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Acta Agronomica Sinica ›› 2023, Vol. 49 ›› Issue (12): 3162-3175.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2023.34034


Evaluation of field waterlogging tolerance and selection of waterlogging-resistant germplasm resources of Brassica napus L.

LI Ji-Jun1(), CHEN Ya-Hui1,2, WANG Yi-Jin1, ZHOU Zhi-Hua1, GUO Zi-Yue3, ZHANG Jian3, TU Jin-Xing1, YAO Xuan1,*(), GUO Liang1,*()   

  1. 1College of Plant Science and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University / National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement, Wuhan 430070, Hubei, China
    2Chengde Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, Chengde 067000, Hebei, China
    3College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, Huazhong Agricultural University / Macro Agriculture Research Institute, Wuhan 430070, Hubei, China
  • Received:2023-02-22 Accepted:2023-05-24 Online:2023-12-12 Published:2023-06-13
  • Contact: * E-mail: guoliang@mail.hzau.edu.cn; E-mail: xuanyao@mail.hzau.edu.cn
  • Supported by:
    National Key Research and Development Program of China(2022YFD1200400);Key Research and Development Plan of Hubei Province(2021ABA011)


Brassica napus L. (B. napus) is one of the most important oil crops in China, and has high risk of waterlogging stress during its production. The objective of this study is to evaluate the field waterlogging tolerance and screen stable waterlogging-resistant germplasm resources. The appropriate waterlogging duration for waterlogging tolerance identification was determined under pot conditions first, and then the comprehensive evaluation and comparison of the waterlogging tolerance of 505 germplasm resources of B. napus were carried out. The stable extreme materials were screened in field experiments. The results showed that the growth of B. napus plants began to be affected after four-day-waterlogging, and severely inhibited after about 10-day-waterlogging under pot conditions. In the two-year field experiment, 27 indexes extracted using the UAV phenotype acquisition platform were converted into two common factors by factor analysis. The common factor 1 represented the growth state of B. napus under waterlogging, and the common factor 2 represented the physiological state. The comprehensive evaluation value of waterlogging resistance (D-value), which was calculated according to the load and variance contribution rate of the two common factors, divided the waterlogging resistance of B. napus germplasm resources into four types, including extremely waterlogging resistant type (Cluster I, 99 materials), waterlogging resistant type (Cluster II, 200 materials), sensitive type (Cluster III, 187 materials), and extremely sensitive type (Cluster IV, 19 materials). In the two-year field experiment, nine stable waterlogging sensitive materials and nine resistant materials were identified, and the results were confirmed by the field experiments in 2022. Moreover, in the two-year experiment, the vegetation indexes, MTVI2D, and MCARI2D had high correlations with the D-value, and the correlation coefficients were greater than 0.76, which can be used for rapid and efficient comprehensive evaluation of B. napus waterlogging resistance. In conclusion, the evaluation system and rapid and comprehensive evaluation methods for waterlogging tolerance of B. napus in the field were established, which were applied to analyze the types of waterlogging tolerance of B. napus germplasm resources and identify the stable waterlogging resistant and sensitive materials in this study, providing reliable evaluation methods and important germplasm resources for the research and genetic improvement of waterlogging resistance of B. napus.

Key words: Brassica napus L., germplasm resources, seedling stage, waterlogging tolerance, the comprehensive evaluation

Table 1

List of 10 Brassica napus L. inbred lines in pot experiment"

材料名称Material name 来源Origin 亚群Group
Santana 德国 Germany 半冬性 Semi-winter
中双9号 Zhongshuang 9 中国湖北 Hubei, China 半冬性 Semi-winter
中双11号 Zhongshuang 11 中国湖北 Hubei, China 半冬性 Semi-winter
中油821Q Zhongyou 821Q 中国湖北 Hubei, China 半冬性 Semi-winter
华双2号 Huashuang 2 中国湖北 Hubei, China 半冬性 Semi-winter
浙油18 Zheyou 18 中国浙江 Zhejiang, China 半冬性 Semi-winter
沪油19 Huyou 19 中国上海 Shanghai, China 半冬性 Semi-winter
皖油20号 Wanyou 20 中国安徽 Anhui, China 半冬性 Semi-winter
四达 Star 加拿大 Canada 春性 Spring
陇油4号 Longyou 4 中国甘肃 Gansu, China 春性 Spring

Fig. 1

Changes of growth indexes and physiological indexes under different waterlogging durations in Brassica napus L. A: the number of green leaves; B: plant height; C: shoot fresh weight; D: soluble sugar; E: proline; F: the relative electric conductivity; G: chlorophyll a; H: chlorophyll b; I: carotenoids. The value in the figure is mean ± SE (n = 10), and different letters in the same figure indicate significant differences between different time at P < 0.05."

Fig. 2

Performance of Brassica napus L. after waterlogging in the field A: the overall growth changes of Brassica napus L. before and after waterlogging. After waterlogging, Brassica napus L. plants showed typical phenotypes such as leaf senescence (B), yellowing functional leaf scorching (C), leaf anthocyanin accumulation (D), root rot (E), plant lodging (F), and death (G)."

Table 2

Descriptive statistics of each trait in 505 Brassica napus L. germplasm resources under waterlogging stress"

2017 2018
CVM (m3) 0 0.039 0.006 0.006 0.001 0.272 0.099 0.060
GCC 0.003 0.232 0.050 0.032 0.072 0.632 0.443 0.127
PCC 0.002 0.122 0.039 0.021 0 0.237 0.026 0.033
PH (m) 0.006 0.236 0.069 0.041 0.007 0.435 0.192 0.090
RGB-CIVE 0.022 0.126 0.078 0.016 18.689 18.812 18.751 0.028
RGB-ExG 0.003 0.248 0.101 0.042 -0.041 0.257 0.106 0.069
RGB-ExG-ExR -0.020 0.213 0.059 0.045 -0.255 0.230 -0.024 0.114
RGB-ExR 0.095 0.230 0.182 0.023 0.021 0.224 0.130 0.046
RGB-NDI -0.094 0.060 -0.035 0.025 -0.092 0.144 0.019 0.054
CIVE 18.756 18.796 18.777 0.006 18.732 18.778 18.755 0.008
DVI 0.195 0.558 0.334 0.059 0.093 0.442 0.277 0.067
ExG -0.068 0.439 0.161 0.082 0.214 0.914 0.595 0.150
ExG-ExR -0.350 0.511 0.030 0.143 0.118 1.314 0.770 0.261
ExR -0.072 0.283 0.131 0.064 -0.400 0.096 -0.175 0.111
GNDVI 0.498 0.834 0.671 0.056 0.324 0.742 0.607 0.072
MCARI2D 0.232 0.747 0.455 0.089 0.158 0.829 0.516 0.138
MSARI2D 0.290 0.749 0.494 0.079 0.162 0.729 0.474 0.113
MTVI2D 0.232 0.747 0.455 0.089 0.158 0.829 0.516 0.138
NDI -0.152 0.254 0.024 0.070 0.064 0.579 0.352 0.117
NDVI 0.471 0.862 0.672 0.068 0.415 0.907 0.770 0.094
NDVI705 0.350 0.721 0.540 0.068 0.397 0.837 0.698 0.087
R31 2.063 6.000 3.597 0.612 1.896 4.125 2.914 0.347
RDVI 0.297 0.680 0.468 0.064 0.198 0.629 0.455 0.083
RVI 3.221 15.680 6.621 1.981 2.575 23.930 10.989 4.539
SAVI 0.309 0.708 0.490 0.067 0.193 0.664 0.470 0.092
SQIRDR 1.750 3.813 2.473 0.349 1.595 4.779 3.167 0.688
TNDVI 0.983 1.167 1.080 0.032 0.952 1.186 1.125 0.043

Fig. 3

Correlation analysis of membership function values of various traits in Brassica napus L. Abbreviations are the same as those given in Table 2."

Table 3

Common factor variance contribution rate of indexes of Brassica napus L."

Common factor
Initial eigenvalue
Explained variance (%)
Accumulative explained variance (%)
2017 1 18.5 68.4 68.4
2 5.5 20.3 88.7
3 1.1 3.9 92.6
2018 1 23.0 85.3 85.3
2 2.1 7.7 93.1

Table 4

Common factor load matrix"

2017 2018
公因子1 Factor 1 公因子2 Factor 2 公因子3 Factor 3 公因子1 Factor 1 公因子2 Factor 2
CVM (m3) 0.821 0.001 0.476 0.919 -0.050
GCC 0.848 -0.034 0.377 0.975 -0.032
PCC -0.283 0.822 0.081 -0.590 0.573
PH (m) 0.835 0.192 0.308 0.878 -0.005
RGB-CIVE -0.538 0.770 0.109 -0.955 0.185
RGB-ExG 0.834 -0.478 0.078 0.951 -0.195
RGB-ExG-ExR 0.725 -0.338 0.273 0.965 -0.137
RGB-ExR -0.905 0.035 -0.339 -0.964 0.049
RGB-NDI 0.920 -0.149 0.293 0.968 -0.070
CIVE -0.629 0.713 0.215 -0.765 0.505
DVI 0.903 0.313 -0.115 0.954 0.129
ExG 0.762 -0.589 -0.162 0.950 -0.249
ExG-ExR 0.790 -0.579 -0.135 0.961 -0.224
ExR -0.786 0.539 0.094 -0.970 0.189
GNDVI 0.678 0.710 -0.051 0.830 0.526
MCARI2D 0.971 0.172 -0.121 0.985 0.058
MSARI2D 0.932 0.306 -0.126 0.971 0.136
MTVI2D 0.971 0.172 -0.121 0.985 0.058
NDI 0.791 -0.549 -0.103 0.972 -0.181
NDVI 0.937 0.289 -0.134 0.965 0.192
NDVI705 0.919 0.297 -0.182 0.971 0.173
R31 0.415 0.854 -0.088 0.424 0.851
RDVI 0.929 0.310 -0.132 0.972 0.153
RVI 0.923 0.203 0.019 0.958 0.104
SAVI 0.927 0.310 -0.139 0.969 0.150
SQIRDR 0.949 0.237 -0.016 0.976 0.126
TNDVI 0.933 0.292 -0.146 0.960 0.198

Fig. 4

Waterlogging tolerance of 505 germplasm resources of Brassica napus L. A: frequency distribution diagram of D-value of Brassica napus L. natural population under waterlogging stress. B: the comprehensive waterlogging tolerance of different subgroups of germplasm resources. C: the comprehensive waterlogging tolerance of different clusters of germplasm resources. D: the cluster analysis of waterlogging tolerance of Brassica napus L. natural population. I: extremely waterlogging resistant cluster; II: waterlogging resistant cluster; III: waterlogging sensitive cluster; IV: the extremely waterlogging sensitive cluster. E: phenotypic verification of germplasm resources with extreme tolerance to waterlogging co-identified by two-year field experiments in 2022. F: phenotypic verification of germplasm resources with extreme sensitivty to waterlogging co-identified by two-year field experiments in 2022. Different letters in the same figure indicate significant differences among the data sets at P < 0.05."

Table 5

Clustering and comprehensive performance of extremely resistant and sensitive materials"

材料类型 Material type 材料名称
Material name
类群 Cluster DD-value
2017 2018
1281 中国湖南 Hunan, China 半冬性 Semi-winter I 1.17 1.11
2012-3546 中国湖北 Hubei, China 半冬性 Semi-winter I 0.90 1.03
华双2号 Huashuang 2 中国湖北 Hubei, China 半冬性 Semi-winter I 0.82 1.15
崇23 Chong 23 中国湖北 Hubei, China 半冬性 Semi-winter I 0.87 1.09
Swu64 中国重庆 Chongqing, China 半冬性 Semi-winter I 0.77 1.15
Swu89 中国重庆 Chongqing, China 半冬性 Semi-winter I 1.03 1.13
Swu104 中国重庆 Chongqing, China 半冬性 Semi-winter I 1.23 1.09
Swu110 中国重庆 Chongqing, China 半冬性 Semi-winter I 0.89 1.32
Swu113 中国重庆 Chongqing, China 半冬性 Semi-winter I 0.91 1.08
Nca 中国湖北 Hubei, China 半冬性 Semi-winter III -0.80 -1.20
11-育7-125 11-yu 7-125 中国湖北 Hubei, China 半冬性 Semi-winter III -0.90 -0.95
华双128 Huashuang 128 中国湖北 Hubei, China 半冬性 Semi-winter III -0.79 -0.95
甲922 Jia 922 中国湖北 Hubei, China 半冬性 Semi-winter III -0.91 -1.03
Swu100 中国重庆 Chongqing, China 半冬性 Semi-winter III -1.03 -1.12
B431 丹麦 Denmark 春性 Spring IV -1.40 -1.64
964 中国甘肃 Gansu, China 冬性 Winter IV -1.12 -1.48
Swu95 中国重庆 Chongqing, China 半冬性 Semi-winter IV -1.33 -1.15
Swu96 中国重庆 Chongqing, China 半冬性 Semi-winter IV -1.05 -1.31

Fig. 5

Methods and key indexes of Brassica napus L. germplasm resources waterlogging tolerance evaluation A: the correlation between comprehensive evaluation value (D) and predicted value (D') in Brassica napus L. germplasm resources in 2017. B: the correlation between comprehensive evaluation value (D) and predicted value (D') in Brassica napus L. germplasm resources in 2018. C: the correlations between 27 indexes and D-values."

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