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作物学报 ›› 2018, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (8): 1127-1135.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2018.01127

• 作物遗传育种·种质资源·分子遗传学 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1 河南省农业科学院作物设计中心, 河南郑州 450002
    2 河南农业大学农学院 / 河南省粮食作物协同创新中心, 河南郑州 450002
  • 收稿日期:2017-12-20 接受日期:2018-06-09 出版日期:2018-08-10 网络出版日期:2018-06-09
  • 通讯作者: 李保全
  • 基金资助:

Major Quantitative Trait Loci Mapping for Tassel Branch Number and Construction of qTBN5 Near-isogenic Lines in Maize (Zea mays L.)

Zi-Ju DAI1(),Xin-Tao WANG1,Qing YANG1,Yan WANG1,Ying-Ying ZHANG1,Zhang-Ying XI2,Bao-Quan LI1,*()   

  1. 1 Crop Designing Centre, Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Zhengzhou 450002, Henan, China
    2 College of Agronomy, Henan Agricultural University / Collaborative Innovation Center of Henan Food Crops, Zhengzhou 450002, Henan, China
  • Received:2017-12-20 Accepted:2018-06-09 Published:2018-08-10 Published online:2018-06-09
  • Contact: Bao-Quan LI
  • Supported by:
    This study was supported by the Henan Major Science and Technology Project(161100110500);the Special Fund for Scientific Research and Development of Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences(YNK20177514);the Special Fund for Scientific Research and Development of Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences(YNK201710605)


立足于发掘玉米雄穗分枝数优异基因资源, 利用郑单958骨干亲本郑58和昌7-2构建的188个重组自交系(recombinant inbred line, RIL)家系群体, 结合288个多态性分子标记构建的连锁图谱和2年玉米雄穗分枝数表型数据, 运用完备复合区间作图法进行QTL定位, 共检测到5个控制玉米雄穗分枝数的一致性主效QTL, 分别位于玉米5条染色体上。通过连续回交及分子标记辅助选择构建了位于bin 5.05的控制雄穗分枝数主效QTL-qTBN5近等基因系(near isogenic line, NIL), 对基因遗传效应进行了验证, 并将qTBN5进一步定位在13.2 Mb区间之内, 为玉米雄穗分枝数主效基因的精细定位及分子育种奠定基础。

关键词: 玉米, 雄穗分枝数, QTL定位, 近等基因系


Tassel branch number (TBN) is a principal component of maize tassel-related traits important for modern maize breeding and production. To understand the genetic basis of tassel branch number, we adopted 288 markers exhibiting polymorphisms between Zheng 58 and Chang 7-2 to construct the genetic linkage map, and conduct quantitative trait loci (QTLs) analysis using sets of 188 recombinant inbred line (RIL) families derived from the elite maize inbred lines vz. Zheng 58 × Chang 7-2. Five major QTLs controlling tassel branch number within five different chromosomes respectively were validated by using the inclusive composite interval mapping method (ICIM) based on phenotypic data collected in two years. Because qTBN5 located on chromosome bin 5.05 was found to be an important QTL, qTBN5 near-isogenic lines (qTBN5-NILs) were developed by backcrossing and marker-assisted selection, and qTBN5 was further mapped in 13.2 Mb intervals. These findings will advance our understanding of the inheritance basis of TBN, and also facilitate the fine mapping and molecular breeding programs in maize.

Key words: maize, tassel branch number, quantitative trait loci mapping, near-isogenic lines





Zheng 58
Chang 7-2
Variation coefficient (%)
2015 4.6 17.8 10.7 2.4-22.6 43.60
2016 4.4 17.2 11.2 2.8-21.4 38.83




雄穗分枝数性状主效QTL在标记连锁图上的位置 连锁图上左边数字表示标记在B73 RefGen-v3基因组序列图谱上的物理位置。"



QTL 染色体
Position (Mb)
Marker interval
LOD 加性效应
Additive effect
R2 (%)
qTBN3 3 146.7-175.5 umc1954-bnlg1798 5.06 1.40 13.67
qTBN4 4 169.2-186.7 bnlg2291-umc2041 3.15 -1.01 5.81
qTBN5 5 170.1-200.2 umc2111-bnlg278 9.58 1.88 19.92
qTBN7 7 29.4-83.2 bnlg2233-bnlg1380 4.65 -0.82 16.53
qTBN10 10 127.3-145.5 umc2003-phi323152 6.11 -1.73 9.06


qTBN5-NILs的基因型和表型效应 a: 雄穗分枝数主效基因qTBN5的定位; b: qTBN5-NILs的基因型, 白色为郑58背景, 黑色部分为来自昌7-2的qTBN5基因所在片段; c: 雄穗分枝数; d: 株高; e: 穗位高; f: 抽雄期; g: 雄穗主轴长。**表示在 0.01水平差异显著, ns表示差异不显著。"


qTBN5进一步定位及连锁标记开发 a: 交换株代换作图定位qTBN5, L1为昌7-2, L5为郑58, L2~L4为重组株, **表示在 0.01水平差异显著; b: 标记检测郑58和昌7-2及BC1F2世代部分单株基因型, 红色M13为通用引物序列。"

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