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Acta Agronomica Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (9): 2383-2395.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2024.43001


Effects of foliar silicon sprays on leaf photosynthetic performance and grain yield of summer maize in coastal saline-alkali soil

SUN Zhao-Hua1(), REN Hao1, WANG Hong-Zhang1, WANG Zi-Qiang2, YAO Hai-Yan3, XIN Ai-Mei4, ZHAO Bin1, ZHANG Ji-Wang1, REN Bai-Zhao1, LIU Peng1,*()   

  1. 1Huang-Huai-Hai Regional Maize Technology Innovation Center / College of Agriculture, Shandong Agricultural University, Tai’an 271018, Shandong, China
    2Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Binzhou, Binzhou 256603, Shandong, China
    3Agriculture and rural Bureau of Wudi County, Wudi 251900, Shandong, China
    4Rural Economic Management Service Center of Feicheng, Feicheng 271600, Shandong, China
  • Received:2024-01-04 Accepted:2024-05-21 Online:2024-09-12 Published:2024-06-05
  • Contact: *E-mail: liup@sdau.edu.cn
  • Supported by:
    Key Research and Development Project of Shandong Province(LJNY202103);Shandong Province Key Agricultural Project for Application Technology Innovation(SDAIT-02-08);Major Scientific and Technological Innovation Project in Shandong Province(2021CXGC010804-05)


Silicon is a beneficial element for crop growth and can effectively alleviate salt stress in crops. This study aims to explore the alleviating effect of foliar spraying of silicon on salt stress in coastal saline-alkali summer maize in China, providing a theoretical basis for enhancing stress resistance and increasing yield in coastal saline-alkali summer maize. Denghai 605, planted in the field test, was selected as the test material. A silicon preparation (8 g L-1 SiO2) was sprayed at the V9, V12, and VT stages, while the control group was sprayed with the same amount of water. The effects of foliar spraying with silicon preparation at different stages on leaf photosynthetic performance and grain yield of summer maize in coastal saline-alkali soil were investigated. The results demonstrated that foliar spraying of silicon preparations at different stages significantly increased the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD), and catalase (CAT) in saline-alkali summer maize leaves compared to the control group. It also reduced the content of malondialdehyde (MDA), alleviating the damage to photosynthetic organs and the degradation of photosynthetic pigments. The leaf area index at the R6 stage increased by 6.28%, 7.16%, and 6.66% in the V9, V12, and VT stages, respectively, while the chlorophyll content at the R3 stage increased by 6.62%, 7.52%, and 7.47% in 2023. Silicon spraying increased the net photosynthetic rate (Pn), transpiration rate (Tr), stomatal conductance (Gs), and intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) of leaves. Foliar spraying of silicon preparation at the V9, V12, and VT stages increased the Pn of the R3 stage by 11.64%, 11.73%, and 16.39%, respectively. The biomass at the R6 stage increased by 8.46%, 8.88%, and 9.67%, respectively, and there was a significant increase in the number of grains per spike and 1000-grain weight. Ultimately, the grain yield increased by 7.24%, 10.47%, 12.94%, 6.23%, 7.99%, and 11.25% in 2022 and 2023, respectively. In summary, under the conditions of this experiment, foliar spraying of silicon preparations at the VT stage had the most significant effect on increasing yield in summer maize production in coastal light to moderate saline-alkali soil. This effect was mainly attributed to the alleviation of oxidative stress, improvement of photosynthetic performance, and promotion of biomass accumulation and transportation.

Key words: summer maize, coastal saline-alkali soil, silicon, photosynthetic performance, yield

Table 1

Effects of different concentrations of silicon preparation on leaf area index, SPAD value, and net photosynthetic rate of summer maize in coastal saline-alkali soil"

Leaf area index
SPAD value
Net photosynthetic rate (Pn)
CK 0.98 e 42.17 b 25.77 c
S0.5 1.00 e 42.33 b 25.93 c
S1 1.07 d 43.60 ab 26.60 bc
S2 1.09 cd 44.13 ab 26.63 bc
S4 1.14 bc 45.13 a 28.17 ab
S8 1.21 a 45.07 a 28.93 a
S12 1.19 ab 44.10 ab 28.27 ab
S16 1.12 cd 42.87 b 25.43 c

Fig. 1

Effects of foliar silicon sprays on leaf area index of summer maize in coastal saline-alkali soil V9-W: spraying water in 9-leaf stage; V9-Si: spraying silicon preparation in 9-leaf stage; V12-W: spraying water in 12-leaf stage; V12-Si: spraying silicon preparation in 12-leaf stage; VT-W: spraying water in tasseling stage; VT-Si: spraying silicon preparation in tasseling stage. V9+7 d, V12+7 d, VT+7 d, R3 and R6 represent 7 days after treatment of the 9-leaf stage, 7 days after treatment of the 12-leaf stage, 7 days after treatment of the tasseling stage, milking stage, and maturity stage, respectively. S: silicon; P: spraying stage. *: P < 0.05; **: P < 0.01; NS: no significance."

Fig. 2

Effects of foliar silicon sprays on chlorophyll content of summer maize in coastal saline-alkali soil Treatments are the same as those given in Fig. 1. V9+7 d, V12+7 d, VT+7 d, and R3 represent 7 days after treatment of the 9-leaf stage, 7 days after treatment of the 12-leaf stage, 7 days after treatment of the tasseling stage, and milking stage, respectively. S: silicon; P: spraying stage. *: P < 0.05; **: P < 0.01; NS: no significance."

Fig. 3

Effects of foliar silicon sprays on gas exchange parameters of summer maize in coastal saline-alkali soil Treatments are the same as those given in Fig. 1. VT+7 d and R3 represent 7 days after treatment of the tasseling stage and milking stage, respectively. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences among different treatments at P < 0.05."

Fig. 4

Effects of foliar silicon sprays on SOD, POD, CAT activity, and MDA content of summer maize in coastal saline-alkali soil Treatments are the same as those given in Fig. 1. VT+7 d and R3 represent 7 days after treatment of the tasseling stage and milking stage, respectively. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences among different treatments at P < 0.05."

Fig. 5

Effects of foliar spraying of silicon on dry matter accumulation per plant of summer maize in coastal saline-alkali soil Treatments are the same as those given in Fig. 1. V9+7 d, V12+7 d, VT+7 d, R3, and R6 represent 7 days after treatment of the 9-leaf stage, 7 days after treatment of the 12-leaf stage, 7 days after treatment of the tasseling stage, milking stage and maturity stage, respectively. S: silicon; P: spraying stage. *: P < 0.05; **: P < 0.01; NS: no significance."

Table 2

Effects of foliar silicon sprays on yield and yield components of summer maize in coastal saline-alkali soil"

Ears (×104 ear hm-2)
Grains per ear
1000-grain weight (g)
Grain yield (t hm-2)
2022 V9-W 6.22 a 543.69 c 337.89 c 9.72 c
V9-Si 6.11 a 570.05 b 353.26 ab 10.46 b
V12-W 6.22 a 537.58 c 339.83 c 9.66 c
V12-Si 6.22 a 575.64 ab 353.93 a 10.77 ab
VT-W 6.33 a 544.23 c 337.39 c 9.88 c
VT-Si 6.33 a 583.42 a 350.81 b 11.02 a
2023 V9-W 6.56 a 508.06 c 311.29 b 8.81 c
V9-Si 6.52 a 528.47 b 318.95 a 9.34 b
V12-W 6.59 a 506.77 c 310.20 b 8.81 c
V12-Si 6.56 a 534.23 b 318.91 a 9.49 ab
VT-W 6.52 a 506.04 c 312.11 b 8.75 c
VT-Si 6.59 a 543.37 a 321.17 a 9.78 a
年份Year (Y) ** ** ** **
硅制剂Silicon (S) NS ** ** **
喷施时期Spraying stage (P) NS ** NS *
Y×S NS ** ** NS
S×P NS ** NS *

Fig. 6

Correlation between yield and indexes after foliar application of silicon Yield: grain yield: Ear: number of spikes per unit area; GPE: grains per ear; GW: 1000-grain weight; DMA: dry matter accumulation; Chl: chlorophyll content. Pn: photosynthetic rate; Tr: evaporation rate; Gs: stomatal conductance; Ci: intercellular carbon dioxide concentration; SOD: superoxide dismutase; POD: peroxidase; CAT: catalase; MDA: malondialdehyde. *: P < 0.05; **: P < 0.01."

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