose content with protein and oil content and QTL mapping of sucrose content in peanut
      GUO Jian-Bin, CHENG Liang-Qiang, LI Wei-Tao, LIU Nian, LUO Huai-Yong, DING Ying-Bin, YU Bo-Lun, CHEN Wei-Gang, HUANG Li, ZHOU Xiao-Jing, LEI Yong, LIAO Bo-Shou, JIANG Hui-Fang
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2023, 49(10):  2698-2704.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2023.24251
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      With the increasing size of edible peanuts market, the quality characteristics of edible peanuts have attracted much attention. Sweetness is an important indicator affecting the flavor and taste of edible peanuts, and it mainly comes from sucrose. Increasing sucrose content is the key to the edible peanuts cultivation, and QTL mapping for sucrose content will lay a foundation for molecular breeding of high sucrose content. However, the increase of sucrose content may affect protein and oil content. In this study, a recombinant inbred line population derived from the cross of Xuhua 13 and Zhonghua 6 was developed. The relationships between sucrose and protein as well as oil content were investigated, and QTLs for sucrose content were mapped. The results showed that sucrose content was not significantly correlated with protein content but there was extremely significantly negatively correlated with the content. Sucrose content presented board phenotypic variations among the RILs, ranging from 14.33 mg g-1 to 61.42 mg g-1. Two lines with high protein, low oil content, and medium sucrose content were observed. Ten QTLs on six chromosomes were detected with 4.56%-12.25% of phenotypic variation explained (PVE) among which qSUCA07 could be repeatedly detected in three environments. The results provide an important information for QTLs fine mapping of sucrose content and cultivating edible peanut varieties with excellent traits.

      Transcriptome analysis of different cotton varieties' leaves in response to chemical defoliant agent thidiazuron under field conditions
      ZHU Ji-Jie, WANG Shi-Jie, ZHAO Hong-Xia, JIA Xiao-Yun, LI Miao, WANG Guo-Yin
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2023, 49(10):  2705-2716.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2023.24261
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      Thidiazuron (TDZ) is the main chemical agent for cotton defoliation, which plays a key role in realizing cotton mechanical harvesting. At present, there are few studies on the molecular regulation mechanism of TDZ induced cotton leaf abscission in the field environment. In this study, TDZ sensitive variety (Jifeng 914) and non-sensitive line (04-1685) were used as the experimental materials. Ethylene, cytokinin, and abscisic acid contents in leaves were determined. RNA-seq was used to analyze the changes of gene expression in leaves at 0, 1, 3, and 5 d after TDZ treatment. WGCNA (Weighted gene coexpression network analysis), GO and KEGG were used to analyze and screen gene coexpression modules and gene functions, respectively. The results showed that the ethylene, cytokinin, and abscisic acid contents of Jifeng 914 reached the highest level at 1 d after treatment, and the hormone contents of 04-1685 reached the highest level at 3 d after treatment. A total of 33,283 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were screened by RNA-seq. Through WGCNA analysis, 2 and 3 modules highly related to hormone and samples were screened respectively. The genes in the modules mainly participate in abiotic stress response, circadian rhythm, and material metabolism. By analyzing the relative expression of plant hormone, stress response, and circadian rhythm related genes, the expression of hormone related genes in sensitive variety Jifeng 914 was higher, among which ethylene signal response genes were kept at a higher expression level within 5 days after treatment, abscisic acid signal response genes were kept at a higher expression level within 1 day after treatment, and cytokinin metabolism related genes expressed very low within 1 day after treatment and increased sharply at 3 d and 5 d after treatment. At 1 d and 3 d after treatment, heat shock protein genes (HSP70, HSP90, and ATJ3), calcium homeostasis regulating genes (CRT3, NCL), and circadian rhythm genes (LNK2, APRR9, CCA1) were significantly down regulated, while circadian rhythm genes (ARR8) were up regulated. Spraying TDZ in the field environment, while causing changes in hormone content, may damage the plant's circadian rhythm and reduce the stress ability to abiotic stress, and thus accelerating leaf senescence and abscission. This study provides more ideas for enriching the molecular regulation mechanism of TDZ induced leaf abscission.

      Cloning and the relative expression pattern of GST31 gene in maize
      SUN Lan-Lan, MA Rong-Hui, XUE Fei, YANG Mu-Han, XU Hong-Le, SU Wang-Cang, LU Chuan-Tao, WU Ren-Hai
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2023, 49(10):  2717-2726.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2023.23080
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      To investigate the sequence characteristics of the ZmGST31 gene and the relative expression pattern under herbicide and safener application, ZmGST31 gene was cloned from maize variety ‘Zhengdan 958' by using Reverse Transcription PCR (RT-PCR). A series of bioinformatics analyses were performed subsequently to reveal its nucleotide and coding protein sequence characteristics. Real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR (qRT-PCR) was used to study its relative expression level in root, stem, and leaf with the application of Nicosulfuron (NS) and Isoxadifen-Ethyl (IE) for 24 hours and 48 hours. The results showed that the coding sequence (CDS) of ZmGST31 was 765 bp, which encoded an stable hydrophobic protein with molecular formula of C1276H2021N331O353S4, amino acid size of 254 aa, molecular weight of 27.78 kD, and isoelectric point of 6.60. The protein was mainly localized in the cytoplasm and had no signal peptide and transmembrane structure. Based on the conserved GST_C_Tau and GST_N_Tau structural domain, it was suggested to be a member of the Tau subfamily. ZmGST31 had higher homology with Dichanthelium oligosanthes GSTU17 protein. Protein-protein interaction prediction result showed that ZmGST31 could interact with ten proteins, including two glutathione synthetases and five Glutathione peroxidase proteins. The promoter region of ZmGST31 containd a large number of Cis-acting elements such as light response and hormone response. qRT-PCR results revealed that ZmGST31 was expressed in different parts of maize seedlings, with the highest expression in roots, followed by leaves, and stems. The relative expression of ZmGST31 gene in the aboveground part of maize could be induced by the nicosulfuron and isoxadifen-ethyl, the induction effect was the strongest at 24 hours. In conclusion, the relative expression level of ZmGST31 was regulated by herbicide Nicosulfuron and safener Isoxadifen-Ethyl and might play an important role in herbicide toxicity degradation or safener-mediated herbicide toxicity degradation in maize.

      Genome-wide association analysis of growth period traits in soybean of Sichuan and Chongqing
      YANG Hao, XIANG Shi-Hua, LIU Li, NING Ke-Jun, YANG Xue, SHU Ying-Jie, HE Qing-Yuan
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2023, 49(10):  2727-2737.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2023.24210
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      Growth period is the evolution of soybean varieties adaptded to the ecological environment. Which has important effects on the yield and agronomic traits. To lay the foundation for soybean breeding in southern China, especially in Sichuan andChongqing region.the relevant genetic loci of soybean growth period were analyzed and and candidate genes were screened out 227 soybean cultivars or resources from Sichuan and Chongqing regions were identified based on 135 SSR and 107,081 effective single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers. Four growth period traits (vegetative growth, reproductive growth, whole growth and the ratio of vegetative growth / reproductive growth period) were investigated in three environments (Fengyang Anhui in 2016, Zigong Sichuan in 2016,and Fengyang Anhui in 2018).The results showed that the phenotypic variation of four traits followed normal distribution, and the genetic variation was significantly affected by variety, environment and environment interaction. A total of 51 loci and 70 loci significantly associated with growth stage traits were detected by SSR markers and SNP respectively. In particular, there were stable expression related sites in BLK_29175719-29275719 and BLK_30878620-30978620 on chromosome 13, BLK_48763386-48863386 on chromosome 14 and BLK_10093551-10293551 on chromosome 16. And 11 potential candidate genes related to plant growth and development were predicted in these four regions and four genes (namely Glyma.13g177800, Glyma.13g178300, Glyma.13g178500, and Glyma.14g223300) were directly related to soybean growth period traits.

      Yield performance and agronomic characteristics of a newly developed ultrashort-duration line in direct-seeded double-season rice system
      PAN Xiang-Cheng, YANG Guo-Dong, FU Ying-Ying, WANG Xin-Yu, XIONG Qu, XU Le, PENG Shao-Bing
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2023, 49(10):  2738-2752.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2023.22065
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      The objective of this study is to explore the yield performance and yield-related traits of a newly developed ultrashort-duration line in direct-seeded double-season rice system. An ultrashort-duration line named CPPC18, and four check cultivars (Xiangzaoxian 6, Zaoxian 615, Zhongzao 39, and Liangyou 152) were grown as the direct-seeded double-season rice in both plot-level and on-farm experiments in Hubei province in 2021. We measured canopy light interception, biomass accumulation, lodging characteristics, yield, and yield components. The result showed that the new line matured within 95 days in each season, and its annual growth duration was 180-183 days. This was 7-9 days longer than Xiangzaoxian 6, but 4-8 days and 16-22 days shorter than Zaoxian 615 and the combination of Zhongzao 39 (early season) and Liangyou 152 (late season), respectively. In the plot-level experiment, the annual yield of CPPC18 reached 14.9 t hm-2 and increased by 7.2%-14.6% compared with other cultivars. Yield advantage of CPPC18 was mainly attributed to its early vigor in early season and higher spikelets per m-2, grain filling percentage, and harvest index in late season. Besides, the lodging resistance of CPPC18 was stronger than other cultivars due to its lower plant height, the center of gravity height, and bending moment. Similarly, CPPC18 also had yield advantages over other cultivars in the on-farm experiment. The annual yield increased by 12.7%-21.6% over other cultivars. In conclusion, the newly developed ultrashort-duration line CPPC18 was suitable for direct-seeded, double-season rice system in central China for achieving high and stable yield.

      Effects of phosphorus application on spike and fertile floret development and yield of winter wheat under different water treatments
      ZHANG Yan-Yan, GUAN Han-Wen, LIU Lin-Ru, HE Li, DUAN Jian-Zhao, WANG Chen-Yang, GUO Tian-Cai, FENG Wei
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2023, 49(10):  2753-2765.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2023.21079
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      To clarify the regulatory effect of phosphorus application on spike floret development and grain setting under different water treatments, three water treatments (severe drought W0, moderate drought W1, and normal water W2) and two phosphorus levels (no phosphorus fertilizer P0 and phosphorus fertilizer P1) were set up in 2020-2022 with the massive-spike variety Zhoumai 16 and the multi-spike variety Yumai 49-198 as the experimental materials. The effects of phosphorus application under different water treatments on the developmental dynamics of fertile florets, nutrient uptake, and transport of winter wheat were investigated by observing the florets development process using a dissecting microscope and measuring the dry matter, soluble sugar content, nitrogen content, phosphorus content, yield and its components. The results showed that drought stress affected the floret development and grain set, hindered above-ground dry matter synthesis and nutrient uptake, and reduced significantly yield. The application of phosphorus fertilizer optimized the development of spike and floret and reduced effectively the degeneration and abortion of florets. Phosphorus application promoted the dry matter weight, nitrogen and phosphorus content of spikes and shoot, soluble content of spikes, soluble sugar content of shoot under normal water, as well as the spike/shoot ratio of soluble sugar and phosphorus content, while soluble sugar content of shoot under drought stress, and the spike/shoot ratio of nitrogen content showed the opposite trend from eighteen days before flowering to the anthesis in both wheat varieties. Compared with no phosphorus fertilizer, phosphorus application treatments increased significantly grain number per spike and yield under all three water treatments, which were consistent for both varieties, with the increases of grain number per spike by 7.21%-20.97% (Zhoumai 16) and 7.56%-21.84% (Yumai 49-198) and yield increases by 13.41%-29.32% (Zhoumai 16) and 12.66%-29.76% (Yumai 49-198), with the most obvious effect of moderate drought, and in terms of the absolute number of spike grains and yield indexes, the massive-spike varieties were superior to the multiple-spike varieties. The effect of phosphorus application on spike number and 1000-grain weight were different. There was no significant difference in spike number between treatments of phosphorus application under severe drought and significant differences between treatments under moderate drought and normal water. The difference in 1000-grain weight among phosphorus application treatments under the three water treatments was not significant. In conclusion, phosphorus application under drought stress could promote above-ground nutrient production and uptake, optimize the distribution of soluble sugar, nitrogen, and phosphorus in the spike, provide sufficient nutrients for spike floret development, reduce the degradation of fertile florets, and thus increasing the number of grains per spike with the best regulation effect under moderate drought. The results of the study provide a theoretical basis and technical support for alleviating the adverse effects of drought stress on wheat growth through the application of phosphorus fertilizer.

      Response of sorghum grain yield and quality to nitrogen application in different ecozones
      LIU Qiu-Xia, DONG Er-Wei, HAUNG Xiao-Lei, WANG Jin-Song, WANG Yuan, JIAO Xiao-Yan
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2023, 49(10):  2766-2776.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2023.34004
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      Identifying the response of sorghum grain yield and quality to nitrogen application in different ecozones can enhance the understanding of the yield formation process, help improve sorghum productivity, and promote the development of the sorghum industry. This experiment was conducted in Shuozhou and Jinzhong of Shanxi province in 2020 and 2021 in the field. Both no nitrogen and nitrogen fertilizer application were included, with 11 sorghum varieties in each nitrogen application plot. The dry matter and nitrogen accumulation both at heading and harvest stages, grain yield and its components, and grain quality were investigated. The relationships between grain yield and biomass at heading and harvest stages were also studied, respectively. Results showed that the average sorghum grain yield in Shuozhuo was greater than that in Jinzhong, except for the no nitrogen treatment in 2021 (i.e. no nitrogen applied for two consecutive years). Compared with the yield in Jinzhong experimental sites, grain yield in Shuozhou increased by 8.6%-26.7% when nitrogen was applied in 2020 and 2021, and 13.8% without nitrogen application in 2020, respectively. Nitrogen application decreased 1000-grain weight but improved significantly grains per particle. Grains per particle exerted great influence on grain yield, and contributed 97% to the yield variation. The grains per particle in Shuozhou was higher than in Jinzhong for the same nitrogen treatment. For both experimental sites, dry matter and nitrogen accumulation at heading stage occupied 51.93% and 68.86% of that at harvest stage, respectively. Substrate accumulation at heading stage had significant quadratic regression relationships with sorghum grain yield. This suggested that it was important to improve dry matter and nitrogen accumulation at heading stage for higher sorghum grain yield. Meanwhile, when nitrogen was withdrawn, the grain yield was more closely correlated with dry matter accumulation after heading stage. Compared with Jinzhong experimental site, the dry matter and nitrogen accumulation at heading stage increased by 40.17%-61.47% and 15.72%-47.03% in Shuozhou, respectively. But the regression relationships between their accumulations, from heading to mature stage, and grain yield of Shuozhou were relative low. The enhanced grain yield in Shuozhou, compared with that in Jinzhong, was closely correlated with the improved accumulations of dry matter and nitrogen at heading stage. The contents of both starch and tannin were also higher in Shuozhou, and protein was lower relative to Jinzhong, except for the treatment of no nitrogen applied for two consecutive years. The large daily temperature difference of Shuozhou might accountfor its promoted yield and quality. The variation in terms of grain yield and quality between two ecozones was resulted from difference diurnal temperature range. Obviously, sorghum grain yield in high latitude and cold area (Shuozhou) was higher than that in warm sub-humid area (Jinzhong). Promoted dry matter and nitrogen accumulation before heading was crucial to achieve high sorghum yield. The larger temperature difference between day and night in high latitude and cold area was conducive to substrate accumulation before heading and improve grain yield.

      Effects of sowing date and density on lodging resistance and yield of different rapeseed cultivars
      GONG Ruo-Lin, SONG Bo, YANG Zhi-Ye, LU Li-Jing, DONG Jun-Gang
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2023, 49(10):  2777-2792.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2023.24248
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      To study the effects of late sowing and density on the lodging resistance and yield of rapeseed, and to provide the theoretical and technical support for the mechanized production of rapeseed, using three canola varieties (Shaanyou 28, Qinyou 28, and Qinyou 7) as the experimental materials, three sowing dates (T1: September 24, T2: October 1, and T3: October 8), and three densities (D1: 225,000 plants hm-2, D2: 450,000 plants hm-2, and D3: 675,000 plants hm-2) were set up to analyze the yield and constituent factors, the indexes related to lodging, the main components of the stem and the microstructure of the stem. The results showed that: (1) Under T1 and T2 treatments, with the increase of plant density, the yield of each plant of the three varieties decreased, the group yield increased first and then decreased, the lodging index decreased first and then increased, the vascular bundle and stem cross-sectional area decreased, the vascular bundle area/stem cross-sectional area, stem lignin, and cellulose content increased first and then decreased, the group yield was the largest at D2, while the lodging index was the smallest, and the yield and lodging resistance increased synergistically. Under the late sowing condition (T3), with the increase of density, the yield, lodging index, stem lignin, and cellulose content, above-ground fresh weight, vascular bundle area, stem cross-sectional area, and their ratios of the three cultivars decreased significantly, the group yield and lodging resistance increased, the lignin content was significantly positively correlated with the lodging resistance of stems, and the population yield and material resistance reached the maximum at D3. Compared with the normal sowing period (T1), the effective pods per plant, seeds per pod, yield per plant, population yield, and above-ground fresh weight the lodging index of each plant decreased significantly under the late sowing condition (T3), but the lodging resistance was enhanced. (2) Under the normal sowing period (T1), when the yield of the three variety groups was the highest, planting density was 450,000 plants hm-2. When the sowing date was delayed from T1 to T3, the yield of the three varieties was the highest at the density of 675,000 plants hm-2, among which Shaanyou 28 had the best density tolerance and late sowing resistance. In conclusion, under the late sowing condition, selecting dense and late sowing tolerant varieties and moderately increasing the density can compensate for the lack of yield, significantly increase the lignin and cellulose content of the stem, enhance the lodging resistance of rapeseed, effectively coordinate the contradiction between high yield and lodging, and achieve high yield and lodging resistance of late sowing rapeseed by compensating late with dense.

      Effects of multiple cropping green manure after wheat harvest combined with reduced nitrogen application on soil hydrothermal characteristics and maize yield
      WANG Peng-Fei, YU Ai-Zhong, WANG Yu-Long, SU Xiang-Xiang, CHAI Jian, LI Yue, LYU Han-Qiang, SHANG Yong-Pan, YANG Xue-Hui
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2023, 49(10):  2793-2805.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2023.23074
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      The objective of this study is to seek an ecologically efficient nitrogen fertilizer management system for the sustainable development of intensive farmland in the northwest irrigation area. To provide a theoretical basis for the regional development of nitrogen-saving and efficient agriculture, we focuses on the analysis and study of soil hydrothermal characteristics and maize yield through multiple cropping green manure combined with nitrogen fertilizer regulation. A field experiment was conducted at the Wuwei Oasis Agricultural Experiment Station from 2020 to 2021 to study the effects of green manure return combined with reduced N application (green manure return combined with reduced N application 0, N100; green manure return combined with reduced N application 10%, N90; green manure return combined with reduced N application 20%, N80; green manure return combined with reduced N application 30%, N70; green manure return combined with reduced N application 40%, N60) on soil hydrothermal characteristics and maize yield in maize fields. The results showed that N80 treatment could increase soil moisture content in 0-110 cm soil layer of corn field, and adjust soil temperature in 0-25 cm soil reasonably. During planting period, the soil temperature and accumulated temperature of N80 treatment increased by 0.6-0.8℃ and 22-32℃ compared with N70 and N60 treatments, which was beneficial to the emergence of maize. From the spinning stage to the filling stage, the soil temperature of N80 treatment was reduced by 0.5-0.8℃ compared with N100 and N90 treatment, and the accumulated soil temperature was reduced by 29-41℃, which effectively avoided the premature senescence of maize roots and leaves. Meanwhile, the variation range of N80 treatment at the warming and cooling stages was smaller than the other treatments, and the temperature stabilization effect was better. Maize grain yield under this condition did not decrease compared with the traditional nitrogen treatment. The correlation analysis showed that there was a significant positive correlation between maize grain yield and soil temperature, but there was no significant correlation between maize grain yield and soil moisture. Therefore, multiple cropping green manure after wheat harvest combined with nitrogen reduction 20% can be a reasonable N fertilizer management system for the development of water storage and temperature regulation in the northwest oasis irrigation areas.

      Effects of tillage with mulching on soil water and temperature and potato yield on the dry farmland of Southern Ningxia under different climate year types
      ZHAO Fu-Gui, ZHANG Long, LI Dan, HAN Gu, WANG Nan, HOU Xian-Qing
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2023, 49(10):  2806-2819.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2023.24209
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      To clarify the effect of tillage with mulching on soil water and heat, and potato yield formation in dryland farmland under different climate years in southern of Ningxia, a two-factor split plot location experiment with different tillage methods (no-tillage, subsoiling, ploughing) and mulching material (no mulching, corn straw mulching, plastic mulching) was conducted during 2014-2016 period. The results showed that plastic film mulching had a warming effect and straw mulching had a cooling effect in 0-25 cm soil layer. In 2014 (normal temperature year), no-tillage with straw mulching had the best effect on reducing soil temperature from seedling stage to tuber expansion stage. No-tillage with straw mulching significantly reduced soil temperature by 3.5℃ compared with ploughing without mulching. Among the tillage systems, the highest soil water storage was straw mulching plots in 0-200 cm soil layer. Irrespective of the mulching materials, the water storage of subsoiling plots and no-tillage plots was higher than ploughing plots. Subsoiling with straw mulching had the best effect on increasing soil water storage during seedling stage and tuber expansion stage. The subsoiling with straw mulching increased soil water storage by 15.80% and 20.77% in normal temperature year and high temperature year, respectively. In normal temperature year, the seedling emergence rate was the highest under no-tillage with plastic film cover, which was significantly increased by 24.12% compared with ploughing without mulching. In high temperature years, the seedling emergence rate of no-tillage with straw mulching was the highest, which was significantly increased by 19.32% compared with ploughing without mulching. After Logistic growth simulation of potato aboveground biomass, it was found that the rapid growth duration and maximum dry matter accumulation parameters of no-tillage with straw mulching were the highest, and no-tillage with straw mulching significantly increased the maximum dry matter accumulation rate by 15.80% compared with ploughing without mulching in normal temperature years. The rapid growth duration and maximum dry matter accumulation parameters of subsoiling with straw mulching were the highest, and subsoiling with straw mulching significantly increased the maximum dry matter accumulation rate by 24.28% compared with ploughing without mulching in high temperature years. In all the treatments, the yield of no-tillage with straw mulching was the highest in normal temperature year and the yield of subsoiling with straw mulching was the highest in high temperature years, which significantly increased by 51.82% and 62.08% than ploughing without mulching, respectively. In normal temperature year, soil water, and temperature at tuber formation stage had the highest influence on potato yield formation. In high temperature years, soil water and temperature at budding stage had the highest influence on potato yield formation. In conclusion, the treatments of subsoiling or no-tillage with straw mulching could effectively improve the soil moisture and heat condition promote potato growth and achieve significant crop increase.

      Effects of straw returning with nitrogen application on soil properties, water and nitrogen use efficiency of maize
      LI Rong, MIAN You-Ming, HOU Xian-Qing, LI Pei-Fu, WANG Xi-Na
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2023, 49(10):  2820-2832.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2023.23065
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      The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of straw returning with different nitrogen application rates on soil physicochemical properties, maize yield, and water and nitrogen use efficiency in Yanghuang irrigation area of Ningxia. A field experiment was conducted for three consecutive years, and three pure nitrogen application levels under the return of total maize straw [150 kg hm-2 (N1), 300 kg hm-2 (N2), and 450 kg hm-2 (N3)] were set up in a three-year filed experiment with no nitrogen application as control (CK). The effects of straw returning with nitrogen application on soil bulk density, water, nutrients of sierozem, maize yield, and water and nitrogen use efficiency were studied. The results showed that the straw returning with N application could improve soil bulk density and the total porosity in tilth (0-40 cm). N2 and N3 treatments had the best effect. Compared with CK, the mean soil bulk densities with N2 and N3 were significantly decreased by 5.1% and 7.3%, and the mean soil total porosities with N2 and N3 were significantly increased by 7.0% and 10.0%, respectively. Straw returning with nitrogen application could increase soil organic carbon and total nitrogen contents in tilth, the ratio of carbon to nitrogen was decreased with the increase of nitrogen application rate under the straw returning, and the N2 and N3 treatments were the better. Compared with CK, the enhancement of soil available nutrients under N2 was the highest, and the contents of soil alkeline-N, available P, and available K with N2 were significantly increased by 18.8%, 19.0%, and 17.2%, respectively. Nitrogen application under straw returning could improve maize yield components and significantly increase grain yield, biomass yield, and harvest index. N2 treatment had the best effect with an average increase of 38.0% compared with CK. By function fitting with the three-year maize grain yields and nitrogen application rates, the highest grain maize yield was achieved under nitrogen application rate of 285.2 kg hm-2. Compared with CK, N2 treatment had the best effect on maize water use efficiency (38.1%). The improvement of nitrogen agronomic efficiency (12.2-12.4 kg kg-1) and nitrogen use efficiency (34.5%-39.2%) of N1 and N2 treatments were higher among all the treatments. Therefore, considering the viewpoint of nitrogen fertilizer rate reduction, yield increasing of maize, and efficient utilization of water and nitrogen, the pure nitrogen application rate at 250-300 kg hm-2 can effectively improve soil physicochemical properties of sierozem in Yanghuang irrigation area of Ningxia, increased soil water conservation ability, thus significantly increasing maize yield, water and nitrogen use efficiency. Therefore, it was recommended to apply it in maize straw returning process.

      Yield and dry matter accumulation of wheat in response to spring irrigation water in uniform sowing and strip sowing
      YU Hui-Ling, KAN Ming-Xi, XU Zhe-Li, MA Rui-Qi, LIU A-Kang, WANG De-Mei, WANG Yan-Jie, YANG Yu-Shuang, ZHAO Guang-Cai, CHANG Xu-Hong
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2023, 49(10):  2833-2844.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2023.21069
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      The objective of this study is to clarify the dry matter accumulation and water use of wheat under the new sowing method of tridimensional uniform sowing and to explore the water saving potential of the sowing method. The experiment was conducted in two pilot sites in Shijiazhuang and Beijing during growing season of winter wheat from 2020 to 2021, using medium gluten and water-saving wheat Lunxuan 103 as the experimental variety. To study the differences of wheat response to spring irrigation under different sowing methods from the perspectives of yield composition, material accumulation and transport, and water utilization, and to provide the theoretical basis and technical support for water-saving wheat, the experiment was conducted with three irrigation rates in the main zone [600 m3 hm-2(W1), 900 m3 hm-2 (W2), and 1200 m3 hm-2 (W3)] and two sowing methods [tridimensional uniform sowing (S1) and conventional strip sowing (S2)] in the secondary zone. The results showed that, under the same irrigation rate, the yield of tridimensional uniform sowing was higher than that of conventional strip sowing, mainly because leaf area index (LAI) was higher and changed more steadily with the advancement of the reproductive process. Meanwhile, the photosynthetic performance of the functional leaves of uniform sowing wheat was better than that of strip sowing, which facilitated the synthesis of more organic matter, resulting in higher dry matter accumulation and post-flowering photosynthetic accumulation of all organs of uniform sowing wheat than that of strip sowing, and improved WUE and IWUE, showing a better yield advantage. When the irrigation rate was 600 m3 hm-2 (W1), compared with the strip sowing, the yield of uniform sowing increased the most by 832.0 kg hm-2 with an increase of 9.89%. The dry matter mass of stem sheath, leaf, and spike increased by 25.15%, 27.64%, and 18.68%, and WUE and IWUE increased by 11.16% and 9.92%, respectively. The maximum relative growth rate of different sowing methods was the highest when the irrigation amount was 900 m3 hm-2 (W2), the maximum relative growth rate of dry matter accumulation (0.021-0.025 g plant-1 day-1) occurred earlier than strip sowing, and the maximum relative growth rate of dry matter accumulation at the irrigation rate appeared earlier (tm), and the duration of the rapid growth period (Δt) was the shortest, and appeared earlier in Shijiazhuang than Beijing. The post-flowering photosynthetic accumulation at 1200 m3 hm-2 (W3) was significantly higher than strip sowing, and the average yield increase was 4.37%. The gray correlation analysis showed that the number of spikes and 1000-grain weight of uniform sowing wheat were closely related to yield, while the net photosynthetic rate of strip sowing wheat was more correlated with yield in both sites. These results revealed that, under the same irrigation amount, compared with the conventional strip sowing, uniformly sown wheat could increase its yield by increasing LAI to prolong the duration of high values, or increasing net photosynthetic rate, or promoting dry matter accumulation. Especially under the condition of lower irrigation amount, the method of uniform sowing could achieve higher yield and increase benefit by efficient water use with the same irrigation input. Therefore, the uniform sowing was more suitable for areas with insufficient irrigation conditions in production, and could give full play to its efficient water-saving function.

      Impact of foliar organic selenium application on selenium uptake and grain anthocyanins, iron, manganese, copper, and zinc concentrations of black waxy corn
      HUANG Ting-Miao, ZHAN Xin, LU Nai-Kun, QIAO Yue-Jing, CHEN Jie, YANG Zhen-Ping, GAO Zhi-Qiang
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2023, 49(10):  2845-2853.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2023.33005
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      It is of great significance to explore the responses of selenium (Se) uptake and grain nutritional quality to foliar application of organic Se fertilizer in black waxy corn, so as to provide a scientific basis for the rational application of Se fertilizer, and then guarantee the high-quality development of ‘Special' and ‘Excellent' agriculture in Shanxi, China. A two-year field experiment was conducted at Jinzhong in Shanxi Province, located in the typical growing region of black waxy corn from 2020 to 2021. The cultivar of Jinxiannuo 8 was used as the test crop. There were four treatments of three Se spraying rates of 0, 6, and 12 g hm-2 at early filling stage, and spraying Se in twice under Se rate of 12 g hm-2. The objective of this study is to clarify the impact of spraying rates and times of organic Se fertilizer on grain yield, Se uptake, and utilization in aerial plant part, grain anthocyanins and iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), and zinc (Zn) concentrations. These results showed that grain yield at fresh stage and biomass in aerial part at maturity stage were influenced by neither Se spraying rates nor spraying times. Compared with the control, foliar Se application remarkably increased both Se concentration and accumulation in grain and each organ of aerial plant part at fresh and maturity stages, respectively. Grain Se concentration at 12 g Se hm-2 was observed to be the highest with a range of 110-181 μg kg-1, which reaching the minimum recommended value of 100 μg kg-1 for better human health. At maturity stage, Se accumulation in different organ of aerial part showed the following ranking: leaf > grain > stem > bract > cob. At the rate of 12 g Se hm-2, the average grain Se biofortification index and Se recovery were 6.95 (μg kg-1) (g hm-2) -1 and 2.4% under the condition of spraying twice, respectively, which were higher than spraying one time. Also, the highest grain anthocyanin and Fe, Mn, Zn concentrations were found when spraying Se twice at 12 g hm-2, they were 209, 27.9, 15.9, and 22.8 mg kg-1, respectively, whereas there was no difference for grain Cu concentration among the treatments at fresh stage. Therefore, the organic Se rate should be at least 12 g hm-2 with spraying twice, for better promoting Se uptake and utilization and grain nutritional quality synchronously during black waxy corn production in Jinzhong of Shanxi province.

      Yield simulation from APSIM-Maize by using the leave-one-out cross validation approach
      YANG Xue-Ning, ZHANG Yong-Qiang, ZHANG Xuan-Ze, MA Ning, ZHANG Jun-Mei
      Acta Agronomica Sinica. 2023, 49(10):  2854-2860.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2023.23064
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      The Agricultural Production Systems Simulator (APSIM) has been extensively used in crop yield estimation and agricultural management. Leave-one-out cross validation is a key way to improve the model simulation capability with the limited filed data. In this study, we evaluate the parameters sensitivity to maize yield and evaluate the reliability of parameters with the leave-one-out cross validation based on the sensitivity rank of parameters. These results showed that: (1) The sensitive parameters for maize yield were ranked in descending order as: transpiration efficiency coefficient, radiation use efficiency, thermal time from flower to maturity, thermal time from emergence to end of juvenile phase, thermal time from flowering to start grain-filling, potential grain growth rate, photoperiod slope, and potential grains per head. (2) The coefficients of variation of parameters fluctuated from 1.06% to 23.32%, which indicates that the variation of parameter was small and the reliability of parameters was high. (3) The adjusted APSIM-Maize model performed well in simulating spring maize yield (R2 = 0.72; RMSE = 401.5 kg hm-2), which indicates that the model had great adaptability in estimating spring maize yield in the Ten Kongduis. Our study provides an insight to improve the reliability of parameters with limited field data.

the Crop Science Society of China
the Institute of Crop Science, CAAS
China Science Publishing & Media Ltd.
Published: Science Press
Editor-in-chief: Wan Jian-min
Associate Editors-in-Chief:
Chen Xiao-ya Yang Jian-chang Zhang Xian-long Wang Jian-kang Xu Ming-liang Liu Chun-ming Wang Dao-wen Sun Chuan-qing Ding Yan-feng Jin Wei-wei Chu Cheng-cai Cheng Wei-hong
Director of the editorial department:
Yan Chun-ling
CN 11-1809/S
ISSN 0496-3490
Post subscription code: 82-336

  • Started in 2013
  • Covered by SCIE
  • Open access in ScienceDirect

Editor in chief: Wan Jian-min
CN 10-1112/S
ISSN 2095-5421, 2214-5141(online)
Online published:
Submission: https://www.editorialmanager.com/cj/
E-mail: cropjournal@caas.cn
