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Acta Agronomica Sinica ›› 2022, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (1): 165-179.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2022.02087


Effects of controlled release fertilizer ratio on yield formation and nitrogen absorption and utilization of late-maturing medium japonica rice under different mechanized cultivation methods

FU Zheng-Hao(), MA Zhong-Tao, WEI Hai-Yan*(), XING Zhi-Peng*(), LIU Guo-Dong, HU Qun, ZHANG Hong-Cheng   

  1. Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Physiology / Innovation Center of Rice Cultivation Technology in Yangtze Valley, Ministry of Agriculture / Co-Innovation Center for Modern Production Technology of Grain Crops, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, Jiangsu, China
  • Received:2020-12-05 Accepted:2021-03-19 Online:2022-01-12 Published:2021-03-21
  • Contact: WEI Hai-Yan,XING Zhi-Peng E-mail:1392807710@qq.com;wei_haiyan@163.com;zpxing@yzu.edu.cn
  • Supported by:
    FNational Key Research and Development Program of China(2016YFD0300503);National Natural Science Foundation of China(31971841);China Agriculture Research System(CARS-01-27);Key Research Program of Jiangsu Province(BE2018355);earmarked fund for Jiangsu Agricultural Industry Technology System(JATS[2020]450);Program for Scientific Elitists of Yangzhou University


Rice cultivars of Nanjing 9108 with good taste quality was adopted as material under the pure nitrogen condition of 270 kg hm-2in this study. Rice was cultivated with two methods including mechanical transplanting with pothole seedlings (MT) and mechanical transplanting with carpet seedlings (MC). Controlled-release fertilizer and quick-acting nitrogen fertilizer were mixed at a ratio of 5:5. Controlled-release fertilizer was mixed from four different release periods (40, 80, 100, and 120 days) at a ratio of 1:4 to form three mixing modes (40+80, 40+100, and 40+120). Conventional urea split fertilization (CK) was used as a control, and the effects of different controlled-release fertilizer ratios on yield formation and nitrogen accumulation of high-quality japonica rice were studied. Under the same fertilizer treatment, compared with mechanical transplanting with carpet seedlings (MC), the two-year yield of mechanical transplanting with pothole seedlings (MT) was significantly increased by 3.9% and 4.9%, respectively. The reason was that the transplanting of pothole seedling machine could improve the accumulation of photosynthetic substances in the middle and late stages and obtain larger panicle type with higher grain number per panicle, seed setting rate, and 1000-grain weight. Under the cultivation mode of pothole seedling transplanting and carpet seedling transplanting, compared with CK, the two-year yield of 40+80 and 40+100 controlled-release fertilizer treatments were higher than CK, and the two-year yield of 40+100 controlled-release fertilizer treatments was the highest, which was significantly increased by 7.3% and 9.2%, respectively. The reason was that 40+100 controlled-release fertilizer treatment had higher effective panicle number and population glume amount. Compared with 40+80 and 40+120 controlled-release fertilizer treatments, the nutrient absorption law of 40+100 controlled-release fertilizer treatment was more consistent with Nanjing 9108, which not only ensured the occurrence of early tillering, but also ensured the stable production of photosynthetic substances at later stage, thus obtaining stable panicle number, grains per panicle, and 1000-grain weight. Compared with CK, the nitrogen recovery efficiency, nitrogen agronomic efficiency, nitrogen physiological efficiency, and nitrogen partial productivity of 40+100 controlled-release fertilizer treatments were significantly increased by 10.0%-12.5%, 24.6%-30.5%, 11.4%-18.6%, and 7.3%-9.1%, respectively. In conclusion, the mechanical transplanting with pothole seedlings (MT) had obvious advantages over mechanical transplanting with carpet seedlings (MC), which was a cultivation method that was conducive to high-quality japonica rice. At the same time, the 40+100 controlled-release fertilizer ratio could better meet the nutrient requirements of good-quality japonica rice at various stages, and could obtain high yield, which could be used as a simplified fertilization scheme for high-quality japonica rice.

Key words: controlled-release fertilizer ratio, cultivation method, rice, yield, nitrogen utilization.

Table 1

Temperature and sunshine hours in rice season from 2018 to 2019"

Average temperature (℃)
Average maximum
temperature (℃)
Average minimum
temperature (℃)
Sunshine hours
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019
6月Jun. 24.46 24.52 30.33 29.46 20.82 20.49 186.1 156.6
7月July 30.45 27.72 32.77 31.59 25.43 24.41 201.6 146.1
8月Aug. 28.22 27.38 32.33 31.26 25.74 24.14 205.7 200.0
9月Sep. 22.85 23.06 26.13 27.41 18.72 19.31 134.8 165.1
10月Oct. 16.42 17.52 21.22 22.86 12.11 13.30 202.2 150.6

Table 2

Nitrogen fertilizer types, dosages, and application time of each treatment"

基肥 Basal fertilizer (kg hm-2) 分蘖肥 TF 穗肥 SF
控释肥类型 Types of CRF 尿素
40 d 80 d 100 d 120 d
40+80 27 108 67.50 67.50
40+100 27 108 67.50 67.50
40+120 27 108 67.50 67.50
CK 47.25 47.25 94.5 94.5

Table 3

Number of days at each growth stage of late-maturing medium japonica rice treated with different cultivation methods and controlled-release fertilizer ratios"

Whole growth duration
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019
钵苗机插 MT
40+80 30 30 40 41 30 29 56 57 156 157
40+100 30 30 40 41 30 29 56 57 156 157
40+120 30 30 40 41 30 29 56 57 156 157
CK 30 30 40 41 30 29 56 57 156 157
毯苗机插 MC
40+80 20 20 45 45 28 28 55 56 148 149
40+100 20 20 45 45 28 28 55 56 148 149
40+120 20 20 45 45 28 28 55 56 148 149
CK 20 20 45 45 28 28 55 56 148 149

Table 4

Effects of cultivation method and controlled-release fertilizer ratio on yield components of late-maturing medium japonica rice"

Panicle number
(×104 hm-2)
Spikelet per panicle
Total spikelet number
(×106 hm-2)
Seed-setting rate
1000-grain weight
Grain yield
(t hm-2)
钵苗机插 MT 40+80 373.13 a 137.51 b 513.06 a 94.32 c 25.30 ab 10.38 b
40+100 378.48 a 139.09 b 526.45 a 95.78 a 25.45 ab 10.81 a
40+120 354.36 bc 138.61 b 491.18 b 95.37 b 25.85 ab 9.71 d
CK 347.59 cd 141.79 a 492.85 b 95.49 ab 26.18 a 10.07 c
毯苗机插 MC 40+80 355.23 b 129.55 d 460.20 cd 94.24 c 24.35 b 10.04 c
40+100 360.78 b 131.06 d 472.85 c 95.65 ab 24.48 b 10.41 b
40+120 341.67 d 130.09 d 444.45 e 94.38 c 25.10 ab 9.32 e
CK 331.34 e 134.67 c 446.20 de 94.52 c 25.23 ab 9.68 d
钵苗机插 MT 40+80 378.90 ab 138.37 c 524.29 b 94.17 b 25.50 a 10.82 b
40+100 388.08 a 141.71 b 549.96 a 95.45 a 25.70 a 11.31 a
40+120 366.00 bc 139.39 c 510.16 bc 94.26 b 25.93 a 10.11 cd
CK 353.09 cd 145.09 a 512.28 bc 95.20 a 26.25 a 10.36 bc
毯苗机插 MC 40+80 363.98 bc 128.29 f 466.92 de 93.28 c 25.15 a 10.25 c
40+100 374.00 ab 133.13 e 497.89 c 93.87 bc 25.20 a 10.74 b
40+120 351.68 cd 129.24 f 454.50 ef 93.46 bc 25.25 a 9.69 d
CK 336.25 d 135.46 d 455.46 ef 93.72 bc 25.50 a 9.92 cd
年份Y * * ** ** ns **
栽培方式CM ** ** ** ** * **
控释肥配比CRFR ** ** ** ** ** **
栽培方式×控释肥CM×CRFR ns * ns * ns ns

Table 5

Effects of cultivation method and controlled-release fertilizer ratio on tiller formation of late-maturing medium japonica rice"

Peak seeding
(×104 hm-2)
(×104 hm-2)
(×104 hm-2)
(×104 hm-2)
Percentage of productive tiller (%)
钵苗机插 MT 40+80 573.95 b 516.30 bc 401.25 b 373.13 a 65.02 c
40+100 566.81 bc 506.20 c 415.45 a 378.48 a 66.78 b
40+120 529.33 d 463.45 ef 389.70 c 354.36 bc 66.95 ab
CK 510.90 e 452.50 f 375.80 d 347.59 cd 68.04 a
毯苗机插 MC 40+80 621.35 a 539.50 a 389.00 c 355.23 b 57.18 e
40+100 612.70 a 528.50 ab 401.15 b 360.78 b 58.89 d
40+120 574.97 b 485.10 d 379.30 d 341.67 d 59.43 d
CK 553.71 c 477.90 de 366.35 e 331.34 e 59.84 d
钵苗机插 MT 40+80 578.35 bc 520.25 bc 410.65 ab 378.90 ab 64.52 b
40+100 570.38 cd 510.35 c 421.65 a 388.08 a 66.36 a
40+120 532.09 e 469.35 e 399.45 bc 366.00 bc 66.60 a
CK 515.28 f 460.75 e 382.50 de 353.09 cd 67.46 a
毯苗机插 MC 40+80 632.15 a 544.65 a 402.85 bc 363.98 bc 56.20 e
40+100 623.69 a 532.75 ab 411.35 ab 374.00 ab 57.85 d
40+120 588.25 b 492.95 d 389.20 cd 351.68 cd 58.09 cd
CK 560.35 d 486.70 d 368.30 e 336.25 d 59.14 c
年份Y * * ** * **
栽培方式CM ** ** ** ** **
控释肥配比CRFR ** ** ** ** **
栽培方式×控释肥CM×CRFR ns ns ns ns ns

Table 6

Effects of cultivation method and controlled-release fertilizer ratio on leaf area index of late-maturing medium japonica rice"

Decreasing rate of leaf area (LAI d-1)
钵苗机插 MT 40+80 4.85 d 7.34 bc 2.52 d 0.0861 a
40+100 4.70 e 7.52 a 2.89 a 0.0827 a
40+120 4.51 f 7.29 c 2.68 bc 0.0823 a
CK 4.23 g 7.08 f 2.31 e 0.0852 a
毯苗机插 MC 40+80 5.38 a 7.21 d 2.41 de 0.0873 a
40+100 5.15 b 7.38 b 2.73 b 0.0845 a
40+120 4.96 c 7.15 e 2.54 cd 0.0838 a
CK 4.73 e 6.82 g 2.17 f 0.0845 a
钵苗机插 MT 40+80 4.91 d 7.72 b 2.77 bc 0.0868 a
40+100 4.78 e 7.94 a 3.21 a 0.0830 a
40+120 4.59 f 7.61 c 2.94 b 0.0819 a
CK 4.31 g 7.28 e 2.32 ef 0.0870 a
毯苗机插 MC 40+80 5.44 a 7.32 e 2.46 de 0.0868 a
40+100 5.32 b 7.51 d 2.84 b 0.0834 a
40+120 5.12 c 7.21 f 2.62 cd 0.0820 a
CK 4.88 d 6.95 g 2.18 f 0.0852 a
年份Y ** ** ** ns
栽培方式CM ** ** ** ns
控释肥配比CRFR ** ** ** **
栽培方式×控释肥CM×CRFR ns ns ns ns

Table 7

Effects of cultivation methods and controlled-release fertilizer ratios on photosynthetic potential of late-maturing medium japonica rice"

钵苗机插 MT 40+80 169.75 b 182.84 a 276.08 b
40+100 164.50 c 183.30 a 291.48 a
40+120 157.85 e 176.97 b 279.16 b
CK 148.05 g 169.64 c 262.92 c
毯苗机插 MC 40+80 174.85 a 176.23 b 264.55 c
40+100 167.38 bc 175.42 b 278.03 b
40+120 161.20 d 169.54 c 266.48 c
CK 153.73 f 161.70 d 247.23 d
钵苗机插 MT 40+80 174.31 a 183.14 a 298.97 b
40+100 169.69 bc 184.44 a 317.78 a
40+120 162.95 d 176.90 bc 300.68 b
CK 153.01 f 168.06 de 273.60 d
毯苗机插 MC 40+80 176.80 a 178.64 ab 273.84 d
40+100 172.90 ab 179.62 ab 289.80 c
40+120 166.40 cd 172.62 cd 275.24 d
CK 158.60 e 165.62 e 255.64 e
年份Y ** * **
栽培方式CM ** ** **
控释肥配比CRFR ** ** **
栽培方式×控释肥CM×CRFR ns ns ns

Table 8

Effects of cultivation method and controlled-release fertilizer ratio on dry matter accumulation of late-maturing medium japonica rice at different stages"

播种至拔节SS-JS 拔节至抽穗JS-HS 抽穗至成熟HS-MS
(t hm-2)
ratio (%)
(t hm-2)
ratio (%)
(t hm-2)
ratio (%)
钵苗机插 MT 40+80 4.93 ab 25.95 b 6.95 bc 36.63 c 7.10 c 37.42 f
40+100 4.59 cd 23.82 d 7.23 a 37.50 a 7.45 b 38.68 d
40+120 4.39 d 23.27 e 6.66 de 35.29 f 7.83 a 41.44 a
CK 4.01 e 22.68 f 6.41 fg 36.31 d 7.24 bc 41.01 b
毯苗机插 MC 40+80 5.01 a 26.55 a 6.79 cd 36.00 e 7.06 c 37.45 f
40+100 4.73 bc 24.69 c 7.06 ab 36.87 b 7.36 b 38.44 e
40+120 4.48 d 23.92 d 6.53 ef 34.88 g 7.71 a 41.20 b
CK 4.09 e 23.38 e 6.27 g 35.86 e 7.13 c 40.76 c
钵苗机插 MT 40+80 5.05 c 25.34 ab 6.79 b 34.08 ab 8.09 f 40.58 d
40+100 4.83 d 23.23 bc 7.19 a 34.61 a 8.76 b 42.16 bc
40+120 4.73 e 22.98 bc 6.75 b 32.81 bc 9.10 a 44.21 a
CK 4.38 f 22.21 bc 6.71 b 34.03 ab 8.63 c 43.76 a
毯苗机插 MC 40+80 5.40 a 27.66 a 6.24 c 31.94 cd 7.89 g 40.40 d
40+100 5.14 b 25.23 ab 6.74 b 33.09 bc 8.49 d 41.68 cd
40+120 5.06 c 24.62 ab 6.37 c 31.00 d 9.12 a 44.38 a
CK 4.71 e 24.37 ab 6.21 c 32.13 cd 8.41 e 43.50 b
年份Y ** ns ** ** ** **
栽培方式CM ** * ** ** * **
控释肥配比CRFR ** ** ** ** ** **
栽培方式×控释肥CM×CRFR ns ns ns * ns ns

Table 9

Effects of cultivation method and controlled-release fertilizer ratio on nitrogen accumulation in late-maturing medium japonica rice"

播种至拔节SS-JS 拔节至抽穗JS-HS 抽穗至成熟HS-MS
(kg hm-2)
ratio (%)
(kg hm-2)
ratio (%)
(kg hm-2)
ratio (%)
钵苗机插 MT 40+80 112.90 ab 52.20 cd 72.43 a 33.49 bc 30.94 ef 14.31 e
40+100 110.87 bc 50.45 e 74.16 a 33.75 b 34.72 bc 15.80 c
40+120 104.48 de 49.44 e 69.00 ab 32.65 cd 37.86 a 17.91 a
CK 99.85 e 48.03 f 73.00 a 35.12 a 35.01 bc 16.85 b
播种至拔节SS-JS 拔节至抽穗JS-HS 抽穗至成熟HS-MS
(kg hm-2)
ratio (%)
(kg hm-2)
ratio (%)
(kg hm-2)
ratio (%)
毯苗机插 MC 40+80 117.23 a 56.00 a 62.13 cd 29.67 f 29.98 f 14.33 de
40+100 114.10 ab 53.66 b 65.93 bc 31.00 e 32.62 de 15.34 cd
40+120 107.07 cd 52.66 bc 60.08 d 29.56 f 36.16 ab 17.78 ab
CK 103.21 de 51.50 d 63.38 cd 31.63 de 33.81 cd 16.87 b
钵苗机插 MT 40+80 115.15 b 52.01 c 74.57 ab 33.68 a 31.68 e 14.31 cd
40+100 111.42 bc 49.43 d 77.16 a 34.23 a 36.86 bc 16.34 b
40+120 106.75 cd 49.29 d 70.22 bc 32.42 b 39.63 a 18.29 a
CK 103.02 d 47.92 e 74.78 ab 34.78 a 37.20 b 17.30 ab
毯苗机插 MC 40+80 122.53 a 56.60 a 63.45 de 29.30 d 30.53 e 14.10 d
40+100 120.80 a 54.56 b 66.83 cd 30.19 cd 33.78 d 15.25 c
40+120 112.68 b 53.15 c 61.57 e 29.04 d 37.76 ab 17.81 a
CK 110.10 bc 52.64 c 63.95 de 30.57 c 35.13 cd 16.79 b
年份Y ** ns * * ** ns
栽培方式CM ** ** ** ** ** *
控释肥配比CRFR ** ** ** ** ** **
栽培方式×控释肥CM×CRFR * * * * ** ns

Table 10

Effects of cultivation methods and controlled-release fertilizer ratios on nitrogen utilization of late-maturing medium japonica rice"

NRE (%)
AE (kg kg-1)
PNUE (kg kg-1)
PFP (kg kg-1)
NUEG (kg kg-1)
钵苗机插 MT 40+80 40.52 ab 12.31 abc 30.38 b 38.44 b 48.00 b
40+100 41.81 a 13.90 a 33.25 a 40.04 a 49.19 a
40+120 38.69 cd 9.83 d 25.40 d 35.96 d 45.94 c
CK 37.40 de 11.16 cd 29.84 bc 37.30 c 48.45 ab
毯苗机插 MC 40+80 39.76 bc 11.90 bc 29.94 bc 37.19 c 47.96 b
40+100 40.98 ab 13.27 ab 32.39 a 38.56 b 48.95 a
40+120 37.52 de 9.23 d 24.62 d 34.52 e 45.84 c
CK 36.44 e 10.56 cd 29.00 c 35.85 d 48.31 ab
钵苗机插 MT 40+80 40.87 ab 13.23 bc 32.38 c 40.07 b 48.87 ab
40+100 42.36 a 15.05 a 35.52 a 41.89 a 50.17 a
40+120 39.09 c 10.60 e 27.13 e 37.44 cd 46.68 de
CK 38.50 cd 11.53 de 29.95 d 38.37 bc 48.19 bc
毯苗机插 MC 40+80 39.94 bc 12.25 cd 30.68 d 37.96 c 47.34 cd
40+100 41.75 a 14.07 ab 33.69 b 39.78 b 48.51 bc
40+120 38.27 cd 10.18 e 26.59 e 35.89 d 45.71 e
CK 37.22 d 11.02 de 29.63 d 36.74 cd 47.42 cd
年份Y * * ** ** ns
栽培方式CM * * ** ** **
控释肥配比CRFR ** ** ** ** **
栽培方式×控释肥CM×CRFR ns ns ns ns ns

Fig. 1

Effects of cultivation methods and controlled-release fertilizer ratio on taste value of late-maturing medium japonica rice Abbreviations and treatment are the same as those in Tables 3 and 2, respectively."

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