Acta Agronomica Sinica ›› 2022, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (8): 1905-1913.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2022.11069
DU Qi-Di1,2(), GUO Hui-Jun2, XIONG Hong-Chun2, XIE Yong-Dun2, ZHAO Lin-Shu2, GU Jia-Yu2, ZHAO Shi-Rong2, DING Yu-Ping2, SONG Xi-Yun1, LIU Lu-Xiang2,*(
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[1] | ZHANG Yi-Duo, LI Guo-Qiang, KONG Zhong-Xin, WANG Yu-Quan, LI Xiao-Li, RU Zhen-Gang, JIA Hai-Yan, MA Zheng-Qiang. Breeding of FHB-resistant wheat line Bainong 4299 by gene pyramiding [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2022, 48(9): 2221-2227. |
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[13] | HU Wen-Jing, LI Dong-Sheng, YI Xin, ZHANG Chun-Mei, ZHANG Yong. Molecular mapping and validation of quantitative trait loci for spike-related traits and plant height in wheat [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2022, 48(6): 1346-1356. |
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[15] | GUO Xing-Yu, LIU Peng-Zhao, WANG Rui, WANG Xiao-Li, LI Jun. Response of winter wheat yield, nitrogen use efficiency and soil nitrogen balance to rainfall types and nitrogen application rate in dryland [J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2022, 48(5): 1262-1272. |