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    12 October 2016, Volume 42 Issue 10
      Interaction of Soybean 14-3-3 Proteins with Transcription Factor GmMYB173
      DONG Meng1,2, GAO You-Fie2, HAN Tian-Fu2, DONG-FANG Yang1,*, and JIANG Bing-Jun2,*
      Acta Agron Sin. 2016, 42(10):  1419-1428.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2016.01419
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      14-3-3 proteins, nearly existing in all eukaryotic cells, may regulate many physiological and biochemical processes through interacting with other proteins. As the largest class of transcription factors in plants, MYB gene family is widely involved in plant growth and metabolism regulation. A gene cloned from soybean cultivar Zigongdongdou, and specifically expressed in the nuclear in the subcellular location assay. Sequence analysis showed that there was a binding site of 14-4-4 proteins, namely the pST binding site, in GmMYB173 similar to that in GmMYB176. The nuclear-specific expression of GmMYB173 disappeared when the sequence of the pST binding site was deleted through the splicing by overlap extension PCR. All 14-3-3 proteins from GmSGF14a to GmSGF14p could interact with GmMYB173. Among them, GmSGF14n interacted with GmMYB173 strongest, GmSGF14e and GmSGF14k took second place, which was proved by the β-galactosidase activity analysis. These results suggest that 14-3-3 proteins not only interact with GmMYB173, but also probably regulate its subcellular location. The information provided by this study will facilitate the study of interaction relationship between 14-3-3 proteins and GmMYB173 and its function on the soybean development.

      Development and Characterization of TaMYB86-Overexpressing Transgenic Wheat Lines with Resistance to Common Root Rot
      SHAN Tian-Lei,HONG Yan-Tao,DU Li-Pu,XU Hui-Jun,WEI Xue-Ning,ZHANG Zeng-Yan*
      Acta Agron Sin. 2016, 42(10):  1429-1436. 
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      Wheat common root rot, mainly caused by Bipolaris sorokiniana, is a difficultly prevent soil-borne disease of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) worldwide. TaMYB86, a B. sorokiniana -induced wheat MYB gene, encodes a MYB transcription factor. We constructed the TaMYB86 overexpression vector pUbi:MYC-TaMYB86 and introduced TaMYB86 into Yangmai 16 via the particle bombardment. The TaMYB86 transgenic wheat lines on generations of T0–T3 were underwent by molecular characteristics analysis and disease resistance evaluation. The PCR and quantitative RT-PCR results showed that the alien TaMYB86 was introduced into three transgenic wheat lines, and the relative transcriptional level of TaMYB86 was apparently higher in transgenic wheat lines than in non-transformed Yangmai 16. As Western blot results presented, the introduced MYC-TaMYB86 gene was translated into the MYC-TaMYB86 protein in the three overexpressing transgenic lines, but not in non-transformed Yangmai 16. The infection types and disease indexes of three TaMYB86 transgenic wheat lines were significantly lower than those of non-transformation Yangmai 16 (t-test, P < 0.01). The transcript levels of 3 wheat defense genes (PR10, PR17c, and Chit1) were significantly elevated in three transgenic wheat lines than in the non-transformed Yangmai 16. These results indicate that overexpression of TaMYB86 enhances significantly resistance to B. sorokiniana in transgenic wheat lines and TaMYB86 plays a positive role in defense response to B. sorokiniana.

      Mapping of QTLs for Bacterial Blight Resistance and Screening of Resistant Materials Using MAGICP opulations of Rice
      CHEN Tian-Xiao1,2, ZHU Ya-Jun3, MI Xue-Fei3, CHEN Kai3, MENG Li-Jun3, ZUO Shi-Min1,*, and XU Jian-Long2,3,4,*
      Acta Agron Sin. 2016, 42(10):  1437-1447. 
      Abstract ( 567 )   RICH HTML    PDF (1915KB) ( 1829 )   Save
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      Three genetically interconnected multi-parents advanced generation inter-cross, (MAGIC), including two populations (DC1 and DC2) derived from four parents and one population from eight parents (DC3) were used to detect QTLs for resistance to two strains, a weak virulent C2 and a strong virulent GD-V of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) and to screen resistant breeding materials. Most parents were resistant to C2 and susceptible to GD-V. Transgressive segregations of lesion length for the two strains were observed in the three MAGIC populations and showed continuous distributions. A total of seven QTLs affecting lesion length of two strains were detected. Most QTLs showed quantitative resistance and obvious genetic background effect. Among the seven QTLs, QBbr11-1 and QBbr11-2 had less genetic background effect, which is valuable in rice breeding for disease resistance. Eight resistant lines pyramiding different QTLs were screened from the three MAGIC populations, indicating the combination of qualitative resistance gene and quantitative resistance gene can significantly improve resistance level. The eight resistant breeding lines could be used as resistant donors in rice breeding for resistance. The results indicated that the MAGIC populations are ideal material for genetic study and marker-assisted breeding, showing a tight integration of genetic research and breeding application in rice.

      DNA Fingerprinting of Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) Varieties Released in Henan Province
      SUN Zi-Qi,ZHANG Xin-You,XU Jing,ZHANG Zhong-Xin,LIU Hua,YAN Mei, DONG Wen-Zhao,HUANG Bing-Yan,HAN Suo-Yi,TANG Feng-Shou,LIU Zhi-Yong
      Acta Agron Sin. 2016, 42(10):  1448-1461.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2016.01448
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      The DNA fingerprints of 90 peanut varieties released in Henan Province before 2015 were generated using 95 polymorphic loci of 14 SSR markers. All of the varieties could be distinguished by the DNA polymorphisms except for three pairs of varieties with only one SSR locus difference between each pair. SSR clustering analysis revealed that the 90 peanut varieties could be classified into 88 types at a 0.98 genetic similarity coefficient. The remaining two variety pairs had only one allele difference since one variety was the maternal parent of the other. About three fourth (74.4%) of the peanut varieties were distinctive from other varieties at a genetic similarity coefficient threshold of 0.95, indicating a very relatively narrow genetic background of the released peanut varieties in Henan Province compared with other crops. Population structure analysis based on 60 SSR markers demonstrated that the 90 varieties could be divided into three subgroups in accordance with the classification according to botanical and pod characteristics,which was consistent with the results of SSR markers cluster analysis. This study provides some fundamental information for selection of parental lines, identification and evaluation of new varieties, as well as establishment of DNA fingerprinting standard in peanut breeding program.

      Transcription Characteristics of ZmPHYA1 and ZmPHYA2 under Different Light Treatments in Maize
      YANG Zong-Ju,YAN Lei,SONG Mei-Fang,SU Liang,MENG Fan-Hua,LI Hong-Dan, BAI Jian-Rong,GUO Lin, YANG Jian-Ping
      Acta Agron Sin. 2016, 42(10):  1462-1470.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2016.01462
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      Plant phytochromes are a family of red/far-red light photoreceptors, which have two forms in plant: inactive red light absorbing form (Pr) and active far-red light absorbing form (Pfr). During plant growth and developmental processes, phytochromes play pivotal roles in regulations of seed germination, plant height, flowering time, and shade-avoidance. In the grasses, three subfamilies are present: PHYA, PHYB and PHYC. In maize, an ancient genome duplication has increased the family member to six: PHYA1, PHYA2, PHYB1, PHYB2, PHYC1, and PHYC2. Phytochrome A facilitates the inhibition of hypocotyl elongation, opening of the apical hook, expansion of cotyledons, accumulation of anthocyanin and blocking of greening by continuous FR (FRc) light. In order to evaluate the light response capability and difference of transcription abundance between ZmPHYA1 and ZmPHYA2, we employed quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) assay to investigate the expression patterns of ZmPHYA1 and ZmPHYA2 in the inbred line B73 and Mo17 with different light treatments. The results indicated that both ZmPHYA1 and ZmPHYA2 had a high expression level in leaf and silk, and the transcription abundance of ZmPHYA1 was 2–8 times higher than that of ZmPHYA2. Inbred lines of both B73 and Mo17 possessed longer mesocotyls in dark, far-red and blue light conditions than in red or white light conditions. Both ZmPHYA1 and ZmPHYA2 had a high expression level in far-red and blue lights and rapidly responded to dark-to-far-red and dark-to-blue transitions. ZmPHYA1 was more important under far-red light, so was ZmPHYA2 in blue light. Both of the genes could rapidly respond to transitions from dark to red or white light with similar expression pattern. The both genes also respond to long-day or short-day treatments, however the transcription abundance of ZmPHYA1 was 2–5 times higher than that of ZmPHYA2 during the treatments. All the results suggested that the transcription of both ZmPHYA1 and ZmPHYA2 could rapidly responded to different light treatments; ZmPHYA1 might be more effective than ZmPHYA2 in crop improvement. Our results provide a theoretical basis for the function study and evaluation of light response ability for both ZmPHYA1 and ZmPHYA2.

      Functional Analysis of BnFAD2-C5 Promoter and Intron at Expression Level in Brassica napus
      LIU Rui-Yang,LIU Fang,ZHANG Zhen-Qian,GUAN Chun-Yun
      Acta Agron Sin. 2016, 42(10):  1471-1478.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2016.01471
      Abstract ( 586 )   RICH HTML    PDF (6306KB) ( 1596 )   Save
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      High oleic rapeseed breeding and the formation mechanism of oleic acid have become a central issue after finding the important economic value of rapeseed oil with high oleic acid. The fatty acid dehydrogenase gene (FAD2) is a key enzyme gene to control oleic acid content, but the regulation of FAD2 gene is not well understood. According to the homology between rapeseed and oleracea, the BnFAD2-C5 promoter sequence of 1257 bp was cloned. Promoter and intron of BnFAD2-C5 gene were analyzed using β-glucuronidase (GUS) reporter and green fluorescent protein (GFP) reporter system to construct deleted vectors and transform Arabidopsis thaliana. Deletion analysis of BnFAD2-C5 promoter through GUS stainning revealed that –319 to 1 bp was the minimum promoter region. And deletion analysis of BnFAD2-C5 promoter and intron through GFP reporter system using western technique showed that –1257 to –1020 bp and –319 to –1 bp regionsof BnFAD2-C5 promoter could induce expression of reporter genes effectively in transgenic Arabidopsis seed in the mid stage of seed development, while BnFAD2-C5 intron could confer the enhancement of promoter′s function and the intron-mediated enhancement region was mainly located in 631 to 1033 bp.

      Race Distribution of Soybean Cyst Nematode in the Main Soybean Producing Area of Huang-Huai Valleys
      LIAN Yun1,**, WANG Jin-She1,**, LI Hai-Chao1, WEI He1, LI Jin-Ying1, WU Yong-Kang1, LEI Chen-Fang1, ZHANG Hui1, WANG Shu-Feng1, GUO Jian-Qiu2, LI Yue-Xia2, LI Zhi-Hui3, JIN Qiao-Ling3, et al.
      Acta Agron Sin. 2016, 42(10):  1479-1486.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2016.01479
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      Soybean cyst nematode(SCN)(Heterodera glycines), is the most economically important pathogen of soybean in Huang-Huai Valleys, development of resistant cultivars is the most convenient method to avoid yield losses. Knowledge of SCN race distribution in soybean production area is meaningful for the breeding of resistant lines. A 4-year systematic survey for the presence of soybean cyst nematode Heterodera glycines in Huang-Huai Valleys was initiated in 2012. A distribution map of races was constructed based on Riggs model. The race variation law and reason were also discussed in this article. A total of 322 soil samples infected by soybean cyst nematode were collected. Among them, seven races of H. glycines were identified in 112 (34.8%) samples, including five races described previously. Heterodera glycines presented in the six provinces including Henan, Hebei, Anhui, Shanxi, Shandong, and Jiangsu. Among the 112 soil samples mentioned above, race 2 accounted for 50.9% of the identified H. glycines races. Races 5, 4, 3, 1, 6, and 11 did 23.2%, 9.8%, 5.4%, 4.5%, 4.5%, and 1.8%, respectively. In order of frequency from high to low, races 5, 2, 3, 11 distributed in Henan, with race 5 and race 2 accounting for 87.5% of identified H. glycines populations; races 2, 5, and 6 accounted for 92% in Hebei and 95.2% in Anhui; races 2, 3, 5 did 81.86% in Shandong; races 2, 5, 1 distributed in Jiangsu, with race 2 and race 5 accounting for 84.6%; race 2 and race 4 each accounted for 38.5% of the total identified races in Shanxi soybean productin area. Race 2 was the predominant race in Huang-Huai Valleys at present, which should be focused on developing resistant cultivars, followed by race 5. Race 4, the most virulent form of SCN, whose distribution was centered in Shanxi. In some local area breeding should be focused on cultivars resistant to race 2 and race 5 while in some other areas it should be focused on breeding cultivars resistant to race 2 and race 4, according to the race types identified from the experiment and the distribution in specific areas. Races 3, 6, and 11 were the first reported in Huang-Huai Valleys. Compared with the survey conducted at Huang-Huai Valleys in the years of 2001–2003, there were some changes in the race types and distribution in the present surveys.

      Global Transcriptome Analysis in High- and Low-Nitrogen Responsive Inbred Lines of Maize
      GE Min, LYU Yuan-Da, ZHANG Ti-Fu, ZHOU Ling, LIN Feng, and ZHAO Han*
      Acta Agron Sin. 2016, 42(10):  1487-1494.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2016.01487
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      Different maize genotypes have exhibited their variations in nitrogen responsiveness, however, the corresponding gene expression patterns are unexplored yet. Here, we performed a comprehensive transcriptome profiling of high- and low-nitrogen responsiveness genotypes in the conditions of sufficient and limiting nitrogen (SN and LN) supplies. Under LN supply, B73, a high nitrogen responsive genotype, accumulated a much lower nitrogen content than under SN condition in the leaf. Meanwhile, the N content of Mo17 didn’t show a significant difference between two treatments. Furthermore, RNAseq revealed that 13 867 and 10 028 genes were significantly differentially expressed in Mo17 and B73 with the treatments, with 9044, 4233 up-regulated and 4823, 5795 down-regulated under N limitation. Showing that, in LN supply, Mo17 had more expressed genes and higher expression variations than B73. A total of 342 differentially expressed genes with a significant interaction genotype by nitrogen were detected, which could be clustered into four groups. The functional annotations of genes demonstrated that these genes were mainly involved in amino acid metabolism, photosynthesis and biosynthesis of secondary metabolites, suggesting these genes may have their roles in modulating maize nitrogen use efficiency. The study promotes a better understanding of the mechanisms on maize nitrogen response, and provides candidate genes for breeding of crop nitrogen use efficiency in the future.

      Effect of Wetting and Drying Alternative Irrigation Coupling with Nitrogen Application on Root Characteristic and Grain-sink Activity
      XU Guo-Wei,LYU Qiang,LU Da-Ke,WANG He-Zheng,CHEN Ming-Can
      Acta Agron Sin. 2016, 42(10):  1495-1505.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2016.01495
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      Soil moisture and nitrogen nutrient are the two principal factors affecting rice production. Elucidation of their coupling effects on grain yield of rice (Oryza sativa L.) has great significance for high yielding and high efficiency in production. The purposes of this study were to investigate the coupling effects of water and nitrogen on root traits and grain-sink activity. A field experiment was conducted using a mid-season japonica rice cultivar of Xindao 20 with three treatments of different nitrogen levels, including 0N, MN (240 kg ha-1) and HN (360 kg ha-1), and three irrigation regimes, including submerged irrigation (0 kPa), alternate wetting and moderate drying (–20 kPa) and alternate wetting and severe drying (–40 kPa) in 2013 and 2014. There was a significant interaction between irrigation regimes and nitrogen applications, with a similar result in two years. The grain yield was the highest in the treatment of MN coupling with mild water stress due to improved seed filling rate and grain weight. In the same nitrogen level, root length, root bleeding, organic acid and Z+ZR contents in roots at main growth stages were higher in treatment of alternate wetting and moderate drying than in treatment of submerged irrigation, meanwhile activating of ATPase, sucrose synthase and adenosine phosphate glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGPase) activity in grain were also increased during grain filling period, but root-shoot ratio was lower after panicle initiation stage. The treatment of mild water stress and MN enhanced rice yield and nitrogen use efficiency, being the best water-nitrogen coupling management model in this paper. The opposite result was observed under the condition of alternate wetting and severe drying. Grain yield positively correlated with root length and root metabolism indices at main growth stages and negatively correlated with ratio of root to shoot at the stage of heading. A negative correlation was observed between root-shoot ratio and activating of ATPase, sucrose synthase and AGPase in grain, while a significant or very significant and positive correlation between root length, root metabolism traits and aboveground development. These results suggest that a good root morphology, increasing root metabolism and aboveground development capabilities through the appropriate regulation of water coupling with nitrogen application will be much more beneficial to increasing grain yield in rice.

      Effect of Drip Irrigation Pattern and Planting Density on Growth and Yield Performance of Cotton in Arid Area
      NIU Yu-Ping, CHEN Zong-Kui, YANG Lin-Chuan, LUO Hong-Hai*, and ZHANG Wang-Feng
      Acta Agron Sin. 2016, 42(10):  1506-1515.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2016.01506
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      Water shortage is one of the major constraints in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) production in north-western China. A field experiment was conducted using high-yielding cotton cultivars Xinluzao 45, with two drip irrigation patterns including conventional drip irrigation (I500) and limited drip irrigation (I425), and three planting densities of 12×104 (D12), 24×104 (D24), 36×104 (D36). Leaf area index (LAI), crop growth rate (CGR), boll growth rate (BGR), net assimilation rate (NAR), yield and irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) were determined. The results showed that, compared with I500, I425 postponed getting peak LAI and alleviated the leaf senescence after full boll stage, and increased the NAR from full flowering stage to boll opening stage significantly, which increased IWUE, on the premise of non-significant changes in seed yield. The effects of plant density on growth parameters, dry matter accumulation and yield components depended on irrigation patterns. In the treatment of I500, LAI, CGR, BGR, total dry matter weight (TDW), boll dry matter weight (BDW), boll number per area (BN) and the mass ratio of reproductive organs and vegetative organs were the maximum observed under D24, and the minimum under D12. In the treatment of I425, all of the above parameters significantly increased with increasing planting density, and achieved the maximum under D36. Finally, I425D36 and I500D24 had the highest seed yield resulting from the increase of boll number per area. The seed yield and IWUE had significantly positive correlation with BN and RVR. There was a significant positive correlation between IWUE and NAR. The reason that I425D36 enhanced the yield is the large crop growth rate, capability of dry matter production, and transportation to successive dry matter to boll from full flowering stage to full boll stage.

      Grain-filling Characteristics in Super Rice with Different Panicle Types
      WEI Ying-Juan,ZHAO Yang,ZOU Ying-Bin*
      Acta Agron Sin. 2016, 42(10):  1516-1529.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2016.01516
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      The objective of this study was to ascertain the characteristics of the grain-filling and physiological indexes after heading and the yield components of super rice with different panicle-grain types. An experiment with different sowing date was conducted using different growth duration varieties (Zhunliangyou 527, Liangyoupeijiu, Y-liangyou 1, Yuxiangyouzhan, and Huanghuazhan) under the field conditions to ensure the grain filling was under the similar temperature and solar radiation conditions. The grain yield and its components averaged in three sowing treatments displayed significant difference among tested varieties, of which the highest yield reached 9.47 t ha-1 for Liangyoupeijiu and the lowest was 8.39 t ha-1 for Yuxiangyouzhan. According to the hierarchical cluster analysis based on the grain number per panicle and 1000-grain weight, tested varieties were divided into the big grain type (Zhunliangyou 527), the medium grain type (Liangyoupeijiu and Y-liangyou 1), and the small grain type (Yuxiangyouzhan and Huanghuazhan). There were obvious differences intensity and peak duration of grain filling among the tested varieties. The big grain variety showed quick grain growth at the beginning, high intensity and short peak duration for grain filling during the middle-late periods, being one step filling in the upper, middle and lower branch grains; the medium grain variety showed quicker grain growth at the beginning, smaller intensity and longer peak duration for grain filling during the middle-late periods, with two filling peaks from 12 d to 18 d and from 24 d to 30 d after heading, respectively; the small grain variety showed slow grain growth at the beginning, smaller intensity and shorter peak duration for grain filling during the middle-late periods, which was one step filling in the upper or middle branch grains and two step filling in the lower branch grains. The average grain filling rate closely related to the panicle-grain type of varieties, was 0.68 mg d-1 for big grain variety, 0.48–0.51 mg d-1 for medium varieties, and 0.41–0.47 mg d-1 for small grain varieties. The intensity and duration of the grain-filling also associated with the changes of physiological indexes of flag leaf and roots after heading. At the beginning of the grain-filling, chlorophyll content, chlorophyll a/b ratio, carotenoids content gradually declined, leaf soluble sugar content, MDA content gradually increased, POD and CAT activities and root activity successively underwent two rise and fall processes. In conclusion, different panicle-grain types super rice have significantly different characteristics of yield components and grain filling. The intensity and the duration of grain-filling depend upon the panicle-grain type of varieties and the branch and grain positions inserted on the panicle, with the same tendency of physiological indexes variation in flag leaf and roots.

      Artificial Warming from Late Winter to Early Spring by Phased Plastic Mulching Increases Grain Yield of Winter Wheat
      DU Xiong,ZHANG Wei-Hong,ZHANG Yong-Sheng,CAO Cai-Yun,LI Ke-Jiang
      Acta Agron Sin. 2016, 42(10):  1530-1540.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2016.01530
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      Low temperature from late winter to early spring is a main restraint to high yield in winter wheat production in the northern part of North China Plain. We attempted to artificially increase the temperature during this period through phased plastic film mulching. A field experiment was carried out in the 2012–2013 and 2013–2014 growing seasons with several treatments differing from artificial warming period. Compared with the normal condition (control), mulching since January 25 or February 1 resulted in 167.7–176.8 °C increment of accumulated temperature from late January to early March, and mulching one week earlier contributed to higher accumulated temperature by 23.0–49.7 °C. Wheat seedlings under artificial warming showed earlier revival and growth than the control. And the subsequent growth stages were prolonged for 4–10 days because of the relative lower temperature after the plastic film was removed. The earliest warming treatment was most favorable to dry matter accumulation, translocation, and yield enhancement among all treatments. Compared with the control, the earliest warming treatment with mulching increased the dry matter weight and leaf area index at anthesis stage by 18.83% and 14.7%, respectively; as well as prolonged active photosynthetic duration by more than 10 days, and increased leaf area duration by 43.6%, spike number per hectare by 0.48–0.98 million, kernel number per spike by 3.9–4.5 kernels, and thousand-kernel weight by 2.5–5.6 g. The final yields of the earliest warming treatment were 37.5% and 18.9% higher than those of the control in the cool 2012–2013 and the warm 2013–2014 growing season, respectively, and the maturity date was five days earlier than that of control in the 2013–2014 growing season. Our results indicate that artificial warming by phased mulching with plastic film is an applicable technique in wheat production in North China Plain.

      Differential Proteomic Analysis and Photosynthetic Characteristics of Winter Rapeseed under Low Temperature Stress
      LIU Zi-Gang, YUAN Jin-Hai, SUN Wan-Cang, ZENG Xiu-Cun, FANG Yan, WANG Zhi-Jiang, WU Jun-Yan, FANG Yuan, LI Xue-Cai, and MI Chao
      Acta Agron Sin. 2016, 42(10):  1541-1550.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2016.01541
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      Isolation and identification of the differentially expressed proteins in winter rapeseed at low temperature, laid a foundation for revealing the mechanism of cold resistance of winter rapa. The strong cold resistant winter rape Longyou 7 was used as experimental material. Two dimensional electrophoresis, mass spectrometry and retrieval techniques were used to compare the proteomic differences at low temperature (4°C, –4°C) and normal atmospheric temperature (25°C/20°C), and functions were analyzed by KO and KEGG. It was observed that Longyou 7 had subsided growth point, creeping stem, and closed or semi closed stomata under low temperature. The 2-DE and PDQuest8.0.1 software analysis showed that the number of protein spots were 726 and 738, respectively. Compared with the normal temperature treatment, at the 4°C treatment showed differential expression at 10 protein spots while didn't at five protein. Eleven proteins were identified by MS MALDI-TOF-TOF mass spectrometry analysis. They are involved in carbohydrate metabolism, rugan metabolism, amino acid metabolism, organic acid metabolism, nucleic acid metabolism, signal transduction in cell and communication and other cellular processes. we found the high activity of antifreeze protein in Longyou 7 leaf protein extraction solution after low temperature treatment through ice crystal morphology microscopic observation. Five out of the 11 proteins identified were associated with photosynthesis. Under low temperature, ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (RuBPCase) activity and photosynthetic rate decreased in leaved of Longyou 7. Under the low temperature, the proteome of winter rape was significantly changed, and the specific protein was expressed. The decrease of Pn in leaves was related to the expression inhibition and the activity decrease of RuBPCase. The decrease of Pn in leaves was mainly caused by non stomatal limitation. High activity of antifreeze protein plays an important role in cold resistance of winter rape.

      Effect of Low Temperature after Flowering on Grain Filling and Plant Hormones Contents in Rice
      ZENG Yan-Hua,ZHANG Yu-Ping,PAN Xiao-Hua,ZHU De-Feng,XIANG Jing,CHEN Hui-Zhe,ZHANG Yi-Kai
      Acta Agron Sin. 2016, 42(10):  1551-1559.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2016.01551
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      Low temperature (LT) after flowering impacts greatly on grain filling, decreasing rice quality through extended filling duration, shortened filling rate, and decreased physiological activity. Indica-japonica hybrid rice has been applied widely in production practice, due to high yield potential. However, there has been little study on the effect of LT on endogenous hormones in indica-japonica hybrid cultivars at filling stage. In the study, four varieties, i.e. two indica-japonica hybrid rice (Yongyou 538, YY538; Yongyou 17, YY17), one indica rice (Zhongzheyou 1, ZZY1) and one japonica rice (Zhejing 88, ZJ88), were treated with those low temperature treatments at different grain filling phases, to compare endogenous hormone levels in treatments, aiming to reveal the influence of low temperature on grain filling and the response of endogenous hormone in grains to low temperature. The effect of LT on grain filling after different flowering stage appeared significantly at early grain filling stage, while a little difference was observed at later filling stage, compared with CK. Furthermore, the influence on grain filling was found higher in Yongyou17 and Zhongzheyou 1 than in Yongyou 538 and Zhejing 88. Compared with the contract, LT after flowering at early stage significantly decreased grain filling and prolonged grain filling duration in Yongyou 17, but not in Yongyou 538. Based on the effect of LT on grain filling process and its relation with endogenous hormones contents, it might be deduced that the normal grain filling should be ascribed to the significantly reduced GA3 content and the slightly increased IAA, ZR contents in developing grains of Yongyou 538 at early and middle grain-filling stage. On the contrary, the significantly reduced IAA, ZR contents and the significantly increased GA3, ABA contents in Yongyou17 could restrain grain development. It should enhance grain filling of rice encounted LT by selected measures adjusting hormone in practice management.

      Effect of Annual Tillage Practices on Soil Nutrient and Crop Yield in Lime Concretion Black Soil Farmland
      XIE Ying-Xin,JIN Hai-Yang,LI Meng-Da,ZHAI Yu-Xue,WANG Yong-Hua,XIE Yao-Li,LI Xiang-Dong,XIA Lai-Kun,WANG Chen-Yang,GUO Tian-Cai,HE De-Xian
      Acta Agron Sin. 2016, 42(10):  1560-1568.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2016.01560
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      In order to select the appropriate tillage practices, improving soil nutrient and grain yield of crop grown inlime concretion black soil farmland, the effects of five year winter wheat?summer maize annual tillage practices (no tillage–rotary tillage, no tillage–deep tillage, subsoiling tillage–rotary tillage, subsoiling tillage–no tillage, no tillage–no tillage) on soil organic carbon content, soil nutrient and crop yield were studied in the fourth year. Under the condition of returning total straw to field, compared with the beginning of the experiment, the content of soil organic carbon, total nitrogen and available potassium in 0?20 cm soil layer were increased. Compared with no tillage–rotary tillage, other year treatments increased annual soil organic carbon and total nitrogen contents in 0?20 cm soil layer during the whole growth period. No tillage–deep tillage, subsoiling tillage–rotary tillage, and no tillage–no tillage significantly increase soil available phosphorus contents in 0?20 cm soil layer during the whole growth period, and subsoiling tillage–no tillage significantly increased 0?20 cm soil layer available phosphorus in anthesis and harvest period of winter wheat. In 20?40 cm soil layer, soil available phosphorus content of no tillage–rotary tillage was the lowest during the whole growth period. Subsoiling tillage–no tillage increased annual soil available potassium content in 0?20 cm soil layer during the whole growth period. In 20?40 cm soil layer, subsoiling tillage–no tillage and no tillage–no tillage significantly increased soil available potassium content in seedling, trumpeting, anthesis and filling stages of summer maize season. Subsoiling tillage–rotary tillage and subsoiling tillage–no tillage significantly increase annual grain yield by 7.67% and 10.21% respectively. To sum up, subsoiling tillage–rotary tillage and subsoiling tillage–no tillage could improve contents of soil organic carbon and nutrient, and increase grain yield of summer maize and winter wheat under the condition of returning total straw to field. Therefore, subsoiling tillage–rotary tillage and subsoiling tillage–no tillage should be selected as two appropriate tillage practices in lime concretion black soil farmland.

      Cloning, Expression, and Enzymatic Characteristics of Betaine Aldehyde De-hydrogenase Gene in Sesuvium portulacastrum L.
      YU Shi-Zhou,YANG Cheng-Long,GUO Jian-Chun,DUAN Rui-Jun
      Acta Agron Sin. 2016, 42(10):  1569-1574.  doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2016.01569
      Abstract ( 580 )   RICH HTML    PDF (984KB) ( 979 )   Save
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      Among many osmotic materials, glycine betaine is a best organic micro-molecular, and functionally works for osmotic regulation in plants, which is non-toxic to plant growth. A lot of glycine betaine accumulated in plant can enhance the resistance of plants to environmental stresses. In the study, a full-length sequence of betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase gene from Sesuvium portulacastrum was ligated with the vector pET-[28a](+), named pET-SpBADH, and successfully transformed into BL21(DE3) to obtain the corresponding recombinant engineering bacteria, which could highly express 55 kD protein induced by IPTG, with the expression level to 301 μg mL–1. The purified protein was obtained, showing the optimum pH value of 7.2, and maintain high catalytic activity the enzyme under slightly alkaline conditions. SpBADH protein very sensitive to high temperature effected the enzyme activity, with the optimum temperature to 37℃. The enzyme activity was only 20% when temperature was over 55℃. The small organic molecules of the reveral compounds of alcohol had a protective effect on the catalytic activity of the enzyme. The microenvironment of catalytic activity could be maintained by its own characteristics.

the Crop Science Society of China
the Institute of Crop Science, CAAS
China Science Publishing & Media Ltd.
Published: Science Press
Editor-in-chief: Wan Jian-min
Associate Editors-in-Chief:
Chen Xiao-ya Yang Jian-chang Zhang Xian-long Wang Jian-kang Xu Ming-liang Liu Chun-ming Wang Dao-wen Sun Chuan-qing Ding Yan-feng Jin Wei-wei Chu Cheng-cai Cheng Wei-hong
Director of the editorial department:
Yan Chun-ling
CN 11-1809/S
ISSN 0496-3490
Post subscription code: 82-336

  • Started in 2013
  • Covered by SCIE
  • Open access in ScienceDirect

Editor in chief: Wan Jian-min
CN 10-1112/S
ISSN 2095-5421, 2214-5141(online)
Online published:
Submission: https://www.editorialmanager.com/cj/
E-mail: cropjournal@caas.cn
