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Acta Agronomica Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (8): 2053-2066.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2024.33071


Root and shoot growth of different maize varieties in response to soil compaction stress

LIANG Lu1(), ZHOU Bao-Yuan1,*(), GAO Zhuo-Han2, WANG Rui3, WANG Xin-Bing1, ZHAO Ming1, LI Cong-Feng1,*()   

  1. 1Institute of Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences / Key Laboratory of Crop Physiology and Ecology, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Beijing 100081, China
    2College of Agronomy, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot 010019, Inner Mongolia, China
    3College of Agronomy and Biotechnology, Hebei Normal University of Science and Technology / Hebei Key Laboratory of Crop Stress Biology, Qinhuangdao 066004, Hebei, China
  • Received:2023-12-01 Accepted:2024-04-01 Online:2024-08-12 Published:2024-04-17
  • Contact: * E-mail: zhoubaoyuan@caas.cn;E-mail: licongfeng@caas.cn.
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China(31971851);National Key Research and Development Program of China(2022YFD2300803);China Agriculture Research System of MOF and MARA(CARS-02-14)


Soil compaction has become a limiting factor for further increasing maize yield as the development of intensification and mechanization in agriculture in the Huang-Huai-Hai region. Understanding the characteristics of root and shoot growth of different maize varieties under soil compaction stress is benefit for maize high-yield cultivation. To analyse the root and shoot growth and yield of different maize varieties under different levels of soil compaction stress, in this study, three maize varieties were selected, and three soil compaction levels [no compaction stress (NC: no compaction stress, bulk density 1.0-1.3 g cm-3), moderate compaction stress (MC: moderate compaction stress, bulk density 1.4-1.5 g cm-3), and heavy compaction stress (HC: heavy compaction stress, bulk density > 1.6 g cm-3)] were simulated by mechanical rolling in the same field. The results showed that compared with NC, maize yield under MC and HC treatments decreased by 3.8%-10.3% and 12.5%-33.3%, respectively. There were differences in maize root and shoot growth and yield formation under soil compaction stress among three varieties. Under MC treatment, root length, root dry matter, and root-shoot ratio of DK517 increased by 6.0% and 14.0%, 15.7% and 29.6%, 18.8% and 24.8%, respectively, compared to ZD958 and DH605. However, there was no significant difference in the maximum leaf area index, total dry matter, and yield. Under HC treatment, root length and root dry matter of DK517 increased by 8.4% and 22.5%, 29.6% and 57.8%, respectively, compared to ZD958 and DH605, and the maximum leaf area index, total dry matter, and root-shoot ratio increased by 4.6% and 15.5%, 3.7% and 20.9%, 28.0% and 32.1%, respectively, resulting in an increase in yield of 7.5% and 27.2%, respectively. The correlation analysis showed that soil bulk density and penetration resistance were negatively correlated with maize root and shoot growth and yield (P < 0.01). In summary, soil compaction stress could significantly inhibit the growth of maize roots and shoot, resulting in the reduced yields. However, there were differences in maize root and shoot growth under soil compaction stress among different varieties, and the variety with advantages in both root and shoot growth and coordination could maintain higher yields under heavy soil compaction stress. The results provide the theoretical basis for maize breeding improvement and cultivation measures optimization with root architecture as the goal.

Key words: maize, root and shoot growth, soil compaction stress, response

Fig. 1

Daily precipitation, average temperature, and radiation in maize growing season in 2022 and 2023"

Fig. 2

Soil bulk density and penetration resistance under different compaction stress treatments NC: no compaction stress; MC: moderate compaction stress; HC: heavy compaction stress."

Fig. 3

Root morphological indexes of different maize varieties under soil compaction stress NC: no compaction stress; MC: moderate compaction stress; HC: heavy compaction stress. DK517: Dika 517; ZD958: Zhengdan 958; DH605: Denghai 605. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences at the 0.05 probability level."

Table 1

Plant height and ear height of different maize varieties under soil compaction stress"

Compaction treatment
株高Plant height (cm) 穗位高
Ear height
Jointing stage
Male tetrad stage
Tasseling stage
2022 无紧实胁迫NC DK517 64.67±0.58 d 155.00±8.00 fg 201.33±1.53 e 64.00±2.65 ij
ZD958 74.00±1.00 bc 181.33±6.66 bc 206.33±6.81 e 83.00±5.57 g
DH605 73.67±7.51 bc 165.00±6.00 def 204.00±4.58 e 75.33±0.58 gh
中度紧实胁迫MC DK517 33.33±3.21 ef 94.00±2.00 i 197.00±3.61 e 60.00±0.00 ij
ZD958 37.00±1.73 e 104.00±12.17 h 201.33±1.53 e 67.33±3.06 hi
DH605 33.00±3.00 ef 93.67±1.53 i 183.33±1.53 f 48.33±0.58 k
重度紧实胁迫HC DK517 30.67±8.39 ef 93.67±1.53 i 187.67±4.04 f 58.67±3.79 ij
ZD958 29.67±2.31 ef 89.00±2.65 i 187.33±3.06 f 55.67±1.15 jk
DH605 25.33±2.08 f 77.67±10.97 j 179.00±1.00 f 47.33±3.06 k
2023 无紧实胁迫NC DK517 75.00±0.00 bc 187.00±2.65 ab 255.00±7.00 b 113.33±5.13 bc
ZD958 82.83±7.52 a 196.33±1.53 a 269.33±10.12 a 132.00±7.55 a
DH605 79.33±3.21 ab 187.33±1.53 ab 255.33±6.66 b 117.33±3.79 b
中度紧实胁迫MC DK517 73.33±4.16 bc 175.00±6.56 cd 240.67±6.81 c 104.33±9.24 de
ZD958 78.33±0.58 ab 178.00±7.00 bc 254.00±2.65 b 108.33±6.66 cd
DH605 73.00±7.55 bc 161.00±4.00 ef 237.33±0.58 c 91.67±8.02 f
重度紧实胁迫HC DK517 72.00±1.73 bcd 165.67±3.06 de 235.67±2.89 c 100.33±5.51 de
ZD958 71.00±1.00 bcd 157.33±3.79 efg 231.67±6.35 c 99.00±4.00 ef
DH605 67.33±6.03 cd 148.67±4.73 g 218.33±11.58 d 83.33±4.04 g
变异来源Source of variation
年份Year (Y) ** ** ** **
紧实胁迫Compaction (C) ** ** ** **
品种Variety (V) * ** ** **
年份×紧实胁迫Y×C ** ** ** NS
年份×品种Y×V NS * NS NS
紧实胁迫×品种C×V * ** ** **
年份×紧实胁迫×品种Y×C×V NS NS NS NS

Fig. 4

Leaf area index (LAI) of different maize varieties under soil compaction stress Treatments and varieties are the same as those given in Fig. 3. * and ** indicate significant differences at the 0.05 and 0.01 probability levels, respectively."

Table 2

Dry matter accumulation of different maize varieties under soil compaction stress"

Compaction treatment
Jointing stage
Male tetrad stage
Tasseling stage
Grain-filling stage
Mature stage
2022 无紧实胁迫NC DK517 5.76±0.06 gh 45.33±1.05 g 105.93±4.90 e 185.02±2.51 g 273.70±9.41 c
ZD958 6.42±0.15 de 59.16±1.15 d 122.03±5.50 bcd 219.14±5.80 de 282.65±9.78 bc
DH605 6.04±0.05 fg 46.30±1.12 g 114.62±9.20 de 210.02±3.52 ef 293.26±7.55 b
中度紧实胁迫MC DK517 5.24±0.11 i 32.16±1.92 j 83.53±2.51 fg 151.58±8.57 h 197.39±14.63 f
ZD958 5.54±0.05 h 32.34±0.74 j 85.93±1.21 f 159.35±6.10 h 202.70±13.42 ef
DH605 4.88±0.03 j 28.16±0.16 k 80.05±3.72 g 136.36±6.19 i 175.08±2.23 g
重度紧实胁迫HC DK517 4.82±0.04 j 25.08±0.48 l 70.35±4.69 h 125.98±7.88 j 179.63±3.60 g
ZD958 4.14±0.06 k 25.03±0.63 l 68.99±8.72 h 113.91±4.87 k 168.31±11.80 h
DH605 3.59±0.04 l 21.15±0.25 m 59.28±0.94 i 99.58±3.22 l 150.43±9.00 i
2023 无紧实胁迫NC DK517 6.99±0.28 cd 65.19±1.34 c 134.76±6.35 ab 245.14±5.07 b 291.06±4.82 b
ZD958 8.25±0.23 a 83.03±1.93 a 139.23±11.07 a 273.83±13.36 a 307.92±14.16 a
DH605 7.85±0.35 ab 75.18±1.83 b 135.02±14.11 ab 273.29±10.58 a 286.86±7.78 bc
中度紧实胁迫MC DK517 6.88±0.97 d 56.26±1.14 e 129.67±1.49 abc 226.33±5.87 cd 276.36±14.50 bc
ZD958 7.51±0.39 bc 60.80±0.28 d 131.93±3.36 ab 231.74±5.13 c 288.96±5.74 bc
DH605 6.82±0.62 d 55.70±1.92 e 118.58±6.29 cde 207.93±6.99 ef 260.76±6.70 d
重度紧实胁迫HC DK517 6.21±0.12 ef 52.23±1.78 f 115.03±11.79 de 224.15±2.47 cd 273.65±14.70 c
ZD958 5.92±0.72 fg 40.09±1.82 h 105.76±10.10 e 222.05±3.58 cd 250.31±14.32 d
DH605 5.75±0.19 gh 35.15±1.85 i 85.07±6.29 f 203.61±7.16 f 227.61±11.86 e
变异来源Source of variation
年份Year (Y) ** ** ** ** **
紧实胁迫Compaction (C) ** ** ** ** **
品种Variety (V) ** ** ** * **
年份×紧实胁迫Y×C NS ** ** ** **
紧实胁迫×品种C×V ** ** ** ** **
年份×紧实胁迫×品种Y×C×V NS ** NS NS NS

Fig. 5

Root-shoot ratio of different maize varieties under soil compaction stress Treatments and varieties are the same as those given in Fig. 3. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences at the 0.05 probability level."

Table 3

Grain yield and yield components of different maize varieties under soil compaction stress"

Compaction treatment
Kernel number per ear
100-kernel weight (g)
Grain yield (kg hm-2)
2022 无紧实胁迫NC DK517 408.24±18.51 e 34.32±0.15 b 8458.37±393.64 ef
ZD958 400.42±8.76 e 34.81±0.13 a 8609.04±373.23 ef
DH605 400.91±15.90 e 34.59±0.19 ab 8803.56±182.68 e
中度紧实胁迫MC DK517 378.33±8.86 f 33.56±0.11 cd 8277.62±234.98 fg
ZD958 376.90±4.29 f 33.80±0.16 c 8371.95±117.45 f
DH605 409.40±4.16 e 30.66±0.17 f 7773.35±63.56 hi
重度紧实胁迫HC DK517 351.67±3.13 g 32.47±0.21 e 7496.81±73.70 i
ZD958 331.47±2.29 h 32.43±0.61 e 6844.16±154.91 j
DH605 339.86±5.69 gh 27.94±0.19 i 5820.43±138.80 k
2023 无紧实胁迫NC DK517 543.16±4.62 b 33.25±0.14 d 11,559.28±162.36 a
ZD958 539.28±12.66 b 33.61±0.10 cd 11,625.43±331.27 a
DH605 589.04±8.45 a 34.33±0.14 b 11,824.37±218.24 a
2023 中度紧实胁迫MC DK517 522.25±4.15 c 29.78±0.16 g 10,934.52±154.29 b
ZD958 546.50±10.51 b 32.15±0.17 e 10,976.43±219.32 b
DH605 520.43±6.77 c 32.13±0.21 e 10,771.29±194.19 b
重度紧实胁迫HC DK517 538.14±1.14 b 28.61±0.12 h 9980.36±25.93 c
ZD958 500.64±1.97 d 28.03±0.16 i 9463.59±123.11 d
DH605 501.94±2.54 d 25.17±0.18 j 7950.09±27.01 gh
变异来源Source of variation
年份Year (Y) ** ** **
紧实胁迫Compaction (C) ** ** **
品种Variety (V) ** ** **
年份×紧实胁迫Y×C ** ** **
年份×品种Y×V NS ** NS
紧实胁迫×品种C×V ** ** **
年份×紧实胁迫×品种Y×C×V ** ** NS

Table 4

Correlation between soil physical properties and maize root morphology, agronomic characters, grain yield, and yield components"

容重Bulk density (BD) 1
贯穿阻力Penetration resistance (PR) 0.89** 1
根长Root length (RL) -0.55** -0.53** 1
根表面积Root surface area (RSA) -0.53** -0.50** 0.99** 1
根体积Root volume (RV) -0.57** -0.54** 0.99** 0.98** 1
根干重Root dry weight (RDW) -0.61** -0.63** 0.94** 0.94** 0.94** 1
株高Plant height (PH) -0.50** -0.48** 0.96** 0.96** 0.94** 0.90** 1
穗位高Ear height (EH) -0.53** -0.47** 0.93** 0.93** 0.91** 0.87** 0.95** 1
叶面积指数Leaf area index (LAI) -0.58** -0.57** 0.93** 0.93** 0.92** 0.91** 0.96** 0.96** 1
地上部干重Shoot dry matter (SDM) -0.58** -0.56** 0.74** 0.75** 0.71** 0.83** 0.79** 0.83** 0.85** 1
根冠比Root/shoot ratio (R/S) -0.38** -0.41** 0.70** 0.71** 0.70** 0.83** 0.64** 0.60** 0.63** 0.59** 1
穗粒数Kernel number per ear (KN) -0.39** -0.36** 0.91** 0.93** 0.90** 0.84** 0.92** 0.90** 0.91** 0.73** 0.59** 1
百粒重100-kernel weight (HKW) -0.61** -0.69** 0.05 0.03 0.08 0.28* 0.05 0.06 0.15 0.30* 0.24 -0.14 1
产量Yield (Y) -0.58** -0.61** 0.94** 0.94** 0.94** 0.96** 0.94** 0.91** 0.94** 0.82** 0.71** 0.90** 0.25 1
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