
作物学报 ›› 2006, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (07): 956-963.

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


马韫韬1;郭焱1;展志岗1;李保国1;Philippe de Reffye 2   

  1. 1中国农业大学资源与环境学院/植物-土壤相互作用教育部重点实验室,北京 100094;2中国科学院自动化研究所中法联合实验室,北京 100080
  • 收稿日期:2005-06-02 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2006-07-12 网络出版日期:2006-07-12
  • 通讯作者: 郭焱

Evaluation of the Plant Growth Model GREENLAB-Maize

MA Yun-Tao1,GUO Yan1 *, ZHAN Zhi-Gang1,LI Bao-Guo1,Philippe de Reffye2   

  1. 1 Key Laboratory of Plant-Soil Interactions, Ministry of Education, College of Resources and Environment, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100094; 2 LIAMA, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, China
  • Received:2005-06-02 Revised:1900-01-01 Published:2006-07-12 Published online:2006-07-12
  • Contact: GUO Yan

摘要: GREENLAB-Maize虚拟模型采用并行模拟植株功能与结构的机制来模拟玉米植株在不同环境条件(目前只考虑气象条件)下的生长。该模型逐时段模拟植株光合产量和光合产物向各个器官分配的数学公式的主要参数不能通过简单的方法确定,称为隐含参数,是通过将该模型与非线性最小二乘法结合,并以田间植株生长的测定值为目标文件而反求出的。本文首先对参数反求方法进行了改进,结果表明以植株多个生长时段的测定数据为目标文件来反求参数值时,其变异系数明显比只用某一个时段的测定数据时低。从模型隐含参数的稳定性和模型模拟效果两方面对该模型进行了评估。对气象条件不同而其他条件相同的4组玉米试验、玉米不同生长阶段以及不同取样植株个体等情况下所反求的隐含参数值的稳定性统计分析表明,模型隐含参数值因气象条件、生长阶段以及植株个体差异而产生的差异均不显著,可以认为它们是植株生长内在的、稳定的参数。本文还对该模型的植株形态模拟模块进行了改进。模型较好地模拟了植株的生长状况,但还有必要对植株光合生产模块等进行改进。

关键词: 玉米, 模型, 形态结构, 生物量分配, 可视化, 虚拟植物


Plant architecture and topology are important determinants of crop performance and agro-ecological adaptation, and should thus be taken into account in crop modelling approaches. This has not been done in most crop models designed to answer agronomic questions.
GREENLAB-Maize model combines the dynamic simulation of the complete plant architecture with simple algorithms of biomass formation, for which the growing organs are competing. Plant is considered at organ level (roots, leaves, internodes, cobs, etc.) and thus as a set of sinks competing for assimilates. Morphogenetic processes are governed by generic organ expansion laws associated with organ-specific parameters supposed to be independent from environmental conditions. Environment will then define the carbon supply available to the plant at any given time step. An advantage of the model is that it can be used to get the values of parameters for a given species (target file) to retrieve morphogenetic and organogenetic history of the plant.
Based on the above reasoning, multi-fitting technique was introduced in GREENLAB-Maize model to compute the values of endogenous parameters, which can trace back the dynamical process between source and sink as plant growth. The aim of this study was to make a first evaluation of the ability of GREENLAB-Maize to get the values of endogenous parameters taking both field heterogeneity and inter-annual trials according to the variability in environmental condition. This study focused on the case of one maize genotype cropped in three years in non-limiting conditions but with natural seasonal variation.
Four field experiments were conducted at the China Agricultural University (latitude N,longitude E). ND108 cultivar seeds were sown in rows in north-south direction with a row spacing 0.6 m and plant spacing 0.6 m within the row (27 778 plants·ha-1). Water and nutrients were supplied to maintain non-limiting conditions. Meteorological data were acquired from a field station located on the site. Tillers were pruned systematically when they appeared to maintain ‘mono-culm’ architecture. The average number of leaves in a plant of this genotype at maturity was 21. Four plants were taken to measure the fresh weights and dimension of individual organs (i.e. internodes, leaf sheaths, leaf blades, cobs and tassels). Leaf blade area was characterized using a LI-COR Model 3100 Area Meter (Lincoln, NB, USA).
Statistical analysis of the results showed that (1) multi-fitting clearly improves the stability of parameters more among experiments and growths than single fitting; (2) the biomass of the plant and its parts were significantly different between years and seasons (except leaf sheath biomass), but not among plants sampled at the same time; (3) the differences of endogenous parameters were little between different years, growth stages and individual maize plant.
The parameters optimized with multi-fitting of year 2000 experiment were then considered as the reference set of parameters and used to simulate plant growth for other experiments. There was a good agreement between simulated and measured data for organ biomass and geometry. Then three-dimensional visualization of maize plant among different growth stages were brought about based on these processes to study the growth of individual maize plant.

Key words: Maize, Model, Architecture, Biomass partitioning, Visualization, Virtual plants


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