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Acta Agronomica Sinica ›› 2025, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (2): 485-502.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2025.42024


Analysis of agronomic and physiological indicators of rice yield and grain quality under nitrogen fertilization management

QIN Jin-Hua1,2(), HONG Wei-Yuan2(), FENG Xiang-Qian1,2, LI Zi-Qiu2, ZHOU Zi-Yu2, WANG Ai-Dong2, LI Rui-Jie1,2, WANG Dan-Ying2, ZHANG Yun-Bo1,*(), CHEN Song2,*()   

  1. 1College of Agriculture, Yangtze University, Jingzhou 434025, Hubei, China
    2China National Rice Research Institute / National Key Laboratory of Rice Biotechnology and Breeding, Hangzhou 311400, Zhejiang, China
  • Received:2024-05-10 Accepted:2024-10-25 Online:2025-02-12 Published:2024-11-19
  • Contact: E-mail: yunbo1022@126.com; E-mail: chensong02@caas.cn
  • About author:First author contact:**Contributed equally to this work
  • Supported by:
    National Key Research and Development Program(2022YFD2300700);Major Research Tasks of the China Academy of Agricultural Sciences Science and Technology Innovation Project(CAAS-ZDRW202001);Research on Rice Individual Phenotype Identification Technology Based on High-Throughput Phenotype Detection Platform(2023ZZKT20402);China Agriculture Research System of MOF and MARA(CARS-01)


Achieving a synergistic improvement in both rice yield and quality remains a major challenge in rice production. A thorough analysis and clear identification of key population traits that influence the coordinated enhancement of yield and quality are crucial for guiding rice variety improvement and optimizing cultivation techniques. In this study, two rice varieties, Xiushui 134 (XS134) and Huanghuazhan (HHZ), were used to evaluate different nitrogen management strategies, including conventional fixed nitrogen applications (N0, N1, N2, N3) and dynamic nitrogen applications based on SPAD thresholds (RTNM, S34, S37, S40). Key agronomic and physiological indicators were collected at critical growth stages, along with yield and grain quality data. Multi-objective regression models were employed to analyze how key agronomic and physiological traits influence rice yield and grain quality. The results showed as follows: (1) A trade-off generally exists between rice yield and grain quality index (GQI); as nitrogen application increased, yield improved, but GQI tended to decrease, especially under fixed nitrogen application. However, compared to N2, the RTNM treatment reduced nitrogen application by 32.01% to 58.02%, while maintaining stable yields and improving GQI by 3.10% to 38.34% (with the exception of XS134 in 2022). This suggests that dynamic nitrogen management can alleviate the yield-quality trade-off, promoting yield-quality synergy. (2) Correlation analysis indicated that 28 out of 50 static agronomic traits were significantly correlated with both yield and GQI (56.00%). The three “yield-quality” regression models demonstrated varying degrees of predictive accuracy for rice yield (R2: 0.74-0.83; RMSE: 0.40-0.49) and GQI (R2: 0.81-0.90; RMSE: 0.63-0.88). Feature importance analysis highlighted that population biomass during the tillering stage positively influenced both yield and quality (0.09-6.37). Conversely, plant height, leaf area index, and leaf weight exhibited trade-offs in predicting yield and quality, suggesting that careful evaluation and optimization of these “mutually exclusive” indicators are necessary, particularly when ensuring sufficient population biomass. Furthermore, the population net assimilation rate (NAR) during ear development showed a positive impact on both yield and GQI (0.06-1.00), indicating that the photosynthetic efficiency per unit leaf during this stage may be a key trait for achieving coordinated improvements in yield and quality. In summary, compared to conventional fixed nitrogen application, a dynamic nitrogen management strategy based on SPAD thresholds can achieve a certain level of synergy between rice yield and quality. Population biomass during the tillering stage and NAR during the ear development stage may serve as important reference indicators for achieving this synergy.

Key words: nitrogen fertilization, agronomic traits, rice yield, grain quality

Fig. 1

Overview of the experimental site This map is based on the standard map downloaded from the National Platform for Common Geospatial Information Services with the approval number GS (2024) 0650. The boundary of the base map is not modified."

Table 1

Fertilizer application corresponding to different nitrogen application treatments in 2021 and 2022 (kg hm-2)"

Base fertilizer
Tillering fertilizer (transplanting to booting stage)
Panicle fertilizer (booting stage to grain filling)
N0 0 0 0
N1 27 20.25 20.25
N2 54 40.50 40.50
N3 81 60.75 60.75
S34 50 45.00 (SPAD ≤ 34) 30.00 (SPAD ≤ 34)
S37 50 40.00 (SPAD ≤ 37) 25.00 (SPAD ≤ 37)
S40 50 30.00 (SPAD ≤ 40) 20.00 (SPAD ≤ 40)
RTNM 50 30.00 (SPAD ≤ 34) 20.00 (SPAD ≤ 34)
20.00 (34 ≤ SPAD <37) 15.00 (34 ≤ SPAD < 37)
10.00 (37 ≤ SPAD ≤ 40) 10.00 (37 ≤ SPAD < 40)

Table S1

Sampling time of different types of rice varieties under trial in 2021-2022 (Month/date)"

Transplanting period
Tillering stage
Panicle initiation stage
Full heading stage
Mid-grain filling stage
Maturation stage
2021 黄华占HHZ 06/14 07/05 07/21 08/19 08/26 09/23
秀水134 XS134 06/14 07/05 08/19 09/02 09/17 10/18
2022 黄华占HHZ 06/14 07/13 07/28 08/19 09/02 09/20
秀水134 XS134 06/27 08/03 08/19 09/13 09/28 11/07

Table S2

Analysis of variance for rice yield, grain quality index, and various grain quality"

Grain quality index
Taste value
Amylose content
Brown rice rate
Milled rice rate
Head rice rate
Chalky rice rate
Chalkiness degree
年份Year (Y) ** ** ns ** ** ** ** ** **
品种Varity (V) ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
氮肥Nitrogen (N) ** * ** ** ns ns ns ** *
Y×V ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
Y×N ns ns ns ns ns ns * ns ns
V×N ns ns ** ns ns ns ns ns ns
Y×V×N ns ns ** ns ns ns ns ns ns

Fig. 2

Cumulative nitrogen application chart under different nitrogen fertilizer strategies from 2021 to 2022 A represents the nitrogen accumulation dynamics of fixed nitrogen N1, N2 and N3 treatments for XS134 and HHZ rice in the 2021-2022 season. B, C, D and E represent the nitrogen accumulation dynamics of dynamic nitrogen RTNM, S34, S37 and S40 treatments for XS134 and HHZ rice in the 2021-2022 season, respectively. 21XS: rice Xiushui 134 in 2021; 21HHZ: rice Huanghuazhan in 2021; 22XS: rice Xiushui134 in 2022; 22HHZ: rice Huanghuazhan in 2022. Treatments and abbreviations are the same as those given in Table 1."

Fig. 3

Effects of nitrogen fertilizer treatments on yield of different rice types in 2021-2022 A and B represent the impact of nitrogen fertilizer management on the yield of XS134 in the 2021-2022 season, respectively; C and D represent the impact of nitrogen fertilizer management on the yield of HHZ rice in the 2021-2022 season, respectively. Error bars in the figure indicate standard error, and different lowercase letters indicate significant differences between different nitrogen fertilizer treatments (P < 0.05, LSD). Treatments and abbreviations are the same as those given in Table 1."

Table S3

Grain quality of different rice varieties under different nitrogen fertilizer applications in 2021"

加工品质Milling quality 外观品质 Appearance quality 食味品质Tasted quality
糙米率Bown rice rate (%) 精米率Milled rice rate (%) 整精米率Head rice rate (%) 垩白粒率Chalky rice rate (%) 垩白度Chalkiness degree (%) 食味值
Taste value
直链淀粉含量Amylose content (%)
黄华占HHZ N0 74.98 c 63.18 a 21.53 ab 21.10 a 5.97 a 79.50 a 16.40 a
N1 76.26 ab 64.99 a 26.35 ab 16.18 b 4.81 b 79.00 a 16.17 ab
N2 76.44 ab 64.30 a 24.86 ab 17.43 ab 5.13 ab 77.50 a 15.70 ab
N3 76.79 a 64.25 a 19.37 ab 19.29 ab 4.94 ab 73.50 a 15.47 ab
RTNM 76.18 ab 63.88 a 23.36 ab 19.66 ab 5.30 ab 77.67 a 15.98 ab
S34 75.72 abc 62.81 a 15.47 b 16.81 ab 4.76 b 78.50 a 16.10 ab
S37 75.54 bc 64.91 a 19.88 ab 17.78 ab 4.76 b 78.00 a 15.93 ab
S40 76.82 a 66.39 a 30.31 ab 20.47 ab 5.00 ab 74.50 a 14.97 b
N0 80.67 b 70.28 a 63.25 ab 27.19 ab 7.98 ab 84.00 abc 16.10 a
N1 81.18 ab 70.85 a 64.56 ab 26.44 ab 7.85 ab 83.67 abc 16.00 a
N2 81.72 ab 69.30 a 59.89 ab 25.74 ab 7.32 ab 82.33 bc 15.87 a
N3 81.94 a 71.70 a 65.46 a 24.26 b 8.74 ab 81.33 c 15.63 a
RTNM 81.38 ab 69.90 a 62.53 ab 28.08 ab 8.51 ab 83.33 abc 15.88 a
S34 81.09 ab 69.70 a 62.81 ab 23.99 b 6.21 b 85.67 a 15.77 a
S37 80.55 b 67.61 a 57.81 b 26.00 ab 8.92 ab 85.00 ab 15.87 a
S40 80.59 b 69.36 a 62.23 ab 31.63 a 10.08 a 82.33 bc 15.63 a

Table S4

Grain quality of different rice varieties under different nitrogen fertilizer applications in 2022"

加工品质Milling quality 外观品质Appearance quality 食味品质Tasted quality
糙米率Brown rice rate (%) 精米率Milled rice rate (%) 整精米率Head rice rate (%) 垩白粒率Chalky rice rate (%) 垩白度Chalkiness degree (%) 食味值
Taste value
直链淀粉含量Amylose content (%)
黄华占HHZ N0 69.58 a 62.75 a 42.01 a 21.06 a 5.47 a 83.00 ab 15.93 ab
N1 68.86 a 62.28 a 41.01 a 18.75 abc 4.92 ab 81.50 abc 15.47 ab
N2 70.29 a 63.42 a 44.89 a 16.19 c 4.09 b 76.50 c 14.80 ab
N3 70.85 a 63.53 a 42.49 a 18.11 abc 4.93 ab 77.00 bc 15.30 ab
RTNM 68.81 a 62.18 a 44.12 a 19.84 ab 5.49 a 82.00 abc 15.33 ab
S34 68.38 a 61.21 a 43.03 a 17.47 bc 4.54 ab 85.50 a 16.30 a
S37 71.51 a 64.62 a 46.10 a 15.68 c 3.92 b 77.50 bc 14.73 ab
S40 67.82 a 61.61 a 41.18 a 19.70 ab 5.36 a 77.50 bc 14.37 b

N0 76.66 a 65.47 a 60.73 ab 20.64 ab 5.68 ab 83.00 a 18.30 a
N1 77.82 a 65.63 a 60.39 ab 20.39 ab 5.15 b 82.67 a 17.90 a
N2 76.66 a 64.22 a 58.52 b 22.77 b 5.95 ab 81.00 a 17.70 a
N3 76.43 a 63.91 a 58.93 ab 20.35 ab 6.72 a 81.33 a 17.77 a
RTNM 76.26 a 64.51 a 59.94 ab 18.88 b 5.38 b 82.33 a 17.87 a
S34 76.54 a 65.65 a 61.51 a 18.73 b 5.14 b 81.67 a 18.00 a
S37 76.76 a 65.42 a 61.61 a 19.06 b 5.75 ab 82.00 a 18.20 a
S40 75.38 a 63.35 a 59.42 ab 19.10 b 5.81 ab 81.67 a 17.67 a

Fig. S1

Principal component analysis of rice quality under different nitrogen fertilizer treatments types of rice varieties in 2021-2022 A, B, and C represent the load distributions of the main components PC1 and PC2, PC1 and PC3, and PC2 and PC3, respectively. PC1: principal component 1; PC2: principal component 2; PC3: principal component 3. BRR: brown rice rate; MRR: milled rice rate; HRR: head milled rice rate; CGR: chalkiness grain rate; CD: chalkiness; PC: protein content; AC: amylose content; TV: taste value."

Fig. 4

Impact of nitrogen fertilizer management on the comprehensive index GQI of different types of rice from 2021 to 2022 A and B represent the effects of nitrogen fertilizer management on the GQI of rice variety XS134 in the 2021-2022 seasons; C and D represent the effects of nitrogen fertilizer management on the GQI of rice variety HHZ in the 2021-2022 seasons. GQI: grain quality index. Error bars in the figure represent standard error, and different lowercase letters indicate significant differences between different nitrogen fertilizer treatments (P < 0.05, LSD). Treatments and abbreviations are the same as those given in Table 1."

Fig. 5

Correlation graph between rice yield and GQI with the static agronomic indicators of each growth period A and B are the correlation between rice yield, GQI and static agronomic indicators at different growth stages, respectively, where red indicates significant correlation (P < 0.05) and blue indicates no correlation; C shows the quantity and proportion of static agronomic indicators significantly correlated with rice yield and GQI at different growth stages; D represents the static agronomic indicators that are simultaneously significantly correlated with rice yield and GQI at different growth stages. MT: tillering stage; PI: panicle initiation stage; FL: heading stage; MGF: mid-grain filling stage; FGP: setting rate; GW: thousand-grain weight; PN: effective panicle number; GN: grains per panicle; BIO: biomass; LAI: leaf area index; SLA: specific leaf area; SNA: stem sheath nitrogen accumulation; LNA: leaf nitrogen accumulation; PNA: panicle nitrogen accumulation; SNC: stem sheath nitrogen concentration; LNC: leaf nitrogen concentration; PNC: panicle nitrogen concentration; PH: average plant height; TILL: average tiller number; SW: stem sheath weight per unit area; LW: leaf weight per unit area; PW: panicle weight per unit area; TW: total weight per unit area; TNA: total nitrogen accumulation; TNC: whole plant nitrogen concentration; NI: nitrogen input; IEN: nitrogen use efficiency for grain production; RE: nitrogen absorption efficiency; AE: agronomic nitrogen use efficiency."

Fig. 6

Prediction accuracy of different regression models for rice yield and GQI (based on dynamic and static agronomic indicators) A, C and E represent linear regression, support vector regression, and ridge regression models for predicting rice yield, respectively; B, D and F represent linear regression, support vector regression, and ridge regression models for predicting grain quality index (GQI), respectively. Actual GY: actual yield; Predict-lrGY: predicted yield using Linear Regression Model; Predict-svrGY: predicted yield using Support Vector Regression Model; Predict-ridgeGY: predicted yield using Ridge Regression Model; ActualGQI: actual GQI; Predict-lrGQI: predicted GQI using Linear Regression Model; Predict-svrGQI: predicted GQI using Support Vector Regression Model; Predict-ridgeGQI: predicted GQI using Ridge Regression Model."

Fig. S2

Prediction accuracy of different regression models for rice yield and PC1 A, C, and E represent linear regression, support vector regression, and ridge regression models for predicting rice yield, respectively; B, D, and F represent linear regression, support vector regression, and ridge regression models for predicting grain quality index (GQI), respectively. Abbreviations are the same as those given in Fig. 6."

Fig. S3

Correlation coefficient parameters of static indexes on rice yield and GQI in different regression models A, C, and E represent the regression parameter ranking of static indicators for rice yield in linear regression, support vector regression, and ridge regression models, respectively; B, D, and F represent the regression parameter ranking of static indicators for GQI in linear regression, support vector regression, and ridge regression models, respectively. Abbreviations are the same as those given in Fig. 5."

Fig. 7

Ranking of correlation parameters between dynamic and static agronomic indicators for rice yield and GQI across different regression models A, C and E represent the correlation coefficient rankings of dynamic and static indicators for rice yield in the linear regression, support vector regression, and ridge regression models, respectively; B, D and F represent the correlation coefficient rankings of dynamic and static indicators for GQI in the linear regression, support vector regression, and ridge regression models, respectively. MT: tillering stage; PI: panicle initiation stage; FL: heading stage; MGF: mid-grain filling stage; MS: maturation stage; CGR: crop growth rate; CGRN: crop growth rate of nitrogen accumulation; PBR: proportion of spike dry weight increase from booting to heading; SBR: proportion of stem dry weight increase from booting to heading; LBR: proportion of leaf dry weight increase from booting to heading; PNR: proportion of panicle nitrogen accumulation increase from booting to heading; SNR: proportion of stem nitrogen accumulation increase from booting to heading; LNR: proportion of leaf nitrogen accumulation increase from booting to heading; LAD: leaf area duration; NAR: net assimilation rate."

Table 2

Different types of static and dynamic agronomic and physiological indicators responding to rice yield and GQI in various regression models"

量质协同 量质互斥 增产不降质 提质不减产
Yield and rice quality synergy Yield and rice quality
Prioritizing yield
over rice quality
Emphasizing rice quality over yield
Static indicator
Dynamic indicator

Fig. 8

Response of static and dynamic agronomic physiological indicators to rice yield and grain quality The red text in the figure represents the “quantity-quality synergy” category, while the elliptical triangles represent the “quantity-quality mutual exclusion” category, and the ellipses represent the “non-quantity-quality mutual exclusion” category. A indicates static indicators, while B indicates dynamic indicators. TP: transplanting period. Abbreviations are the same as those given in Figs. 5 and 7."

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