
作物学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 49 ›› Issue (8): 2240-2258.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2023.21038

• 耕作栽培·生理生化 • 上一篇    下一篇


刘琼1,2,3(), 杨洪坤1,2, 陈艳琦1,2, 吴东明1,2, 黄秀兰1,2, 樊高琼1,2,*()   

  1. 1 西南作物基因资源发掘与利用国家重点实验室, 四川成都 611130
    2 农业农村部西南作物生理生态与耕作重点实验室, 四川成都 611130
    3 四川省内江市市中区龙门镇人民政府农业综合服务中心, 四川内江 641000
  • 收稿日期:2022-05-30 接受日期:2023-02-10 出版日期:2023-08-12 网络出版日期:2023-02-27
  • 通讯作者: 樊高琼
  • 作者简介:E-mail: 1362241703@qq.com
  • 基金资助:

Effect of nitrogen application rate on grain quality, wine quality and volatile flavor compounds of waxy and no-waxy wheat

LIU Qiong1,2,3(), YANG Hong-Kun1,2, CHEN Yan-Qi1,2, WU Dong-Ming1,2, HUANG Xiu-Lan1,2, FAN Gao-Qiong1,2,*()   

  1. 1 State Key Laboratory of Crop Gene Exploration and Utilization in Southwest China, Ministry of Science and Technology, Chengdu, 611130 Sichuan, China
    2 Southwest Key Laboratory of Crop Physiological Ecology and Tillage, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Chengdu 611130, Sichuan, China
    3 Longmen Town People’s Government Agricultural Comprehensive Service Center, Shizhong District, Neijiang City, Sichuan Province, Neijiang 641000, Sichuan, China
  • Received:2022-05-30 Accepted:2023-02-10 Published:2023-08-12 Published online:2023-02-27
  • Contact: FAN Gao-Qiong
  • Supported by:
    14th Five-Year Key Research and Development Program of Sichuan Province(2021YFYZ0002);Sichuan Province Science and Technology Support Program(2021YJ0504)


为研究不同施氮量对糯和非糯小麦原粮品质及酿酒品质的影响, 明确酿酒专用小麦高产优质生产的适宜氮肥用量。于2019、2020连续2年在四川省成都市大邑县, 以绵麦902 (非糯性)和中科紫糯麦168 (糯性)为材料, 设置6个施氮量(0、45、90、135、180和225 kg hm-2), 分析其对小麦原粮品质、酿酒品质和挥发性风味物质的影响。结果表明: 绵麦902产量、粉质率、灰分含量更高; 中科紫糯麦168硬度、容重、蛋白质、脂肪含量相对较高, 总淀粉和支链淀粉含量更高、直支比更低, 除稀澥值比绵麦902高以外, 其余RVA特征参数均更低。增加施氮量显著提高小麦产量, 两品种产量均在225 kg hm-2达最大值。粉质率和容重随施氮量增加而降低, 硬度指数和蛋白质随施氮量增加而升高; 脂肪和灰分含量在135 kg hm-2、总淀粉和支链淀粉含量在90~135 kg hm-2内较高, 峰值黏度、低谷黏度在135 kg hm-2后显著下降。两品种的出酒率年际间不同, 2019年绵麦902的出酒率要显著高于中科紫糯麦168, 2020年则相反, 推测与2020年灌浆期雨水较多, 中科紫糯麦168籽粒硬度指数下降、粉质率上升有关; 在90~135 kg hm-2施氮范围内两品种出酒率相对较高。绵麦902所酿制的白酒总酸、总酯含量不高, 杂醇油含量也相对更低; 中科紫糯麦168与之相反, 但杂醇含量仍在安全范围(≤0.2 g 100 mL-1)。两年度绵麦902所酿白酒的总酸含量均在90 kg hm-2处理下最高, 2020年中科紫糯麦168的总酸含量则在135 kg hm-2处理下最高。就总酯和杂醇油而言, 两品种的总酯含量在135 kg hm-2处理下相对较低, 杂醇油含量在90 kg hm-2下最低。与2019年相比, 2020年两品种的总酸、总酯含量显著降低, 这可能与该年度籽粒灌浆期降水较多, 总淀粉、支链淀粉含量下降有关。中科紫糯麦168挥发性风味物质的种类和数量更多, 整体酿酒特性要优于绵麦902。绵麦902的挥发性风味物质数量在90 kg hm-2处理最高, 综合评分最高, 中科紫糯麦168的挥发性风味物质数量在225 kg hm-2处理最高, 综合评分最高。相关性分析和通径分析表明: 总淀粉含量和支链淀粉含量与总酸、总酯含量呈极显著正相关关系, 大多数淀粉理化指标通过直链淀粉、糊化温度等在总酯形成过程中起正向间接作用。研究认为, 小麦出酒率受环境、粉质率影响, 淀粉含量、组分、糊化特性对总酸、总酯的形成具有重要影响, 酯类物质是挥发性风味物质主要成分, 受品种因素影响较大。90~135 kg hm-2施氮量下, 糯和非糯小麦淀粉含量、组分和糊化特性较好, 酿制白酒挥发性风味物质较多, 是适宜酿酒小麦高产优质的适宜施氮量。

关键词: 施氮量, 糯小麦, 非糯小麦, 原粮品质, 酿酒品质, 挥发性风味物质


In order to study the effects of different nitrogen application rates on the quality of waxy and non-waxy wheat and brewing quality, the suitable nitrogen application rate for high yield and high-quality production of wheat for brewing was determined. Mianmai 902 (non-waxy) and Zhongkezinuomai 168 (waxy) were used as the experimental materials in Dayi County, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, in 2019 and 2020. Six nitrogen application rates (0, 45, 90, 135, 180, and 225 kg hm-2) were set to analyze their effects on the quality of wheat raw grain, brewing quality, and volatile flavor compounds. The results showed that the yield, flour quality rate, and ash content of Mianmai 902 were higher. Zhongkezinuomai 168 had higher hardness, bulk density, protein, and fat content, higher total starch and amylopectin content, lower straight branch ratio, and lower RVA characteristic parameters except that breakdown value was higher than that of Mianmai 902. Increasing nitrogen application rate significantly increased wheat yield, and the yield of both varieties reached the maximum at 225 kg hm-2. Silty rate and bulk density decreased with the increase of nitrogen application rate, while hardness index and protein content increased. Fat and ash content were higher in 135 kg hm-2, the total starch and amylopectin content were higher in 90-135 kg hm-2, peak viscosity and trough viscosity decreased significantly after 135 kg hm-2. The wine yield of the two varieties was higher in the range of 90-135 kg hm-2 nitrogen application, but the inter-annual difference was different. The wine yield of Mianmai 902 was significantly higher than that of Zhongkezinuomai 168 in 2019, and the opposite was true in 2020. We speculated that it was related to the more rain at filling stage in 2020, the decrease of grain hardness index and the increase of silty rate of Zhongkezinuomai 168. The content of total acid and total ester in liquor brewed by Mianmai 902 was not high, and the content of fusel oil was relatively low. Zhongkezinuomai 168 was the opposite, but the fusel content was still in the safe range (≤ 0.2 g 100 mL-1). The total acid content of liquor produced by Mianmai 902 was the highest under the treatment of 90 kg hm-2 in the two years, and the total acid content of Zhongkezinuomai 168 was the highest under the treatment of 135 kg hm-2 in 2020. In terms of total ester and fusel oil, the total ester content of the two varieties was relatively low under 135 kg hm-2 treatment, and the fusel oil content was the lowest under 90 kg hm-2 treatment. Compared with 2019, the contents of total acid and total ester of the two varieties decreased significantly in 2020, which may be related to more precipitation at grain filling stage and the decrease of total starch and amylopectin contents. Zhongkezinuomai 168 had more kinds and quantities of volatile flavor substances, and its overall brewing characteristics were better than that of Mianmai 902. The number of volatile flavor compounds of Mianmai 902 was the highest at 90 kg hm-2, and the comprehensive score was the highest. The number of volatile flavor compounds of Zhongke Zinuomai 168 was the highest at 225 kg hm-2, and the comprehensive score was the highest. Correlation analysis and path analysis showed that total starch content and amylopectin content were significantly positively correlated with the total acid and total ester content. Most starch physicochemical indexes played a positive indirect role in the formation of the total ester through amylose and gelatinization temperature. The results showed that the wine yield of wheat was affected by interannual factors and flour quality rate. Starch content, composition, and gelatinization characteristics had important effects on the formation of total acid and total ester, esters were the main components of volatile flavor substances, greatly affected by variety factors. Under the nitrogen application rate of 90-135 kg hm-2, waxy and non-waxy wheat had better starch content, composition and pasting properties, and more volatile flavor substances in liquor-making, which was suitable for high yield and high quality of liquor-making wheat.

Key words: nitrogen rate, waxy wheat, no-waxy wheat, grain quality, wine quality, volatile flavor compounds


试验地土壤基础地力(0~20 cm)"

pH 有机质
Organic matter
(g kg-1)
Total nitrogen
(g kg-1)
Alkaline hydrolysis nitrogen (mg kg-1)
Available phosphorus
(mg kg-1)
Available potassium
(mg kg-1)
2019 5.6 38.5 2.04 153.7 23.5 221.3
2020 6.2 39.5 3.44 149.6 25.5 224.4





Nitrogen application rate
Total starch (%)
Amylose (%)
Amylopectin (%)
2019 M902 N0 60.7 a 11.63 bcd 49.07 ab 0.24 de
N45 60.6 a 10.87 d 49.70 a 0.22 e
N90 59.9 ab 12.37 ab 47.57 bc 0.26 bc
N135 58.4 bc 11.54 cd 46.85 cd 0.25 cd
N180 57.7 c 13.01 a 44.72 e 0.29 a
N225 57.5 c 12.26 abc 45.22 de 0.27 ab
平均Mean 59.1 11.95 47.19 0.254
Z168 N0 68.0 b 2.22 a 65.80 b 0.03 a
N45 71.7 a 2.82 a 68.90 a 0.04 a
N90 72.8 a 2.57 a 70.22 a 0.04 a
N135 69.3 b 2.38 a 66.92 b 0.04 a
N180 68.9 b 2.30 a 66.56 b 0.03 a
N225 67.6 b 2.12 a 65.50 b 0.03 a
平均Mean 69.7 2.40 67.30 0.036
F-value 小麦品种V 1645.08** 779.22 ** 1274.35** 885.79**
施氮量N 13.59** 2.91 * 12.86** 5.26**
V×N 4.82** 5.71 ** 5.30** 7.10**
2020 M902 N0 55.6 a 10.89 bc 44.75 a 0.24 c
N45 55.2 a 10.62 c 44.59 a 0.24 d
N90 56.0 a 11.31 a 44.67 a 0.25 a
N135 55.5 a 11.19 ab 44.30 a 0.25 a
N180 54.9 a 11.01 ab 43.85 a 0.25 ab
N225 55.1 a 10.94 b 44.15 a 0.25 b
平均Mean 55.4 11.00 44.38 0.248
Z168 N0 61.7 b 1.93 b 59.77 b 0.03 a
N45 62.6 ab 2.09 ab 60.52 ab 0.03 a
N90 62.8 ab 2.09 ab 60.65 ab 0.03 a
N135 63.7 a 2.25 a 61.48 a 0.04 a
N180 62.8 ab 2.13 ab 60.62 ab 0.04 a
N225 61.9 b 2.00 ab 59.90 b 0.03 a
平均Mean 62.6 2.1 60.49 0.034
F-value 小麦品种V 1133.35** 10,205.66** 16,249.72** 26,417.45**
施氮量N 1.62 4.19** 1.36 9.30**
V×N 1.43 2.19 1.94 5.73**



application rate
RVA谱特征参数RVA profile characteristics
Low valley viscosity
Breakdown value
2019 M902 N0 2127 c 1515 c 646 b 2818 c 1312 c 5.95 ab 87.5 ab
N45 2312 ab 1676 a 636 b 3031 a 1413 a 6.11 a 88.5 a
N90 2312 ab 1538 bc 774 a 2835 c 1297 c 6.05 ab 87.9 ab
N135 2346 a 1581 b 765 a 2913 b 1366 b 6.00 ab 88.0 ab
N180 2359 a 1560 bc 799 a 2975 ab 1415 a 5.95 ab 88.0 ab
N225 2231 b 1428 d 817 a 2700 d 1277 c 5.87 b 87.2 b
平均Mean 2281 1550 739 2879 1347 5.99 87.9
Z168 N0 1357 d 449 d 951 c 627 d 175 b 3.42 b 68.6 a
N45 1386 d 497 d 946 c 676 d 179 b 3.67 a 67.0 b
N90 1875 b 803 b 1052 ab 1099 b 297 a 3.75 a 67.1 b
N135 2005 a 927 a 1078 ab 1219 a 292 a 3.85 a 66.9 b
N180 1746 c 720 c 1026 b 985 c 287 a 3.73 a 66.9 b
N225 1887 b 795 b 1092 a 1086 b 290 a 3.78 a 66.8 b
平均Mean 1709 699 1024 949 254 3.70 67.2
F-value 小麦品种V 273.34** 1374.23** 1532.09** 50227.06** 13484.20** 3843.87** 3264.82**
施氮量N 51.07** 48.75** 21.29** 62.63** 12.14** 3.55* 1.21
V×N 27.44** 75.43** 1.17 98.23** 18.94** 3.50* 2.49
2020 M902 N0 2138 abc 1645 a 544 b 2696 a 1135 bc 6.07 a 88.5 a
N45 2130 abc 1534 ab 543 b 2704 a 1168 abc 5.91 ab 88.0 a
N90 2252 ab 1343 c 630 ab 2432 b 1118 c 5.78 b 86.4 b
N135 2315 a 1372 bc 609 ab 2484 b 1200 ab 5.91 ab 88.1 a
N180 2004 c 1217 c 685 a 2078 c 1119 c 5.84 b 87.8 a
N225 2058 bc 1324 c 644 a 2449 b 1221 a 5.93 ab 88.7 a
平均Mean 2150 1406 609 2474 1160 5.91 87.9
Z168 N0 1487 c 521 b 1017 b 629 d 288 bc 3.60 a 66.9 a
N45 1637 bc 709 a 897 c 1004 bc 295 bc 3.67 a 67.2 a
N90 1706 ab 678 ab 612 d 936 c 284 c 3.40 b 66.8 a
N135 1847 a 789 a 1105 ab 1154 ab 339 abc 3.64 a 66.9 a
N180 1833 ab 779 a 1112 a 1220 a 413 a 3.62 a 66.6 a
N225 1746 ab 829 a 1032 ab 1215 a 363 ab 3.64 a 66.9 a
平均Mean 1709 717 962 1026 331 3.60 66.9
F-value 小麦品种V 490.99** 1040.41** 68.72* 1904.97** 826.34** 5139.77** 47,656.07**
施氮量N 3.77* 1.35 22.17** 5.96** 3.65* 3.35* 3.40*
V×N 3.32* 9.62** 19.16** 28.59** 2.70 1.04 2.91*


施氮量对糯和非糯小麦产量、其他原粮品质的影响 图中缩写和处理同表2。相同品种图柱上不同小写字母表示不同施氮水平间有显著差异(P < 0.05); *和**分别表示在P < 0.05和P < 0.01水平差异显著。"


施氮量对糯和非糯小麦出酒率、总酸、总酯及杂醇油含量的影响 图中缩写和处理同表2。相同品种图柱上不同小写字母表示不同施氮水平间有显著差异(P < 0.05); *和**分别表示在P < 0.05和P < 0.01水平差异显著。"





Types of
volatile flavor compounds
M902 旋转后因子载荷系数
Factor load coefficient after rotation
Z168 旋转后因子
Factor load coefficient after rotation
0.980 (Z, Z, Z)-9,12,15-十八碳三烯酸乙酯
(Z, Z, Z)-9,12,15-octadecatrienoic acid ethyl ester
Ethyl myristate (ethyl myristate)
0.964 十八酸乙酯
Ethyl octadecanoate
2-phenylethyl acetate
0.946 正癸酸异丁酯
Isobutyl decanoate
(Z)-ethyl pentadec-9-enoate
0.923 (E)-9-十八烯酸乙酯
Ethyl sebacate
0.920 2,2,4-三甲基-1,3-戊二醇二异丁酸酯
2,2,4-trimethyl-1,3-pentanediol diisobutyrate
Isobutyl laurate
0.914 油酸乙酯
Ethyl oleate
Ethyl pentadecanoate
0.909 十四酸苯乙酯
Phenethyl myristate
Ethyl hexadecanoate (ethyl palmitate)
−0.887 9,12-十六二烯酸乙酯
0.865 十七酸乙酯
Ethyl heptadecanoate
3-methylbutyl pentadecanoate
0.739 亚油酸乙酯
Ethyl linoleate
Decyl alcohol
0.950 (E)-3,7,11-三甲基-1,6,10-十二碳三烯-3-醇
Tetradecyl alcohol
0.894 癸醇
Decyl alcohol
0.786 十六醇
Phenylethyl alcohol
0.709 三聚糖-2-醇
−0.637 乙酸正十六醇
Hexadecanol acetate
−0.449 1-辛醇
−0.426 正己醇
Dimethyl-silicon propylene glycol
−0.358 十四醇
Tetradecyl alcohol
−0.350 3-甲基-1-丁醇
Acetic acid
0.351 辛酸
Caprylic acid
Acetic acid
0.951 6,10,14-三甲基-2-十五酮
2-methylmercuric iodide pentadecyl ketone
0.926 2-十七烷酮
2-methylmercuric iodide pentadecyl ketone
0.917 2-十五酮
0.952 苯甲醛
0.899 (E)-2-庚醛
0.508 (E,E)-2,4-癸二烯醛



成分Component 总方差解释Total variance explanation
Initial eigenvalue
Extraction of square sum of loads
Square sum of rotation load
方差Variance (%) 累积Cumulative (%) 总计
累积Cumulative (%) 总计
方差Variance (%) 累积Cumulative
M902 1 20.0 43.5 43.5 20.0 43.5 43.5 19.4 42.2 42.2
2 14.2 31.0 74.5 14.2 31.0 74.5 13.2 28.8 71.0
3 5.5 12.0 86.4 5.5 12.0 86.4 5.8 12.7 83.7
4 4.6 10.1 96.5 4.6 10.1 96.5 5.6 12.1 95.8
5 1.6 3.5 100.0 1.6 3.5 100.0 1.9 4.2 100.0
Z168 1 33.9 45.9 45.9 33.9 45.9 45.9 23.7 32.1 32.1
2 16.3 22.0 67.9 16.3 22.0 67.9 19.4 26.2 58.2
3 10.7 14.5 82.4 10.7 14.5 82.4 12.7 17.2 75.4
4 6.9 9.4 91.7 6.9 9.4 91.7 10.8 14.6 90.0
5 6.1 8.3 100.0 6.1 8.3 100.0 7.4 10.0 100.0



Sample number
PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5 综合得分
Comprehensive score
902N90 1.87 -0.27 0.62 0.02 -0.45 0.78 1
902N225 -0.08 1.61 -0.80 -0.73 -0.62 0.21 2
902N180 -0.23 0.15 -0.53 1.94 0.18 0.12 3
902N135 -0.85 0.42 1.75 -0.13 0.45 -0.01 4
902N0 0.12 -0.58 -0.75 -0.73 1.65 -0.23 5
902N45 -0.83 -1.34 -0.28 -0.39 -1.21 -0.87 6
168N225 1.31 0.09 1.30 0.81 -0.30 0.76 1
168N135 -0.95 1.36 0.47 -0.01 1.10 0.24 2
168N90 1.02 0.62 -1.65 -0.07 0.06 0.20 3
168N0 0.19 -0.81 0.40 -1.81 0.23 -0.33 4
168N45 -0.60 -1.44 -0.43 1.04 0.69 -0.42 5
168N180 -0.97 0.19 -0.10 0.03 -1.78 -0.45 6



Liquor yield
Total acid
Total ester
淀粉Total starch -0.112 0.525** 0.442**
直链淀粉Amylose -0.192 -0.081 -0.103
支链淀粉Amylopectin 0.029 0.340** 0.303**
直支比Amylose/Amylopectin -0.197 -0.113 -0.144
峰值黏度Peak viscosity -0.155 0.150 -0.201
低谷黏度Low valley viscosity -0.132 -0.029 -0.149
稀澥值Breakdown value -0.132 0.305** 0.164
最终黏度Final viscosity -0.124 -0.039 -0.115
回生值Setback value -0.123 -0.103 -0.111
峰值时间Peak time -0.173 -0.097 -0.117
糊化温度Pasting temperature -0.154 -0.137 -0.120
蛋白质Protein 0.084 -0.367** -0.046
脂肪Fat 0.422** -0.620** -0.553**
灰分Ash 0.211 -0.431** -0.537**
粉质率Farinaceous rate 0.166 -0.391** -0.343**
硬度指数Hardness index 0.126 0.167 0.202
容重Volumetric weight 0.043 0.267* 0.351**



Physicochemical indexes of starch
Correlation coefficient with total esters
Direct effect
间接作用Indirect effect 贡献率
Contribution rate
A1→C A2→C A3→C A4→C B1→C B2→C B3→C B4→C B5→C B6→C B7→C
A1 0.442** 0.657 ‒2.726 0.229 2.956 0.253 0.499 0.024 ‒0.494 ‒0.359 0.167 ‒0.680 0.290
A2 ‒0.103 3.515 ‒0.51 ‒0.224 ‒3.653 ‒0.341 ‒0.640 ‒0.030 0.633 0.445 ‒0.211 0.832 ‒0.352
A3 0.303** 0.241 0.625 ‒3.277 3.476 0.311 0.598 0.026 ‒0.591 ‒0.423 0.199 ‒0.796 0.073
A4 ‒0.144 ‒3.663 ‒0.53 3.505 ‒0.228 ‒0.338 ‒0.633 ‒0.030 0.627 0.443 ‒0.211 0.832 0.527
B1 ‒0.201 ‒0.412 ‒0.4 2.906 ‒0.182 ‒3.004 ‒0.633 ‒0.020 0.594 0.39 ‒0.181 0.680 0.083
B2 ‒0.149 ‒0.692 ‒0.47 3.248 ‒0.208 ‒3.352 ‒0.377 ‒0.020 0.648 0.432 ‒0.203 0.781 0.103
B3 0.164 0.033 0.482 ‒2.654 0.19 2.789 0.213 0.486 ‒0.468 ‒0.331 0.163 ‒0.673 0.005
B4 ‒0.115 0.660 ‒0.49 3.37 ‒0.216 ‒3.480 ‒0.371 ‒0.680 ‒0.020 0.446 ‒0.208 0.805 ‒0.076
B5 ‒0.111 0.455 ‒0.52 3.444 ‒0.224 ‒3.569 ‒0.353 ‒0.658 ‒0.020 0.648 ‒0.210 0.825 ‒0.051
B6 ‒0.117 ‒0.215 ‒0.51 3.463 ‒0.223 ‒3.597 ‒0.348 ‒0.655 ‒0.030 0.638 0.446 0.836 0.025
B7 ‒0.120 0.843 ‒0.53 3.472 ‒0.227 ‒3.617 ‒0.332 ‒0.641 ‒0.030 0.630 0.445 ‒0.213 ‒0.101
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