
作物学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (9): 2310-2322.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2024.32049

• 耕作栽培·生理生化 • 上一篇    下一篇


贾舒涵1,3**(), 何璨1,2**, 陈敏1, 刘家欣1,3, 胡伟民1,3, 胡晋1,3, 关亚静1,3,*()   

  1. 1浙江大学农业与生物技术学院现代种业研究所种子科学中心, 浙江杭州 310058
    2中国共产党富民县委员会组织部, 云南昆明 650400
    3浙江大学海南研究院, 海南三亚 572025
  • 收稿日期:2023-11-18 接受日期:2024-05-21 出版日期:2024-09-12 网络出版日期:2024-06-05
  • 通讯作者: *关亚静, E-mail: vcguan@zju.edu.cn
  • 作者简介:贾舒涵, E-mail: 22116186@zju.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Study on the quality differences of seeds with different pre-harvest sprouting levels and the grading of pre-harvest sprouting in hybrid rice

JIA Shu-Han1,3**(), HE Can1,2**, CHEN Min1, LIU Jia-Xin1,3, HU Wei-Min1,3, HU Jin1,3, GUAN Ya-Jing1,3,*()   

  1. 1Seed Science Center, Advanced Seed Institute, College of Agriculture and Biotechnology, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, Zhejiang, China
    2Communist Party of China Fumin County Committee Organization Department, Kunming 650400, Yunnan, China
    3Hainan Institute of Zhejiang University, Sanya 572025, Hainan, China
  • Received:2023-11-18 Accepted:2024-05-21 Published:2024-09-12 Published online:2024-06-05
  • Contact: *E-mail: vcguan@zju.edu.cn
  • About author:First author contact:**Contributed equally to this work
  • Supported by:
    Hainan Provincial Natural Science Foundation(322CXTD522);Sanya Yazhouwan Science and Technology City Doctoral Research and Innovation Fund(HSPHDSRF-2023-04-017);Zhejiang Province “San Nong Jiu Fang” Science and Technology Cooperation Plan(2023SNJF04302);Shanghai Science and Technology Development Project(2022-02-08-00-12-F01127);Collaborative Innovation Center for Modern Crop Production co-sponsored by Province and Ministry(CIC-MCP)


研究不同穗萌程度种子质量, 对科学划分穗萌级别, 优化穗萌指标计算方法至关重要。本试验以钱优0508 (Qianyou 0508, QY0508)、Y两优689 (Y Liangyou 689, YLY689)两个籼型杂交水稻品种为材料, 测定穗上不同穗萌程度种子的发芽指标, 以及可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白含量等生理指标, 以此评估不同穗萌程度水稻种子的发芽质量。同时, 采用自然晾干和38℃烘干2种方式干燥穗萌种子, 并将种子在低温和水淹2种逆境条件下发芽, 探究实际生产中不同干燥处理对已穗萌种子质量的影响, 及不同穗萌程度种子萌发抗逆能力的差异。此外, 由于水稻种子通常在蜡熟末期至完熟初期为最佳收获期, 期间均可能遭遇不良气候条件导致种子穗萌, 因此本研究对不同成熟时期的穗萌种子质量也进行了探讨。通过鉴定穗上不同萌动程度的种子质量, 提出了新的水稻穗萌分级方法, 即完整饱满未萌动种子为0级, 胚根凸起但稃壳未开裂的种子为1级, 胚根露出且可见长度不足2 mm的种子为2级, 胚根可见长度大于2 mm的种子为3级。与0级种子相比, 1~3级穗萌种子的发芽率均显著下降, 不正常幼苗率显著增加, 在低温、水淹逆境下, 该现象更明显。相对而言, 38℃烘干方式对种子质量的影响较自然晾干小, 而授粉后35 d (35 DAP)成熟度高的种子发生穗萌后对种子质量影响较授粉后25 d (25 DAP)成熟度低的种子小。本研究经过对不同穗萌程度种子质量的研究, 提出了新的穗萌分级方法, 对准确评估田间水稻穗萌水平有重要价值。

关键词: 水稻, 穗萌分级, 穗萌率, 种子质量


Investigating seed quality with different pre-harvest sprouting (PHS) grades is of great importance for scientifically classifying PHS levels and optimizing the calculation method for PHS parameters. In this study, we utilized two indica hybrid rice cultivars, namely Qianyou 0508 (QY0508) and Y Liangyou 689 (YLY689), to assess the germination quality of rice seeds with varying PHS grades. Additionally, we examined the contents of soluble sugar, soluble protein, and other physiological indicators. To explore the effects of different drying treatments on the quality of PHS seeds in practical production and assess the stress tolerance of different PHS seeds during germination, we employed two drying methods: air drying and 38℃ oven drying for fresh PHS seeds. Subsequently, germination tests were conducted under two adverse conditions, namely low temperature and water flooding. Furthermore, as adverse climatic conditions during the optimal harvest period (from the end of wax ripening to the beginning of full ripening) may lead to PHS, we also investigated the quality of PHS seeds at different developmental stages. By evaluating the quality of PHS seeds, we proposed a new grading method for rice PHS seeds. This method includes the following grades: grade 0 for intact, full, and non-germinated seeds; grade 1 for seeds with protruding embryonic roots but uncracked lemma shells; grade 2 for seeds with visible embryonic roots less than 2 mm in length; and grade 3 for seeds with visible embryonic roots greater than 2 mm in length. Compared to grade 0 seeds, the germination rate of grade 1-3 PHS seeds significantly decreased, while the abnormal seedling rate showed a significant increase. This effect was more pronounced under low temperature and water flooding stresses. Moreover, 38℃ oven drying had a smaller impact on seed quality compared to air drying. Additionally, seeds with high maturity (35 days after pollination) exhibited a smaller impact on seed quality after sprouting compared to seeds with low maturity (25 days after pollination). Through the comprehensive evaluation of seeds with different PHS grades, our study proposes a new grading method for PHS seeds, which holds significant value in accurately understanding PHS seeds and evaluating rice PHS levels in the field.

Key words: rice (Oryza sativa L.), pre-harvest sprouting (PHS) grading, PHS rate, seed quality


穗萌1级和2级的新鲜未干燥的水稻种子形态 a: 1级种子; b: 2级种子。"


去稃壳后的不同穗萌级别的水稻干燥种子形态 a: QY0508, 钱优0508; b: YLY689, Y两优689; a: 0级种子; b: 1级种子; c: 2级种子; d: 3级种子。"


杂交水稻QY0508和YLY689不同穗萌级别新鲜种子中MDA含量、抗氧化酶活性及可溶性物质含量变化 A: 丙二醛(MDA)含量; B: 过氧化物酶(POD)活性; C: 过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性; D: 抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APX)活性; E: 超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性; F: 可溶性蛋白含量; G: 可溶性糖含量。QY0508: 钱优0508; YLY689: Y两优689; 同一颜色柱形图误差线上的小写字母表示同一品种不同穗萌级别种子间的差异显著性(LSD, α=0.05)。"


杂交水稻QY0508和YLY689不同穗萌级别种子中GA3和ABA含量变化 A: 赤霉素(GA3)含量; B: 脱落酸(ABA)含量; C: GA3与ABA含量比值。"



Drying method
Grade of PHS seeds
发芽势Germination potential (%) 发芽率Germination rate (%) 不正常幼苗率
Abnormal seedling rate (%)
Germination index
Root length (cm)
Shoot height
Dry weight
(g per 10 seedlings)
Air drying
0 92.00 a 96.00 a 0 c 11.77 a 6.33 a 7.53 a 0.0870 a
1 46.67 b 49.33 b 64.70 b 6.03 b 2.40 b 3.40 b 0.0373 b
2 9.33 c 9.33 c 100.00 a 1.22 c
3 0 d 0 d
Oven drying
0 88.67 a 97.33 a 0 c 12.11 a 7.43 a 7.30 a 0.0892 a
1 82.00 b 88.67 b 38.33 b 10.00 b 5.47 b 4.60 b 0.0749 b
2 76.67 c 80.00 c 55.00 a 8.94 c 4.33 c 4.17 c 0.0601 c
3 42.00 d 42.67 d 34.27 b 5.12 d 2.73 d 2.53 d 0.0312 d
Air drying
0 97.33 a 100.00 a 0 c 13.68 a 6.33 a 7.27 a 0.0913 a
1 41.33 b 49.33 b 51.22 a 5.87 b 3.17 b 2.53 b 0.0337 b
2 22.67 c 22.67 c 41.11 b 2.82 c
3 11.33 d 12.00 d 55.71 a 1.31 d
Oven drying
0 96.67 a 100.00 a 0 c 13.65 a 5.77 a 7.17 a 0.0913 a
1 94.00 a 95.33 b 23.76 b 12.48 b 5.13 b 3.77 b 0.0472 b
2 56.00 b 94.67 b 40.84 a 9.66 c 4.60 c 3.47 c 0.0423 c
3 14.67 c 54.67 c 21.98 b 4.88 d


低温和淹水胁迫下杂交水稻QY0508与YLY689不同穗萌级别烘干种子的发芽情况 QY0508: 钱优0508; YLY689: Y两优689; A: 低温胁迫下不同穗萌级别种子的发芽势(GP)、发芽率(GR)和不正常幼苗率(ASR); B: 淹水胁迫下不同穗萌级别种子的发芽势(GP)、发芽率(GR)和不正常幼苗率(ASR); C: 低温胁迫下不同穗萌级别种子的发芽指数; D: 淹水胁迫下不同穗萌级别种子的发芽指数。"



DAP (d)
Grade of PHS seeds
发芽势Germination potential (%) 发芽率Germination rate (%) 不正常幼苗率
Abnormal seedling rate (%)
Germination index
Root length (cm)
Shoot height
Dry weight
(g per 10 seedlings)
25 0 88.00 a 95.33 a 0 c 13.49 a 4.21 7.93 0.0963
1 10.67 b 10.67 b 74.44 b 2.19 b
2 2.00 c 2.00 c 100.00 a 0.49 c
3 0 c 0 c
35 0 94.67 a 95.33 a 0 c 16.05 a 5.62 a 9.87 a 0.1132 a
1 80.00 b 84.67 b 5.50 b 13.87 b 5.03 b 8.77 b 0.1002 b
2 51.33 c 59.33 c 11.24 a 9.37 c 4.60 c 3.47 c 0.0423 c
3 40.00 d 42.67 d 6.15 b 6.45 d
25 0 92.67 a 95.33 a 0 c 12.58 a 4.32 8.81 0.1141
1 6.00 b 6.00 b 88.89 b 1.11 b
2 4.67 b 4.67 b 88.89 b 0.83 b
3 2.00 c 2.00 c 100.00 a 0.33 c
35 0 95.33 a 97.33 a 0 d 14.80 a 4.93 a 9.69 a 0.1282 a
1 92.67 a 94.67 b 1.40 c 13.97 a 4.62 a 9.23 a 0.1201 a
2 44.00 b 67.33 c 6.92 b 9.42 b 4.01 b 7.71 b 0.0823 b
3 40.00 c 48.67 d 8.22 a 6.89 c 3.21 c 4.63 c 0.0511 c


不同穗萌级别水稻种子示意图 0级: 种子完整饱满无萌动; 1级: 种子胚根已凸起但稃壳未开裂; 2级: 种子胚根露出稃壳长度< 2 mm; 3级: 种子胚根伸长≥ 2 mm。胚根长度测定参照ISTA[14]。"



Grading method of PHS seeds
Grade 0 rate
Grade 1 rate
Grade 2 rate
Grade 3 rate
PHS rate
PHS index
QY0508 PHSG-H2003 CK 60.87 c 14.17 a 21.04 a 3.92 ab 24.96 a 0.95 a
A 71.94 ab 9.36 b 15.03 ab 3.67 ab 18.70 b 0.73 b
B 76.05 a 8.22 b 11.49 b 4.25 a 15.74 b 0.64 b
C 72.01 ab 10.14 b 16.18 ab 1.67 b 17.85 b 0.67 b
D 67.94 b 12.67 a 18.53 a 0.86 b 19.39 b 0.72 b
PHSG-G2023 CK 37.35 d 18.02 a 27.40 a 17.23 a 62.65 a 1.86 a
A 61.32 b 10.62 ab 18.72 b 9.36 b 38.68 b 1.14 b
B 64.08 ab 9.38 b 16.82 b 9.72 b 35.92 bc 1.08 b
C 66.24 a 9.22 b 18.95 b 5.59 b 33.76 c 0.94 b
D 60.17 b 13.40 ab 23.09 ab 3.34 b 39.83 b 0.99 b
YLY689 PHSG-H2003 CK 46.39 c 16.91 a 29.45 a 7.25 a 36.71 a 1.41 a
A 69.77 b 9.49 ab 16.76 b 3.98 b 20.75 b 0.80 b
B 80.16 a 6.44 c 10.56 d 2.83 b 13.39 c 0.52 c
C 78.05 a 8.53 b 12.27 cd 1.16 b 13.43 c 0.51 c
D 71.79 b 11.92 ab 15.06 bc 1.22 b 16.28 bc 0.63 bc
YLY689 PHSG-G2023 CK 34.72 c 11.67 a 33.83 a 19.78 a 65.28 a 2.12 a
A 61.60 b 8.17 b 18.97 bc 11.26 b 38.40 b 1.21 bc
B 72.38 a 7.78 b 12.89 c 6.95 c 27.62 c 0.81 c
C 62.85 b 5.29 b 15.09 c 16.77 ab 37.15 b 1.34 b
D 64.75 ab 7.05 b 23.85 b 4.35 c 35.25 bc 1.00 bc
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