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Acta Agronomica Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (9): 2371-2382.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2024.34205


Relationship between cotton yield and canopy microenvironment under summer direct seeding

PENG Jie(), XIE Xiao-Qi, ZHANG Zhao, YAO Xiao-Fen, QIU Shen, CHEN Dan-Dan, GU Xiao-Na, WANG Yu-Jie, WANG Chen-Chen, YANG Guo-Zheng*()   

  1. College of Plant Science and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, Hubei, China
  • Received:2023-12-06 Accepted:2024-05-21 Online:2024-09-12 Published:2024-06-04
  • Contact: *E-mail: ygzh9999@mail.hzau.edu.cn
  • Supported by:
    Hubei Hongshan Laboratory Project(2021hszd006)


The yield of cotton under summer direct seeding can be comparable to that of conventional cotton in a short growing period. However, the mechanisms behind high yield formation and its relationship with the canopy microenvironment remain unclear. Therefore, this experiment employed a completely randomized block design, with six different planting densities (7.50, 8.25, 9.00, 9.75, 10.50, and 11.25 plants m-2). The field experiment was conducted in Wuhan from 2022 to 2023. Temperature and humidity within the canopy were recorded using an automated meter, while light radiation intensity at various heights of the canopy during boll setting stage was measured using a canopy analyzer. Cotton was manually harvested to calculate the yield. The results indicated that cotton yield initially increased and then decreased with increasing planting density. Among them, the highest yield (3246.5 kg hm-2 of seed cotton and 1203.2 kg hm-2 of lint) was observed at a density of 9.75 plants per square meter, which was significantly higher than the yield at 7.50 plants m-2 (15.0% and 17.8% higher) over the two years. As planting density in creased, the average daily temperature, maximum temperature, and minimum temperature within the canopy decreased, while relative humidity, maximum humidity, and minimum humidity increased. Canopy light transmittance exhibited a “V” shape horizontally, with the maximum at the middle of the cotton row. Vertically, light transmittance in the middle and lower part (10-50 cm above the ground) decreased with increasing planting density, while the upper part (50-70 cm above the ground) showed an increase. Population leaf area index initially increased and then decreased with planting density, with the highest value observed at 9.75 plants m-2, averaging 2.6 over the two years. Correlation analysis showed that cotton yield decreased with the increase of average daily temperature and maximum temperature, while it increased with the increase of relative humidity and maximum humidity. Cotton yield decreased with increased light transmittance in the middle and lower part of the canopy, but increased with increased light transmittance in the upper part of the canopy. In conclusion, under summer cotton direct seeding, appropriately increasing the planting density (9.75-11.25 plants m-2) is beneficial for increasing boll number per unit area and improving the canopy microenvironment, ultimately increasing cotton yield. The optimal canopy microenvironment conditions are as follows: canopy transmittance of above 85% at 70 cm, 37%-40% at 50 cm, 14%-16% at 30 cm, and below 9% at 10 cm; canopy temperature of 26.5-27.0℃; and canopy humidity of 74%-77%.

Key words: summer direct seeding, yield, canopy microenvironment, planting density, leaf area index

Fig. 1

Temperature and precipitation during the whole cotton growth period in summer direct-seeded cotton fields (2022-2023)"

Fig. 2

Diagram of the wooden frame for measuring the distribution of light radiation (A) and temperature and humidity recorder (B) in cotton canopy A: the frame has a width of 50 cm (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 cm from the left cotton row) and a height of 100 cm (10, 30, 50, 70, and 100 cm from the ground), with a length of 100 cm. B: the temperature and humidity recorder is positioned 30 cm above the ground."

Table 1

Field air temperature and humidity after squaring in summer direct-seeded cotton fields (2022-2023)"

温度 Temperature (℃) 相对湿度
Relative humidity (%)
降雨日数Rainfall days (d) 降雨量Precipitation
Daily range
2022 27.8 32.5 23.7 8.8 64.1 24 87.9
2023 26.5 30.5 23.0 7.5 72.9 58 886.5

Table 2

Effect of planting density on the yield and its components of summer direct-seeded cotton (2022-2023)"

Planting density
(plants m-2)
(No. m-2)
Boll weight (g)
Lint percentage
产量 Yield (kg hm-2)
籽棉 Seed cotton 皮棉 Lint cotton
2022 7.50 85.9 bc 3.9 a 34.4 a 2630.7 bc 904.2 bc
8.25 82.8 c 3.9 a 33.3 a 2519.9 c 838.1 c
9.00 93.6 ab 3.9 a 34.1 a 2808.6 ab 957.8 ab
9.75 97.9 a 4.2 a 35.1 a 2821.0 a 989.2 a
10.50 93.9 ab 3.9 a 35.1 a 2803.4 ab 983.5 a
11.25 93.8 ab 4.1 a 36.9 a 2639.1 abc 972.0 ab
平均值Average 91.3 4.0 34.8 2703.8 940.8
2023 7.50 89.0 d 5.1 a 37.7 a 3016.6 c 1138.0 c
8.25 91.9 cd 4.9 a 38.8 a 3236.3 bc 1255.2 bc
9.00 95.7 bcd 5.1 a 37.2 a 3493.2 ab 1298.4 ab
9.75 105.8 a 5.1 a 38.6 a 3672.1 a 1417.1 a
10.50 101.7 ab 5.1 a 37.5 a 3647.4 ab 1366.5 ab
11.25 100.3 abc 4.9 a 38.7 a 3484.8 ab 1346.9 ab
平均值Average 97.4 5.0 38.1 3425.1 1303.7
变异来源 Source of variance
年份 Year (Y) ** ** ** ** **
种植密度 Planting density (D) ** ns ns ** **
Y×D ns ns ns ns ns

Table 3

Effect of planting density on the canopy temperature after squaring in summer direct-seeded cotton fields (2022-2023)"

Planting density (plants m-2)
冠层温度 Canopy temperature (℃)
平均值Average 最高值Maximum 最低值Minimum 日较差Daily range
2022 7.50 29.0 a 36.9 ab 21.3 a 15.6 a
8.25 28.4 ab 37.3 ab 21.4 a 15.9 a
9.00 27.9 abc 37.4 a 21.4 a 16.1 a
9.75 27.2 bcd 35.8 bc 21.5 a 14.2 b
10.50 26.3 d 35.0 c 20.2 a 14.8 ab
11.25 26.8 cd 36.0 abc 21.0 a 15.0 ab
平均值Average 27.6 36.4 21.1 15.3
2023 7.50 28.3 a 35.4 a 23.6 a 11.8 b
8.25 27.8 ab 35.4 a 22.8 ab 12.6 ab
9.00 26.9 bc 35.0 a 21.9 bc 13.1 a
9.75 26.7 c 32.8 b 22.4 bc 10.5 c
10.50 26.7 c 34.4 a 22.0 bc 12.4 ab
11.25 26.6 c 34.5 a 21.7 c 12.8 ab
平均值Average 27.2 34.6 22.4 12.2
变异来源 Source of variance
年份 Year (Y) ns ** ** **
种植密度 Planting density (D) ** ** * **
Y×D ns ns ns ns

Table 4

Effect of planting density on the canopy relative humidity after squaring in summer direct-seeded cotton fields (2022-2023)"

Plant density
(plants m-2)
相对湿度 Relative humidity (%)
平均值Average 最高值Maximum 最低值Minimum 日较差Daily range
2022 7.50 67.4 c 86.4 bc 48.9 a 37.5 a
8.25 66.7 c 86.3 bc 46.4 a 39.9 a
9.00 67.8 bc 87.5 ab 45.7 a 41.8 a
9.75 68.6 bc 85.6 c 47.3 a 38.2 a
10.50 70.2 ab 87.6 ab 48.7 a 38.9 a
11.25 71.9 a 88.6 a 48.8 a 39.8 a
平均Average 68.8 87.0 47.6 39.3
2023 7.50 74.4 d 87.2 d 60.3 bc 26.9 c
8.25 76.9 c 92.1 c 55.3 d 36.8 a
9.00 78.8 bc 93.7 b 57.3 cd 36.4 a
9.75 79.2 b 94.0 b 55.7 d 38.3 a
10.50 83.9 a 96.1 a 63.9 a 32.2 b
11.25 80.0 b 96.4 a 61.1 ab 35.3 ab
平均Average 78.9 93.2 58.9 34.3
变异来源 Source of variance
年份 Year (Y) ** ** ** **
种植密度 Planting density (D) ** ** ** **
Y×D ** ** ns **

Fig. 3

Effect of planting density on the canopy light transmittance (%) at boll setting stage in summer direct-seeded cotton fields (2022-2023) The horizontal direction is 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 cm away from the left cotton row, and the vertical direction is 10, 30, 50, 70, and 100 cm away from the ground."

Fig. 4

Effect of planting density on the leaf area index (LAI) at boll setting stage in summer direct-seeded cotton fields (2022-2023) Different lowercase letters in the same year are significantly different among treatments (n = 3) at the 0.05 probability level. ** indicates significant difference at the 0.01 probability level."

Fig. 5

Correlation analysis between lint yield and canopy temperature and relative humidity in summer direct-seeded cotton fields (2022-2023) Values are means ± standard error (n = 3)."

Fig. 6

Correlation analysis between lint yield and light transmittance (%) of cotton canopy at boll setting stage in summer direct-seeded cotton fields (2022-2023) Values are means ± standard error (n = 3)."

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