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Acta Agron Sin ›› 1993, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (03): 218-226.

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The Effects of Maize Endosperm Mutant Genes and Gene Interactions on Kernel Components

Li Xue-yuan;Liu Jilin   

  1. Institute of Crop Breeding and Cultivation, CAAS,Beijing,100081
  • Received:1991-06-20 Revised:1992-08-14 Online:1993-05-12 Published:1993-05-12
  • Contact: Li Xue-yuan

Abstract: The effects of 5 maize endosperm mutant genes(o2,su1,sh2,bt2,wx)and their interactions on 6 kernel characters(100-kernel weight,protein content,protein fractions, i.e. albumin,globulin,zein and glutelin) were studied with mature and immature kernel(at 16,20,24,28 days after pollination). The results

Key words: Corn, endosperm mutant, Protein content, Protein fraction

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