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Acta Agronomica Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (9): 2323-2334.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2024.43002


Effects of organic material inputs on soil physicochemical properties and summer maize yield formation in coastal saline-alkali land

ZHANG Gui-Qin1(), WANG Hong-Zhang1, GUO Xin-Song2, ZHU Fu-Jun2, GAO Han2, ZHANG Ji-Wang1, ZHAO Bin1, REN Bai-Zhao1, LIU Peng1, REN Hao1,*()   

  1. 1Huang-huai-hai Regional Maize Technology Innovation Center / College of Agriculture, Shandong Agricultural University, Tai’an 271018, Shandong, China
    2Shandong Agricultural University Fertilizer Technology Co., Ltd, Feicheng 271600, Shandong, China
  • Received:2024-01-09 Accepted:2024-05-21 Online:2024-09-12 Published:2024-06-07
  • Contact: *E-mail: renhaosadu@126.com
  • Supported by:
    Key Research and Development Project of Shandong Province(LJNY202103);Shandong Province Key Agricultural Project for Application Technology Innovation(SDAIT-02-08);Major Scientific and Technological Innovation Project in Shandong Province(2021CXGC010804-05);Shandong Provincial Natural Science Foundation(ZR2022QC135)


This study investigates the regulatory effects of different organic material inputs on soil physicochemical properties, as well as maize growth and development, in coastal saline-alkali land. The objective is to provide a theoretical basis for summer maize production in such environments. The experiment was conducted during the summer maize growing seasons of 2021-2022 in coastal saline-alkali farmland located in Wudi county, Binzhou city, Shandong province. The organic materials used included humic acid (3000 kg hm-2, HA), biochar (15,000 kg hm-2, BC), and bio-organic fertilizer (15,000 kg hm-2, BO), while the control (CK) had no organic materials added. The study examined changes in soil bulk density, total porosity, field capacity, pH value, electrical conductivity, and total organic carbon content in the 0-40 cm soil layer. Additionally, the effects of different organic material inputs on aboveground dry matter accumulation and maize yield formation were assessed. The results demonstrated that the application of humic acid, biochar, and bio-organic fertilizer can improve the physicochemical properties of saline-alkali soil. All three organic material treatments significantly reduced the bulk density of the surface soil, increased total porosity and field capacity, and reduced the pH value of the 0-10 cm soil layer by 0.17, 0.08, and 0.20, respectively. After two years of continuous application, humic acid significantly decreased soil electrical conductivity in the 0-40 cm soil layer by an average of 32.74%. Furthermore, all three organic materials significantly increased the total organic carbon content in the 0-20 cm soil layer, with the biochar treatment exhibiting a significant increase of 57.99%. Both humic acid and bio-organic fertilizer treatments significantly increased aboveground biomass and yield of summer maize. After two consecutive years of application, the humic acid treatment showed a significant yield increase of 11.01%, indicating superior performance. In conclusion, comprehensive analysis showed that the application of humic acid can improve soil physical structure, reduce the pH of the 0-10 cm soil layer, increase organic carbon content, decrease soil electrical conductivity, promote aboveground biomass accumulation in summer maize, and enhance grain yield under the conditions of this study. Moreover, humic acid application demonstrated increased net yield compared to the control after two consecutive years. Therefore, humic acid can be employed as an organic material to improve soil physical and chemical properties in coastal saline-alkali land, while promoting the growth and development of summer maize. Although bio-organic fertilizer also enhances soil physical and chemical properties, further localized experiments are necessary to verify its long-term economic effects.

Key words: coastal saline-alkali land, organic material, soil physical and chemical properties, yield

Fig. 1

Changes of rainfall and temperature during the summer maize season at the experimental site"

Fig. 2

Effects of different organic materials inputs on pH value in a saline-alkali soil CK, HA, BC, and BO represent no organic materials, humic acid (3000 kg hm-2), biochar (15,000 kg hm-2), and bio-organic fertilizer (15,000 kg hm-2), respectively. Error bars are standard error. Different lowercase letters indicated significant difference between different treatments within the same year and the same soil layer (P < 0.05)."

Fig. 4

Effects of different organic materials inputs on total organic carbon content in a saline-alkali soil CK, HA, BC, and BO represent no organic materials, humic acid (3000 kg hm-2), biochar (15,000 kg hm-2), and bio-organic fertilizer (15,000 kg hm-2), respectively. Error bars are standard error. Different lowercase letters indicated significant difference between different treatments within the same year and the same soil layer (P < 0.05)."

Fig. 5

Effects of different organic materials inputs on biomass of summer maize in a saline-alkali soil CK, HA, BC, and BO represent no organic materials, humic acid (3000 kg hm-2), biochar (15,000 kg hm-2), and bio-organic fertilizer (15,000 kg hm-2), respectively. Error bars are standard error."

Fig. 6

Correlation analysis of aboveground biomass, yield, and yield component factors with soil physicochemical properties ** represents extremely significant difference at the 0.01 probability level; * represents significant difference at the 0.05 probability level."

Table 1

Effects of different organic materials inputs on bulk density, total porosity, and field capacity in a saline-alkali soil"

Soil layer
2021 2022
Bulk density
(g cm-3)
Total porosity
Field capacity
Bulk density
(g cm-3)
Total porosity (%)
Field capacity
0-10 CK 1.43±0.01 a 40.25±1.07 b 25.78±0.54 a 1.17±0.01 a 48.75±0.01 b 36.08±0.36 b
HA 1.41±0.01 a 42.70±0.64 a 26.78±0.57 a 1.11±0.03 bc 49.77±0.12 a 38.49±1.02 a
BC 1.41±0.01 a 42.57±0.33 a 25.40±1.35 a 1.08±0.01 c 49.85±0.51 a 38.09±0.37 a
BO 1.42±0.01 a 42.62±0.32 a 27.12±0.40 a 1.14±0.01 ab 49.38±0.56 ab 37.71±0.69 a
10-20 CK 1.57±0.01 a 33.84±0.78 b 20.22±0.63 b 1.56±0.01 a 39.39±0.40 c 24.49±0.49 c
HA 1.50±0.01 b 37.19±0.26 a 25.09±0.19 a 1.33±0.02 c 42.07±0.62 b 30.69±2.80 b
BC 1.49±0.02 b 39.44±0.06 a 25.39±0.37 a 1.28±0.01 d 45.30±0.19 a 34.55±0.02 a
BO 1.45±0.01 c 38.32±0.31 a 24.81±0.51 a 1.44±0.02 b 41.55±0.92 b 27.81±0.80 b
20-30 CK 1.56±0.01 a 29.27±1.65 bc 16.95±0.40 c 1.48±0.03 a 40.30±0.34 a 26.02±0.06 b
HA 1.52±0.01 b 27.77±0.64 c 17.91±0.36 bc 1.50±0.01 a 40.49±0.29 a 25.94±0.42 b
BC 1.55±0.01 a 31.71±1.10 b 20.04±0.61 b 1.35±0.06 b 42.26±0.88 a 30.03±1.88 a
BO 1.47±0.01 c 36.43±2.05 a 24.29±1.66 a 1.45±0.01 a 42.11±0.18 a 27.97±0.31 ab
30-40 CK 1.44±0.01 c 33.01±0.46 b 23.66±1.43 a 1.39±0.02 a 43.96±0.63 a 30.26±0.73 ab
HA 1.56±0.01 a 26.27±0.70 c 16.51±0.45 c 1.38±0.01 a 41.89±0.24 b 29.31±0.16 b
BC 1.47±0.01 b 36.18±1.41 a 20.93±0.79 b 1.37±0.01 a 42.76±0.25 b 31.61±0.21 a
BO 1.47±0.01 b 34.48±0.21 ab 21.92±1.17 ab 1.32±0.05 a 42.61±0.01 b 29.00±0.74 b

Fig. 3

Effects of different organic materials inputs on electrical conductivity in a saline-alkali soil CK, HA, BC, and BO represent no organic materials, humic acid (3000 kg hm-2), biochar (15,000 kg hm-2), and bio-organic fertilizer (15,000 kg hm-2), respectively. Error bars are standard error. Different lowercase letters indicated significant difference between different treatments within the same year and the same soil layer (P < 0.05)."

Table 2

Effects of different organic materials inputs on yield and yield components of summer maize in a saline-alkali soil"

Actual ears (ear hm-2)
Grains per ear
1000-grain weight (g)
Yield (kg hm-2)
2021 CK 60,558.58±1170.72 a 511.18±3.43 a 255.36±0.97 b 7903.65±193.57 c
HA 62,225.33±1644.46 a 495.91±5.71 ab 257.05±2.00 b 8217.70±96.26 b
BC 61,114.17±1575.40 a 487.89±10.27 b 256.05±3.43 b 7732.01±215.66 c
BO 62,780.92±962.30 a 504.83±7.37 ab 286.31±4.49 a 9015.42±73.83 a
2022 CK 56,113.92±962.30 a 556.98±2.67 b 321.67±5.84 bc 10,051.57±109.61 c
HA 57,225.08±962.30 a 582.98±4.09 a 334.52±5.57 a 11,157.90±111.07 a
BC 56,669.50±0.00 a 577.87±10.81 ab 315.26±4.83 c 10,324.06±251.87 bc
BO 57,225.08±962.30 a 582.98±17.89 a 331.18±3.65 ab 11,050.37±473.17 ab

Table 3

Input and output of maize under different organic materials inputs"

生产成本 Production cost (Yuan hm-2) 产值
Output value (Yuan hm-2)
Net income (Yuan hm-2)
Increase net income compared with CK (Yuan hm-2)
2021 CK 750 320 2250 1500 4820 21,735.03 16,915.03
HA 750 320 3750 1500 6320 22,598.67 16,278.67 -636.36
BC 750 320 74,250 1500 76,820 21,263.03 -55,557.97 -72,472.00
BO 750 320 12,750 1500 15,320 24,792.45 9472.41 -7442.62
2022 CK 750 400 2250 1300 4700 25,813.87 21,113.87
HA 750 400 3750 1300 6200 29,109.97 22,909.97 1796.10
BC 750 400 74,250 1300 76,700 26,864.55 -49,835.45 -70,949.32
BO 750 400 12,750 1300 15,200 27,482.41 12,282.41 -8831.46
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