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Acta Agronomica Sinica ›› 2022, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (8): 2125-2133.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2022.12052

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Identification and gene mapping of slender stem mutant sr10 in rice (Oryza sativa L.)

WEI Gang1(), CHEN Dan-Yang1(), REN De-Yong2(), YANG Hong-Xia1, WU Jing-Wen1, FENG Ping1, WANG Nan1,*()   

  1. 1Rice Research Institute, Southwest University / Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China
    2State Key Laboratory of Rice Biology / Key Laboratory of Rice Biology and Breeding, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs / China National Rice Research Institute, Hangzhou 310006, Zhejiang, China
  • Received:2021-07-26 Accepted:2021-11-30 Online:2022-08-12 Published:2021-12-22
  • Contact: WANG Nan E-mail:1345433221@qq.com;cdyccdy@163.com;rendeyong616@163.com;wangnan_xndx@126.com
  • About author:First author contact:

    ** Contributed equally to this work

  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China(31771750)


The mutant sr10 (slender rice 10) reported in this study was obtained by ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) from Xinong 1B, an indica maintainer line and it was slender stems and male sterility. Cytological observation indicated that the size of mutant cells became longer while the number of vascular bundles was less than wild type. The frozen section and chlorophyll content measurement manifested that the chlorophyll content of sr10 decreased greatly, resulting in the decreased photosynthetic rate, but the falling of stomatal conductance might improve its drought resistance. The levels of IAA and GA3 were significantly increased, while the content of ABA was sharply decreased in sr10. QRT-PCR analysis manifested that some genes involved in GAs pathway were down-regulated and some of IAA pathway related genes were abnormal. Genetic analysis suggested that the mutant phenotype of sr10 was controlled by a single recessive nuclear gene. The SR10 was located at a 175.7 kb interval between the molecular markers LIND12 and 28.5-4 on chromosome 3. These results laid a foundation for cloning and functional analysis of SR10.

Key words: rice (Oryza sativa L.), gene mapping, plant height, tillering, male sterility, hormone

Table S1

Molecular markers newly designed in this study"

Forward primer(5'→3')
Reverse primer(5'→3')

Table S2

Primers used for qRT-PCR analysis"

Forward primer(5'→3')
Reverse primer(5'→3')

Fig. 1

Phenotype identification of sr10 a1-a6: phenotype observation of WT and sr10 in 4-60 days, Bars are 17.5, 41, 69.2, 102, 191, and 309 mm, respectively; b: plant height of WT and sr10in 4-60 days; c: root length of WT and sr10 in 4-60 days; d: leaf length of WT and sr10 at mature stage; e: leaf width of WT and sr10 at mature stage; f: tiller number of WT and sr10; First: the first leaf-blade; Second: the second leaf-blade; Third: the third leaf-blade; *: P < 0.05; **: P < 0.01."

Fig. 2

Cytological observation of sr10 a: WT upper epidermis of leaves, bar: 35 μm; b: upper epidermis of leaf of sr10, bar: 35 μm; c: WT lower epidermis of leaves, bar: 35 μm; d: lower epidermis of leaf of sr10, bar: 35 μm; e: WT sheath outer skin, bar: 35 μm; f: Outer sheath skin of sr10, bar: 35 μm; g: WT sheath inner epidermis, bar: 35 μm; h: Inner sheath epidermis of sr10, bar: 35 μm; i: the inverted intersegmental cross section of WT and sr10, bar: 1.1 mm; j: the vascular bundle number of WT and sr10. White arrow indicates guard cell, red arrow indicates cell length, and red ellipse indicates vascular bundles; **: P < 0.01."

Fig. 3

Fertility identification of sr10 a: spikes of WT and sr10, bar: 2.1 mm; b, c: anthers of WT and sr10, bar: 2.8 mm (b) and bar: 3.5 mm (c); d: pollen iodine staining of WT, bar: 115 μm; e: pollen iodine staining of sr10, bar: 115 μm; f: pollen fertility of WT and sr10; g: seed setting rate of WT and sr10; **: P < 0.01."

Fig. 4

Determination of chlorophyll content and photosynthetic index of sr10 a: frozen section and fluorescence observation of leaves of WT and sr10, bars: 26 μm; b: the content of chlorophyll a; c: the content of chlo-rophyll b; d: the content of the total chlorophyll; e: the content of Car; f: net photosynthetic rate (Pn); g: stomatal conductance (Gs); h: inter-cellular CO2 concentration (Ci); i: transpiration rate (Tr); First: the first leaf-blade; Second: the second leaf-blade; Third: the third leaf-blade; *: P < 0.05; **: P < 0.01."

Table S3

Genetic analysis of ssr1"

F1 phenotype
F2 population numbers
WT numbers
Mutant numbers
Separation ratio
J10/ sr10 正常normal 4005 3015 990 χ2=0.909<χ20.05,1=3.84

Fig. 5

Molecular mapping of SR10 on rice chromosome 3 N = 229: F2 recessive population used in primary mapping; n = 990: F2 recessive population used in fine mapping."

Table S4

The annotated genes in the mapping region"

Locus name
Gene annotation
LOC_Os03g49830 expressed protein
LOC_Os03g49840 hypothetical protein
LOC_Os03g49850 hypothetical protein
LOC_Os03g49860 expressed protein
LOC_Os03g49870 transposon protein, putative, Mariner sub-class, expressed
LOC_Os03g49880 TCP family transcription factor
LOC_Os03g49890 hypothetical protein
LOC_Os03g49900 zinc finger, C3HC4 type domain containing protein, expressed
LOC_Os03g49910 retrotransposon protein, putative, Ty1-copia subclass, expressed
LOC_Os03g49920 expressed protein
LOC_Os03g49930 pentatricopeptide, putative, expressed
LOC_Os03g49940 integral membrane protein, putative, expressed
LOC_Os03g49960 expressed protein
LOC_Os03g49970 expressed protein
LOC_Os03g49980 retrotransposon protein, putative, unclassified, expressed
LOC_Os03g49990 slender rice 1, GRAS-domain protein
LOC_Os03g50010 toc64, putative, expressed
LOC_Os03g50020 retrotransposon, putative, centromere-specific
LOC_Os03g50030 phospholipase A2, putative, expressed
LOC_Os03g50040 phytanoyl-CoA dioxygenase, putative, expressed

Fig. 6

Determination of hormone contents and the relative expression of related genes in sr10 *: P < 0.05; **: P < 0.01."

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