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Acta Agronomica Sinica ›› 2022, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (8): 2041-2052.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2022.14142


Effects of different intercropping systems on cotton yield, biomass accumulation, and allocation

LI Xin1(), WANG Jian2, LI Ya-Bing2,*(), HAN Ying-Chun2, WANG Zhan-Biao2, FENG Lu2, WANG Guo-Ping1,2, XIONG Shi-Wu2, LI Cun-Dong1,*(), LI Xiao-Fei2,*()   

  1. 1College of Agricultural, Hebei Agricultural University / Hebei Base of State Key Laboratory of Cotton Biology, Baoding 071001, Hebei, China
    2Institute of Cotton Research, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science / State Key Laboratory of Cotton Biology, Anyang 455000, Henan, China
  • Received:2021-08-09 Accepted:2021-11-29 Online:2022-08-12 Published:2021-12-21
  • Contact: LI Ya-Bing,LI Cun-Dong,LI Xiao-Fei E-mail:lixinhbau2015@163.com;criliyabing1@163.com;nxylcd@hebau.edu.cn;lixiaofei01@caas.cn
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China(31901127)


The development of cotton intercropping system is the main strategy to alleviate the conflict between cotton and other crops for land in the Yellow River Basin of China, but the mechanism of cotton yield increases in cotton intercropping system is still unclear. In this study, a two-year field experiment with cotton-based intercropping systems (wheat/cotton, garlic/cotton, and peanut/cotton) and three root partitions (no, mesh, and plastic partitions) to study the effects of different crops intercropped with cotton on yield, biomass accumulation and allocation. The study showed that: (1) The land equivalent ratios (LERs) of different crops intercropped with cotton were greater than 1, indicating that the cotton intercropping system in the experiment had intercropping advantage. The resource competitiveness of wheat and garlic relative to cotton was greater than 0, indicating that wheat and garlic were dominant species in the co-growth period of wheat/cotton intercropping and garlic/cotton intercropping systems, whereas the resource competitiveness of peanuts relative to cotton was less than 0, indicating that cotton was dominant species in peanut/cotton intercropping system. (2) Dry matter accumulation of the leaf and stem in sole cotton cropping system was more than that of intercropping systems at bud stage, while the dry matter accumulation in intercropping systems was more than that in sole cotton cropping after the flowering and boll stages. The reproductive organs dry matter accumulation in intercropping systems was also higher than that in sole cotton cropping system. (3) The distribution rate of the stem and leaf in sole cotton was significantly higher than that in cotton intercropped with wheat, garlic, and peanut at bud stage and initial flowering stage, but the difference was not significant at full-bloom and open boll stages. However, the opposite pattern was observed in dry matter distribution rate of reproductive organs. These results can provide theoretical support for the mechanisms of cotton intercropping advantage and scientific basis for the productivity improvement of intercropping systems.

Key words: intercropping, root partition, yield advantage, biomass allocation

Fig. 1

Daily air temperatures and precipitation in 2019 and 2020 The change of daily maximum and minimum temperature values is presented as continuous red and blue lines, respectively. Vertical bars depict the total amount of precipitation received each day for each year."

Fig. 2

Schematic diagram of different cropping systems (a) wheat/cotton intercropping; (b) garlic/cotton intercropping; (c) peanut/cotton intercropping; (d) sole cotton."

Table 1

Growth process of cotton"

Cropping system
生育阶段天数 Growth period (d)
Emergence stage
Seedling stage
Squaring stage
Flowering and boll formation stage
Full growth period
2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020
SC N 19 Aa 12 Aa 32 Ba 39 Ba 26 Ba 28 Aa 53 Aa 52 Aa 129 BCa 131 Ba
M 19 Aa 12 Aa 33 Ba 39 Ba 26 Ba 28 Aa 51 Aa 54 Aab 128 BCa 133 Ba
S 19 Aa 12 Aa 32 Ba 38 Ba 26 Ba 29 Aa 53 Aa 49 Ab 131 BCa 129 Ba
IC(W) N 19 Aa 12 Aa 34 Aa 43 Aa 26 Aa 28 Aa 54 Aa 54 Aa 133 Aa 136 Aa
M 19 Aa 12 Aa 36 Aa 42 Aa 27 Aa 29 Aa 52 Aa 51 Aab 133 Aa 133 Aa
S 19 Aa 12 Aa 35 Aa 42 Aa 27 Aa 29 Aa 52 Aa 52 Ab 133 Aa 135 Aa
IC(G) N 19 Aa 12 Aa 33 Ba 39 Ba 25 Ba 29 Aa 54 Aa 54 Aa 130 ABa 134 ABa
M 19 Aa 12 Aa 32 Ba 38 Ba 25 Ba 30 Aa 56 Aa 53 Aab 132 ABa 133 ABa
S 19 Aa 12 Aa 32 Ba 39 Ba 26 Ba 30 Aa 53 Aa 52 Ab 131 ABa 132 ABa
IC(P) N 19 Aa 12 Aa 33 Ba 38 Ba 25 Ba 29 Aa 52 Aa 55 Aa 129 Ca 135 ABa
M 19 Aa 12 Aa 33 Ba 38 Ba 24 Ba 30 Aa 52 Aa 54 Aab 128 Ca 134 ABa
S 19 Aa 12 Aa 33 Ba 38 Ba 25 Ba 30 Aa 51 Aa 51 Ab 128 Ca 130 ABa

Table 2

Yield and yield advantages in intercropping systems"

Paired crops (t hm-2)
Cotton (t hm-2)
Partial LER
Cropping system
2019 W/C N 22.20 Aa 17.63 Ab 4.70 Aa 3.87 Ab 1.23 A 0.42 A 0.81 A 0.04 A
M 20.29 Aa 17.81 Ab 5.29 Aa 4.07 Ab 1.25 A 0.38 A 0.87 A -0.16 A
S 23.73 Aa 19.25 Ab 4.51 Aa 4.58 AB 1.07 A 0.41 A 0.66 A 0.24 A
平均值 Mean 22.07 a 18.23 b 4.83 a 4.17 b 1.18 A 0.40 A 0.78 A 0.04 A
G/C N 14.37 Aa 9.72 Aa 4.80 Aa 3.87 Ab 1.38 A 0.53 A 0.86 A 0.30 A
M 15.75 Aa 11.91 Aa 5.17 Aa 4.07 Ab 1.32 A 0.47 A 0.86 A 0.12 A
S 13.77 Aa 12.37 Aa 5.38 Aa 4.58 AB 1.17 A 0.38 A 0.79 A -0.03 A
平均值 Mean 14.63 a 11.33 b 5.11 a 4.17 b 1.29 A 0.46 A 0.83 A 0.13 A
P/C N 4.06 Aa 6.40 Aa 5.75 Aa 3.87 Ab 1.21 A 0.22 A 0.99 A -0.82 A
M 4.41 Aa 5.51 Aa 5.07 Aa 4.07 Ab 1.11 A 0.27 A 0.84 A -0.47 A
S 4.03 Aa 5.71 Aa 5.93 Aa 4.58 Aa 1.10 A 0.23 A 0.87 A -0.59 A
平均值 Mean 4.17 b 5.87 a 5.58 a 4.17 b 1.14 A 0.24 A 0.90 A -0.63 A
2020 W/C N 16.73 Aa 12.78 Ab 4.08 Aa 3.01 Ab 1.35 A 0.44 A 0.91 A -0.03 A
M 16.10 Aa 11.06 Ab 3.99 Aa 3.08 Ab 1.35 A 0.49 A 0.87 A 0.16 A
S 15.05 Aa 12.70 Ab 3.82 Aa 3.15 Ab 1.22 A 0.41 A 0.81 A 0.05 A
平均值 Mean 15.96 a 12.18 b 3.97 a 3.08 b 1.31 A 0.45 A 0.86 A 0.04 A
G/C N 28.12 Aa 22.83 Ab 3.71 Aa 3.01 Ab 1.24 A 0.41 A 0.83 A -0.01A
M 28.71 Aa 22.23 Ab 3.85 Aa 3.08 Ab 1.28 A 0.44 A 0.84 A 0.05 A
S 30.04 Aa 24.69 Ab 3.87 Aa 3.15 Ab 1.24 A 0.42 A 0.82 A 0.02 A
平均值 Mean 28.96 a 23.25 b 3.81 a 3.08 b 1.25 A 0.42 A 0.83 A 0.02 A
P/C N 1.67 Bb 2.20 Ba 3.72 Aa 3.01 Ab 1.09 A 0.27 A 0.83 A -0.44 A
M 1.93 ABb 2.88 ABa 4.23 Aa 3.08 Ab 1.14 A 0.22 A 0.92 A -0.71 A
S 1.96 Ab 3.10 Aa 3.84 Aa 3.15 Ab 1.03 A 0.21 A 0.82 A -0.58 A
平均值 Mean 1.85 b 2.73 a 3.93 a 3.08 b 1.09 A 0.23 A 0.85 A -0.58 A

Table 3

Analysis of variance for the effects of different factors on yields of cotton and paired crops"

Source of variance
小麦/棉花Wheat/cotton 大蒜/棉花Garlic/cotton 花生/棉花Peanut/cotton
小麦 Wheat 棉花 Cotton 大蒜 Garlic 棉花 Cotton 花生 Peanut 棉花 Cotton
76.71 < 0.01 37.97 < 0.01 273.64 < 0.01 65.74 < 0.01 119.43 < 0.01 81.77 < 0.01
Cropping systems
30.16 < 0.01 23.78 < 0.01 32.28 < 0.01 32.16 < 0.01 26.81 < 0.01 55.68 < 0.01
Root partitions
1.40 0.27 0.48 0.63 1.14 0.34 2.41 0.11 0.09 0.92 1.49 0.25
年份 × 种植方式
Year × Cropping systems
< 0.01 0.97 0.50 0.49 2.31 0.14 0.51 0.48 2.74 0.11 3.42 0.08
年份 × 分隔方式
Year × Root partitions
1.24 0.31 0.59 0.56 0.97 0.39 0.94 0.41 1.33 0.29 2.65 0.09
种植方式 × 分隔方式
Cropping systems × Root partitions
0.13 0.88 2.26 0.13 0.51 0.61 0.13 0.88 0.28 0.76 0.30 0.75
年份 × 种植方式 × 分隔方式
Year × Cropping systems × Root partitions
0.99 0.39 0.92 0.41 0.37 0.70 0.06 0.95 1.01 0.38 1.62 0.22

Table 4

Differences of cotton yield components under different treatments"

Cropping system
2019 2020
N M S 平均值Mean N M S 平均值Mean
Boll weight
SC 5.24 Aa 5.42 Aa 5.64 Aa 5.43 A 5.46 Ba 5.31 Ba 5.25 Ba 5.34 B
IC(W) 5.70 Aa 5.74 Aa 5.76 Aa 5.73 A 5.59 Aa 5.61 Aa 5.77 Aa 5.65 A
IC(G) 5.59 Aa 5.61 Aa 5.69 Aa 5.63 A 5.38 Ba 5.52 Ba 5.39 Ba 5.43 B
IC(P) 5.62 Aa 5.76 Aa 5.76 Aa 5.71 A 5.72 Aa 5.73 Aa 5.61 Aa 5.68 A
平均值 Mean 5.54 a 5.63 a 5.71 a 5.54 a 5.54 a 5.51 a
Lint percentage
SC 38.19 Aa 38.04 Aa 37.65 Aa 37.96 A 39.80 Aa 39.69 Aa 40.11 Aa 39.87 A
IC(W) 38.08 Aa 38.29 Aa 37.58 Aa 37.98 A 39.80 Aa 39.92 Aa 39.63 Aa 39.78 A
IC(G) 37.54 Aa 37.96 Aa 38.16 Aa 37.88 A 38.86 Aa 39.88 Aa 39.96 Aa 39.57 A
IC(P) 38.11 Aa 38.33 Aa 38.01 Aa 38.15 A 39.41 Aa 39.79 Aa 39.68 Aa 39.63 A
平均值 Mean 37.98 a 38.155 a 37.85 a 39.47 a 39.82 a 39.85 a
No. of bolls
(×104 bolls hm-2)
SC 73.54 Ca 74.73 Ca 79.89 Ca 76.06 C 55.07 Ba 57.93 Ba 60.13 Ba 57.71 B
IC(W) 82.33 BCa 92.49 BCa 78.72 BCa 84.51 BC 73.11 Aa 71.39 Aa 66.29 Aa 70.26 A
IC(G) 86.45 ABa 92.15 ABa 96.05 ABa 91.55 AB 68.85 Aa 69.86 Aa 71.81 Aa 70.17 A
IC(P) 101.94 Aa 87.54 Aa 103.15 Aa 97.54 A 65.17 Aa 73.90 Aa 68.32 Aa 69.13 A
平均值 Mean 86.07 a 86.73 a 89.45 a 65.55 a 68.27 a 66.64 a
Source of variance
Boll weight
No. of bolls
Boll weight
No. of bolls
种植方式Cropping system (C) ns ns * * ns *
分隔方式Root partition (R) ns ns ns ns ns ns
种植方式×分隔方式 C × R ns ns ns ns ns ns

Table 5

Effects of different treatments on the accumulation characteristic values of cotton above-ground biomass"

Cropping system
Root partition
R2 Wm
(×103 kg hm-2)
(kg hm-2 d-1)
2019 SC N 0.9300 16.22 63 112 49 87 217.98
M 0.9625 16.33 56 100 44 78 246.36
S 0.9975 17.06 63 107 44 85 255.33
IC(W) N 0.9939 14.92 55 94 38 75 256.82
M 0.9961 14.24 54 83 30 68 315.97
S 0.9958 16.69 55 91 36 73 307.66
IC(G) N 0.9975 14.21 61 101 40 81 235.14
M 0.9840 21.38 66 123 57 94 247.58
S 0.9826 19.01 68 112 43 90 288.07
IC(P) N 0.9586 16.23 65 98 33 82 322.57
M 0.9081 17.59 67 99 32 83 362.38
S 0.9831 16.83 61 110 50 85 223.06
Cropping system
Root partition
R2 Wm
(×103 kg hm-2)
(kg hm-2 d-1)
2020 SC N 0.9988 11.02 66 104 38 85 189.38
M 0.9978 13.95 72 108 36 90 258.18
S 0.9976 12.36 68 101 33 85 249.06
IC(W) N 1.0000 12.85 75 110 35 92 239.92
M 0.9828 15.92 74 126 52 100 201.13
S 0.9913 17.65 79 134 55 107 210.92
IC(G) N 0.9901 13.40 68 110 42 89 208.14
M 0.9937 15.50 72 123 51 97 198.79
S 0.9999 15.32 74 111 37 93 274.08
IC(P) N 0.9939 12.55 70 102 32 86 258.46
M 0.9943 14.13 67 104 37 86 249.90
S 0.9960 16.19 71 116 45 94 235.09

Fig. 3

Above-ground biomass accumulation of cotton under different treatments (a): squaring stage (57 days after emergence in 2019, 58 days after emergence in 2020); (b): initial bloom stage (86 days after emergence in 2019, 88 days after emergence in 2020); (c): full-bloom stage (117 days after emergence in 2019, 115 days after emergence in 2020); (d): open boll stage (143 days after emergence in 2019, 134 days after emergence in 2020). Abbreviations are the same as those given in Table 1. "

Fig. 4

Distribution of dry matter at different growth stages (a): squaring stage (57 days after emergence in 2019, 58 days after emergence in 2020); (b): initial bloom stage (86 days after emergence in 2019, 88 days after emergence in 2020); (c): full-bloom stage (117 days after emergence in 2019, 115 days after emergence in 2020); (d): open boll stage (143 days after emergence in 2019, 134 days after emergence in 2020). Abbreviations are the same as those given in Table 1. "

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