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Acta Agronomica Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (10): 2562-2574.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2024.33068


Response of the yield sustainability of maize with different irrigated quota to intercropped green manure

WANG Yun-Jie(), FAN Zhi-Long, ZHANG Diao-Liang, MAO Shou-Fa, HU Fa-Long, YIN Wen, CHAI Qiang*()   

  1. State Key Laboratory of Arid Land Crop Science / College of Agronomy, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070, Gansu, China
  • Received:2023-11-21 Accepted:2024-05-21 Online:2024-10-12 Published:2024-06-03
  • Contact: *E-mail: chaiq@gsau.edu.cn
  • Supported by:
    National Key Research and Development Program of China(2021YFD1700204-04);National Natural Science Foundation of China(32160765);China Agriculture Research System of MOF and MARA(Green manure, CARS-22-G-12);Science and Technology Plan Project of Gansu Province(22JR5RA860)


Clarifying the effect of intercropped green manure on the yield sustainability of maize under different irrigation levels plays a crucial role in the development of a water-saving and efficiency-oriented maize and leguminous green manure intercropping system. Field experiments were conducted from 2018 to 2022 using a split-plot experimental design, including two planting patterns: maize and green manure intercropping (M/V) and sole maize cropping (SM). Three irrigation levels were implemented: local conventional irrigation (I3: 4000 m3 hm-2), 15% reduction in irrigation (I2: 3400 m3 hm-2), and 30% reduction in irrigation (I1: 2800 m3 hm-2). The effects of intercropped green manure on maize yield, yield components, relative multi-crop resistance index, yield sustainability index, key soil nutrient indicators, and economic benefits under different irrigation levels were investigated. The results indicated that intercropped green manure increased the number of maize kernels and thousand-kernel weight when subjected to a 15% reduction in irrigation, compared to sole maize cropping, resulting in enhanced grain yield. From 2019 to 2022, intercropped maize with a 15% reduction in irrigation exhibited an increase in the number of maize kernels and thousand-kernel weight by 8.7%-16.4% and 7.1%-13.4%, respectively, compared to sole maize cropping. Grain yield also increased by 9.3%-23.6%. There was no significant difference in grain yield between intercropped maize with a 15% reduction in irrigation and local conventional irrigation. The relative multi-crop resistance index of intercropped maize under reduced irrigation was greater than 0 and increased with the duration of planting, reducing the coefficient of variation in yield and increasing the yield sustainability index of maize. Under the same irrigation levels, the coefficient of variation in yield of intercropped maize decreased by 77.9%-82.8%, and the sustainability index increased by 12.2%-19.9% compared to sole maize cropping. Maize intercropped with green manure also led to increased soil nutrient levels compared to sole maize cropping. Soil organic matter and available nitrogen content increased by 6.4%-15.8% and 12.1%-35.6%, respectively. Soil available phosphorus content in maize and green manure intercropping with a 15% and 30% reduction in irrigation increased by 19.4% and 11.3%, respectively, compared to sole maize cropping. The content of soil organic matter, available nitrogen, and available phosphorus in maize and green manure intercropping with a 15% reduction in irrigation showed no significant difference compared to local conventional irrigation but was significantly greater than other treatments. The net income of intercropped maize with a 15% reduction in irrigation increased by 10.5%-34.2% compared to sole maize cropping from 2020 to 2022. From 2021 to 2022, the investment ratio of intercropped maize with a 15% reduction in irrigation increased by 7.8%-10.4% compared to sole maize cropping and showed no significant difference compared to intercropped maize with local conventional irrigation. Intercropped green manure improved the yield sustainability of maize by increasing soil organic matter and improving soil nitrogen and phosphorus conditions. In summary, intercropped green manure can mitigate the yield loss of maize caused by reduced irrigation, enhance the stability and sustainability index of maize under reduced irrigation. In this investigation, maize and common vetch intercropping with an irrigation level of 3400 m3 hm-2 can serve as a reference for sustainable maize production and suitable irrigation levels in the experimental region.

Key words: yield stability, sustainability yield, intercropped green manure, reduced irrigation quota, maize

Fig. 1

Dynamic of precipitation and average air temperature in the study area from 2018 to 2022"

Fig. 2

Field spatial configuration of maize and green manure intercropping and maize sole cropping"

Table 1

Irrigation quota and irrigation quota of the whole planting system (m3 hm-2)"

箭筈豌豆 Common vetch 玉米 Maize 灌溉定额
Irrigation quota
Seedling stage
Budding stage
After harvest
Flowering stage
Grouting period
I1 490 630 630 525 525 2800
I2 590 770 770 640 630 3400
I3 700 900 900 750 750 4000

Fig. 3

Maize grain yield under different planting patterns and irrigation levels from 2018 to 2022 M/V: maize common vetch intercropping; SM: maize monoculture; I1, I2, and I3 represent low, medium, and high irrigation treatment, respectively; Different lowercase letters following the same column indicate significant differences among treatments at the 0.05 probability level within the same year; ** indicates significance at the 0.01 probability level; NS indicates no significant difference."

Table 2

Effects of different cropping patterns and irrigation levels on yield components from 2018 to 2022"

Cropping pattern
Irrigation level
Ears per unit area (hm-2)
Kernel number per spike
1000-kernel weight (g)
2018 M/V I1 83,495 a 434 bc 337.1 b
I2 84,818 a 468 ab 358.9 ab
I3 84,731 a 494 a 373.9 a
SM I1 84,557 a 421 c 338.6 b
I2 85,243 a 463 ab 363.3 ab
I3 85,165 a 494 a 387.0 a
2019 M/V I1 83,848 a 444 b 343.6 c
I2 84,348 a 484 a 375.5 ab
I3 84,123 a 484 a 387.1 a
SM I1 83,127 a 408 c 327.0 c
I2 84,675 a 445 b 346.0 bc
I3 87,815 a 478 a 358.0 abc
2020 M/V I1 83,029 a 452 b 345.4 abc
I2 84,508 a 506 a 364.6 a
I3 84,468 a 511 a 367.3 a
SM I1 82,768 a 398 c 321.0 c
I2 84,645 a 452 b 337.5 bc
I3 84,988 a 491 a 358.8 ab
2021 M/V I1 82,458 a 450 c 341.2 bc
I2 84,180 a 497 ab 360.5 ab
I3 84,452 a 520 a 364.6 a
SM I1 82,719 a 399 d 312.8 d
I2 83,474 a 456 bc 336.5 c
I3 83,077 a 486 abc 351.7 abc
2022 M/V I1 83,599 a 464 b 342.0 b
I2 83,928 a 514 a 361.3 a
I3 84,207 a 519 a 367.5 a
SM I1 82,332 a 383 c 300.6 d
I2 83,918 a 442 b 318.6 cd
I3 83,852 a 484 ab 333.8 bc
显著性 Significance (P-value)
年份 Year (Y) NS NS **
种植模式 Cropping pattern (C) NS ** **
灌水水平 Irrigation level (I) NS ** **
年份×种植模式 Y×C NS ** **
年份×灌水水平 Y×I NS NS NS
种植模式×灌水水平 C×I NS * NS
年份×种植模式×灌水水平 Y×C×I NS NS NS

Fig. 4

Changes in relative multicrop resistance (RMR) index from 2018 to 2022"

Fig. 5

Changes in yield stability and sustainability from 2018 to 2022"

Table 3

Effect of different planting patterns and irrigation levels on soil nutrients from 0 to 20 cm"

Cropping pattern
Irrigation level
Organic matter
(g kg-1)
Rapidly available N (mg kg-1)
Rapidly available P
(mg kg-1)
Rapidly available K
(mg kg-1)
M/V I1 20.54 b 85.24 b 25.55 b 150.79 a
I2 23.15 a 96.16 a 28.23 a 153.15 a
I3 23.32 a 97.65 a 27.54 a 153.31 a
SM I1 19.31 c 76.04 c 24.28 bc 150.86 a
I2 20.00 bc 75.05 c 23.65 c 151.40 a
I3 20.20 b 72.01 c 24.75 bc 151.24 a
显著性 Significance (P-value)
种植模式 Cropping pattern (C) ** ** ** NS
灌水水平 Irrigation level (I) ** * NS NS
种植模式×灌水水平 C×I ** ** * NS

Table 4

Correlation coefficient and path coefficient of maize grain yield with soil nutrient"

土壤养分Soil nutrient 与籽粒产量的相关系数
Correlation coefficient with yield
Direct path coefficient
间接通径系数Indirect path coefficient 决定系数
Determination coefficient
Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4
Y1 0.925** 3.105 -1.005 -0.010 -1.165 -3.897
Y2 0.793** -1.074 2.906 -0.010 -1.029 -2.856
Y3 0.883** -0.010 2.956 -1.011 -1.052 -0.018
Y4 0.832** -1.220 2.966 -0.905 -0.009 -3.518

Table 5

Effect of different treatments on the economic effects"

Cropping pattern
Cost input
(Yuan hm-2)
Gross revenue
(Yuan hm-2)
Net benefit
(Yuan hm-2)
2018 M/V I1 13,099 27,871.2 d 14,772.2 d 2.13 d
I2 13,459 30,752.5 c 17,293.5 c 2.28 c
I3 13,819 32,104.1 ab 18,285.1 b 2.32 c
SM I1 11,675 28,402.8 d 16,727.8 c 2.43 b
I2 12,035 31,446.3 bc 19,411.3 a 2.61 a
I3 12,395 32,532.8 a 20,137.8 a 2.62 a
2019 M/V I1 12,649 28,623.5 c 15,974.5 c 2.26 d
I2 13,009 31,827.9 a 18,818.9 a 2.45 bc
I3 13,369 31,999.4 a 18,630.4 a 2.39 c
SM I1 11,225 26,638.9 d 15,413.9 c 2.37 c
I2 11,585 28,618.1 c 17,033.1 b 2.40 b
I3 11,945 30,472.7 b 18,527.7 a 2.55 a
2020 M/V I1 12,799 28,231.2 b 15,432.2 c 2.21 c
I2 13,159 31,026.0 a 17,867.0 a 2.36 ab
I3 13,519 31,065.3 a 17,546.3 ab 2.30 b
SM I1 11,375 23,741.2 d 12,366.2 d 2.09 d
I2 11,735 26,884.7 c 15,149.7 c 2.29 b
SM I3 12,095 29,034.8 b 16,939.8 b 2.40 a
2021 M/V I1 12,999 28,651.0 b 15,652.5 b 2.20 b
I2 13,359 31,798.6 a 18,439.6 a 2.38 a
I3 13,719 31,979.8 a 18,260.8 a 2.33 a
SM I1 11,575 23,592.1 d 12,017.1 d 2.04 c
I2 11,935 26,354.2 c 14,419.2 c 2.21 b
I3 12,295 28,759.5 b 16,464.5 b 2.34 a
2022 M/V I1 12,999 27,476.7 b 14,477.7 c 2.11 b
I2 13,359 31,136.9 a 17,777.9 a 2.33 a
I3 13,719 31,523.6 a 17,804.6 a 2.30 a
SM I1 11,575 22,842.7 d 11,267.7 e 1.97 c
I2 11,935 25,186.7 c 13,251.7 d 2.11 b
I3 12,295 28,200.3 b 15,905.3 b 2.29 a
显著性(P值) Significance (P-value)
年份 Year (Y) ** ** **
种植模式 Cropping pattern (C) ** ** **
灌水水平 Irrigation level (I) ** ** **
年份×种植模式 Y×C ** ** **
年份×灌水水平 Y×I NS NS NS
种植模式×灌水水平 C×I ** ** **
年份×种植模式×灌水水平 Y×C×I ** ** **
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