
作物学报 ›› 2011, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (07): 1266-1273.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2011.01266

• 耕作栽培·生理生化 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 农作物基因资源与遗传改良国家重大科学工程 / 农业部作物种质资源利用重点开放实验室 / 中国农业科学院作物科学研究所,北京100081
  • 收稿日期:2011-01-14 修回日期:2011-04-12 出版日期:2011-07-12 网络出版日期:2011-05-11
  • 通讯作者: 邱丽娟, E-mail: qiu_lijuan@263.net
  • 基金资助:


Correlation between Na+ Contents in Different Organs of Soybean and Salt Tolerance at the Seedling Stage

LIU Guang-Yu,GUAN Rong-Xia**,CHANG Ru-Zhen,QIU Li-Juan*   

  1. National Key Facility for Crop Gene Resources and Genetic Improvement / Key Laboratory of Germplasm Utilization, Ministry of Agriculture, Institute of Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China
  • Received:2011-01-14 Revised:2011-04-12 Published:2011-07-12 Published online:2011-05-11
  • Contact: 邱丽娟, E-mail: qiu_lijuan@263.net

摘要: 29个大豆品种用1/2 Hoagland营养液培养,待真叶完全展开后加入100 mmol L–1 NaCl胁迫处理。叶片盐害症状明显时(第8天),根据盐害症状划分大豆苗期耐盐级别,并分别取根、茎、叶和子叶,用原子吸收光谱仪测定其Na+含量。结果表明,大豆茎、叶和子叶Na+含量与耐盐级别呈极显著正相关。利用不同器官Na+含量聚类,发现I级和II级苗期耐盐品种聚为一类,而III~V级苗期盐敏感品种聚为一类。耐盐品种叶片和子叶的Na+平均含量极显著(P≤0.01)低于盐敏感品种,茎Na+平均含量差异达显著水平(P≤0.05),而根Na+平均含量差异不显著。因此,叶片和子叶Na+含量能有效区分苗期耐盐和盐敏感大豆品种。水培条件下,以叶片或子叶Na+含量作为生理指标鉴定大豆苗期耐盐性的方法,为大豆苗期耐盐种质鉴定、耐盐基因挖掘和品种培育创造了条件。

关键词: 大豆, 品种资源, 苗期, 耐盐性, Na+含量

Abstract: Salinity is recognized as one of the abiotic stresses negetively affecting crop productivity worldwide, which is mainly introduced by the consequence of Na+ toxicity. Great advances have been made in screening methodologies for salt tolerant soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] in recent years. But few studies have focused on the evaluation of the relationship of soybean salt tolerance with Na+ content in different organs. The objective of our study was to develop a steady, measurable and effective method for salt tolerance evaluation of soybean germplasm based on measuring Na+ content in soybean. Twenty nine cultivars were grown in 1/2 Haogland nutrient solution, in which 100 mmol L–1 NaCl was added when the second pair of simple primary leaves fully expanded. The visual foliar symptom was used to evaluate the scale of the salt tolerance. Roots, stems, leaves, and cotyledons were sampled at eight days after salt treatment. Different parts of the plant were measured by the atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Na+ content was extremly correlated with the scale of salt tolerance content in stem, leaf and cotyledon but not in root. Clustering for salt tolerant (including scale of 1 and 2) and salt sensitive (including scale of 3, 4, and 5) soybean cultivars at seedling stage based on Na+ contents in stem, leaf and cotyledon. The average Na+ contents of leaf and cotyledon from the tolerant cultivars were significantly lower than those from the sensitive culitvars. There was significant difference of Na+ contents in roots but there was not in stem between tolerant and sensitive soybean. Therefore, Na+ content in leaf and cotyledon can be used for evaluation of salt tolerance in cultivated soybean at the seedling stage. The results indicated that the possibility evaluating salt tolerant soybean cultivars at the seedling stage by Na+ content of leaf and cotyledon in hydroponics provides a method for germplasm identification, gene cloning and cultivar development of salt tolerance in soybean.

Key words: Soybean, Germplasm, Seedling stage, Salt tolerance, Na+ content

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