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Acta Agronomica Sinica ›› 2018, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (12): 1747-1754.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2018.01747


Effects of Grain Moisture Content on Mechanical Grain Harvesting Quality of Summer Maize

Lu-Lu LI,Jun XUE,Rui-Zhi XIE,Ke-Ru WANG,Bo MING,Peng HOU,Shang GAO,Shao-Kun LI()   

  1. Institute of Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences / Key Laboratory of Crop Physiology and Ecology, Beijing 100081, China
  • Received:2018-01-23 Accepted:2018-06-12 Online:2018-12-12 Published:2018-07-06
  • Contact: Shao-Kun LI E-mail:lishaokun@caas.cn
  • Supported by:
    This study was supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China(2016YFD0300110);This study was supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China(2016YFD0300101);the National Natural Science Foundation of China(31371575);the China Agriculture Research System(CARS-02-25);the Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Project of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences.


Broken grains, losing ears and grains always occur when maize is harvested by grain harvester, which is a hot topic. Studying grain mechanical harvesting quality and its affecting factors is of great significance for popularizing this technology, which provides a basis for finding out the best harvesting time and the direction of maize cultivar development. The experiments were conducted in Comprehensive Experiment Station of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences located in Xinxiang city in 2015 and 2017. The dozens of popular cultivars grown in the Yellow-Huaihe-Haihe Rivers Plain summer maize region were harvested in different harvest times by a same grain combine harvester and a same driver. Indicators of grain moisture content, broken rate, impurity rate, grain loss rate and ear loss rate were measured to analyze their mutual relationships. With delaying harvest time, grain moisture content and impurity rate declined gradually, grain broken rate and grain loss rate decreased first and then increased, ear loss rate gradually rose. The grain moisture contents ranged from 9.68% to 41.36% in the two years. Its relationship with broken rate could be fitted by the equation y = 0.068x 2-2.743x+31.09 (R 2= 0.79 **, n = 140). Broken rate could be less than 5% when moisture content was 15.47%-24.78%. When moisture content was 20.05%, broken rate was the lowest. The relationship between impurity rate and moisture content could be fitted by the equation y = 0.0158e 0.1111 x(R 2= 0.66 **, n = 140). Impurity rate decreased first and then tended to be stable with falling moisture content. Grain loss rate and moisture content could be regressed in the equation y = 0.006x 2-0.236x+3.479 (R 2= 0.42 **, n = 127). Grain loss rate was the lowest when moisture content was 20.37%. Ear loss rate and moisture content could be regressed in the equation y = 2578.7645/x 2.2453 (R 2= 0.35 **, n = 140). Ear loss rate was more than 5% when moisture content was below 16.15%. We also found that harvesting qualities, especially broken rate, of different cultivars had significant differences while their grain moisture contents were the same. In conclusion, broken rate is the key factor that determined the quality of grain mechanical harvesting. The optimal grain moisture content interval of mechanical harvesting in Yellow-Huaihe-Haihe Rivers Plain summer maize region is 16.15%-24.78% at the standard of 5% broken rate and 5% ear loss rate. The harvesting quality would be the best when the moisture content is about 20%.

Key words: Maize, Mechanical grain harvesting, Harvesting quality, Broken rate, Impurity rate

Table 1

Experimental cultivars in 2015 and 2017"

11 中科玉505、裕丰303、联创808、农华816、宁玉721、京农科728、禾田1号、中单909、先玉335、郑单958、农华101
Zhongkeyu 505, Yufeng 303, Lianchuang 808, Nonghua 816, Ningyu 721, Jingnongke 728, Hetian 1, Zhongdan 909, Xianyu 335, Zhengdan 958, Nonghua 101
2017 28 中科玉505、裕丰303、联创808、农华816、辽单585、辽单586、辽单575、MC670、泽玉501、泽玉8911、吉单66、东单913、联创825、金通152、农华5号、恒育898、迪卡517、迪卡653、新单58、新单65、新单68、陕单636、陕单650、宇玉30、利单295、LA 505、北斗309、豫单9953
Zhongkeyu 505, Yufeng 303, Lianchuang 808, Nonghua 816, Liaodan 585, Liaodan 586, Liaodan 575, MC670, Zeyu 501, Zeyu 8911, Jidan 66, Dongdan 913, Lianchuang 825, Jintong 152, Nonghua 5, Hengyu 898, Dika 517, Dika 653, Xindan 58, Xindan 65, Xindan 68, Shaandan 636, Shaandan 650, Yuyu 30, Lidan 295, LA505, Beidou 309, Yudan 9953

Fig. 1

Maize grain moisture contents in different harvest dates The main box called IQR contains fifty percent samples in Box-whisker Plot. The two sidelines mean the reasonable sample border in Tukey method. The solid line in box positions the sample median. “·” Stands for the outlier. “+” Stands for the average."

Fig. 2

Broken rate and impurity rate of maize in different harvest dates in 2015 Figure notes are the same as those given in Fig. 1."

Fig. 3

Broken rate, impurity rate, grain loss rate and ear loss rate of maize in different harvest dates in 2017 Figure notes are the same as those given in Fig. 1."

Fig. 4

Relationships of grain moisture content with broken rate, impurity rate, grain loss rate, and ear loss rate in maize (2017)"

Table 2

Variance analysis of harvesting qualities of three maize groups with equally close moisture contents (2017)"

收获时间 Harvest time (month/day)
10/6 10/16 10/27 11/10 11/25
迪卡653 Dika 653 含水率Moisture content (%) 38.04 33.93 27.08 19.22 12.49
辽单575 Liaodan 575 含水率Moisture content (%) 37.96 34.64 26.47 19.39 14.35
破碎率Broken rate ns ** ns ** *
杂质率Impurity rate ns ns ns ns ns
落粒率Grain loss rate * ns * *
落穗率Ear loss rate ns ns **
金通152 Jintong 152 含水率Moisture content (%) 37.13 32.46 25.66 22.70 12.69
陕单636 Shaandan 636 含水率Moisture content (%) 37.61 33.19 25.34 22.08 12.35
破碎率Broken rate ** * ** ns **
杂质率Impurity rate ns ** ns ns ns
落粒率Grain loss rate ns ns ns ns
落穗率Ear loss rate ns ns ns ns
泽玉501 Zeyu 501 含水率Moisture content (%) 36.89 33.93 27.47 19.13 13.17
中科玉505 Zhongkeyu 505 含水率Moisture content (%) 36.05 33.65 27.05 18.25 12.88
破碎率Broken rate * ns ** * *
杂质率Impurity rate ns ns * ns *
落粒率Grain loss rate ns ns ns ns ns
落穗率Ear loss rate ns ns ns

Table 3

Variance analysis of harvesting qualities between maize cultivars (2017)"

含水率区间 Moisture content interval
破碎率Broken rate ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
杂质率Impurity rate ns ns ns ** * ** ns * ns ns
落粒率Grain loss rate ** ** ns ns ** ** ns ns ns ns
落穗率Ear loss rate ** ** ns ** ns ** ns ns **
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