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Acta Agron Sin ›› 2016, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (10): 1479-1486.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2016.01479


Race Distribution of Soybean Cyst Nematode in the Main Soybean Producing Area of Huang-Huai Valleys

LIAN Yun1,??, WANG Jin-She1,??, LI Hai-Chao1, WEI He1, LI Jin-Ying1, WU Yong-Kang1, LEI Chen-Fang1, ZHANG Hui1, WANG Shu-Feng1, GUO Jian-Qiu2, LI Yue-Xia2, LI Zhi-Hui3, JIN Qiao-Ling3, XU Shu-Xia4, ZHANG Zhi-Min4, YANG Cai-Yun5, YU Hui-Yong5, GENG Zhen6, SHU Wen-Tao6, and LU Wei-Guo1,?   

  1. 1 Zhengzhou Subcenter of National Soybean Improvement Center / Key Laboratory of Oil Crops in Huang-Huai Valleys of Ministry of Agriculture / Institute of Industrial Crops, Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Zhengzhou 450002, China; 2 Luoyang Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, Luoyang 471023, China; 3 Luohe Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Luohe 462300, China; 4 Anyang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Anyang 455000, China; 5 Puyang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Puyang 457000, China; 6 Zhoukou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Zhoukou 466001, China
  • Received:2016-03-01 Revised:2016-06-20 Online:2016-10-12 Published:2016-07-04
  • Contact: Lu weiguo,E-mail:123bean@163.com E-mail:lianyun262@126.com
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Soybean cyst nematode(SCN)(Heterodera glycines), is the most economically important pathogen of soybean in Huang-Huai Valleys, development of resistant cultivars is the most convenient method to avoid yield losses. Knowledge of SCN race distribution in soybean production area is meaningful for the breeding of resistant lines. A 4-year systematic survey for the presence of soybean cyst nematode Heterodera glycines in Huang-Huai Valleys was initiated in 2012. A distribution map of races was constructed based on Riggs model. The race variation law and reason were also discussed in this article. A total of 322 soil samples infected by soybean cyst nematode were collected. Among them, seven races of H. glycines were identified in 112 (34.8%) samples, including five races described previously. Heterodera glycines presented in the six provinces including Henan, Hebei, Anhui, Shanxi, Shandong, and Jiangsu. Among the 112 soil samples mentioned above, race 2 accounted for 50.9% of the identified H. glycines races. Races 5, 4, 3, 1, 6, and 11 did 23.2%, 9.8%, 5.4%, 4.5%, 4.5%, and 1.8%, respectively. In order of frequency from high to low, races 5, 2, 3, 11 distributed in Henan, with race 5 and race 2 accounting for 87.5% of identified H. glycines populations; races 2, 5, and 6 accounted for 92% in Hebei and 95.2% in Anhui; races 2, 3, 5 did 81.86% in Shandong; races 2, 5, 1 distributed in Jiangsu, with race 2 and race 5 accounting for 84.6%; race 2 and race 4 each accounted for 38.5% of the total identified races in Shanxi soybean productin area. Race 2 was the predominant race in Huang-Huai Valleys at present, which should be focused on developing resistant cultivars, followed by race 5. Race 4, the most virulent form of SCN, whose distribution was centered in Shanxi. In some local area breeding should be focused on cultivars resistant to race 2 and race 5 while in some other areas it should be focused on breeding cultivars resistant to race 2 and race 4, according to the race types identified from the experiment and the distribution in specific areas. Races 3, 6, and 11 were the first reported in Huang-Huai Valleys. Compared with the survey conducted at Huang-Huai Valleys in the years of 2001–2003, there were some changes in the race types and distribution in the present surveys.

Key words: Soybean, SoybeanCystNematode, Huang-HuaiValleys, Race

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