
作物学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (02): 280-289.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2020.82060

• 耕作栽培·生理生化 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1 湖南农业大学资源环境学院, 湖南长沙 410128
    2 江西省农业科学院土壤肥料与资源环境研究所 / 国家红壤改良工程技术研究中心 / 农业农村部长江中下游作物生理生态与耕作重点实验室, 江西南昌 330200
  • 收稿日期:2018-12-10 接受日期:2019-09-26 出版日期:2020-02-12 网络出版日期:2019-10-16
  • 通讯作者: 周卫军
  • 作者简介:E-mail: hugh_hhq@yeah.net, Tel: 0791-87090030
  • 基金资助:

Influence of long-term fertilizer application on chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics and grain yield of double cropping late rice

HOU Hong-Qian1,2,LIN Hong-Xin2,LIU Xiu-Mei2,JI Jian-Hua2,LIU Yi-Ren2,LAN Xian-Jin2,LYU Zhen-Zhen2,ZHOH Wei-Jun1,*()   

  1. 1 College of Resources & Environment, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha 410128, Hunan, China;
    2 Soil & Fertilizer and Resources and Environment Institute, Jiangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences / National Engineering and Technology Research Center for Red Soil Improvement / Key Laboratory of Crop Ecophysiology and Faming System for the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Nanchang 330200, Jiangxi, China;
  • Received:2018-12-10 Accepted:2019-09-26 Published:2020-02-12 Published online:2019-10-16
  • Contact: Wei-Jun ZHOH
  • Supported by:
    This study was supported by the National Key Research and Development Project(2018YFD0200703);This study was supported by the National Key Research and Development Project(2018YFD0200906);This study was supported by the National Key Research and Development Project(2017YFD0200702);the Jiangxi Provincial Key Research and Development Project(20161BBF60133);the Innovation Fund of Jiangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences(2015CQN004)


研究施肥模式对水稻叶绿素含量及荧光参数的调节作用, 对提高水稻光能利用效率及籽粒产量具有重要意义。本研究以水稻品种赣929为试验材料, 比较长期定位施磷钾肥(PK)、施氮磷钾肥(NPK)、等养分条件下70%氮磷钾肥配合施用30%有机肥(70F+30M)、50%氮磷钾肥配合施用50%有机肥(50F+50M)、30%氮磷钾肥配合施用70%有机肥(30F+70M)条件下水稻叶绿素荧光参数和产量变化特征。结果表明, 水稻旗叶叶绿素含量从齐穗期到成熟期呈下降趋势, 且表现为30F+70M>50F+50M>70F+30M>NPK>PK。水稻叶绿素荧光参数Fv/Fm随水稻生育期的推进呈降低趋势, 其中PK处理Fv/Fm值最低, 而施氮处理比不施氮处理Fv/Fm值增加了2.85%~4.18%。叶绿素荧光参数qLΦPSII在NPK处理中表现为齐穗期较高, 20 d之后显著降低; 在50F+50M、30F+70M处理中表现为齐穗期较低, 20 d以后显著增加; 在PK处理、70F+30M处理中一直处于较高水平。NPQ变化趋势与qL基本相反。ETR-PAR光响应曲线拟合结果表明, 70F+30M处理ETRmax、α和Ek值在齐穗期和20 d后值均最高。综合看来, 等养分条件下配施30%有机肥具有最优的叶绿素荧光指标组合及籽粒产量; 而配施超过50%有机肥由于前期热耗散增大使得用于光合作用的光能份额减少, 而施用氮磷钾肥处理则由于后期的衰老使得光能利用效率下降。

关键词: 施肥, 有机无机肥配施, 叶绿素荧光参数, 快速光曲线, 水稻


The regulating effect of different fertilization modes on the chlorophyll content and fluorescence parameters of rice is of great significance for the improvement of light use efficiency and grain yield of rice. In this research, the characteristics of variation of chlorophyll fluorescence parameters and yield in rice under long-term located fertilization with the treatments of phosphate and potash fertilizer (PK), nitrogen, phosphate and potash fertilizer (NPK), 70% NPK fertilizer mixed with 30% organic manure (70F+30M), 50% NPK fertilizer mixed with 50% organic manure (50F+50M) and 30% NPK fertilizer mixed with 70% organic manure (30F+70M) under the same nutrient conditions were studied. There was a downtrend in the chlorophyll content in flag leaves of rice from the full heading time to the maturation period; showing an order of 30F+70M > 50F+50M > 70F+30M > NPK > PK. In the proceeded of growth, the chlorophyll fluorescence parameter Fv/Fm decreased with the lowest in PK treatment; which was 2.85-4.18 higher in nitrogen fertilizer treatment than in the treatment without nitrogen fertilizer. Under NPK treatment, chlorophyll fluorescence parameters qL and ΦPSII were higher at the full heading stage and significantly lower after 20 d; under the treatments of 50F+50M and 30F+70M, however, they were lower at the full heading stage but increased significantly after 20 d; under PK treatment and 70F+30M treatment, they remained at a higher level. The variation tendency of NPQ was basically contrary to that of qL. According to fitting results of ETR-PAR light response curve, the values of ETRmax, α, and Ek peaked under 70F+30M treatment both at the full heading stage and after 20 d. In general, under the same nutrient conditions, mixed application with 30% organic manure achieved the best combination of chlorophyll fluorescence parameters and highest grain yield; if the proportion of organic manure exceeded 50%, on the other hand, the light energy for photosynthesis would be reduced due to increased early-stage heat dissipation. In addition, the application of NPK fertilizer would lead to declining light use efficiency due to later aging.

Key words: fertilization, combined application of organic and inorganic fertilizers, chlorophyll fluorescence, rapid light curve, rice


晚稻移栽前0~20 cm土壤养分含量"

Organic matter
(g kg-1)
Total nitrogen
(g kg-1)
Alkaline-hydrolytic N
(mg kg-1)
Available P
(mg kg-1)
Available K
(mg kg-1)
PK 24.57±1.06 b 1.41±0.06 d 143.33±21.09 b 36.90±3.46 b 135.23±28.11 a
NPK 26.67±0.51 b 1.75±0.08 c 158.33±32.24 b 39.64±19.77 b 69.43±12.37 b
70F+30M 31.83±2.51 a 2.03±0.24 bc 184.52±2.82 ab 53.00±6.82 ab 61.90±10.60 b
50F+50M 32.79±0.81 a 2.19±0.09 ab 209.76±18.83 a 59.00±4.14 a 53.53±11.62 b
30F+70M 35.52±2.32 a 2.36±0.13 a 229.29±28.75 a 78.67±14.85 a 61.93±7.31 b




有机无机肥配施对晚稻旗叶叶绿素含量的影响 “FHS”表示齐穗期, “10DAFH”表示齐穗后10 d, “20DAFH”表示齐穗后20 d, “30DAFH”表示齐穗后30 d。处理缩写同表1。图柱上不同小写字母表示处理间差异显著(P < 0.05)。"


有机无机肥配施对晚稻旗叶Fv/Fm的影响 处理同表1, 缩写同图2。图柱上不同小写字母表示处理间差异显著(P < 0.05)。"


有机无机肥配施对晚稻旗叶qL和NPQ的影响 处理同表1, 缩写同图2。图柱上小写字母不同表示不同处理间差异显著(P < 0.05)。"



采样时期 Sampling stage
PK 0.592±0.012 a 0.534±0.011 a 0.563±0.007 a 0.512±0.014 a
NPK 0.596±0.024 a 0.533±0.042 a 0.529±0.023 b 0.429±0.095 a
70F+30M 0.596±0.009 a 0.530±0.033 a 0.559±0.029 a 0.515±0.050 a
50F+50M 0.535±0.020 b 0.528±0.038 a 0.563±0.008 a 0.461±0.053 a
30F+70M 0.548±0.013 b 0.505±0.029 a 0.574±0.012 a 0.489±0.041 a


有机无机肥配施晚稻旗叶rETR-PAR响应曲线 处理同表1, 缩写同图2。"



(μmol m-2 s-1)
Initial slope rate (α)
(μmol m-2 s-1)
齐穗期 FHS
PK 79.30 0.207 383.09 0.9998
NPK 83.78 0.212 395.19 0.9997
70F+30M 117.61 0.218 539.50 0.9995
50F+50M 61.58 0.188 327.55 0.9997
30F+70M 66.70 0.172 387.79 0.9998
齐穗10 d 10DAFS
PK 61.40 0.179 343.02 0.9980
NPK 57.71 0.199 290.00 0.9999
70F+30M 56.22 0.180 312.33 1
50F+50M 63.28 0.188 336.60 0.9997
30F+70M 69.92 0.189 369.95 0.9997
(μmol m-2 s-1)
Initial slope rate (α)
(μmol m-2 s-1)
齐穗20 d 20 DAFS
PK 41.83 0.157 266.43 0.9998
NPK 60.64 0.173 350.52 0.9994
70F+30M 84.39 0.214 394.35 0.9992
50F+50M 71.54 0.203 352.41 0.9996
30F+70M 50.75 0.161 315.22 0.9993
齐穗30d 30 DAFS
PK 49.19 0.133 369.85 0.9995
NPK 18.39 0.053 346.98 0.9958
70F+30M 31.15 0.101 308.42 0.9983
50F+50M 25.60 0.074 345.95 0.9972
30F+70M 28.00 0.078 358.97 0.9988



No. of effective panicle (×104 hm-2)
Spikelet No. per
Filled grain percentage
weight (g)
(kg hm-2)
PK 196.62±15.30 b 84.63±7.63 a 66.74±4.79 a 27.40±0.15 ab 4360.05±61.47 b
NPK 316.89±12.87 a 56.02±5.58 c 51.11±2.06 b 27.96±0.36 a 4726.25±128.95 a
70F+30M 337.84±30.96 a 65.66±4.56 b 50.71±1.67 b 27.93±0.18 a 4976.73±107.45 a
50F+50M 347.30±36.56 a 61.48±4.23 bc 54.62±3.83 b 27.41±0.48 ab 4964.31±52.76 a
30F+70M 310.81±11.70 a 67.70±3.29 b 53.73±2.88 b 26.81±0.14 b 4857.15±81.24 a
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